Jontron drama hits tipping point as the controversial figure is removed from upcoming Banjo-Kazooie styled game known as Yooka-Laylee

47  2017-03-23 by [deleted]


Cool story, bro


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/v/ threads about this topic are hitting bump limit within 20 minutes. this will be a shitstorm lads. buckle up

Truly a great day for all of us.

im the cause for most of that tbh

its literally just people being contrarian to /pol/

tbh they need to polacks are the new normies of 4chan

Is 4chan worse or am I getting older?

I'm just here to say that Banjo Kazooie is a fucking abomination and anyone who played it should just end their life right now. If you decided to play Banjo Kazzoie rather than Crash Bandicoot then I suggest you kill yourself in a very painful manner because honestly you deserve the torture.

agree fam. collectathons are outdated garbage

If you decided to play Banjo Kazzoie rather than Crash Bandicoot then I suggest you kill yourself in a very painful manner because honestly you deserve the torture.

Crash Bandicoot is aides.

Ok but honest question. What does it feel like to have the literal most retarded opinion ever posted on this sub? I mean, you had to beat out serial mongoloids like /u/5th_law_of_robotics and /u/DarqWolff for that prestigious honor.

prob a nintendrone

the last of us is movie garbage tho

Nah, I have more Phony and PeeSee games than I do Nintendork shit. I'm a bit biased and think all devs west of Ukraine are shit and the best are the ones located in glorious Nippon.

weeb huh? i'd agree for the most part but i love the half-life franchise and doom too much

Not gonna lie, I like those too. I justify it by saying the Emperor would have wanted me to murder demons/aliens invading earth.

Like I played a great round of Crash Bandicoot with Bubba in jail.

You're still salty about​ that thing you made up?

That was like a year ago.

I make up a lot of shit bruh, you are gonna have to be more specific.

That dumb shit from a year ago. About something or other.

Y'all got the worst opinions I've ever seen

Final Fantasy 7 was overrated shit.

That's true, FF7 is the second worst thing the happen to humanity

I masturbate furiously to "One-Winged Angel" on a daily basis, fam.

Nobuo Uematsu is the best thing about anything Square Enix has ever done and every other aspect is mediocre to bad.

FFX was the best of all the 3D Final Fantasies. XII was the second-best.

fite me irl nerds

Blitz Ball is super cool. How about this. Every JRPG that isn't Pokemon is shit, but especially the animu ones.

Pokemon is literally baby's first jrpg. It's Fucking trash even among jrpgs which are all trash

Pokemon has the best battle system ever conceived for a turn based game. The story and babby's first jrpg difficulty-wise is completely irrelevant. JRPG difficulty is based almost wholly around grinding and not around depth of game systems or game knowledge.

Pokemon at least has an excellent PvP system. It's literally the best. You cannot find a better one with more strategic depth.

Stop genociding my brain cells

XII was the second-best


Final Fantasy XIII is the best FF. Sazh > every other single stupid melodramatic paper thin character in the entire series.

Sazh > every other single stupid melodramatic paper thin character in the entire series.

while true, he still doesn't make the game he's in tolerable because he has to share it with every other garbage cliché character in it.

Final Fantasy XIII-3 is the best FF.

Fixed that for you

I now know what being triggered feels like.

FFIX was better because there were no terrible voice actors to ruin the story...and the voice actors in FFXII should be taken out behind the barn and put down

Aw I like Yoshitaka Amano.

It came out as the same time as Grandia, an infinitely better game, and ruined everything.

I'm still salty because Grandia is GOAT


i played both

delet this, your account, and yourself (while taking most of your loved ones with you)

edit: crash team racing >>>>>> mario kart 64 tho

Lower effort bait than /u/yourgayopinion

I don't say anything that I don't mean.

that's probably the saddest part

Sad that some people still embrace the sort of degeneracy that doesn't get them laid or high.

Drugs are illegal and destroy families, and you shouldn't be having sexual relations before you are married.

And you call yourself a conservative

You are about 20 years out of date, brah.

Leftists are the no-fun crew now.

You're actually a fool if you believe that. Lefties are only the no-fun crew with regards to comedy, because they've adopted this stupid belief that doing things ironically or sarcastically is the same as being serious. (i.e. that making a racist joke actually endorses racism, which is fucking stupid.) The left is still the ones who fight to change the status quo around substances and sexuality.

Good fucking luck trying to convince a Republican congressman in the American South that drugs should be legalized.

Lefties are gender-confused fat-advocates who think all sex is rape (unless it is with a tranny), drugs mean oppression by narcoterrorists, and Islam is a good time. Values are inverted and anything joyous, beautiful or healthy is evil. REEEEEEEEEE.

Again, the saddest part about this is that you actually believe it.

Anyway I'm heading off to bed. Have a good night!

Sad is being surrounded by self-righteous nerds claiming to be "poly" and not a one of them worth putting your cock in.

I'm gonna be sick

Keep yourself safe, mate.

Spyro > Crash

fite me

Jafari is the founder of channel network Normal Boots

Should maybe rename it to Jackboots now, haw haw haw.

"As such, we deeply regret any implied association that could make players feel anything but 100% comfortable in our game worlds"
I too get triggered by hearing someone's voice in a video game.

Wow a low budget cartoon thing has a voice I don't like. So uncomfortable, how will I ever be comfortable again? Lord have mercy please don't make me uncomfortable!

Seriously, what a bunch of pussies.

I hate this decade.

I wish they put Lena Dunham in the new Mass Effect game. And Amy Schumer, and make them the only available female romantic options.

Without being annoyed by people I don't like I feel that I'm becoming entirely too comfortable and pussified.

He's only voice acting though, he's not a character, but yeah that would be pretty fucking horrific.

tbh fam


he worships those devs- this'll either get him to repent or it'll drive him over whatever the REAL edge is

Jesus is he whipped

That boy is on some damage control I tell you what

That's what gets the most: Jon seems to have no problem with it.

So instead of cutting ties in a "mutual agreement" to keep the garbage fire to a minimum, they just add even more fuel to the fire.



why the fuck did you reply to this 2 days later

one day actually

i didn't see it till then

lmao these retards are appeasing people who don't even play games

When is that new?

They are now banning people on their steam forums asking for refunds. Shit is hilarious. They should have just kept their heads down until release.