Adult woman freaks the fuck out because a kid was given "best dressed" at a Harry Potter book release instead of her.

162  2017-04-04 by snallygaster


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Woah now that a blast from the past. (Book came out 2005)

But what kind of scrub didn't go to a midnight release party? You could had read so much of the book by 9 am

Ya, you'd think that someone that obsessed with HP would have been at the midnight release, but who knows. Maybe she went to the early one because she knew that there would be kids there and have an excuse to whine. cf_hardcore is/was a weird ass community full of weird ass people.

Did she post a pic of her in costume?

No, but she's a fatty. I've never been more positive of anything in my life.

Yup. I can hear the fat fingers she typed with.

But what kind of scrub didn't go to a midnight release party?

I've only ever been to one midnight release and it was by far the worst experience of my life. You really don't want to be around ultra-fans if you are normal even in the slightest.

I don't think she had to worry about being normal.

....the only midnight release I missed was book 4 , I was in the hospital

I don't think she had to worry about being normal.

I meant for any casual fans that might be excited about a release and want to go to a midnight release once. The fact she dressed up and got mad at a child obviously shows that she isn't normal at all.

I don't know, my ex-wife dragged me to the midnight release of a twilight book. Tons of horny soccer moms, free food, ect.

I went to the midnight release of Skyrim. There definitely weren't any horny soccer moms, there was just a lot of obnoxious people trying their hardest to impress and gatekeep each other and anyone who would listen.

I loved Morrowind and Oblivion, but I've always just been a casual player. It's not fun to be in line at 12:45am while some guy bitches at you for being a "poser" because you didn't play Arena. Or to hear the nasal laughter of a guy who got there at 10 pm so he could be first in line just to preorder a Batman game loudly.

Never again will I voluntarily surround myself with superfans of anything.

Yeah, that's a totally different fandom. Each has their downsides. I mean it's hard to cum in the soccer mom's minivan when the cheerios keep sticking to your back.


r u gatekeeping that word?

Any food, though?

Well they didn't serve food but people were still eating.

My experience was the opposite. Showed up at midnight for two Gears of War releases and ended up being one of the few people there that actually knew the names of the characters in the game.

It was worth getting the game early, but other than that, I would never recommend a midnight release.

I wasn't at the Sm4sh midnight release but my friends had a similar experience.

The one story that stuck out was some random guy went up to them and just started talking at them(anime or some shit). They tried to keep the conversation blunt and he just kept talking. He also apparently pulled out a cheesburger from his pocket and started eating it 'casually.'

I went to the midnight release of that at a Gamestop.

There were lots of people in costumes, including, inexplicably, a ninja with a katana guarding the door with sweet ninja moves.

my ex-wife

horny soccer moms

She's your ex because you took one of those chicks home and had a regrettable threesome, huh?

That could have factored in.

the worst experience of my life

What kind of cunt-ass pussyfoot life have you been living?

I was in India when the last book came out and the dude at the bookstore didn't give a fuck about the street date for the book so I got it a few days before it came out in Canada.

I didn't go to the midnight release for book 7 because my mom works for Wal-Mart and bribed the guys who did the shipping, loading, unloading, etc to set aside 3 copies before they put any on the shelves.

My sisters and I were sitting in the in-store subway and then our house just reading and shouting spoilers at each other all night.

I remember the midnight releases were only in the U.K. Crybaby may have been in a country that did 9am releases.

That said, I remember having a good laugh about this when it was posted to Fandom Wank!

Love how so many r/childfree types act like fucking children.

It's pretty obvious, really when you understand people.

They hate themselves. They don't like who they are, and as you point out, they are children. No matter what actual legal age, they are still mentally children. They hate themselves, so of course they will hate children.

IKR.. children having children is obviously the solution.

Solution to what?


Sex is the incel final solution

You are mistaking people with autism and severe mental illness with people who just don't want kids. People from /r/childfree are the mentally ill kind.

Actually you know what, I'll agree with you.
As a species you're natural instinct is to breed, which is why so many people call LGBT people mentally ill.

If you don't want to breed, that goes against your natural instincts and means some kind of mental disorder.

Well, if those who don't want to breed are mentally defective, isn't it best they don't breed?

If they don't want to breed, they shouldn't breed. I couldn't care less.

Which is why i said r/childfree types and not people who dont want kids. Like you said, there is definitely a difference between the two

Do these guys realize that they themselves were "crotchdroppings" at one point?

Someone should start /r/dogfree and do nothing but talk about how dogs and dog owners suck.

Yeah, and they certainly don't want any competition for attention when they throw tantrums like this.

I wonder what it must be like to put your best effort into something and get beaten by a child, which is the only member of the human race you hate so much you joined a community specifically to hate them?

Insightful. 🤔

Hmmmm. Really makes you think. 🤔

It's the reverse of that simpsons episode where frank grimes gets homer to enter into a childrens' model power plant contest and homer wins.

Man, I can get not wanting to have kids. I can even get not wanting to be around them. But having that level of raw, seething hatred for them? Somewhere along the way your life went terribly wrong.

Right? I mean I'm not always crazy about kids but I don't understand this awful, hateful behaviour towards children and the people who actually like/want them.

Right? Like I hate being around kids but wtf is that level of hostility. I had a friend who was about that level of nutbar about it who mistakenly thought I'd agree with her batshit rants because I was also childfree. It was just like fucking what?

Some of us are just mad skyrim doesn't permit child killing, no matter how powerful your character is.

M O D S 🙌🔫

"I'm not scared of you, even if you are my elder." Well no shit you little bitch. You're fucking immortal. I wouldn't be afraid either.

If you read some of the childfree sub a lot of them are women who always wanted kids but for whichever reason are now old and can't have any. Either they missed their chance or they were barren. Not all of them, but a lot of them from what I've read awhile ago.

So they're very bitter, sad and angry about the situation and get sad/angry at the kids and their parents when in situations that involve them. So they're often projecting their own problems and bad feelings onto some random kids and their parents because they're really unhappy and are reminded of it.

Idk about the rest of them and why they are so angry. But then they all get together in an echo chamber and reinforce each others' bad feelings, as it typical of unhappy subs/communities, and it spirals from there.

...Well. That's sad. That's really sad.

Oh definitely. When I first started reading their drama awhile ago it was the typical 19-yr old girl who decides she NEVER EVER wants kids, but no doctor will tie her tubes because they know her biological clock will start ticking in her mid to late 20s and don't want the ethical and possibly legal responsibility, so she throws a shit fit and it's funny all-around.

But when reading the normal posts after it just got really dark and sad quickly when seeing the discussions and why the people were upset.

Then there's also the people who hate their children, like that couple who frequented there and then killed their kid (and the sub went private for awhile after the news broke) if you remember that one.

It's all really terrible.

and then killed their kid

Woah, what!?

Found the article it's a tough read.

And the outcome (he was found guilty of murder)

There's also a SRD thread about it.

This is so horrible that I couldn't finish. I'm horrified of how you can hurt something so innocent. That poor baby died a terrible way :(

What. 😳I've never heard that.

According to the surveys, about 90% is under 35 years old.

I wouldn't be surprised if about 75% is under 21 years old, too.

12.6% is under 20.

That's honestly surprising

Im 12 and i hate kids!

You perfectly nailed it for the childfree people with fertility issues, but there are a lot of people in the childfree community who could have kids as easily as most anyone else. cf_hardcore in particular didn't have many users with infertility issues, just people who have a deep and enduring hatred for children and parents.

Some have simply strayed from God’s light.

Dropped CF as a sub after it became too depressing. Never heard of cf_hardcore.

Is this Reddit analogy correct?

ForeverAlone is to Incels as Childfree is to CF_Hardcore?

*I'm studying for my SAT in May, pls help

Dropped CF as a sub after it became too depressing. Never heard of cf_hardcore.

Is this Reddit analogy correct?

ForeverAlone is to Incels as Childfree is to CF_Hardcore?

*I'm studying for my SAT in May, pls help

Sounds about the right analogy if you ask me.

If you read some of the childfree sub a lot of them are women who always wanted kids but for whichever reason are now old and can't have any. Either they missed their chance or they were barren. Not all of them, but a lot of them from what I've read awhile ago.

I've read a good amount of childfree, and I've never come across any posts like this. There's definitely a lot of bitter people there though.

I stopped reading it awhile ago because it was really sad, so ymmv.

My pet theory is that it's fear of the changes people undergo once they become parents transformed into hate for children because it's easier to deal with + disdain for sanctimonious or brain-dead parents + frustration at the social expectations to have children + a little bit of actual dislike of children, but I don't have much to back it up.

I hate it when children are annoying in public, I hate the idea of being pregnant and giving birth, I don't want to be responsible for a little thing when being responsible for myself is already not going particularly well. Maybe I'll feel differently one day. But other people's kids are still always adorable and fun. I just don't get the outright disgust for human babies... do they want our species to end?

do they want our species to end?

Honestly, it kinda seems like everyone wants this.

But having that level of raw, seething hatred for them?

I think a lot of them play it up. It starts off as a community to complain about kids. Then that community starts to think hating kids is a virtue. That leads to people slowly ramping up their child hatred both consciously and subconsciously to meet that standard, hate kids the most and thusly be the most special on that forum. It happens by degrees but slowly the whole community gets more and more radical and that drives off moderates and attracts nutters which further drives the radicalisation until you have someone posting about "BLATANT BREEDERISM" and that's considered the norm.

If you don't like kids, why obsess about them so damn much?

Because it's a part of their personality. It's their crutch. They're massive cunts but rather than own up to it, they think people dislike them because they don't want kids and not because they're massive cunts.

This generation just seems to have a very strong bias against child rearing in general. Most of my friends that have children in their 20s are either devout Christian or military.

It's usually blamed on the rising cost of living, but in my personal experience, most of these people just want as little responsibility as possible.

So I'm reading and thinking "what forum was filled with such cunts in 2005?"....

Look... livejournal..... oh... oh.

blatant breederism

It was here I realized this would not be any ordinary drama, but this would indeed be a treat.

What is 'breederism' even supposed to mean?

Not being such a failure that you don't have kids

Smdh I'm a fag and still was able to reproduce





Fuck you, why is it all your rules and no cake?



*Gary Busey



Please disregard the cockbites who are saying you're immature

I have no clue why anyone thinks this is an immature post. This is a classic example of how our hard work is completely ignored so that people can fawn over the CHYULDS.

Yeah why would anyone think an adult freaking out over a children's event because they had a superior costume than the 8 year olds is immature? Totally beyond me.

And then proceeding to purposefully vocalize their aggression in a way that the kid and mother can hear. That's real mature.

If she said that in front of my child I would have hit her with her new book. Creating memories!

What's scary is that I actually remember this post. LJ drama was so sweet.

I stole it straight from ljdrama, lol

So that's how you do it.

Unfortunately there's almost nothing from ljdrama that's entertaining enough for /r/drama, and most of the submissions that are still can't be posted because lj has robots.txt so it's all gone unless the actor was stupid enough to keep their journal

What is it about Harry Potter that makes all its fans a bunch of glue-gargling, mouth breathing, tantrum throwing, adult children?

Adults who are overly-obsessed with children's books acting like immature children?


To be fair the first book came out 98, last 2007 (last movie 2011). Within those ten years alot of people were kids when they got into it

That almost makes it worse. A good portion of cf_hardcore in '05 were probably kids when the first book was released.

lol they want to put a >18 restriction on a community about a children's book.

Anyone who reads YA fiction or cares about superheroes shouldn't be allowed to vote tbh

if they're older than 18 and identify as part of a "fandom" they can safely self diagnose as aspergers.

I thought it was posted in "cf_hardcore"?

I wouldn't have minded if someone had said "Oh look Sass, you are best-dressed but would you mind if this land-mine amputee opened the box instead?" I would have said "Absolutely no problem. Go for it."

sure you would have, honey

I fucking hate breeders and child-lovers. FUCKING GO TO HELL.


Calling parents "breeders" is hilarious. This person is crazy. I wonder what they're up to nowadays, almost 12 years later

This is cultural appropriation btw. "Breeder" is LGBT folk's slur for heteros and using itoutside this context is homophobic erasure.

Gay people literally don't exist now because of that

Didn't you used to mod r/europe? What happened fam?

I never modded /r/europe. You may think of other related subs.

My apologies

Man, I remember following this back on sf_drama, I miss it


what year is it


oh oh thank


That post has made my day. Breeders, getting real angry at a child and then the responses of other people moaning about the same stuff. 'But yah I put much attention into my costume, it was practically the same as the books'. I was feeling a bit shit about life this morning but after seeing this and remembering I'm not an idiot made me feel better. Would love to know what this person is like now!


This is some fossilized drama OP

I've definitely seen this before, Snally. Are you reposting on us?

Though in your circumstances, I'd be tempted to rather loudly announce that the kid's sparkly costume was indeed an accurate representation of a Quidditch ball, and everyone should get to chase him\her\it around with the store with bludger bats.

That would require these fuckers to have the balls to say anything to anyone ever.

Edited to add: To all of you who are calling me immature etc, I'd like to add that you make a very good point, but have you considered GO FUCK YOURSELF?

Hmm good point, good point...

/u/snallygaster drama is the best drama

Wait. She threatened loudly to stab a child in the eye??? Jfc.

Nerds taking fun away from children. Not surprised at all.

Snally reppin that LJDrama throw-back