/r/MarchAgainstTrump reaches #1 on /r/all. Result is predictable.

56  2017-03-25 by shitpost953


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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its almost like people judged him by his words and his actions rather than his lifestyle

Said a person who now only believes in the revisedtm words and actions of dear leader.



Don't mind if I do!


Aren't your words and actions literally your lifestyle? Wtf


You are as incoherent as trump.

is that ALL uve got bud

no reply??

After losing the ACA vote, what dimensional level is the chess currently on? Because there's definitely a deeper strategy here there is no way it could be incompetence right?

youre being played and you dont even know it. ever heard of 3d chess lib tard?

I side with DCBP on the thread. To be fair, Wikileaks released an email which talked about HRC's character flaw-inability to care about the common person. That really hurt. However, that doesn't mean that just because Trump puts forward the issues of the working class, he's a good person. Trump's a horrible person. Hillary's a horrible person. They were all horrible.

Best part is people referring to manipulation, hollow promises and all around solid bullshit as "connecting with working people".

As in, Trump is better at "connecting".

Not that I don't think he's an idiot, but idiots can connect with other idiots, too. Look at ghazi.


Say what you want about Trump, but at least he had some sort of vision for the country's future and some details on how he was going to get it done during the election. Clinton's platform was "Things are ok as-is and Pmurt is pure evil!".

at least he had some sort of vision for the country's future

A completely unworkable vision, but that still counts as a vision, right? I mean fuck, if we're just electing people that have the best vision, may as well go the whole way.

BRB running for 2020 president

BRB killing /u/ragefan66 to get him out of my way

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Hey now, I was a spaceshuttle door gunner. Beat that.

When did Clinton ever insist that 'things were ok as is?' Trust me, i hate the bitch to death and think she should be in jail but I think you're looking at things very broadly. At least Clinton had specific plans for each issue and actually debated/agreed with Bernie on the topics, Trump literally spouted bullshit that he did no research on and people cheered him for it.

"I will take down ISIS in 30 days"

"I will take down wall street"

"everyone will be covered, i promise" followed after with "who knew health care was so complicated!?"

It seems like the only 'vision' Trump had was to build a wall, stop ISIS, and to save the people from Muslims.

I don't think you watched enough debates if you think that Hillary didn't have any plans or visions while assuming that Trump was the one with a vision.

BTW i hate Clinton with a passion before anyone calls me a shill

I will take down ISIS in 30 days

I don't like Trump, but to play devil's advocate, apparently what actually happened was he signed an EO saying that his security advisors had a month to come up with a plan for defeating ISIS.

True true, I do remember him saying that no doubt. But it's been a month and we haven't heard a word on ISIS, and nothing has been done to stop them besides a continued use of Drone strikes, which is something Obama got shit on all the time for.

It just seems like all talk and no action to me at least. I never expected him, Bernie or Hill to take down ISIS, but Trump blatantly making up bullshit to make us feel better only makes me feel worse and distrust and dislike our president more.

Holy shit why didn't anyone else ever think of that?

His vision also included a lot of trade and economy stuff

Just a ton of bullshit though TBH, he literally never discussed any actual plans/ideas besides super vague shit. "we need to bring jobs back" "we need to focus on infrastructure" "we need to build a wall, and I promise Mexico will pay for it"

Correction, the only actual promise/plan he had in terms of trade and economics was to build a wall, and he promised us multiple times that Mexico would pay for it and he lied as soon as he put out the budget plans that included using 20+billion of our tax money to build it.

I don't wanna come across as a blind Trump hater (I hate all politicians for the most part) but the dude has only talked out of his ass, and there is a reason he never once talked about any specific plans he had.

Looking at the ads and media coverage the two got, Trump's plans, while vague, did give you an idea for some sort of idea of what he would do as president; bring jobs back to the United States and focus on Americans first. Considering the increasingly poor state the US working class is heading towards, it's not surprising this resonated with them, among others. He still said plenty of dumb shit to rile up crowds, like the stuff about locking Clinton up, but at least there was some sort of plan of what he would do to make things better if elected he communicated to the viewer. His ability to communicate some sort of vision or future is one of the reasons why he got the presidency.

By contrast, the only things I got from Clinton's ads and media coverage was "We make more renewable energy sources jobs!", "Stay the course!", and "Trump bad!". Clinton had no vison or plan on how she would make things better as president unless you ran head-first into walls of text on her website or watched the debates expecting to be informe instead of entertained from the two sniping each other.

clinton expected me to read her plans lul

"Go read my website!" is a terrible way to communicate a presidential candidate's positions to anyone that isn't a policy wonk. They have the cameras of the nation on them; they damn well better be able to communicate the basics of their vision to the public in a way that everyone, from a minimum wage worker with a GED to a phd in engineering can understand (not agree with), or else the game is lost right there. Clinton had no elevator pitch to sell the public on why voting for her is in your best interests. All she had was "Trump is bad, so vote for me!". Why would anyone vote for a candidate who can't even tell you what the fuck he or she is going to do for the country if elected without pointing to his or her website?

Clinton never told anyone WHY they should vote for her nor what she would do for you in her ads and campaign stops. Trump was clear about what he would do for you and the usual vague political promises that would lead to this, no matter if you agree or disagree with it. At the end of the day, the voters went for the option that actually had a plan instead of Clinton's flailing around, whining about how Trump sux.

The exact same thing fucked Kerry in the ass back in 2004, to the point where his public message was the exact same "The other candindate is bad! Vote for me instead" argument that Clinton's public messaging had. It didn't work back then, and it sure as shit didn't work now. If Clinton communicated a vision and reasons she would directly benefit you without having to depend on her website and debates for even the most basics, it's more likely she would've gotten enough voters to win 2016.

the actual problem with American politics is retards like you thinking they know more than they actually do

clinton expected me to read her plans lul

why couldn't hill just come up with a clearly false propaganda slogan and hate brown people? it's her fault 63 million Americans got swindled by a used car salesman right ?

So basically you're saying most Americans are too stupid and lazy to even bother looking at their candidates policies? There should be some kind of basic test before people are allowed to vote.

i get it dw. its hard understanding anything >140 chars. the debates were pretty long too

I thought I remembered him also talking about killing the TPP and renegotiating NAFTA. And also something about getting the other NATO countries to increase spending.

His vision involved tariffs ffs.

"we lowered the prices of healthcare to the lowest in fifty years"

That and calling Bill an "economics expert" after his plans helped cause the great recession was a fucking joke.

at least he had some sort of vision for the country's future

HAHAHAHA. Filling his cabinet full of his friends and family and then getting paid by the US taxpayer to fly to his Florida house every weekend?

We get it, you watch CNN

Actually, I do not.

Does anyone actually watch the news anymore? I was under the impression that most folks get it online nowadays.

Does anyone actually watch the news anymore?

We all get our news from blog spam posted on obscure subreddits. The Illuminati/Patriarchy/5 Jewish Bankers/Bilderberg/Lizard People don't control us any more.

I get my news from reading tea leaves. I feel like it's more reliable.

I ascertain the news via a complex mechanism of layered analysis from my observations of retards commenting on shit I ain't got time to read myself.

"those may be facts, but i don't like where you may have learned them!!!"

You need to watch YouTube videos man! I only get my news from YouTube

The only reputable sources in the world ramble for 3 hours whilst vaping and wearing a bird mask.

some details on how he was going to get it done during the election

Really? Then why didn't he share them.

Wasn't it the right who used to criticize progressives for pushing for change regardless of whether the change is good? These days on the other hand they're quick to say "Who cares if Trump is pouring gasoline on the fire? At least he's changing the status quo!"

Too bad that vision was one that watched RoboCop and was like "This is totally reasonable."

some sort of vision for the country's future

"It's going to be great. I tell you it will be the best"

I guess technically this is a vision

Dodge Ram commercials connect with the common people and trick them into buying shitty trucks all the time.

I dunno, /u/bartlebygetsit seems to straight up say "nah, fuck you" and then /u/fuckyou_dumbass cries an awful lot and tries to get The Scrivener's Fan to play despite being told "nah, fuck you".

That's basically the only response I've ever gotten on Reddit when I ask someone what they don't like about the new health care bill.

Well you see that's bullshit and we both know it. What you actually want is to drag me down a drama bussy where you dissect everything I say and point out logical phalluses and make circuitous long winded anecdotal penis about how your uncle the small business owner touched you in your GOOD boy place, blah blah blah. Not my first rodeo on here. Now, if you actually wanna LEARN what's in the bussy and why people don't like the term, I suggest googling that phrase. Go on, just punch it into the screen thingie you're staring at right now instead of acting like we're in a school bus 20 years ago and you can't just look this shotacon stuff up when ever you want.

The only response you've ever gotten on Reddit is someone telling you to fuck off, then later actually giving the real answer that you can't understand because you're too busy crying? Weird.


But you just said

That's basically the only response I've ever gotten on Reddit when I ask someone what they don't like about the new health care bill.

Hey /u/fuckyou_dumbass, it's bad because it removes coverage from more than 20 million americans, removes essential benefits like maternity coverage and does fuck all to deal with the deficit. Read a book you fucking retard.

Read which book?

Any book you fucking ape.

I've read a few this year, are we good now?

Hello? Need guidance, I've already read a book - unsure of what to do next.



its ya boi dogcatbirdplane an autistic regular of this subreddit making the front page what up fam

Reporter from the Daily Sperglord here, can you maybe give us a word or two about autism awareness?



Mandatory bleach injections

aka """"vaccines""""

careful bruh that increases autism

What is that sub going to do after the 31st? Will they all move to /r/AprilAgainstTrump?

I love you.

Worst comment, maybe, I've ever seen on this sub. Go back to the defaults, homo

No, by then they will be doing the countdown to his impeachment :^)

Bernie will finally have his shot.

Fuck you you Bernie clown. There is only one true candidate.


Jeb is good. Jeb is great. Jeb is love and never hates.

When I'm with Jeb I need no lube. He will fill me with his engorged blood tube.


That has to go down as one of the most retarded political slogans of all time.

"Mr Bush it seems people see you as too boring, a bit too robotic of a candidate"

"Well I am definitely not a robot. What do you suggest?"

"We're going to put an exclamation point after your name"

"This is a sound idea. Now, let's all dance to human music"

The "Jeb can fix it" slogan was even worse.

12 years of my life have been under Bush presidencies and another one comes along and insists he can fix... something.

12 years of my life have been under Bush presidencies and another one comes along and insists he can fix... something.

the fact that Trump was the only one on the debate stage to talk about how fucking stupid it was to give another Bush a shot is what probably led to him getting the nomination

I prefer Deez Nuts.

An exclamation in every point and a guacamole in every bowl! Let us gloriously uphold Jeb! Thought!


Hey now, he'll still have to win during SPECIAL ELECTIONtm, but barring the entrance of a newly Amendment-enabled Arnie Swartz to the mix he'll be a SHOE-INtm to win!

Shut up coffee bitch

I am sorry that you are brain-damaged.

Wow ableist too huh?

you're too young to be making dad jokes

Trump will announce that it was all a joke in very poor taste

"But-but-but Hillary was better the people just got fooled DDDXX"

Then why did she get beaten by an orange, politically inexperienced loose cannon with no actual solid economic policies? Jesus I've been to the donald and march against trump, and march against trump is by far the worse of the too. At least in the Donald I can disagree, I'll get downvoted sure, but I don't get banned for it like in march against trump.

"At least in the Donald I can disagree, I'll get downvoted sure, but I don't get banned for it like in march against trump"

I'll take 'statements that aren't true at all' for 500 Alex

Had 3 reddit accounts before, been banned on MAT every time, but never on The Donald, and I have disagreements with both subs. Take a look at my comment history if you don't believe me.

One time I said Bill and Hillary Clinton was hot. Nobody cared, except the 20 people that downvoted me.

I feel like people that complain about getting banned from the donald instigate it, and then play victim. They also have like 8,000 mods, so I'll give them a little bit of leeway with inconsistencies.

I got banned because I said 'Didn't Trump critique Obama for golfing?' which is literally true, but it doesn't fit into the circlejerk so I got banned.

As for you saying Bill n Hill are hot, thats no suprise you didnt get banned. I've seen people shit on blacks and Mexicans there so it shouldn't be a suprise that you didnt get banned for calling old people hot.

It's basically north korea there, do whatever you want, but as soon as you stop sucking off or praising a politician you get banned. But yea, I'm sure a ton of people get banned from the Don for saying troll shit like "Trump is fat", but then there are the thousands of people who get banned for simply questioning their leader, even if they've been supporters since the beginning

One word: gerrymandering

More than one word: Gerrymandering doesn't affect the outcome of the general election, and if you believe otherwise you're a retard. Retards should be posting in T_D or ETS. This sub is exclusively for autists and lolcows.

The only thing more retarded than that article are people who took it seriously in any way. Even if you redraw the boundaries of the states to skew results your way (the primary thrust of this moronic article) most states give the entirety of their electoral college votes to the statewide winner. The results are based on the state-wide popular vote, not on results of the individual electoral districts (as they probably should be).

How does it feel to be a member of a political movement that bases its hopes for the future one what-ifs and maybes? I can't imagine it's anything but constant disappointment.

How does it feel to be a member of a political movement that bases its hopes for the future one what-ifs and maybes?

How does it feel taking the bait from a deep-cover troll like RR? Look at his user history, you mouth-breathing mongoloid.

The guy posts in /r/esist without even the faintest whiff of irony. If they were a "deep-cover troll" they could at least make it funny.

He's let the facade down once or twice on /r/Drama which is why I tagged him. If you don't believe me, you don't believe me, but he's a very dedicated troll.

Why are you so fucking stupid? Where did it go wrong?

Yeah, all those damn senators elected through gerrymandering.

People aren't completely rational. Many who voted Trump were reacting emotionally against "the tolerant left", the refugee crisis and so on, without really looking into what Trump was like and what consequences him winning would have. It's why so many Trump voters are now regretting it.

Yeah fuck everyone who didnt vote for Hillary. She was going to save the world.

Because most Americans have the IQ of a rock and probably struggle to breathe and move their fat scooter at the same time.

Everyone should realize that the childish antics on reddit don't matter at all. Nobody is going to ask Trump why his subreddit is so shit, because it doesn't matter at all.

Then why did she get beaten by an orange, politically inexperienced loose cannon with no actual solid economic policies?

Trump voters cited immigration as their biggest concern. Those that wanted to boot out illegals and muslims got a candidate they believed in. Hillary couldn't inspire her base because she's a robot.

Is that a joke? I got banned from the Donald for pointing out that they ban a shitload of people

Welp nevermind they banned me for this. I take back what I said lol, apparently they ban people for trying to compromise. What a bunch of bloody fuckwits they're as bad as the overly-PC people they mock.

Wow, sorted a political thread by controversial? Did you do that all by yourself?

You sound bitter.

It's saturday bruh. Get off my dick.

Urban slang detected. Shields up plz

O no, someone used a popular method of finding drama for this drama sub, how usual


like how linking youtube comments is finding drama

Only a fool reinvents the wheel.

Proof that r/drama is the real winner of the US election