Liberal Alex Jones: Found

64  2017-03-24 by SlavophilesAnonymous


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Now that's an impressive freakout. Does he also sell water filters?

Pick up female vitality today!

Wew civil war two chemical boogaloo

I love how retarded Liberals decided that the best way to fight Trumps nationalism and xenophobia was to become nationalistic and xenophobic to Russians.

There's plenty of McCain voting pinko Russian haters that can still be courted.

Huh. I never even noticed that. The DNC is basically using this whole controversy as a way to convince moderate conservatives to join the party, or at least vote for them in protest against Trump next election.

Probably means the Democratic Party is going to sway even further center-right in the coming years. As if the Clintons weren't enough in that regard. America is never going to actually give the left any representation anywhere in politics are they?

The Democratic party is not center-right in any sense of the word. And they absolutely shouldn't be giving morons like Sanders representation, if that's what you mean by the "left".

In comparison to the rest of the world, the Democrats are way more conservative than a party that's supposed to represent the interests of the center left should be.

And no, I don't mean like Sanders. I mean more like how the party was pre-Reagan, like Jimmy Carter-esque liberal social beliefs. Reagan really turned the whole country further right, and the country has yet to really recover from that.

In comparison to the rest of the world, the Democrats are way more conservative than a party that's supposed to represent the interests of the center left should be.

They're not. They'd be center-left most places in the world.

In comparison to the rest of the world, the Democrats are way more conservative than a party that's supposed to represent the interests of the center left should be.

the thing people often miss with stuff like this is that it differs from issue to issue. American is pretty far to the right of the rest of the western world on certain issues (healthcare, abortion, climate change, evolution... basically anything that descends from the country's lean towards individualism and christianity). but america is to the left of most of europe on immigration, and the democrats' general economic policy is pretty standard centre-left fare (see how obama tackled the financial crisis with a stimulus package, while, for example, the Conservative party in the UK chose austerity).

Yeah that makes more sense. See I'm not smart enough to actually go into great depth like this, I just wanted to say some general statement that has some grain of truth to it. Listen to this guy, everyone. Don't pay attention to me.

Also, as a Canadian my entire identity is based around having universal health care, so if you're more right-leaning on that issue than I'm going to see you as basically a right wing reactionary. đŸ™ƒ

Also, as a Canadian my entire identity is based around having universal health care, so if you're more right-leaning on that issue than I'm going to see you as basically a right wing reactionary. đŸ™ƒ

i'm british so i can relate to that. fuckin americans, amirite?

canadian existing in my subreddit

Day of the Rake can't come soon enough

How is giving Wall Street the largest bailout in history "leftist" in any sense of the term?

Jimmy Carter should've ran for Pres in the early 2000's. Would've won. He was one of the best Presidents we ever had.

Nah I don't think he would have won. Everyone saw his original term in presidency as an absolute failure, and a lot of people still don't see him as a "good president."

Which is sad because the guy is awesome.

People always say the economy boom of the 80's was cause of Reagan when it was really because of Carter's policies which took a couple years to actually work, you know, like every other legislation passed in the history of the world.

The DNC is basically using this whole controversy as a way to convince moderate conservatives to join the party, or at least vote for them in protest against Trump next election.

they tried that in the election just gone, as well. turns out pointing at trump and gibbering doesn't do much to convince the vast majority of fall-in-line republican voters. but they'll try anything before they'll try actually moving to the left.

To be fair, the Republican Party was originally the left while the Democratic Party was to the right. That switched during WWI and the 20's when Woodrow Wilson established a more Liberal policy and Warren G. Harding called for normalcy and tradition in the aftermath of the war

The republican party was to the left in the sense that they supported free market capitalism, civil liberties and a weak federal government. Don't confuse this classical liberalism with modern liberalism. The parties never really "switched". It's more that what we think of when we think liberal has changed. It's a similar story with the democrats.

One party supported slavery, the other didn't.

Imma let you guess which one was which.

the only thing free market capitalism is "to the left" of is fascist corporatism lol

free market capitalism is liberal but that's something totally different

Liberals are against Russians? Or most Americans have always been against Putin's regime, not the Russian people themselves, and nothing has changed except you saw this one twitter freak out and then said some retarded shit.

Theres a difference between "I don't like Putin" and wanting to go to war with Russia like so many liberals and neocons want. I agree with the former but not the latter.

I want to go to war because nuclear holocaust is the most efficient way to carry out the mayocide

/r/posadism welcomes you

Liberals want to go to war? New-cons might, but again the stance hasn't really changed on the other side. Liberals and conservatives alike, the ones we're talking about, who oppose Putin, want to protect the Baltic states. That's why so many support NATO, and why Putin (and Trump go figure!) want to dismantle it. Protecting Baltic state sovereignty is the primary impact NATO has.

Putin has bar been shy about trying to get control of those states, has been for over a decade. American foreign policy has always opposed this. Liberals haven't changed their stance in the last year or anything. What's changed is that all the sudden the WH hates US foreign policy, particularly with regard to our alliances in the baltics and our position in US - Russian proxy wars like Syria. đŸ¤”

I don't want to go to war with the Russians. I want to their economy to collapse and their culture to starve its way to non-existence

Good news, they're also literally dying off.

Krokodil is the best weapon in the West's arsenal

I love this shit.

Suddenly Republicans are being friendly with Russia and supporting them and the Democrats are suddenly wishing Bush was back.

What a time to be alive.

The Republicans weren't "friendly" to Russia either until it became abundantly clear that Russia meddled in our election in strong favor of a guy their constituent troglodytes like. It's just weird that despite Trump not even being a conservative, they've decided to bend over and present their throbbing boypussies to Trump. I don't wish GB was back, I just wish that there was an opposition party that wasn't so easily cucked by a foreign adversary just because that adversary bought them a retarded orange meat puppet.

Did you see Bill Maher recently? He's been sucking Bush's cock for some odd reason.

I dunno if he just likes Bush a little because he killed a few thousand muslims, or it's just something he's trying to push as a democratic talking point to get moderates. He's made it known, even recently, that he still think GB is fucking retarded.

americans have been scared of russia since the 80s its just playing on old fears

Try since the 1940's. After the fall of the soviet union and the end of the cold war the "fear" component by and large went away. That was based on communist spies and all sorts of hyperbolic lies, a la McCarthyism: "Anyone who criticizes the conservative narrative is a Russian Communist trying to get your son hooked on marijuana and your daughter impregnated by a negro!"

We know what Russia wants, and that it would be bad for Americans if he got his way. Not wanting bad things to happen is a rational response. But I have yet to meet a "liberal" who actually dislikes Russian citizens on the basis of their nationality.

oh yeah dont get me wrong i just mean modern americans remember cold war stuff more vividly because of how it was played up as the potential end of the world

"Anyone who criticizes the conservative narrative is a Russian Communist trying to get your son hooked on marijuana and your daughter impregnated by a negro!"

its funny how little theyve progressed in terms of propaganda

you could probably get upvoted in politics with that

17 different intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked the DNC.

Something like 10 members of the Trump team have been busted lying about ties to Russia, and the president is literally under investigation for collusion with Russia, with multiple credible people saying there's enough evidence to start a real investigation.

So if objective facts are = xenophobic towards Russia, I suspect you might be suffering from a learning disability.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but there's a LOT of smoke here, an absurd amount of smoke, even as someone that's very resistant to conspiracies it's starting to look bad.

I was never on the Trump/russia train, but as time goes on it's getting more and more sketchy. The only people pretending this is some fake conspiracy are the people with their heads in the sand.

So you support war?

Where at any point did I say we should go to war with Russia?

Is this some type of black and white thinking, a false dilemma?

Are these the only 2 options?

  • Pretend Russia is innocent.

  • go to war with Russia?

How about this, we fucking admit Russia hacked the DNC and we launch a real investigation because there's more than enough evidence to do so.

We can arrest people for colluding with Russia without going to war with Russia.

What's interesting about this, the argument you just tried to use is a common one found in various Russian conspiracy websites.

Anytime Russia gets caught doing shady shit the conspiracy websites start fear mongering claiming the US is trying to go to war with them.

Every single time.

  • The west sanctions Russia for taking Crimea? Russia plays the victim and claims we're trying to start a war with them.

  • Russia hacks one of our political parties in an effort to influence our election? Russia instantly plays the victim and claims the US is trying to go to war with them.

Like clockwork, this is the argument they throw out. It's now used by the Trump base as well. Anytime someone talks about how much smoke there is, anytime people call for investigations they start screeching about how the democrats are trying to go to war with Russia.

These people will literally bend over and take it up the ass from Russia before they admit this Russian fiasco isn't some conspiracy. Because if they admit that there might be some truth, it paints their cult leader in a bad light.

They'd rather stick their fingers in their ears than find out what happened. They don't want to find the truth because deep down, even though they deny it on the surface, they know the truth might be unpalatable.

And the way these people are acting isn't doing anything to make themselves seem innocent, it's the exact opposite, this isn't my comment, but I'll copy paste it.

1.) source says Nunes never told committee members he was canceling March 28 open hearing. Members didnt find out until Nunes presser today

2.) House Intel Dems are livid -- calling this second obstruction of the investigation this week by Nunes

3.) Speier tells @jeremyherb that Nunes has to step down

1.) Schiff gives chronology of week: Monday hearing (Comey confirms probe), Tues-Wed Nunes "dead of night excursion" gets docs & keeps private

2.) Schiff: Nunes' actions were "wholly inappropriate" and "cast grave doubts into the ability [of HPSCI] to run a credible investigation."

3.) Schiff says Dems "welcome at any time bringing" Comey and Rogers back for a closed session, but oppose public hearing cancellation.

4.) Schiff: Dems asked Repubs to have C+R brief in open session Tues and do closed hearing if necessary. Says Nunes rejected.

5.) Schiff: "We strongly object to the cancellation of this hearing. We would still urge the majority to reconsider."

6.) Schiff: "I don't know" if WH orchestrated Wednesday's events and leaked docs to Nunes. Says he's disturbed Nunes won't rule it out.

7.) Schiff: "We really do need an independent commission here." Public needs confidence someone has done thorough probe "untainted" by politics.

8.) Schiff: Best option is for us to keep working but set up that independent, 9/11-comission-style body.

9.) Schiff: Nunes doing presser outside WH "important in terms of understanding what's going on here." (Wow.)

There's a Trump stooge leading the probe and he's doing everything he can to obstruct it, this is not how innocent people act.

Trump and his pack of rats are spooked, and given Trumps personality where he views himself as infallible, if he's this spooked there's something here, something he doesn't want getting out.

Either Trump knew about some type of collusion and let it happen, or Trump was unaware of any collusion and it was his staff, behind his back, and they're now trying to cover that up.

And as they say, it's the cover-up that will get you.

So what about the Freedom Watch open letter that names the CIA whistleblower?

I have no idea, but I sure as hell don't trust anything from freedom watch on even a basic level, and as far as I know - he's not actually presented any evidence to support that claim, he just said he had evidence.

And even so - the GOP just got done talking about how evil leaks are, now they're ok with leaks?

I'm not saying Trump is guilty, but the fact they're going this far to deny an independent investigation and making themselves look this bad to obstruct the current probe, something is fishy here.

Why don't you trust freedom/judicial watch? Apparently it's not "leaks". It's a whistleblower who went to the FBI two years ago and the FBI sat on the information.

Why don't I trust anything from judicial watch, a rabid right wing org that was founded to zerg the Clintons with lawsuits in the 1990s?

Here's the thing - Unless they present actual proof of the claim they're making, they're worthless. And that doesn't mean there shouldn't be an independent investigation. So I fail to see how your argument is relevant to literally anything I said.

just read the thing

And maybe spend a little less time on /r/politics and HuffPo

I've read it, can you copy paste which part of this document provides proof supporting the claim being made?

This will be my last reply to you, and if you dodge my arguments again, or repeat more drivel, we're done, ok?

Provide to me citation, credible citation supporting the claims this person is making. Not from rabid right wing orgs, credible evidence.

Because I've googled this, 4 different times, using different words and the only websites I can find covering it are shit holes like zero hedge and other fake news websites. So I could be failing here. But if you could, please provide to me a credible source going into this.

You're really dumb, huh? JW/FW can't release classified information. It simply turned it over to congressman Nunez since Comey has been sitting on it for over two years.

Also I believe FW was founded when slick Willy was taking DNC donations from the Chinese but Dems don't really like to remember those facts

Also, John Podesta is a pedophile

Also, John Podesta is a pedophile

I don't know why I let myself get trolled by you, you got me, a tip of the fedora to you.

You're the pizzashill. Just letting you know we're on the same side

To be fair, it's not like fucking Clinton did any corrupt shit either.

I'm willing to believe that Trump had ties to Russia. No doubt about it in my mind. Even if the hacker wasn't Russian, the fact remains that he was backed by Russia and made an official Cossack by Putin himself.

I'm also willing to admit that Hillary Clinton was shilling straight to Wall Street and the high executives in that sector. She and the entire DNC conspired to prevent Bernie's nomination because he was going go after the Wall Street banks and reinstate Glass-Steagle. She has had Wall Street's money in her pocket since the mid-90's and it hasn't stopped since. In fact the Dem's have been best buds with fucking Wall Street for over two decades.

In my mind we had two choices.

  1. We sell the entire country to Russia.

  2. We continue selling the country to Wall Street.

Choice 1 came to fruition.

Neither fucking candidate was even remotely good in any sense of the word. Voting for either was simply asking for our country to take another 4 years of hegemony, corruption, and public discontent.

This is hilarious, just more false equivalence bullshit.

We continue selling the country to Wall Street.

Trump literally ran on deregulating wall street and slashing taxes for the rich.

Also, what is this about?

Street banks and reinstate Glass-Steagle.

Do you think glass had anything to do with the recession?

I'm really baffled as to how in your world, Clinton is "selling out to wall street" When Trump literally ran on deregulating them and slashing their taxes, and Clinton ran on keeping regulations and raising taxes on them.

Glass-Steagle did cause the recession and anyone with a brain knows this. Supporting Dodd-Frank is not supporting regulation, it is continuing the load of bullshit that has already plagued the US economy for the past decade. She can say whatever she wants, as long as she support Dodd-Frank, she support Wall Street.

Also Trump supports Glass-Steagle, one of the most restrictive laws on US Bank and Wall Street collusion in the history of the United States. So how on Earth does that support Wall Street? Also, the Rich does not equal Wall Street. There are rich fucks in America who have fuck all to do with Wall Street. Trump slashed taxes on the rich in general, not specifically Wall Street bankers.

Glass-Steagle did cause the recession and anyone with a brain knows this

I guess economists and experts on finance don't have brains.

Supporting Dodd-Frank is not supporting regulation, it is continuing the load of bullshit that has already plagued the US economy for the past decade. She can say whatever she wants, as long as she support Dodd-Frank, she support Wall Street.

Unreal, absolute dunning-kruger.

Also Trump supports Glass-Steagle, one of the most restrictive laws on US Bank and Wall Street collusion in the history of the United States. So how on Earth does that support Wall Street?

Glass had nothing to do with the recession, or at best was a tiny factor.

His entire admin is Goldman Sachs. You got scammed.

"I have often posed the following question to critics who claim that repealing Glass-Steagall was a major cause of the financial crisis: What bad practices would have been prevented if Glass-Steagall was still on the books?" wrote former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Alan Blinder. "I've yet to hear a good answer."

Listen - I didn't say you did, you just fell for his wall street shit.

As for all of this drivel you just linked, it's horseshit, it is not credible. It's been a meme every since 2008 or so, it's been refuted time and time again.

You didn't even read the shit you linked, you just googled and clicked, from one of your own sources.

While the 2008 financial crisis almost certainly would have occurred if Glass-Steagall had remained in place

The source doesn't completely support it, yes, but it does acknowledge that repealing it is a shitty idea.

Also I can say the same about your link. It's horseshit, it's not credible.

Yeah, you can say that if you want, you'd still be wrong. I understand it's hard to have your worldview challenged, I understand it's hard to resist entrenching yourself when confronted with facts you don't like - But to put this into perspective, even Warren, someone that rabidly hates wall street won't say it caused the recession.

People that are experts on this disagree with you.

Progressives have long criticized President Bill Clinton for repealing Glass-Steagall in 1999, arguing that it helped lead to the financial crisis. Most economists and Federal Reserve policymakers argue that Glass-Steagall's repeal did not contribute to the crisis.

There's a consensus here.

I understand it's hard to resist entrenching yourself when confronted with facts you don't like

Jesus Christ your self-awareness

I'm the one citing actual experts, I'm not the one entrenched. If you are claiming glass caused the recession, you are wrong, that is a fact that has been proven over and over and over again.

If you want to argue we should have a new law like it, to limit the size of banks or whatever - guess what, I might support that, that's something to be debated.

But if you're going to claim glass caused the recession, that's just not true, no matter how badly you wish it were true.

I'm the one citing actual experts, I'm not the one entrenched. If you are claiming glass caused the recession, you are wrong, that is a fact that has been proven over and over and over again. If you want to argue we should have a new law like it, to limit the size of banks or whatever - guess what, I might support that, that's something to be debated. But if you're going to claim glass caused the recession, that's just not true, no matter how badly you wish it were true.

You can't just say "MY SOURCES ARE RIGHT YOURS ARE WRONG BOOHOO" It is a fact proven over and over again that it did. You are just picking and choosing sources to your own liking.

Ok so let's ask a simple question, ok?

What is the consensus in the finance/economist community on the argument we're having?

Do they A) Believe it caused the recession or B) believe it didn't.

The fact, whether I want to admit it or not, is that it's down the middle.

50% say it did, 50% say it didn't.

Why don't we bring it back and see if it fixes some problems. Then we'll have the answer and you can laugh all the way to the bank if it doesn't work?

It is absolutely not down the middle dude, this is getting absurd.

I'm baffled as to where you even heard that at.

Come the fuck on, stop.

I do because I want the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games to be real.

How the hell did you get that from his statement?

farts loudly

17 agencies did not say. One man who is the head of 17 agencies said. Big fucking difference. Why don't you take a look at what those 17 agencies are, I'd love to hear what the coast guard and dea had to say on Russia hacking.

Yeah, you're a complete moron, you have no idea how this works.

This is not one man.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper affirmed an Oct. 7 joint statement from 17 intelligence agencies that the Russian government directed the election interference — and went further.

That doesn't show anything. It was James clapper that Mrs Hillary Clinton was referring to when she said 17 agencies.

What input on a hacking scandal would the national geospatial intelligence agency, national reconnaissance office, naval intelligence, coast guard intelligence, terrorism and financial intelligence and the dea have?

James clapper was the same guy who lied before congress on the domestic spying program

Are you going to double down on this shit?

Ok, so before we dive into this, before I prove you wrong yet again is the following a true or false statement.

Does the US intelligence community share consensus that Russia did in fact hack the DNC.

This is a yes or no question dude, as for your answer, all of those share information, they're all part of the "intelligence community."

Any joint statement released by the DHS is from all of them.

Stop trying to double down because you got proven wrong, it's fucking embarrassing.

The Coast Guard's broad responsibilities include protecting citizens from the sea (maritime safety), protecting America from threats delivered by the sea (maritime security), and protecting the sea itself (maritime stewardship). The Coast Guard's persistent presence in the maritime domain, due to its diverse mission sets and broad legal authorities, allows it to fill a unique niche within the Intelligence Community. Because of its unique access, emphasis, and expertise in the maritime domain Coast Guard Intelligence can collect and report intelligence that not only supports Coast Guard missions, but also supports national objectives. Coast Guard Intelligence strives to create decision advantage to advance U.S. interests by providing timely, actionable, and relevant intelligence to shape Coast Guard operations, planning, and decision-making, and to support national and homeland security intelligence requirements.

You still can't answer the question on what valuable input the drug enforcement agency and the goddamn coast guard have to offer on a hacking situation.

They all report to the dni, that's who said it was hacking from Russia. The 17 number gets tossed around because it's a big number for dumbasses who don't know how the US intelligence agency works. Do you really think all 17 agencies report directly to the president? Do you not understand how org charts and delegating works?’t-actually…a-f

Holy shit, you have literally no idea what you are talking about, stop embarrassing yourself.

You then link zerohedge, a literal fake news/conspiracy website to argue against me literally linking you something explaining how it works, let's do this one more time.

The Coast Guard's broad responsibilities include protecting citizens from the sea (maritime safety), protecting America from threats delivered by the sea (maritime security), and protecting the sea itself (maritime stewardship). The Coast Guard's persistent presence in the maritime domain, due to its diverse mission sets and broad legal authorities, allows it to fill a unique niche within the Intelligence Community. Because of its unique access, emphasis, and expertise in the maritime domain Coast Guard Intelligence can collect and report intelligence that not only supports Coast Guard missions, but also supports national objectives. Coast Guard Intelligence strives to create decision advantage to advance U.S. interests by providing timely, actionable, and relevant intelligence to shape Coast Guard operations, planning, and decision-making, and to support national and homeland security intelligence requirements.

All of these agencies work together and share information. I am asking you, please, stop embarrassing yourself.

That was a joint statement from every intelligence agency in the country. Stop trying to deny objective reality because it conflicts with your personality cult.

Lol they link directly, on the usgov own websiteto the statement clapper saysthey can't say its Russia and you can do is call it fake news. Goddamn you are retarded. just kill yourself.

Please tell me all about the DEA computer forensic team for international hacking.

It's fucking ZERO HEDGE you moron, do you even know what zero hedge is?

Dr. Craig Pirrong, professor at the Bauer College of Business writes that "I have frequently written that Zero Hedge has the MO of a Soviet agitprop operation, that it reliably peddles Russian propaganda: my first post on this, almost exactly three years ago, noted the parallels between Zero Hedge and Russia Today."

Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions.[1] Ivandjiiski defended the website, saying that it was always intended to be a for-profit entity, and criticized Lokey for making public comments.

I get you lack even a basic amount of critical thinking ability, and your sanity depends on you denying objective reality because you're in a cult, but if you think zero hedge is a valid news source for literally anything you're a moron.


Cool, you told you they were fake news? The Washington post whose owner works with the CIA? Or CNN who worked directly with the Clinton camp? Or MSNBC who had been shown to alter phone calls to support their own made up narrative?

This so cringe man, I'm sorry, I can't help you. I hope you get the help you need.

Translation: good points that I can't refute so I'm just gotta post some nonsense as a means to escape.

Go back to /r/politics echo chamber you useful idiot.

You didn't make any points you fucking mongoloid. You tried to claim the intelligence community didn't say Russia did it, were confronted with them literally saying that and are still trying to double down.

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.

This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

What does this say?

Holy shit you stupidest faggot in all of faggottown, no matter how many times you copy and paste the same article doesn't change the fact that they had to rely on "evidence" uncovered by third-party security firms the dnc hired. They refused to let the fbi look at their own server.

I like how you keep saying "3rd party" to discredit the best cyber security firms on the planet, it's adorable.

Look man, you are literally retarded. I'm not in the habit of calling people stupid when they disagree with me, but you are denying objective reality at this point, you are trying to discredit top tier cyber security firms that are endorsed by the IC and absolutely credible.

This will be my last reply to you, because I am absolutely confident I shat all over you here, but I'm going to copy-paste this one last time.

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities. This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

Take a seat, cuck.

Lol, it's like talking to a wall. Did you eat paint chips as a child?

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities. This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

Nothing in that says the coast guard is a defensive computer forensics for hacking you dumbfuck. If anything it shows the purpose of coast intelligence is for offensive intelligence, not defensive intelligence.

This is fucking hilarious, ok, so here's a yes or no question alright, can you answer this for me?

Did every intelligence agency in the country say Russia was behind this?

What is the consensus on the Russian DNC hack within the IC right now?

Directly from the head of the DNI himself if you actually read the site you linked to

Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government,-odni,-fbi-statement-on-russian-malicious-cyber-activity

What does this say?

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.

This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

published by a wide range of security companies.

That they are relying on security companies hired by the dnc rather then their own work because the dnc refused to let the fbi look at their severs.

You still haven't answers what valuable input the dea and geospatial intelligence have for a hacking problem. not given evidence that showed the coast guard has a computer forensic division.

Holy shit, let me copy paste this right back to you yet again.

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.

This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

This is the US intelligence community reaffirming what was reported, they did their own investigation and backed these companies up.

Again, stop embarrassing yourself.

Go fuck yourself. Fbi denied access to servers many times.

What the fuck does this have to do with anything, why do you keep trying to deflect back and forth? So I'm going to ask you this yet again.

Does the entire US intelligence community share a consensus that Russia hacked the DNC?

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.

This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

What does this say?

That they didn't look at it themselves but relied on a third party the dnc hired. I'll copy my post for you since apparently you had to many cocks in your face to see it.

Holy shit you stupidest faggot in all of faggottown, no matter how many times you copy and paste the same article doesn't change the fact that they had to rely on "evidence" uncovered by third-party security firms the dnc hired. They refused to let the fbi look at their own server.

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities. This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

Yep, it's official. You're retarded.

Today, DHS and FBI released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) which further expands on that statement by providing details of the tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities. This activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. Government and its citizens. These cyber operations have included spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations; theft of information from these organizations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information. In other countries, Russian intelligence services have also undertaken damaging and disruptive cyber-attacks, including on critical infrastructure, in some cases masquerading as third parties or hiding behind false online personas designed to cause victim to misattribute the source of the attack. The Joint Analysis Report provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations and information on how to report such incidents to the U.S. Government.

A great deal of analysis and forensic information related to Russian government activity has been published by a wide range of security companies. The U.S. Government can confirm that the Russian government, including Russia’s civilian and military intelligence services, conducted many of the activities generally described by a number of these security companies. The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response. The U.S. Government seeks to arm network defenders with the tools they need to identify,, detect and disrupt Russian malicious cyber activity that is targeting our country’s and our allies’ networks.

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Wtf I love Russia now

Is it nationalistic and xenophobic to be irritated by Russia blatantly interfering in our elections?

Did you miss the 20th Century? America didn't just wake up and start being xenophobic (such a weird word though right?) towards Russia. America was anti-Russian ever since the end of WWII. We hated every single culture that came to our shores. "You wanna be American? Fuck you!" Is the American motto towards all ethnic immigrants. America once considered Irish to be an entirely different race than White people. How's that for xenophobic?

fire with fire

Ask any native, any Black person, any immigrant, any soldier, any patriot: AMERICA IS A PLACE PEOPLE BLED INTO THE EARTH. AND WILL AGAIN.

Tbh đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚

That sounds pretty cool tbh.

Where's his position on amphibian sexuality tho


The real liberal Alex Jones is this radio host named Thom Hartmann, he's not quite as big a conspiracy theorist but he says retarded shit and hawks gold and beet juice on his show (as opposed to water filters and super male vitality)

Super male is just the polite way of saying trisomy 23

"My weight loss accelerated. My muscle mass increased"

Sounds like the opposite of Down syndrome, you Globalist shill!

eric garland is a fucking dweeb. his "it's time for some game theory" twitter rant not long after the election was just the fucking worst take

Game theory


Some smuglord on SRD was trying to convince me during the election that voting anyone else but Hillary was voting for Trump "because game theory". Apparently that makes it fact, I guess.

edit: goddammit

That's cool and all, but I don't think you realise the gravity of this situation.

You see this cool looking kid here? What if I was to tell you that he was, in fact, THIS THING! Crazy I know, hear me out for a second. Just look at this comparison chart and have your mind blown.

But that's just a theory.



Please check out, promotional code THEPOPEPLAYSUNDERTALE.

Aw I liked the code WHEREDIDITALLGOWRONG better haha

Eh, I just wanted to bring up that time the dude behind Game Theories used his once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet the pope to bestow a Steam code for Undertale as his tribute gift.

It reminds me that there are cringier moments than that time in middle school when I said to some girls that "I like to make satirical posts on the internet" when they where hitting on me and asking what I liked to do.

"I like to make satirical posts on the internet"

Dude holy shit I am so wet right now. How did that not work?

Anyway, I always like to remind people that Game Theory has been dumb for a long time. Like that time when they tried to estimate Sonic's speed when a) Vsauce3 already did the same video topic at a much better quality, and b) In that video he claimed that Wario was 6 feet tall. Absolute nonsense. And that was OLD game theory, before the clickbaity shit and giving the Pope undertale.

How did that not work?

Turns out "shitposting" is a bad thing to write in your "6 Things I Couldn't Do Without" section on OKCupid. Whouda thunk?

Not me that's for sure. Honestly if you can't find someone who appreciates your shitposting ability then really love isn't worth it I say.

Anyway I'm heading off to sleep now. Got work in the morning. Have a great night!

gnight, bb đŸ˜˜


Damn, I can just hear those tweets in Jones' voice.