Pasty white SRDines declare arranged marriage in India is totally ok, you fucking racist, then proceed to viciously downvote the lived experiences of an actual Indian who dares to say otherwise.

145  2017-03-27 by blertyuh


In all fairness, we have quantified data on this, so we should be dismissive of personal anecdotes.

It's not like random Indians can speak for all of India. Shit, would you take the word of a random American redditor when it came to anything about America?

Ahh yes, the "I KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOUR RACE" White- Liberal. The exact kind of liberal that Jordan Peele mocked in his movie.

I need to see this movie asap

We are saying that they are still a group of India that cannot be forgotten

Won't somebody please think of the upper-middle class!?


That's a huge problem on the internet, especially. White/western liberals get their info about conditions in India from well educated urban upper class Indians who obviously have a vested interest in getting white/western people to see Indians as "just as good" as anyone else... at the expense of presenting an objectively false picture about what MOST of India is like.

Don't apply this to Muslims though, Islamic extremism is a myth.

But the crusades!

what is wrong with you dude

You might have noticed OP on the SRD thread is also Indian?

In other words:

I have an Indian Friend fellow poster in SRD, so I can't be racist.

Ok mighty whitey


"Uhhhh, I once built a school in Africa even though I'm not allowed to build a lego set. I think I know what I'm talking about."

-Every poverty tourist

You're not racist for that, you're a cultural imperialist or a capitalist pig or something.

Why are some liberals so committed to making all liberals look like idiots? Fuck you /u/squashedbananas /u/pretzelusb

Just because Aziz Ansari says they are okay doesn't mean they are fuck head.

How the fuck are you getting star wars news from /r/drama? Do you live under a fucking rock?

Lucas didn't want to write or direct Episode 1. But he spent 30 years surrounding himself with sycophants and by the time the late 90s rolled around there was no one left to tell him "no" or challenge his ideas. So he wrote, directed and edited the Episode 1 himself. And then no one would touch Episode II or III. So he had to write, direct and edit those movies himself too.

It was entirely different back in the 70s. He was surrounded by people who would tell him no, his wife (who was his ex by the time the prequels started casting in '97) was his editor and his sounding board. Without her there was no filter for his wacky ideas.

That's how you wind up with Jar Jar fucking Binks as a starring character.

Actually, that's not 100% true. Disney brought him in to show off his Episode VII ideas but they told him they didn't like any of them. So he quit the project and basically told them to fuck off then.


You should watch the Plinkett review for Episode VII. He talks about Lucas' involvement and what made Lucas stand out from what we wound up getting in Episode VII. The TLDR is that Lucas is crazy and was willing to take crazy risks, where as Disney is the exact opposite and plays it safe 100% of the time.

Forget the horseshow meme, the original AR thread had all comments about negatives of arrange marriages purged. The only comments left are talking about how great their arranged marriage is. What a shitshow.

cultural enrichment

Forget /u/squashedbananas. You want to hear a first hand perspective from an actual Indian? How about you read my posts in the thread?

Killing people is now the same thing as parents finding you a match?

How are those divorce proceeding coming along though?

Not really, I am an Indian citizen living in India right now.

but to claim that India doesn't have problems with marriage is sticking your head in the sand.

nobody is claiming that India has no problems. We do, but the condescending attitude of some folks here that think they know more about India than an actual Indian citizen living there is BS.

And that person is portraying arranged marriages as something of a nightmare, which they aren't. If it was so bad, the system would have crumbled a long time back.


Kong: Skull Island

Are you kidding me? He was the hero. Did you see him stare down that giant ape?

Ok. Want me to change up the title again?

"We work in the dark to serve the light... Nothing is true, everything is permitted."



Dude why did you change your flair? How am I supposed to recognize your comments so I can make fun of them now??

In the original trilogy Lucas had to answer to the studio, producers and whoever funded the movies, he had a lot of retarded ideas that he wasn't allowed to act on.

The prequels were funded out of his own pocket, he could do whatever he wanted and hired yes-men, and you probably saw the result.

If you let one person control everything without feedback or critique you end up with shit like The Room and star wars prequels.

Real talk though, I'm not patronizing someone about their culture

This is maybe the whitest thing anyone has ever said.

Arranged pegging

Because the original trilogy is stupid as shit and overrated as fuck, and the prequels were on par

...your scale stops at Saw?

You're in the right here. And I'm against arranged marriage, cultural relativism, and feminism (just in case that's pertinent). But you're right, and that Indian woman freaking out on you in SRD is being unreasonable and disingenuous.