23  2017-04-01 by ThatOtherPromise




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By contrast where does most of the radical left come from? In my experience anyway, shit like punk shows or college organizations. Your typical left wing activist is somebody who is actually out in the real world and interacts with people face to face


You gotta start reading what you write man /u/mehzine

TIL pepper spraying soccer moms is face to face interaction.

it literally is

The thread is about communists/anarchists, and this entire thread is complaining about fascists. What makes SRD such a pro-communist sub? Why can't these people go elsewhere?

I've had the same thought myself tbh

why do you insist on being on the wrong side of history

History is like a circle

Haven't you read Nietzsche?

I don't read shit

Posts like that are why I don't give up on SRD. There's still normies that wander in and are confused at the far lefty jerk.

Because they want the attention and brigade the shit out of anything. The irony that the guy who made that rant is an anarchist is hilarious.

/u/mehzine I thought the alt right got trump elected. You guys need to make up your mind either the alt right is the boogie man going to snatch up all the pocs, trannies, lgbt and whatever letter is added to it today or there a bunch of dudes posting pepes and shitposting

I asked someone what alt right meant one time and they lost their collective shit.

how the fuck could you not know

Um because nobody can seem to agree on the definition. I still dont know what it means except the political boogeyman.

it has a wikipedia page so im not suprised they acted like you were retarded

Oh yeah because the Wikipedia page that says "the alt right is a loose group of people who believe this or this or this or maybe this" is so specific and clarifying.

if you're genuinely curious it has citations

either way i do have to ask, where are you on the spectum?

Why would I look at citations of people saying the dont know what it is or giving conflicting definitions for clarification on the meaning?

>pretending to not understand something as an argument

Duh. Took you long enough.

i genuinely feel bad for indulging you dw

google.com for any more definitions you cant quite grasp

Why are you so worked up I pointed out the inconsistencies in the meaning of the word alt-right?

You say dw but i am worried now

Why are you so worked up I pointed out the inconsistencies in the meaning of the word alt-right?

thats what you thought you were doing huh

fucking lol you genuinely believe this dont you

hes trying to make a point disguised as some dumb fucking question. am i missing something?

i mean the adl link about the "alt right", that shit is hilarious

watch out for that white supremacy symbol pepe!

what would you consider the alt right to be?

a boogeyman for stupid people with victim complexes and no actual reasoning skills

Why did you assume my gender its 2017


lol wikipedia

its great if you want the opinion of someone who makes the autism here seem miniscule by comparison

where would you put yourself on that spectrum?

wasnt even supposed to be a joke, wikipedia is full of genuinely crazy people who spend upwards of 11 hours every single day obsessively editing

if one of them wants what they believe to be on the page you best be sure its going up there despite how many others oppose it

google ryulong or mark bernstein for a laugh

Holy confirmation bias Batman!




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Wow that's a lot of drama in that thread that's literally only one hilarious comment and like 3 1-sentence replies with no arguments occuring at all. Real nice find there guy. Really keeping to the spirit of this sub.

face to face, fist to face. what's the difference?

Is this april fools or not?