/r/samuraijack is having a meltdown because Adult Swim delayed the 4th episode premiere to show reruns of Rick and Morty as a '''''''''''prank'''''''''''''''''''''''''.

19  2017-04-02 by snallygaster


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Snally you can't just link to a subreddit that's not drama! Btw snally autocorrected to Anally when I first wrote it lmao 😂

It's a pretty good one ngl

it wasn't a rerun snally, it was apparently the season premiere

kinda funny way to do it, lol. the fact that "Fuck Adult Swim." is sitting at [+218] in that sticky thread means a lot of nerds were planning their whole saturday around a very specific cartoon and were not pleased with the substitution

It premiered today and had a billion reruns following the premiere. Could have easily removed one of the reruns and there wouldn't have been a problem.

a lot of nerds were planning their whole saturday around a very specific cartoon and were not pleased with the substitution

Well yeah, plenty of people make plans to see entertainment that they like, particularly if they have a busy schedule. It's pretty shitty to do this as a prank when a ton of people were looking forward to the episode and many of them had to make arrangements to see it or prepare a social viewing or nice night in.

i have a feeling you really wanted to watch the new samurai jack episode snally

Ya, but I also don't see why it's wrong for people to get excited about doing something they like and disappointed when their expectations aren't met

i was really just memeing around about cartoon nerds i'm sorry your evening was ruined snall pal :(

Rieboi that just sank your srd mod application

Wait SRD has standards when considering mod applications?

fuck there goes mine too.

dog i just want the custie


user reports:
1: Why do people like this self-righteous, fat, dolt?

well that is not very nice

Highly rude!

It's fucking Rick & Morty, a NEW, LONG AWAITED PREMEIRE, and it's on April Fool's Day! Some people cannot allow themselves to be happy.

Not everyone likes Rick & Morty, the premier was already scheduled, and even then it could have still premiered today with a single fewer rerun instead of airing a billion times at the expense of an extremely popular show in the middle of a cliff-hanger that people had waited for over a decade to return.

True, not everyone likes Rick and Morty. There is some scum who have outed themselves and will be first against the wall

I can respect that. However, it's April Fool's Day, and it's on Adult Swim: The "fuck you and your expectations" channel. As I much as I'd like to see more Samurai Jack, this gave me a hearty chuckle.

Adult swim, the channel that livestreamed feeding all of the petitions to bring back Metalocalypse into a shredder, and for the Sealab 2021 finale ended with "We'll be right back!" and then led directly into a bumper that said "They won't be back. Ever. Sealab is cancelled." Or in Season 2 of Venture Bros, they said they would make an official announcement over renewing it at a specific date, and then announced they were still thinking about it.

That is only a couple examples of their 'fuck you we do what we want.'

It's Terrence and Phillip all over again.

Fuck all these needs for not taking a joke. It's April Fools and they didn't think Adult Swim wasn't gonna do shit? Fucking LOL.

This is actually fucking hilarious. That guy wishing pediatric leukemia on some dudes kids was real overboard.