A bunch of retards try to validate their political opinions by arguing over whose views are more popular with beautiful women

89  2017-03-28 by ItsSugar


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A bunch of retards try to validate their political opinions by arguing

large swath of reddit tbh

And pretty much what we live for her in /r/drama


All it took was one link to start that dumpster fire. You are all welcome.

So, whose your 3d waifu, /r/drama?

Thomas Sanders


Any of the Dinobots, TBH.

Me Grimlock concerned about prevalence of rape culture and cisgender entitlement.

Me Slag say this about ethics in gaming journalism.


Phyllis Wheatley.

3d? What are you, some kind of faggot?



preferring 2D unironically

Moecide now


I can support this.

Moecide now

You monster, how can you live with yourself?

Jeff from 22 Jump Street

Eli Whitney

Yuka Kuramochi

Ban Heteros 2017

The autism is coming from inside the sub!

You haven't been browsing /r/drama very long, have you?




hahaha epic gogo reference upvote if you get the refernece hahahahaha

The stand is 「G O D B L E S S A M E R I C A」

not arguing with hot girls about politics.

Sounds based to me.

what else even matters tho

fucking cracks me up that thread

chloe grace moretz is an 8 you guys and theres no hot trump supporter women

Pointy elbows on that one, or something

nah chloe is just gross and looks like a fridge

most of the others im just saying for fun but chloe is legit nasty

You are legit incel-tier, kys

lol your fantasy girl is shit tier

i live in australia buddy nobody would give chloe a second look here

i know ice addicts that look better than her you feel me

love your instant downvotes too, thatll show me!

See above

yeah i saw, having standards above the bare minimum = incel

the way you think that shit is normal makes me think youre one step above incel, ie fucks uglies

You make me physically cringe

lol catch some more feelings about me you weirdo

youre just so invested and sad and its hilarious

No u

ice addicts


like meth but more fucked up

nah chloe is just gross and looks like a fridge

you're just mad her upper body is bigger than yours

id say im aware of the size of her body rather than mad

hence my earlier comments

politics is just one big shitshow for millenials to hide their insecurities

i base my entire political ideology on how hot the women who follow that ideology are

This election made me realize that it is so, so important to find a woman who shares the same values as me when I eventually settle down.

If I found a woman who shared the same values as me, I wouldn't settle down with her, I'd spurn her like a rabid dog.

Dang man, what are you valuing?

cutting. maybe meth. and not the good kind, that shitty stuff the consistency of crumbled parmesan cheese. with bits of ground up teeth in it.

Depends on your definition of beautiful

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.