I started a fight ;)

37  2017-03-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder



Now make them dance

We white people

Requesting ban

Pepe memes are the lowest form of memes.

no, ur mum's saggy tits are lower.

You shut your whore mouth


im gonna fuck you in the eye hole

Gonna mayocide inside of u.

Mayoban now

MLK didn't die for your white ass

Will you respond to that guy who shamed you with colour and missing kids?

You made the most obvious comment. Reddit should have expected it!

proud of u fam

thks bby

I love how bent out of shape people get about womanizing lately but when it comes to slick willy they just say 'ohhh that's just ol bill bein ol pervy bill hehe bless his heart'

step 1. be president

step 2. stop being president

step 3. profit

I really haven't noticed anybody making a big deal about womanizing lately.


Groping != Womanizing, no?

Nice blog post

lmao hey /u/6sweet6leaf6, nice six point bulleted list on how not offended you are, you fucking autist

Using 'autist' as an insult makes you look very ignorant.

I'm kind of disappointed that instead of refuting my post, the best you can do is "la dee dah". Sad! Low energy.

What point? That you're definitely not one of the filthy autists?

Gross tbh.

You protest too much. Probably an aspie

Speaking as someone who actually been diagnosed with Autism and is acutely aware of both the official criteria and the more subtle axes:

You do exhibit many of the symptoms:

While those are not proof per se, they suggest that there might be something.

Here is a quiz that informally diagnoses several phenotype axes that often occur in people with Autism. It is quite common to score very low on one axis and very high on another. Also, notably, intelligence is orthogonal to all of them.

That said, not that most of this sub is just full of drama-loving dicks. Don't expect a productive conversation out of most people here.

drama-loving dicks

I resent this. I am a drama-loving feminine penis.

A penis is still a dick, whether it's masculine or feminine.

Wooooooow...check your transphobia bro.

All of that is completely circumstantial to be honest. I provide "non-useful responses" because this is not an academic environment where what I say requires conciseness.
I've already been evaluated and diagnosed by several mental health experts. I even have a prescription for Adderall and my father and sister are diagnosed as well.
Additionally making mathematical art is in no way an indication of being autistic. In regards to your last point, I don't doubt that people are just being dicks. Doesn't really bother me to the point where I'm seething or "triggered" or anything. More of a minor inconvenience that people are (incorrectly) assuming a lot about me and I find it interesting seeing peoples' responses.

How we perceive and respond to minor inconveniences is another aspect that significantly distinguishes aspies from muggles.

This response is autistic, autism confirmed.

What is it that attracts you to drama?

Your posts are more insipid than white mushrooms in a chef salad.


I'm gonna take that quiz to see if I'm retarded!

Edit: I may be retarded because I have no idea what "neurotypical" means.

Mostly, you're retarded because you didn't notice that intelligence isn't measured by that test, since it's unrelated to Autism.

I can tell you were telling the truth that you were diagnosed with autism. My comment was obviously not serious.


Hateful if so.

Not hateful at all. You're the one that's acting like I was using it derogatorily.

Inventing and declaring a lack of intelligence for any group is hateful.

Alright, retard.

The test said I'm a normie. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Lucky bastard.

That's some good pot stirring.


You're kind of not smart. Obviously an older asian male is more likely to remind an asian of their grandfather than a male of another race.

Thank you captain obvious


I've seen like three obvious jokes on /r/pics whoosh hard lately. They seem to all be getting a touch of the retardation.

In case anybody missed it, this video is definitely the best thing in the thread


I am constantly surprised by how willing redditors are to write essays when the slightest argument pops up

Oh man, you really borked this guy's whine factory:

Yeah, and us white people dedicate equal news time to white missing kids and black missing kids, because race doesn't interfere with our ability to empathize. /s

He's pissy all the time. He posts to /r/drama which is a reactionary alt-right haven of racists and nazis as far as I can tell

Uh huh.

...goes into thread to user ping who said that



Yeah I just saw the name. I am now cuck-shamed.

Everyone just instantly dogpiles you as soon as they smell blood in the water. Default subs are death traps. Either you're given death by downvote, or you walk away with your life, but also with downs.
