/r/MarchAgainstTrump makes a body shaming post that hits /r/all. People with small dicks fall further into depression. Sorted by best because the top comments have the drama

111  2017-04-12 by [deleted]



You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Centrists gonna centre

lol at all the fat libtards with tiny penises getting offended by body-shaming. Body-shaming fat cucks and weed legalization: the two main priorities for white, leftist cucks.

Found the fat cuck who doesn't have any friends to smoke with ;)

Pot makes you dumb, there, I said it.

Pot and alcohol make you dumb, anything that tastes good makes you fat and gives you cancer, sex makes babies, music destroys your hearing, video games make you lethargic, literally anything fun in life has some horrible cost associated with it. Stop being a baby and deal with it or go live a vegan ascetic life meditating on top of some remote mountain. Maybe you'll ascend to a higher plane of existence where you won't be able to bother us with your inane bitching.

Maybe you'll ascend to a higher plane of existence where you won't be able to bother us with your inane bitching.

Meaniebutt detected

fire at will

Stop being a baby and deal with it or go live a vegan ascetic life meditating on top of some remote mountain

being totally genuine here for a second: those are both great options

Exercise and sports can be a lot of fun if you're into it, and make you feel really good (and be good for you). As well as being productive. Like building something. You get a lot of satisfaction from it and the end result is you have a new thing you can use. Not everything fun is bad for you.

Also, babies aren't bad unless you're poor and/or don't want one. Lots of people like their babies, and it keeps the human species going. And pets are good for you too if you like them (as long as you don't get the cat poop brain disease).

Then you clearly smoked a shitton of weed

and /r/drama makes you autistic. So get off your high horse.

Can it make you more autistic , is the question

If you have to ask, then yes. It does.

What's the difference between a leftist and a leftist cuck?

I'm using "cuck" for emphasis in this instance.

The leftist is the female and the leftist cuck is the male.

Ah okay, and what's the minimum qualification to be a leftist? Preferring Hillary to Trump or is there something even more basic?

It probably is determined by testosterone levels, honestly.

Ah, explains why so many more women vote Democrat!

What about leftist cuckqueans? There are probably a few of them.

Sure. But having a sidepiece or a threesome has been a thing for millennia. There is no shame in being a 'cuckquean'. There isn't really even any need for a word for it.

That's what I keep telling your sister

ok man

you're thin-skinned!

no you! you're so triggered right now!

got you there, sensitive lad, I've hit a nerve didn't I?

not so fast...

ad infinitum

This is why I dropped most Shounen anime tbh.

heh were you too butthurt or something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■

2 much peggin tbh

Hunter x Hunter was good.

Hiatus X Hiatus is shitttttttttttttttttttttttt

is that really what they are like? well atleast sentai is not that bad it's just fuckin ridiculous

My Hero Academia is pretty good. Good character development.

This series is on my watch list, as well as Hunter X Hunter. I did enjoy FMA: Brotherhood very much.

Why are you so triggered by the notion of hypocrisy and duplicity? Does it get under your skin? Why are you sensitive bro?

tfw too intelligent to pick a side

I really want to find this funny, but

people who hold serious convictions or beliefs

I can't help but think the creator was just really hurt emotionally by an argument before making this.

Nah, people who take the center of the road are always the most smug. They think they hold the highest moral ground despite their complete lack of conviction. Fucking losers.

For example, the abortion debate is polarizing. You can't choose a middle ground. Either fetuses constitute life or they don't there is no in between.

You can't choose a middle ground. Either fetuses constitute life or they don't there is no in between.

Pff, you haven't med me!

I'd rather be discerning about what beliefs to hold rather than just accepting whatever the people on "my side" expect me to believe. If having "conviction" means joining in groupthink, then I'd rather own the title of centrist.

And there is a lot more complexity to the abortion argument than you apparently think. Such as how long into development does killing the fetus become a crime?

I'd rather be discerning about what beliefs to hold rather than just accepting whatever the people on "my side" expect me to believe. If having "conviction" means joining in groupthink, then I'd rather own the title of centrist.

And there is a lot more complexity to the abortion argument than you apparently think. Such as how long into development does killing the fetus become a crime?

Firmly believing in something whether it is part of a group or your own unique opinions is good, you have conviction. The centrists are unsure about their beliefs so they hold middle ground.

Sure you can! You can be against abortion, but for killing babies! Checkmate, radicals!

What if I believe fetuses constitute life but abortion is ok if its white?

What if you believe a fetus is alive when it can potentially survive outside the womb?

That's an exceptionally retarded definition of life.

The "they lack convictions" argument is especially retarded when you​ take into account how complicated many​ divisive issues are. People who operate on extremes usually have some sort of emotional problem/desperate need to identify with something.

I'm not saying you have to have extreme radical viewpoints im saying you should have conviction. If you have conviction you wouldn't take the middle ground on moral dilemmas where there is no fucking middle ground.

I take the middle ground on moral dilemmas all the time when I don't think it affects more, or if I just don't care how it affects me. It happens a lot actually.

Lol there absolutely is a center. The current laws dictate first trimester its not life but after it is. How is that not in the center?

I think fetuses constitute life, and I'm pro-choice.

If you actually believed a fetus was an actual human being with life, how could you justify the killing of that human life in any circumstance.

You don't actually believe a fetus is alive.

Do you consider a blastocyst a being with 'life'? Is it important that it be 'alive' or just a part of life? I'm assuming 'alive' means we're talking about beings with consciousness.

When I'm in a coma and lack consciousness, do I lack life?

So if we agree that you do not need to have consciousness to be a being of 'life', or a part of 'life', then we're considering fetuses, zygotes, blastocysts, etc as part of life, right?

All of us came into 'life' the same way. We all needed to be kids, who needed to be babies, who needed to be fetuses, who needed to be zygotes, who needed to have the DNA from our parents, who experienced the same cycle. You can't remove any piece of this cycle, you can't skip being a child, you can't skip the sperm fertilizing the egg. So despite some sections lacking consciousness, we'd consider ourselves during every stage as beings of 'life' correct?

If so, then masturbating into some kleenex is essentially murder, no? The reason why I don't care about 'the killing of that human life' is because our notion of the sanctity of life is kind of a joke. You brought up killing someone in a coma being wrong because consciousness doesn't change the fact that killing a living being is wrong. But we don't really care about killing animals or other clearly conscious beings. It doesn't really matter what we'd consider 'life' or not, looking at how we treat 'life' in other regards. We have pretty inconsistent views when it comes to things that are considered 'life' because we usually base our choices on things other than is it simply 'life' or not.

Yes, the definition of life is subjective so there isn't a right or wrong answer to the question, "does a fetus constitute life?", or "when does a fetus become a human?"

TBH, this is the one of the political issues where both arguments are equally reasonable IMO.

That person's right to life doesn't supersede the woman's right to bodily autonomy. A bioethicist named Judith Jarvis Thomson took this position in "a Defense of Abortion".

I'm pro-abortion, but I don't think the decision should be left to the mother.

But being the middle doesn't mean you're ambivalent about a subject...

Knowing your political compass, most people would end up in the middle... Ok you can be a bit more right when it comes to economy and a bit more left when it comes to social issues... that makes you a centrist.

I'm an atheist, an equalitarian, I don't care about gay mariage, I'm pro abortion, And I think Islam is a problematic religion.

That would make me a pretty leftist/centrist guy by definition. But I guess reddit sees me as an alt-right because of what I just wrote about islam.

Everyone should do this test : https://www.politicalcompass.org/test

Believing in ideas from both parties is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about holding a centrist opinion on a single issue. To me that makes you a pussy

I agree, except for some cases where I'd say having no opinion takes more courage than having a shitty opinion.

Let me give you an exemple : Everyone has something to say about the air strike in Syria... nobody fucking knows what they're talking about though.

As someone who knows stuff but not enough to say "this is good, or this is bad" I'd rather just say "I'm not informed enough to comment on this".


According to this I make Gandhi look like a Nazi

hoo boy someone's taking a sociology course

Embarrassing tbh

talk shit post fit


What if I don't give a fuck whether fetuses "constitute life"

Sure there is.

Abortion is murder and baby-killing whores burn in hell BUT abortion keeps the undesirable population down.

I believe I will never fuck you. Okay loser like I care

>tfw too intelligent for political debate

I posted this a bit back. Nice to see my memetic material circulating about the websphere😀

wait, you made this

eugh, now i have to take a shower

Nope, I found it somewhere else and posted it here a few days ago 😂

haha, now you see, it is you who has been influenced by me, for i stole this picture off of pol six days ago

ah but you see I posted it 8 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/63jnor/tankies_get_really_pissed_when_compared_to_nazi/dfupvsa/ indicating that it was likely I who was the one who influenced the polster who posted it and influenced you, and as a butterfly flaps its wings so too does such an esoteric meme find its way through the internet

you win this time you fucking monkey

this but unironically

why is he wearing a Guy Fieri shirt?

shitposts aside, that is a very lovely song.

This will surely stop trump!

i dunno i think bernie can still pull this one out..


If Bernie runs again he might actually need some organs to keep going.

Bernies gonna be feeling the burn before 2020.

I was making a cremation joke but that works too

He could've used a brain and some testicles on the first go-round tbh fam.

^ this one

MechaBernie will make augmented prosthesis free


I, too, read the top comment

Thinking we actually read the linked drama before posting smug circlejerk replies. what do you think this place is?

They have a discord to whine about Trump. We make questionable use of our time, but that is so lame and sad.

Tfw my first thought it to mine it for drama when I'm not posting redheads on our discord.

My parents must be so proud

We have a discord???

No. Who told you that?

He's literally the leader of the free world

How in the fuck is caring about that "lame" or "sad"

Do you really not see how screaming at someone who will never hear you is pathetic? Protests are some sad college bullshit that accomplish nothing, but protesting in a chat room. Come the fuck on. It's like flipping off your parents after you close your door. Super cool!

I have no effect on the world and I must be Triggered has a ring to it


lul lose weight

Now I'm not a doctor, but I think they might just be chatting in that chat room and protesting by making Reddit slightly shittier, which I support completely.

Are...are they speaking directly to Trump in discord or perhaps, and bear with me here, talking to each other about donald. I don't care enough to actually check

I agree, we can't let this guy get the nuclear lunchcodes.

You're right, I forgot what's really important: being a smug jackass on Reddit xd

What's with the sarcastic "xd"? This is the most correct thing you've posted so far.

Keep on rockin'

Leftists projecting their insecurities onto their superiors. Nothing new.

i'm mostly annoyed someone used the phrase "ctrl+left"

I feel you bro. As a Norwegian I can't stand Trump, but if this is what the us-left think of us small dicked fatties, then fuck it.

I'm fascinated by this.

On the one hand, it's hilarious that the (American) demographic that cares about the important social issue of BODY SHAMING is 99.99999% congruent with the people who cheer for this statue.

On the other, how fucking pathetic do you have to be to think to yourself "I support this certain set of political ideas so- OMG oh wait! Someone else who shares them mocked me! Fuck that!!!!"

The lefties made me feel insecure, so I'm going to support a person I hate to show them how not insecure I am.

It sounds like the guy straight up admitted how insecure he is, bro.

If I have learned anything from /r/drama it's that having a small dick really does a number on a person

Is drama code wars for "lived experience"?

that's a given

it makes me less sad if I pretend it is a giant clit.

A very masculine clit.

A boyclit

It must be hard being obese in Norway.

On the other, how fucking pathetic do you have to be to think to yourself "I support this certain set of political ideas so- OMG oh wait! Someone else who shares them mocked me! Fuck that!!!!"

Well, if that set of political ideas is cry-baby lefty bullshit, then, welp.

Why would a small dicked Norwegian fatty care about Trump so much? Sounds to me like he has bigger (lol) problems to worry about

Because he was right about his bum buddy, Sweden, having problems.

Trump seems like a real twat, but his most vocal critics are worse.

Even after the right rising across Europe and Trump being elected the insufferable left still don't understand that they could help most by shutting up/fucking off.

Even when the fourth reich kicks off fully they'll think "We obviously weren't pushy enough."

Trump seems like a real twat, but his most vocal critics are worse.

while i can agree that they're often even stupider and more vindictive than trump himself, i think the fact none of em are trying to be president balances things out a bit

True, but they're a big driving factor in the move right. And there's more of them.

they're also a component of the move left- bear in mind, the populace is just getting more polarized rather than unilaterally being forced right

the populace is just getting more polarized rather than unilaterally being forced right

That's a good point. Could be that the right was quieter before. I can't speak for the US but in the UK the further right is making a comeback where there was always a pretty vocal further left.

So from my perspective it seems like a shift driven at least partly by PC bullshit etc.

The effects of PC culture are, like most things taken very seriously on reddit, mostly overblown internet bullshit.

Until you have 3 million jihadi rapists in your country

I'm not super interested in your brown dude rape fetish. I hope it all works out for you.

Rape don't give a fuck how "interested" you are.

If you're very interested is it still rape? Sorry, does that ruin your fantasy for you?

My fantasy is eliminating Islam and trannies using nuclear fire.

Is this before or after you let them rape you?


Are you the Chinese bootleg of /u/yourgayopinion?

seems like a shift driven at least partly by PC bullshit

never vote

Sorry I meant PC serious business.

I dunno, man, gen Z is crazy right wing for some reason, especially considering younger people used to be left-wing. I'd argue this is in part due to the left being 'the man' now, while being a right-winger is cool and edgy (a reverse of how it's been since like the 60s).

In the 80s-90s you had some Christian conservative soccer mum telling you you can't play that video game because it's violent, now you have some blue haired landwhale telling you you can't play that video game because it's sexist.

gen Z is crazy right-wing for some reason

no it isn't

In the 80s-90s you had some Christian conservative soccer mum telling you you can't play that video game because it's violent, now you have some blue haired landwhale telling you you can't play that video game because it's sexist.

well I guess I can see how you would think that if your frame of reference for politics is "how are video games impacted by politics"

no it isn't




They're at least a lot more conservative than their parents (and often grandparents) were at the same age. Sorry friend, but your commie revolution is postponed (again).

the rest

More in general, vidya was just one easy to see example of it, from the perspective of a youngster.

Right-wingers just don't loudly and publicly embarrass themselves like they used to...well, they do, but the left has really gone all out recently: where's the conservative Trigglypuff? Big Red? That spastic screaming lady at the inauguration?

The only thing I can think of that comes close is when that Trumptard attacked that b-grade comedian.

Do you see what I mean?

I don't see "more conservative than their parents at the same age" as "crazy right wing," but it's nice wishful thinking on the part of conservatives.

where's the conservative Trigglypuff? Big Red? That spastic screaming lady at the inauguration? That pack of goblins playing on the highway?

I literally only understand one of these references.

they're also a component of the move left- bear in mind, the populace is just getting more polarized rather than unilaterally being forced right

Yes, but the right's crazies are relatively less crazy than the left's crazies. The right also seems to make some effort to keep their crazies in the basement while guests are visiting while the left's crazies appear to run the show. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are disappointing milquetoast moderates, but even if the republicans were led by Trey Gowdy and Ted Cruz you can bet that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would make them seem reasonable by comparison. The partisan parts of the population are becoming more polarized, you're right, but the moderates/swing-voters are starting to lean further towards the right as the left goes apeshit crazy with "personal pronouns" and identity politics.

Yes, but the right's crazies are relatively less crazy than the left's crazies.

the left goes apeshit crazy with "personal pronouns" and identity politics

are you seriously suggesting than some retarded language shit that only comes up on the internet (since you don't use third-person pronouns when talking directly to people) is crazier than trying to incite a race war to get it over with?

his most vocal critics are worse

Hahaha no.

What are you talking about? If we screech even more loudly about gender neutral bathrooms, sexiest air conditioning and mayo free safe spaces while calling anyone who disagrees with us dumb or a Nazi we will surely win the next election.

Thank God we don't have flabby cunt flaps like hillary clinton in the office. That ugly bitch and her beef curtains turning the white house a faint shade of brown sure is wonderful. Fuck body shaming.

That is so unless life like.

Thank god

That statue pretty much sums up the level of discourse in the 2016 elections.

Nope, just half of it

You're a fucking monster if that gives you a boner.

I'm not proud of myself.

Ugh gross he's circumcised

First thing I saw was how exposed and painful that looks

They really are obsessed with his naked body

dude is clearly working with some serious shortcomings

Surely you mean to say that he's (((((((((circumcised))))))))


Another jealous, unaesthetic individual. Tut tut!

Ugh gross he's unsmegmacized


That whole thread is full of nothing but insults that three year olds make up. The fact that the top comment is mocking the entire sub is pretty telling lmao

Behold! college kids who think they're adults (even though they didn't vote)!

Now watch as they eat each other based on problematic langauage, oppression olympics and other faggotry.


stop oppressin me

Sorry mang, i'm a white male. Its the only thing I know how to do.

me too thanks

Look at this cuck believing in voting in 2017 xD

Always try to keep in mind when reading reddit that a large part of the user base is barely old enough to legally drink cum, let alone alcohol.

And feeling bad about the development of their dicks

what's the big deal

your sexual partners never know how big your dick is until you're just about to have sex with them

and then you get to have sex with them!

and then you get to have sex with them

Depends, actually.

well yeah, i mean, if they still consent.

but who is going to be such a jerk to withdraw their sex invite AFTER the clothes are off.

I have definitely taken one for the team because it would be too embarrassing to say no at a certain point.

really easy to masturbate to.

Trumps been fucking supermodels his whole life, and this is how they try to shame him?

Quasimodo could fuck supermodels if he was born into Trump money. Doesn't mean he isn't an ugly taint.

Making fun of a 70 year olds looks seems dumb.

Shame on him for being born ugly

What horrible person would choose to do that

I'm not sticking up for the depiction, I'm just saying that going "but he pulls mad tail bro!!" comically misses the point.

Dude gets hotter ass than most and he's 70. Trying to shame him with an artists rendition is just retarded.

The point is that he's ugly, not the quality of women he fucks. No one is talking about women.

He's 70? Are there hot 70 year olds YOU want to fuck?

I'm just saying you're missing the point. It's insulting his appearance, not commenting on the women he fucks.

Insulting a 70 year olds appearance is like insulting an 18 year olds bank account.

I don't really give a shit, I'm not the one criticizing his appearance. Commenting on the women he fucks is irrelevant, though.

You sound jealous. Is that why you hate Trump? He gets better pussy than you? I'm picturing you as a fat white knight, hoping your Trump hate gets you laid but knowing your morbid obesity and lack of social skills will never allow it.

morbid obesity and lack of social skills

Are you talking about Trump here, or the other guy?


Of course it's relevant you buffoon. Why does it matter if he is ugly if he still can pull quality tail?

Doesn't mean he isn't an ugly taint.

wow what a prick

/r/MAT is a questionable one. Crazy theory: it's quietly being used by alt-right members to slowly make the opposition to Trump look pathetic/ridiculous (eg. discord channel for whining about trump, posts like these), driving people to support subreddits like /r/T_D instead.

crazy alt-theory: it's being used to lure and then quarantine people who are stupid enough to pick politicians based on how other people portray those politicians in retarded windowlicking maymays instead of based on their records and policies

8-d chess confirmed by MAT

What is /r/MAT? Apparently it got banned.

/r/MAT is a questionable one. Crazy theory: it's quietly being used by alt-right members to slowly make the opposition to Trump look pathetic/ridiculous

Sounds like a waste of time. The sort of "Trump opposition" that frequents subs like /r/MarchAgainstTrump look pathetic/ridiculous without any false flags or other assistance.

Of course it's a waste of time, it's all noise at the end of the day. Most political posts on Reddit that aren't actual discussion about issues (posts like these, whether they come from /r/MAT and criticise the right wing without any valid argument or come from /r/T_D and criticise the left wing without any valid argument) are a waste of time. We're just churning out opinionated memes to appeal to those with similar views to us.

It's strange how Reimann is always absent from threads making fun of fat guys with wee peckers

This is literally just a repost filled with concern trolls. The only good thing here is the guy openly talking about his micropenis which is just sad and weird.

Oh hold up

Paging /u/niceagendapostfriend

Donald Trump is literally the best thing that has ever happened.

There is a lot of moob having small dicked crying going in that sub. Put the fork down fatties, hit gym, do squats, build up your buddy, turn gay, now you are loved and wanted ( as a pig bottom)