Amid allegations of unpaid taxes, neo-Nazism, and sex offender, Denver furry convention canceled [BONUS ANTIFA CONTENT INSIDE]

78  2017-04-13 by EvanHarper


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

There is literally no way that these are random.

Mods can choose what auto mod says

Well, OP isn't on the mod list and there isn't an edit star, so they had a 3:25 second window to do it.

Not sure how it works I just remember the creator taking about it.

A) It's not automod, it's snapshill.

B) They can write a list, and it picks at random from that list.

C) Lolcows gonna lolcow, and the list snapshill has for /r/drama speaks to the lolcow persuasion.

There we go

unpaid taxes, neo-Nazism, sex offending, furries, ANTIFA


the article totally glosses over the fact that they're sovereign citizens too

apparently the dude who wrote the letter has a profile here

That second link is just pure autism

That guy is a nut. His credentials are just fantastic, and there's developing drama in the comments there too.

I don't remember what they're called, but it seems like he's an off shoot of sovereign citizens who believe that everything can be filtered through naval law.

I don't know how this much degeneracy can exist in the same place. We've strayed so far from God's light that we somehow found light from some horrible eldritch God and went to that shit like moths.

Far away and hidden in the lands beneath no moon,

In gorges below pinnacles upon which dwell the dead,

A cavern, overshadowed by encircling mountains, gapes

Beneath a narrow vault across whose dark the stars are sped.

From deep down in its cave there comes a sinister refrain

That resonates the barren, shadowed valleys with its call

And fills the night with wailing shrieks that from the blackness rise

To travel through the mountains, echoing from wall to wall.

Beyond the cavern lies the labyrinth of endless ways,

Within it there is neither south nor north nor west nor east;

Its inmost chamber holds a massive hill of metal shards

Upon whose summit sits the thing that's neither god nor beast.

In shape unformed as beast or god, it neither sleeps nor breathes,

Wherever sentient life has dwelt it's borne a different name,

It is the one that tears all worlds apart when it arrives

On that last day when everything is treated all the same.

You mean buzzwords.

Pretty disappointed op couldn't work bronies in their tbh

Unpaid taxes

Oh man, the worst offense on the list.

We joke here about killing all white people, killing all jews, and killing specifically /u/riemann1413. But really, it's furries who deserve the gas chambers unironically

This but even more unironically

This but ironically unironed

I mean, there is that one convention that got bombed with chlorine gas...

it was a false flag to promote war with, uh, Syrian Brown Bears. wake up sheeple

Original Source


Title: Wake Up Sheeple

Title-text: You will be led to judgement like lambs to the slaughter--a simile whose existence, I might add, will not do your species any favors.

Comic Explanation

Stats: This comic has been referenced 2418 times, representing 1.5608% of referenced xkcds. | xkcd sub | Problems/Bugs? | Statistics | Stop Replying | Delete

xkcd is so painfully unfunny 98% of the time

yeh but it's always le relevant maymay

The only difference is they won't have their clothes taken away beforehand. They will die in their fursuits.

I think we should gas commies first tho

and killing specifically /u/riemann1413

wow rude tbqh

Literally this

this is the furry in the context of real life:

im loving the American Gothic expression on the mom's face

Pure, Grade A, USDA Organic certified autism.

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the fursuit

My heart fucking breaks for the parents there.

Furries make me question whither or not western civilisation is worth saving.

I'll make it easy for you. No

You know who doesn't allow furries?


They don't allow fags like us either


Man this is like my bingo card. We got shady money deals between fursuited gangsters. We got gold eagles and swastikas. We got pizzagate perpetrators. We even got dudes in animal costumes.

Day can't get any better.

Is anti-fa furry the lowest thing a person can be? I think this may actually be the bottom of humanity.

nazi brony its pretty low, they should duke it out for the loser's seat

Well, there are always antifa bronies... =(

April Fool's day must've been rough on the guy.

At that point killing yourself is not enough


It seems to be weirdly common, back when #GamerGate Twitter drama was constantly popping off, practically every post by some (e-)celebrity denouncing it would have multiple antifa communist or anarchist furries, usually gay and often diaper fetishists in the retweet listing or the replies.

It's probably unwise to spend much time trying contemplate why there's such a strong relationship between being a furry and having weird fetishes like being into diapers, vore or giant(ess) stuff, since the abyss gazes also into you, but it's certainly A Thing. A lot of it is probably just that if you're brazen enough to talk about how you want to fug humanoid animals on your social media, you might as well admit you get your rocks off to people being swallowed whole as well, right?

/u/attackthemoon actually did a prequel for this shit a couple days ago. Go check it out for more retarded furry drama.

never fuck with the IRS

they got Al Capone

If I was a black American, I would become a full-time furry, then no-one would know I was black and the police wouldn't shoot me dead.

...this letter constitutes an official ban of our attendance at Rocky Mountain Fur Con. If you register and send a registration fee; your registration will be canceled and you will forfeit your registration fee

Hmm that certainly sounds legal and enforceable /s

perceived threats

Listen and believe. I can't handle this author right now.

One of the leaders of the Furry Raiders, a Fort Colins man who goes by “Foxler Nightfire”

Yep, that's real intimating


A-wolf Kitler

Foxler for President 2020

“I got engaged at this con and this [was] also the con I went to on my honeymoon. That just ruined everything for me,” wrote another person.

>being this degenerate

I know it says "popular event" but my brain automatically changed it to "unpopular event". Why hasn't this degenerate behavior been outlawd?

The journey down the furry wormhole

😩 Yiff me harder!! 🍆 💦💦💦