The YouTube Adpocalypse

76  2017-04-09 by justcool393

Wheel of Stupidity, turn, turn, turn, which company shall induce third-degree burns?

Oh? It's not Reddit? Huh. Well I guess that means we have one option left, and that's our favorite video-sharing site, YouTube. Now apparently there is some decent content[citation needed] on this garbage fire of a website. But irrespective of the multitude of YouTubers pissing off or on any other YouTuber who threatens $0.30 of their CPM, there is another entity which manages to make bone-headed moves like clockwork.

Yes, this time YouTube Heroes advertiser-friendly content some safeguards that are to "protect creators" are killing YouTube. Granted, these safeguards are safeguards that protect creators in the same way that deleting the Windows folder prevents your Mac from getting viruses, but that dosen't really matter to Google.

But I don't want your uneducated and probably racist opinion on YouTube? What is actually happening?

I didn't ask what you were thinking, but here is an excerpt from the blog post (and its really one of the only two lines that matter in the fluff article):

Starting today, we will no longer serve ads on YPP videos until the channel reaches 10k lifetime views.

Yes, this means that anyone under 10,000 lifetime views across (what seems to be at the moment) does not get any ad-revenue at all from YouTube videos. The problem with this as /u/MatPatGT (creator of the show that makes fanatical Undertale fanboys send him death threats because he made a theory that many didn't like) points out on Twitter is that:

[...] Unmonetized videos get LESS algorithmic promo, making it harder for new creators.

This hurts smaller creators who have less than ten thousand videos who have made reactions to it, with the most notable being PewDiePie's reaction and this news article, where the term for this drama came from. Of course, according to H3H3 and probably half the fucking internet, the Wall Street Journal killed YouTube. Twitter is most-predictably blowing up about it.

Now it seems the 10,000 limit and the other "safeguards" for advertiser-friendly content might be a good thing, but the problem is that even if you reach the not-hard-to-climb-to threshold of 10,000 lifetime viewers (I have 5000 on my personal YT channel with lazier content and an upload schedule more sparse than CGPGrey) still rejects people if they have any content that advertisers would deem unfriendly which Jim Sterling AKA Jim Fucking Sterling Son in a YouTube video eight months ago talked about by saying this (paraphrased):

People started sniffing a problem when they realized some of their videos being demonetized [...] with YouTube citing 'advertiser friendly' concerns. This led the YouTubers to the terms of service which lays out [...] the rules [which] are as broad as they are vague...

The page shown at this point in the video outlines what is advertiser friendly content. Like this subreddit at many times, people are flipping the fuck out, crying of censorship, free speech, and while this likely won't be the death of YouTube, it may give rise to more people using a service like Patreon as creators like Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, Red Letter Media, and many, many others have recently started doing.

However, the algorithm does disfavor content that makes YouTube less money, probably because ad-bots that bid probably don't bid on content are understandably wanted to be shown less often.

So yeah, par for the course on YouTube.


Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. YouTube -,,*

  3. 2 -,*,*

  4. some safeguards that are to "protec... -,,*

  5. /u/MatPatGT -,*,*

  6. [...] Unmonetized videos get LESS a... -,,*

  7. @MatPatGT -,*,*

  8. PewDiePie's reaction -,,*

  9. this news article -,,*

  10. the Wall Street Journal killed YouT... -,,*

  11. blowing up about it -,,*

  12. Jim Sterling -,*,*

  13. YouTube video eight months ago -,,*

  14. The page shown at this point in the... -,,*

  15. Patreon -,,*

  16. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell -,,*

  17. Red Letter Media -,,*

  18. ad-bots that bid probably don't bid... -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

12. Jim Sterling

silly snapshillbot. usernames shouldn't be archived.

unless you're Jim Fucking Sterling Son, ofc

anyone with 1k+ subscribers on youtube doesn't deserve to live anyway

Sweet I only have 100


ty for bringing that into my sunday morning

good content

are you just mad you dont have enough subscribers

I've accumulated almost 5,000 subs since 2007 but only get like 100 views per video :( not sure where I went wrong

thanks for this


Beautiful subreddit

We need more content like this.

he's showing you how the kittens are made


Was tonight the first time you've smoked meth or is it a regular thing for you?


i am on the opposite end of that spectrum right now and i cant follow what you wrote for shit

I hope that actual scholastic and educational content doesn't suffer, but if it runs off all the yougoobers and gets rid of the loser bullshit, then I'll double my existing Youtube Red subscription.

lol nerd

ikr, since when non-degenerates are allowed here

this place used to have standards smh

All these normies need to get the fuck out before I reeeeeeee myself to death

There was a time that I miss, long before you were the only lucky sperm that didn't drip out of your mother's pussy where the internet was actually a respectable place. Now "people" like you had to come a mess it up.

I want to see you reeeeeee yourself to death tbh fam.

this place used to have standards

This place that you kids call "the internet" use to have standards, too. That children, idiots and poor people had no access to it.

children, idiots and poor people had no access to it.

nice ageism/ableism/classism there bro

Can we get another buzzword in here, too. I'll work on it.

Such as that children,




and poor people had no access to it.

It's called a library.

hahahaha you have youtube red

It's free with Google Play, which is the best music service and free subscription comes with the best personal computers that are available on the market today.

The best personal computers on the market are custom built.

nobody cares tho


It's free with Google Play, which is the best music


It gives wayyy more revenue to youtubers, despite not having any ads.

Nah, this is all you need.

Do you mean things like vox and crash course? Unfortunately a lot of the educational material isn't educational and things get muddled easily.

No he means real educational content, like fat cunts with a british accent talking about why feminism is bad.


Was that necessary?

If you hover over the text, I've added additional comments.


[Like this.](#comment "/r/Drama users today, smdh")

thx bby

yw sugartits "the worst subreddit modded by riemann1413"

no need to be redundant

idk fam there's also /r/CuckedBronyPeglords

You can't just mention that without inviting me.

[](#link "Comment on hover appears here")

Don't worry, sempai, I noticed. :3

Stuck sucking up to people, its pathetic.

ur pathetic

no, j/k, I don't know ur life

but hey my first crush was on someone with the last name grafton, I bet I jerked off over someone you're related to <3


i dont know what a youtube is

I'm not bothered, I only watch spiderman and Elsa scat porn on YouTube anyways and that is advertiser friendly as fuck.

My two subscribers are going to be pissed and when pewdiepie is a voice of relative sanity we know how far we've fallen.

Anywho ... why am I still reading "demonetized" as "demonized"?

Youtube was never created as a platform to make money, and 100% of the people trying to make a job out of it are forcing it into something that it isn't, which 100% of the time will inevitably become very apparent.

Keep in mind that it wasn't even possible to make money from video ads until around 2010 when Google took over with the whole adsense thing connecting to Youtube's partnership program. Up until that point it was a whole-hearted community of creators who made videos because they simply enjoyed making videos, which is what youtube was designed for.

YouTube is nothing more than a video file upload site with a comment section, to try to make anything more of it is always going to bite you in the ass because you're trying to ride a dog like a horse.

It's "Youtube: Broadcast Yourself", not "Youtube: Quit Your Job". Just make the videos you want to make, click upload, and go about your regular life. People are making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

You couldn't be any more wrong

Okay, how so?

  • platform value changes all the time
  • platforms can create new, unexpected economies

Youtube started as the least suckiest website to upload and watch videos, with support for different flash versions and internet speeds. People learned to make money from it as content creators.

If Youtube doesn't have the vision to connect creators and viewers with methods for the creators to get paid, several platforms will emerge.

platform value changes all the time platforms can create new, unexpected economies

Youtube started as the least suckiest website to upload and watch videos, with support for different flash versions and internet speeds.

Which is still very much all it is. So I'm not sure what all this "YT is Dying" shit is about given that it was extremely alive before any of it.

Not sure what you're saying here.

People learned to make money from it

No, Google provided it as a service. The only way to get money through YT before then was via promoting something you sell elsewhere well enough to get people to actually go invest in it. Be it music, a service, a product, whatever.

If Youtube doesn't have the vision to connect creators and viewers (with methods for the creators to get paid), several platforms will emerge. mean TV?

TV? Ok Grandpa.

You don't even watch Netflix??

If we're calling streaming services "TV" then I have "Youtube TV" as well. In fact I watch more Youtube TV than Netflix TV these days, what with all the good content provided by people hoping to get paid for it.

Except aside from Netflix-created content everything on it can be seen on regular Television. What youtubers have a TV show?

Ur dumb

Ur dumb

What makes you say that?

it's Sunday and I don't feel like it

then what are you doing here?

One nugget of info: CNN bought Casey Neistat's app Beme. Think about that.

No idea who Casey Neistat is nor was Beme is so all I can think about here are what they might be.

What makes you say that?


Youtube was never created as a platform to make money, and 100% of the people trying to make a job out of it are forcing it into something that it isn't, which 100% of the time will inevitably become very apparent.

Youtube was created as a platform to make Youtube money, not individual content creators. Then they realized that people weren't willing to produce and upload interesting content for free so they had to figure out a way for individuals to monetize their videos.

Problems start to occur when popular content creators think that Youtube owes them something more than whatever they get for monetizing their videos. Obviously they don't but try telling that to someone with over a million viewers.

Youtube was created as a platform to make Youtube money,

That's the point of a service website. YT's service being that they hold all of your video files and allow you to share them via simple links.

people weren't willing to produce and upload interesting content for free

Are you serious? I can name dozens of incredible content creators that have been around since the dawn of youtube. Most have moved on to bigger things these days but that's because they were that good at their particular skill.

All monetizing videos does is encourage people to make clickbait and unncecessarily-drawn-out videos for the sake of the video money itself, as opposed to encouraging people to make genuinely good content that makes people want to look further into what that creator does.

Problems start to occur when popular content creators think that Youtube owes them something more than whatever they get for monetizing their videos.

I feel like problems start whenever they think YT owes them anything.

I can name dozens of incredible content creators that have been around since the dawn of youtube. Most have moved on to bigger things these days but that's because they were that good at their particular skill.

And those people are using the same cameras, with the same number of crew, producing the same scope of product?

No. All the ad money has made youtube what it is, and going back is not going to happen.

All the ad money has made youtube what it is

I thoroughly agree.

And those people are using the same cameras, with the same number of crew, producing the same scope of product?

Yes, take people like The Jokerr for instance. Does everything from his own instruments to his own mixing, mastering, distribution, publication, runs his own website and presses his own hard copies, you name it. And he's very not the only one of his kind. These are the people being drowned out by clickbaiters no matter how good the product they make is, on the platform that was created for people like them.

All the ad money has made youtube what it is

I thoroughly agree. We can only hope it heals.

YouTube is nothing without it's content creators. it's what separates it from other sites like it. You can't expect people to devote time, energy and money into making content just for the "art, man", which makes the platform money, and then not compensate them. And if you really want to make high quality content and you're successful at it, there's no shame in making it your job.

It's gross and anything that can be done to drain the swamp of these types of Youtuber's is very positive.

My condolences that some fat guy babbling about the evils of religion makes more money than you do mopping up semen in a gas station bathroom.

I'm not mad about his financial position I'm mad that he takes 14 minutes to get to the point of his video just so that people will watch for as long as possible. It's the YT equivalent of those Finding Megalodon documentaries on Discovery Channel that have you sit through two hours of bullshit and commercials just to tell you they never found anything.

(hidden under "citation needed") Fine at least CGP Grey is good

you mean the guy constantly getting his stuff submitted to the badx subs, including badecon and badhistory, the two good ones?

This is growing pains for YT. Frankly i don't really care is a racist channel gets demonetized. Also people keep forgetting YT is a private entity that offers them free hosting with a lot of perks, all for the price of free. Instead of complaining so much why dont they jist leave and make their own hosting site if they think its so easy to make one.

god damn the youngs of today are exhausting

No one fucking cares

And yet it doesn't stop you and me from posting terrible content online.

i never understood the logical leap from the government cannot infringe on free speech -> private corporations needs to let us use their infrastructure to project our speech -> they also must pay us for letting us use their infrastructure.

Drama-stirrers need to start shaming Patreon to stop hosting 'unfriendly' creators. This meme will only be complete when the alt-right can only sustain themselves off of bitcoin.

Do you really think these people actually have principles? They just want money from angry white virginal men online.

The Amazing Atheist has a long history of scamming his subscribers. Sargon is a nutjob.

The word freeze peach has no meaning now. Especially since those people regularly flag and silence people who rightfully call them ignorant, bigoted or even voice opinions like BLM and feminism are good.

This alt right advertiser exodus is the best thing to come out of the election.

The Patreon thing is a great idea btw.

Drama-stirrers need to start shaming Patreon to stop hosting 'unfriendly' creators.

Oh shit, this is a great idea. Go ahead, tell em' /u/doctorpoopoo aka /u/peanutbummy how you got your patreon taken down because you called a black guy a nigger on your shitty podcast.

That isn't why. It was because I put up a post called "Doxxing Asterios" that contained no actual content.

They didn't want me to even use the word doxxing, even if I wasn't doing the action of it.

They had no problem with me saying nigger. Patreon loves that word.

How you dumb fucks conflate freedom of speech law with a company allowing free speech on a public forum to say whatever you want on a website is beyond me.

You're the same retards confusing censorship by the state with censorship in general, they aren't the same thing fuckwits.

I'm not conflating the two, the people who keep calling speech on a public forum a part of 'free speech' are. You have no free speech on a public forum if it's owned by anyone other than the government; you have exactly whatever speech they allow and nothing more.

Also, I don't confuse the two forms of censorship you're talking about, nice projection though. Generally people use 'censorship' as a pejorative when something they don't want to get censored gets censored, and use words like remove, take down, blocks, etc. for things they do approve of getting censored. I've seen all sides of the political spectrum use this word-weaseling.

You're gonna have to go harder than 'dumb fucks', 'retards', and 'fuckwits' to stir up some drama though.

Not conflating the two proceeds to conflate 'free speech' the law and 'free speech' in general.

Ho hum.

The good news out of all of this is that renowned internet pedophile Onision had all of his channels and videos demonitized, so now he's going to starve inshallah. 🙏🏻😃🙏🏻

Actually, yeah. Considering the infamy of his youtube channel, what company is going to hire him after doing a quick google of his name and finding all of the controversies surrounding him if he has to quit youtube and get a real job? Same with Daniel Keem.

Maybe this is a good thing after all.

Yeah, he's either going to have to get a shitty fast food job or force his lazy ass wife to get a job since she's the only one with an albeit useless degree (though the search results for her name document her pedo tendencies too). I hope they both starve to death tbqhwy

Keemstar might actually have a chance doing something marketing or social media-related since he's just a douche and doesn't have a super controversial personal life iirc.

Lol implying Greg will ever work. He'll get his future child brides to just give him money via patreon

That source may dry up once he can no longer afford foundation and mascara and camera-lens Vaseline to conceal his actual appearance.

I fear this will only accelerate onision's burgeoning cult leader ways, and he and his wife will just go balls to the wall manson family.

Theyll have to extort money from their tween victims' families to survive. I'm just picturing that weird picture of him with a sniper rifle on the roof of his shed as the image the news will use in the tragedy recap/profile.

Oh that is pretty nice. Excited to see the breakdown.

Won't he just use his powers over teen girls (and I imagine some older ladies) to set up a patreon and rake in the big bucks from telling them what they want to hear about stuff and being a real life (but slightly more bulbous faced) YA fanfic character.

Fucking hell. In one sentence you got me to flip sides and hope youtube burns to the ground.

Why did Onision have his videos demonitized? He sucks and it would be glorious to see his privilged lifestyle shatter but it seems arbitrary to demonitize videos where he's not doing anything wrong.

Because they're full of him rating tween and young teen bodies according to his personal preference, complete with pictures of the girls in question? And the videos that aren't doing that are blatantly manipulative and consist of him making fun of people and sending his idiot followers after them? Really, there are just so many reasons why they never should have been monetized in the first place, and that goes for the entirety of his channel. If a Youtuber has like one or two fucked up videos but generally great content, then I can see justifying keeping advertising on their videos. If the vast majority of the content on a channel is pure bullshit, then the general rule should be to not have anything they produce be monetized as paying them money only encourages them to keep posting mostly terrible videos. Onion doesn't need to receive money for his platform of manipulation and abuse.

Ok. But demonitize/delete the videos breaking the TOS, not the ones that aren't.

Like this video is stupid and unfunny but it doesnt break the TOS.

They were demonitized because, among other things, he harassed another youtuber with mental health issues HARD, made vids critiquing the bodies of half-naked underage girls, and admitted to trying to chain one of his captives in his basement (and more!) to humiliate her for smoking weed. Dude's a monster, and people have been trying to get him shut down for ages.

Why werent the videos deleted or better yet his channel banned then? Why simply just demonitize videos that arent doing wrong like this one and keep up the videos that are breaking the TOS? I don't see how that's a victory it just seems like YouTube bending rules in 2 different ways.

I think they're finding a happy medium between banning him outright and allowing him to profit off of their platform. He's an actual genuine piece of shit who's used YouTube to spread his cancerous ideas and lure in vulnerable young women, so the fact that he's even still allowed to use YouTube is merciful to him.

It's not really doing anything because he can get money by soliciting donations, doing sponsorships in his videos, directing content to a website where he uses advertising, or selling merchandise.

Demonitizing videos because you don't like the content creator seems really shady and arbitrary. Rules shouldnt be applicable on a case by case basis.

This is amazing.

user reports: 1: This sub has turned into "An SJW said a thing that offended me! Defend my sensibilities!'"
1: mod abuse
1: effortposts are for SRD

You have encouraged them!

My biggest problem with youtube is their bullshit content ID claim system.

I used music licensed under creative Commons and had this company called INgrooves claim a video I spent 10 hours making for a song they didn't even own. I disputed the claim and they upheld it all for the 40 cents of revenue.

Two months later they removed the claim, after i emailed the original artist, emailed them 3 times, and tweeted at them twice.

This isn't an isolated case. Ingrooves has a pattern of claiming original music, music in the public domain, music that probably should be copyrighted (but they still don't own the rights to), works made with garage band, etc. That starts adding up because people are scared to fight the claims thinking theyll get strikes and that it's supposed to be there as INgrooves upholds their claims.

At least it gave me good source material for a documentary. But it astounds me YouTube flips shit about protecting their advertisers but not protecting people who actually make content from deceitful "distributors".

Oh wait no it doesn't.