Watch space commie lesbians sperg out of control when bullied by propaganda

58  2017-03-30 by sloppies

First, link to thread sorted by controversial (lazy, deal with it):

Second, linking to a PM convo I had with a user from /r/ShitLiberalsSay who requested I remove the thread before he gulags me: (admins ban his account after the first message, apparently he was threatening other people in PM, so he starts messaging me on another)

Admins then "took action" on his second account for ban evasion & I haven't heard from him since. This disappointed me.

Here's what he was sending mods of /r/trashy in modmail:

He was making some of the most retarded, nonsensical "anti fash" comments I've ever seen in the comments section, but I didn't get a chance to see them all before removal.


Daily autistic commie seizure

Too commie; didn't read.


That's the gist of it.

Imagine being as retarded as an actual tankie or alt righter and thinking people in the general public would want your ideology in the political discourse. They just need to add political extremism to the DSM already.


when you have to deny/excuse genocide to push your political beliefs you need to kys

Get a load of this centrist.

Like duh

Ironically ironic

I can never understand- is "alt right" every nationalist, patriot, normie traditionalist, Trump voter and American bad-ass?

Or is alt-right only people who talk about jews on /pol/?

Alt right is where nationalist ideology reaches a point that you'd rather deport people (usually browns and jews) as a scapegoat got your so cities problems. Keep in mind the alt right is a self identified term.

/u/YourGayOpinion is whitey alt-right trash, so don't bother with him. He unironically supports Trump and believes in pizzagate.

I'm well aware of his condition. It's too bad the only known cure is lead to the head because lead is harmful to the environment.

whitey alt-right trash

On the one hand, you are a reprehensible cunt for spouting this sort of classism. On the other hand, I am almost certainly your superior in class and character, so you lose both ways.

Most Republicans want to deport illegals and prevent mass waves of refugees, though. Most Americans, probably.

Is that "alt-right"?

Deporting brown illegals is just normal republican bait for low income republican voters who think immigrants are why they're poor (lol not true.) Being scared of Muslims is also just bait republicans use on "isis is gonna bomb my Applebee's!" cowards in their base. When you start wanting to deport ALL minorities as a quick fix to EVERYTHING you're probably already right.

Dumb and wrong.

The weaponization of immigration is opposed so as to preserve the concept of nation, national identity and national sovereignty. Weaponized immigration is a tool of marxists and globalists, to whom free people and national sovereignty are obstacles.

Feel good to sperg out there little buddy?

Its Xanax time here, bro. I am literally as chill as a human being can be.

I dunno man worrying about "globalists" sounds like a waste of a xanny to me

No worrying. I'm pretty much on auto-pilot at this point.

enjoy the ride man

Anyone who actually holds patriotism towards the USA probably deserves to be grouped under "stupid people" tbqh

That is a very stupid opinion.

Whats the difference between them and Holocaust deniers?

"I know it was bad, but it wasn't that bad bro"

They literally use the same "muh six gorillion" argument

LOL 70 trillion Mao deaths!

Everytime this is what these genocide deniers devolve to.

mah boii stalin did nuffin wrong

100 gorrilion deds

i support pol pot's noble struggle against le'imperialism

gulag to you

Can I join the commies now?

Said by someone that has their entire life revolve around complaining about extremists and making sure to label anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with them as said extremists.

Said by someone that has their entire life revolve around complaining about extremists

wait what

You think my life revolves around reddit? wew

Nothing. They mock the "horseshoe" theory but they all know it's actually true. Tankies and Nazis even use the same memes.

And historically, when these were actually relevant ideologies, people moved between them all the time.

Prime example is Mussolini himself.

Have fun on our blacklist lol how the fuck would they find them

Cute. With these? :

I wonder if he could last a day working on a collective farm. Or even at a "Wendy's".

Or even better, a collective Wendy's!

Fuck now I want cheap chilli.

Sorry, comrade, there's a chili shortage. Why not try a thick 'n' juicy triple Victory Burger. They're made with real parsnips!

update: /u/Senator_Chickpea has been gulag'd for wrecking and economic sabotage; he deliberately designed a so-called "triple" burger too big to fit comfortably in the mouth, leading to wastage

Comrades! Listen not to untruths of counter-revolutionary u/EvanHarper! Comrade u/Senator_Chickpea not GULAG'd. Comrade Senator marshalling Peoples Army to re-claim city. Parsnip burgers for all.

I wonder if he could last a day working on a collective farm. Or even at a "Wendy's".

They all think they will lead the revolution, they have no plans to actually work. Marshmallows aren't as soft as these people are.

u/_MissFrizzle I hope you have bad dreams tomorrow night.

I was hoping for actual space commie lesbians, was dissapoint.

/u/Spacecommunist, there a reason you think people are stupid enough to fall for your genocide denial?

Hey it's false propaganda please remove kthnxbai



My reply to that (which isn't pictured) was trying to be civil & preach the benefits of people interacting with each other and pointing out pros/cons of an idea rather than creating echo chambers.

My mistake was being civil. I should have let the autism out right away.

These are victims of dictatorships, not their economic policies.

It's funny because between communism and capitalism only one has always led to these kinds of dictatorships

Canada was a mistake.

We don't like them any more than you do. Goddamn Black Bloc and Commies always try and turn large gatherings, especially ones where people are emotionally charged into their shitty little revolutions. Remember this fuckery?

We need to bring back Keelhauling

wait is it confirmed that Blocists had anything to do with the Stanley Cup riot? i've never heard anything about this

I can't find the video right now but I remember seeing an interview on CTV where the Police Chief said something along the lines of "You don't show up to a hockey game with balaclavas molotovs". Violence was started by these people right from first period.

They could have been apolitical hooligans though.

Anarchists and communists constantly are trying to start their revolutions. They believe that if they cause shit during riots, it'll snowball into full on revolution against capitalism. Any protest with over 20 people it seems has anarchists and commies starting shit.

I blame Quebec. Uppity frogs.

If Canadians had any testicular fortitude they would have run of those french fuckers a hundred years ago.

I will support this only if Montreal becomes a city-state. I want to see how deep this corruption rabbithole goes

Ah commies, harmless as a mouse these days. Have you ever seen a more tepid movement before? The old guard must roll their eyes so hard whenever they see a millennial "communist." "We were about to seize the means of production but first we must figure out everyone's pronouns!"

take this to leftwithsharpedge. oh wait lmao

Based /u/Zachums.

Finally, some recognition.

Damn the anarchists and communists have been the gift that just keeps on giving of late.