#ghostintheshellsowhite. Whitewashing drama in /r/movies (the most racist default subreddit by a country mile), wherein /u/SetunaFS puts on a clinic of fuck yous, shut ups, and you're so dumbs

86  2017-04-04 by renewalnotice


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I didn't want to be called low effort so I linked right to the main drama, but he's all over thread, fighting bravely against the white man.

You're an incredibly pathetic and unintelligent person.

And you're a white guy.

lmao, /u/SetunaFS, do you post at /r/hapas or /r/AsianMasculinity?

>an incredibly pathetic and unintelligent person.

>a white guy.

What's the difference?

the difference is black and white, friend

lmao, /u/SetunaFS , do you post at /r/hapas or /r/AsianMasculinity?

It's /u/SetsunaFS you retard

It's even worse than that: SubredditDrama

/u/SetunaFS how is that racist? calling a garden tool what it is is racist?

Honestly, they're probably trolling, but while looking this up I found this NPR article about it. Sometimes I have to wonder which words aren't "racial slurs" as it seems like I'm learning new ones frequently.

That's a long article and I'm feeling too niggardly to read it all

You don't have to read it, but it just acknowledges that this is somehow a thing. It's like the most innocuous phrase ever, but apparently you're microaggressing black people by using it.

Also apparently "smoke" was used in reference to black people? So the phrase "where there's smoke, there's fire" is probably racist. I guess?

"All these terms will give deep offense if used by nonblacks," warned Chapman, listing "spade" in a group that included words like blackbird, shade, shadow, skillet and smoke.

This is why I have a hard time taking this shit seriously. I can't keep track of all this crap.

Shit I guess I can never talk about my cast iron skillet ever again

Jesus Christ, dude, I didn't realize I was talking to the fucking Grand Dragon over here.

Aww man, this means the Beatles were racist.

All white band. One with a clear fetish for meek and subservient Asian poon. No shit they were racist

I'm way too Jewish with my time.

Not that you're saying any differently, but if you need a fucking forensic linguistical investigation to find out if a word is racist or not, it's not racist to use it.

Since the other two people fucked up the spelling: Paging /u/SetsunaFS

Don't discount /u/rguin's conditions in that thread.

He's solid.

/u/Setsunafs opinion on mayocide?


That word is racist. Say konichiwa

It's almost 6 AM in Japan, so the correct phrase is "Ohayo."

It's nihao, right now u swine.




"Go your" ?

It's colloquial, it means "bullshit"

"Fuck off"

The thing is with insults is that they don't translate that well. I lifted this from the Wikipedia page. I've been through most of them with a Chinese national who told me that they are pretty accurate.

desu desu


Two bombs were not enough. AmA.

Why are you in the states or western Europe get your ass back to Ching Chong land.you don't like mayos as leads to Asian shit tough luck i don't like anyone but mayos using anitbiotics, computers, airplanes, cars or anything else that makes modern society work

Azns had gunpowder tho, and what's more American than shooting people

They uses that shit for fireworks it took mayos to understand the destructive power

corn syrup

u rite u rite

I'm confused as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish with this comment.

Some people on here are legitimate racists.

some people

Are cartoon movie remakes important to you?

didnt you use to post here? or SRD?


Glad to see you support mayocide! Whiteys all need to die, and we need people like you for supporting this cause

This is your brain on reddit:

  • If you don't give a shit about racial casting, you're a "redpiller"

  • If you think Trump is an idiot, you're a "communist SJW"

Meanwhile, people in the middle of these two camps of idiots (the far right and far left in these idiotic culture wars) are like "Wow, I'm surrounded by retards".


Could you South Park Neutrality any harder, you pasty dudebro?

He's a dramanaut, so probably not.


Holy shit, kys.

Until we get our space program going, we can all call each other that.

Obviously once we start shooting people into space, only those people will be able to claim that title.

Can we shoot the mayos first?

The earth is flat retard space is impossible

Moron. If the earth was flat it couldn't be hollow. Fuck outta here with your bullshit.

/r/drama is so painfully moderate, it eats me up inside

tankies to the left of me

trumptards to the right

here I am

stuck in the mayo with (((you)))

Guild this man

It's truly too good for this sub

Wow..... thats pretty good.

He's not wrong tbh

Initiating self destruct sequence

I know you guys always call other people idiots, but guess what? I think you're idiots! The cycle has broken!!!

If you're not a Marxist or a Fascist then you're a shitty South Park neutral and you honestly just need to kys

Explain to me your definition of South Park neutrality

No, and I wouldn't want to be able to.

I can understand why Hollywood wouldn't make a movie with an Asian female lead character. But why make the character white and keep the Japanese name and still have everyone else be Japanese? Why not just move the setting to America and have the characters be American? Or do something like Blade Runner?

Or do something like Blade Runner?

You mean, make an original movie? In today's Hollywood? I think not!

Rutger Hauer is too old anyway

Is blade runner that different from the book? I never watched it.

It follows the same story in broad strokes, but a lot of background is different/missing. No Mercerism/those mood-organs, different relationships between characters, whole other ending, such cases. I was just gonna say something milquetoast like "I can appreciate both the movie and book on their own terms", but then I remembered that the book doesn't come with Sean Young and a fantastic Vangelis soundtrack, which puts the film lightyears ahead. If you ever gonna watch it, make sure it's the Directors or Final cut.

Might watch it this weekend then. The book was pretty cool, but I'd heard blade runner was kind of Meh.

In my opinion, it's one of the few movies that's better than the book. I'm not a massive Phillip K Dick fan though.

You never watched it?


there's no sheep in the movie, for one.

That's basically my view with adapting Japanese media in the West. Like a Fistful of Dollars being Yojimbo, except without the being sued because of not getting authorization bit.

If you're going to cast Westerners but keep it the setting as Japan, it's inauthentic. If you're going to cast Japanese actors and set it in Japan, why are you adapting it in the West at all?

If you're going to cast Japanese actors and set it in Japan, why are you adapting it in the West at all?

What's the problem with that?

I think Japanese people are likely to do a better adaptation if you just convert it as-is, so you might as well significantly transform it to make an at least somewhat unique product. I'm not making a moral argument about cultural appropriation; it's just the result will probably be shit, and that the money could be better spent on something else.

I think Japanese people are likely to do a bunch of tentacles and 12yo dick-girls.

I already said they'd do it better.

On the other hand, the Departed is an insult to Infernal Affairs.

I didn't watch the movie and I'm not familiar with the original source material, but according to what someone in the thread wrote, the character in the anime is a Japanese woman in a "shell" that's likely supposed to look white. Again, I have no idea if that is indeed correct, but that could be the explanation.

That's definitely the case in the new live action movie. She was def in a Japanese body in the animes tho

"Japanese body" almost everyone looks western as fuck.

She isn't an anything. She is a brain in an anime body. Mayo redditors are just too retarded to do a minute of research before showing the wide world their glorious, empathetic outrage.

When she """"dies""" at the end of SAC complex one and togusa looks for information about her there's a part of the page that clearly says ethnicity: Japanese. Also they talk about it during the show at times. She's a Jap.

And originally a man.

Nah that one's bullshit

There go my hopes and dreams :. (

I don't know about the movie, but in the original story, Kusanagi has an entirely synthetic body. There really isn't any reason why her cyborg body has to look Japanese. Beyond that, a major element of the character is her disconnection from her physical form, so you could make an argument that having her body be a different race from her birth race enhances that point.

I suppose that is true. I haven't watched the original movie. Either way, I think the real reason is because Asian people don't sell the best, and Hollywood loves money.

Oh, that's definitely the reason why, but at least the justification makes some degree of sense within the GitS universe.

And there's no "young hot" Asian A list actress right now. Lucy Liu maybe

Lucy is almost 50

Is she really? Wow she looks great for her age

I hate when they give us a Sean Barker in California in place of a Sho Fukamachi in Okinawa.*

  • not actually sure where in Japan Bio-Booster Armor: Guyver takes place, but it's the example I'm most familiar with.

I don't even like Scarlet much, she always has that weird look on her face like she's blowing a bubble and she's so wooden.

i mean... i didn't mind the "whitewashing" (i mean, the japanese to that themselves, they love the mayo), but making it the centre of the plot was fucking retarded to the most autistic level. i mean, the whole point of major being unique and a kickass is that she's been a cyborg since childhood/infancy. there was never a question of "who was i before i got the cyborg body", the whole point is her questioning her own humanity/ghost.

Funny, how white Redditors always bring up lack of Asian casting when black people are complaining about their lack of opportunity. Yet, all that support is lost when actual Asians start talking about it themselves.

He's an ass but he's not wrong in this sentence.

Well his statement assumes that those "white redditors" are saying they give a fuck about it. I don't think that's the case, they're just pointing that most of the time when people are complaining about black roles they're being just as self-interested as "white Hollywood", if not arguably more so.

Yeah, "If you fucking care so much, why aren't you whining about other minorities", doesn't mean "AHHH we care about the plight of the Asian actor!" it means "If you fucking care so much, why aren't you whining about other minorities?"

Because it isn't the responsibility of black actors to advocate for allminorities that are facing issues unique to them. Not to say they can't be allies, but it isn't like you naysayers would suddenly start listening if black actors advocated for Asians and Hispanics as well. The LGBT community wants equality. They don't also have to bring up literally every single other marginalized group to validate their issues.

Because it isn't the responsibility of black actors to advocate for allminorities that are facing issues unique to them.

It's not their responsibility to advocate for anything, but because of self interest, they are.

Counter point. Tyler Perry

Does anyone else remember how in Gone Girl Tyler Perry actually gave a really great performance? That was one of the most surprising thing I had ever seen from a movie.

yeh he was good

Oh yeah that movie was one of his greatest roles. Fucking loled when he called the couple crazy.

i dont think even black people like tyler perry anymore tbh

Chocacide now.

well i guess abolition was a mistake after all

I always thought she wasn't Asian because she didn't look Asian at all and was instead modeled after some white woman in a future multiracial city in Asia.

I mean, it's obvious that some characters are actually Asian in animoos like Akira or Jin-Roh, but i don't really see it here tbhwyf

Future Tokyo wasn't very multi ethnic in GiTS iirc. There was world war 3 and Japan became isolationist after this as their economy was fine while surrounding countries went to shit. They stuck all the refugees in abandoned oil rigs and an artificial island.

oh ok

I agree, but do you know why no-one cares? I love Japan and Japanese people, I probably hear more Japanese on a daily basis than English, but when the reverse happens and the BBC decide to make a historical British queen black or put black/asian people in the Battle of Hastings, or make spiderman a different race for no reason and we complain, they're the first ones calling everyone racist, so fuck 'em. Everybody is allowed to be "proud" of their ethnicity but mayos.

And that's leaving aside the obvious reason there's not many Asians in it is because it was made for a Western audience, the majority of whom are not Asian. It has to appeal to average mouthbreather, its hard enough marketing a film based on anime to normies let alone if it only had Japanese people in it.

Everybody is allowed to be "proud" of their ethnicity but mayos.

That's because they're fucking degenerate drug addicts and psychopaths. Never has a race of beings as vile and full of hatred and evil as white """people""" existed. They murder, rape, torture, and feel absolutely ZERO GUILT about any of it. They love murder, slavery, thievery, and lying. Anything of worth and value in the world they have either ruined or stolen and made degenerate, turned towards evil or mayhem, and caused suffering with. They're monsters, literal devils, who need to be exterminated.

And if you're proud of that, to the fucking ovens with you.

You need to calm down or you're going to die of a heart attack soon.

Those are Japanese actresses who are American brought up American and are more American than Japanese.

People who care about anime will the first against the wall.

In this thread, /u/SetsunaFS doesn't have a problem with a proud PoC playing a white comic character.

So weird.

If I recall correctly, /u/SetsunaFS got extremely butthurt when Hidden Figures was voted the least deserving Oscar nom by r/movies. Basically, hes just an SRS type thats in perpetual righteous indignation. Totally insufferable. Somebody should punch him in the face irl. Maybe that will make him a little less obnoxious

He's in every single /r/movies comment section screeching autistically about social justice issues. Definite NEET.

Not really every /r/movies thread. Just when it comes up. Definitely wasn't talking about social issues when Rogue One was out.

Definitely wasn't talking about social issues when Rogue One was out.

Oh so when the Asian is a ethnic stereotype you are okay with it.

/u/SetsunaFS is a master attention-seekiny troll. It doesn't matter whether its good or bad; he just wants someone to acknowledge his sad little existence. If I was still capable of feeling compassion, I'd feel sorry for him. But I I can't , and so I just point and laugh.

Are you kidding me you little piece of shit i’ll have you know i graduated top of my politics class and i’ve been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed political demonstrations i’m trained in conflict resolution and i was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school you are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of the 49th parallel mark my words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker, as we speak i’m checking with my anarcho-communist analyst brigade for your location so you better be prepared to deal with some molotov cocktails and angry feminists flying through your window yOU’RE FUCKING DEAD CHERRY! i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and that’s just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn’t you’re fucking dead kiddo

I have a feeling you were jizzing your pants over the awful performances by the token diversity Mexican and other minorities in the film.

Did I?

Idk. I think it was you. BTW I see you like interracial porn. You have a white girlfriend?

I don't think it was but I remember that thread, definitely.

And no, not at the moment. I don't have a huge racial preference. I just like interracial in general. That includes black girls with white guys.

/u/SetsunaFS, can you weigh in on this with your powerful social justice retard (SJR) logic?

You told /u/ImNotPayingFullPrice:

What characters? Give me examples. I'll address every single one of them.

He listed four characters. You said Rob Roy didn't count because reasons, you said Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Thor were different characters (technically true), then you ignored Heimdall and all of those five movies linked.

Now we see you just accepted Domino but didn't give a reason.

Someone might read this and think you're too stupid do intellectually defend your arbitrary opinion. Can you try to defend it or not so much?

It's his powerful intellect and race realism that make him better.

Eh, not really. Doesn't really seem like you actually want to have a good faith discussion and you seem way more interested in "pwning" me regardless of what I say. So I'll pass.

You pwned yourself when you said you'd address every single one and then ignored the ones you didn't like.

You seem to just be a fucking idiot.

I did address the Asian remakes to someone else that posted.

Awwww. The Redditor doesn't like me.

Heimdall? Baron Mordo?

It's weird to say you're going to "address every single one of them" if you're not going to. Especially since no one asked you to that, you randomly said you would and then didn't lol

Annie, The Honeymooners, Uncle Buck!!!???

I honestly don't care if a movie has a good token minority actor as long as they can act well. I'd take Idris Elba as a mythic Norse God over Alexander Skaaaaaaaaaaarrrrssssssgard any day of the week and twice on Sunday when a black bull cucks my waifu pillow

I think it's important to realize that not any given situation is exactly the same. It's interesting that you guys only use examples of black actors getting comic book roles but not other films like The Last Airbender, 21, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Argo, Exodus, Othello, Prince of Persia, etc. that are a bit more egregious examples. But those don't count because those are white people getting the roles! So those are okay, of course.

I think it's important to note that comic books are incredibly old and have been featuring white characters for decades. So yes. I don't mind updates that change the race. For GitS, I actually wouldn't have minded if they changed the setting. Neo-Chicago and whatnot would have been cool and the lead could have been anyone. But they kept the same setting of Japan, relegated all the Asian actors to side roles, and propped up the white female lead while also writing in that she's actually a Japanese girl in a white woman's body. A better movie could have explored that more.

Again, it's clear none of you want to talk about this in good faith so you'll pick apart my words but I don't really care. As I said before, I feel pretty good if I'm going against a bunch of shut-in Redditor edgelords. So I'll leave it at that

I think no one actually cares tbh.

Well, he does. Very much so.

...some of the time. Based on what, I wonder?

As I said before, I feel pretty good if I'm going against a bunch of shut-in Redditor edgelords. So I'll leave it at that

and yet you took the time to type this all out. really makes your noodle noggin

I just wanted to say specifically what I didn't like about the GitS casting. People here seem to be focused on whataboutisms and bringing up other, unrelated films in an effort to catch me in a hypocritical contradiction. Which is great, but doesn't invalidate my feelings in regards to GitS.

You're a weeb, we get it already

But those don't count because those are white people getting the roles! So those are okay, of course.

You still think people care. That thread and this one are full of people telling you they don't care either way. You're the only one here that does, but you only care in some cases. And we can all see what those cases have in common

It's interesting that you guys only use examples of black actors getting comic book roles but not other films like The Last Airbender, 21, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Argo, Exodus, Othello, Prince of Persia, etc. that are a bit more egregious examples. But those don't count because those are white people getting the roles! So those are okay, of course.

You think it's "interesting" that people are using points that specifically show that you're a hypocrite?

That's why they're being used. And no, they're all "okay". You're the one that, based upon your own feelings, randomly calls some of them okay and some of them not.

And even if I was a hypocrite, that doesn't invalidate my points about GitS. "Whataboutisms" only get you so far since you're not actually addressing the substance of my points about GitS.

lol this board is mainstream, mostly Clinton voters.

What everyone is telling you is that they don't care in any context, and pointing out that you're very specific in what "racism" makes you mad.

But yeah, keep calling normal, moderate people "edgy". You're convincing everyone.

The point is that we don't care about these things. Which is at least consistent, as opposed to your selective outrage.

"Let me respond to a week old comment just to show you how much I don't care."

Fuck off.

I don't reddit every day. Do you? I just logged in now to see your asinine fucking response to your incredibly hypocritical argument, moron. Now I won't log in until the weekend or something, see your stupid fucking response to this, and be reminded of you again.

Or not. Later.

Damn, you got fucking punked.

Oh, good to see you never answered. "God you're dumb."

Never forget Black Annie.

White Redditors don't actually care about what Japanese people have to say about this subject unless they agree with them.

u/SetsunaFS that's how the site is designed. Each sub will become an echo chamber of whatever reality its subscribers want it to be. But good on you overall. r/movies is a shithole. But don't forget pumpkin spice jokes are the highest form a racism and makes my people go nutty.

White Redditors don't actually care about what Japanese people have to say about this subject unless they agree with them.

Why does anybody care what the Japanese think about anything anyway? Except maybe tentacle porn. I'll take those weird fucks' advice about that.

Idk, weren't Pumpkin Spice jokes only limited to basic white women?

wasnt the character in the original supposed to be white anyway

and a robot

Pretty sure all the characters were supposed to be Japanese, hence why it's based in Japan.

always looked pretty white but been a while since i saw it tbh

I think in almost any anime the characters default to being Japanese, or at least that's how I've always thought of it. Or they're just raceless since I can't name any race that has giant bug eyes and pinpoint tiny mouths and noses. What I'm trying to say is that anime is trash.

i feel like they try to make "japanese" characters slightly more western looking anyway so its kind of hard to tell

What I'm trying to say is that anime is trash.

i dunno man i always liked fist of the north star that shit is hilarious

I started watching the English dub of Ghost Stories. Fucking hilarious.

i tried watching some of that attack on titan a while back because the idea of huge grinning naked people eating everyone sounded funny

but its just so stereotypical

angry edgy emo kid

crying kid

takes an entire episode for them to do like 2 minutes of actual time

aint nobody got time for that

It's definitely very stereotypical, but not any more so than most other anime I've seen. I mostly watched it because the animation is pretty spectacular.

I mostly watched it because the animation is pretty spectacular.

yeah pretty much the same here

I started watching the English dub of Ghost Stories. Fucking hilarious.

"Drop the crispy creme, Serpico!"

i feel like they try to make "japanese" characters slightly more western looking anyway so its kind of hard to tell

What I'm trying to say is that anime is trash.

i dunno man i always liked fist of the north star that shit is hilarious

It's actually quite the opposite. Japanese audiences do actually think the stereotypical anime character design looks very Japanese. The race/nationality/ethnicity of anime characters is surprisingly subjective to the viewer's nationality.

My weeb friend tells me that Scarjo's character had a robo-body that looked white, in both the comic and the animated version.

Well, the main character's name is Motoko Kusanagi lol.

Well, the main character's name is Motoko Kusanagi lol.

Apparently it's not so simple, according to the far fucking too long argument this person puts forth:


Imagine caring that much about a cartoon, wew.

I hit my TL;DR limit pretty quick on that I have to admit.

For real.

That doesn't really matter when her body is completely artificial. She could look like whatever she wants and still be Japanese. (In any case her anime body was Japanese anyway.)

So? I know a Korean girl called Whinny, does that make her a Canadian girl from 1973? No.

She has mauve hair and red eyes. What race should we profile her as?

Robots don't have a race

Call a spade a spade

That phrase is racist btw

oooooh, he's trolling

Interestingly enough, the appearance of anime characters is highly subjective to the audience. Japanese audiences see the stereotypical anime art style and they'll say the characters look very Japanese; however western audiences project their own nationality/ethnicity.

Say what you will, but I think it's a big reason Anime does so well here in the western world. Exotic enough to be it's own thing, but not alienating what so ever. In fact it's very relatable because of that ambiguousness.

Just thought I'd mention that.

Batou and Kusanagi always had western/romanized features. The only major race change is that Ishikawa is black instead of oriental. Minor changes I noticed were that Togusa was originally japanese and not chinese and Batou didn't have whatever accent that was.

Wasn't togusa always Japanese?

Also p sure pazu was replaced by that random Australian women

I mean in the live action film he is played by an actor of Chinese descent.

Ah yeah, I thought you meant he was originally Chinese or the son of Chinese immigrants in the anime and I was thrown off

Chinese immigrant parents would never raise a man who wears a mullet

Togusa's a sexy beast with wonderful hair you knobgobbler


Wait those were Japanese- American actresses not Japanese actresses . Headline you lied to me.

You can't do that on the Internet

I would have thought a completely cybernetic body transcended race

More like Mayo Johansson