13 2017-04-17 by JesseFromUGT
n/a JesseFromUGT 2017-04-17
Here cum my downvote reportfaggotzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
n/a APE_CHRIST 2017-04-17
n/a AwwUrCute_hun 2017-04-17
Soma faggoty easter alt filled with self-hatred about their own mental deficiency.
Yeah Wurm eggz
That's something that's fun
n/a BANNED_FIVE_TIMES 2017-04-17
Why do I come here
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-04-17
Cool story, bro
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a itsnotfunny 2017-04-17
autism and schizophrenia is a dangerous combination friendo
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-04-17
Who stickies this
My vaginas
n/a BussySundae 2017-04-17
Too Autistic; Didn't Read
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-04-17
This is a /u/gohengrubs alt
n/a ComedicSans 2017-04-17
user reports: 4: surplus autism 1: Asperger's isn't real.
n/a killerkaleb 2017-04-17
Fucking Kek
user reports: 1: this comment made me cry
n/a xX69_0n3_ha1f_cup_Xx 2017-04-17
I wish I was drowned at birth.
n/a OldOrder 2017-04-17
It won't make your daddy love you though.
Bull shit, I report all the time and my daddy loves me thoroughly every night
n/a geraldo42 2017-04-17
Should I actually read this? I closed it after the first sentence.
n/a n4rkki 2017-04-17
I read it all, would not recommend
U dumb Im smart
n/a EvanHarper 2017-04-17
is this a web page from 1997 it hurts my eyes
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-04-17
n/a aonome 2017-04-17
Aspergers tries to steal the limelight from TRUE and HONEST autistics
n/a MG87 2017-04-17
How the hell does a site that was created in 2013 look like its from 1996?
n/a JesseFromUGT 2017-04-17
Here cum my downvote reportfaggotzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
n/a APE_CHRIST 2017-04-17
n/a AwwUrCute_hun 2017-04-17
Soma faggoty easter alt filled with self-hatred about their own mental deficiency.
n/a JesseFromUGT 2017-04-17
Yeah Wurm eggz
n/a AwwUrCute_hun 2017-04-17
n/a JesseFromUGT 2017-04-17
That's something that's fun
n/a BANNED_FIVE_TIMES 2017-04-17
Why do I come here
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-04-17
Cool story, bro
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a itsnotfunny 2017-04-17
autism and schizophrenia is a dangerous combination friendo
n/a MasterLawlz 2017-04-17
Who stickies this
n/a JesseFromUGT 2017-04-17
My vaginas
n/a BussySundae 2017-04-17
Too Autistic; Didn't Read
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-04-17
This is a /u/gohengrubs alt
n/a ComedicSans 2017-04-17
n/a killerkaleb 2017-04-17
Fucking Kek
n/a ComedicSans 2017-04-17
n/a xX69_0n3_ha1f_cup_Xx 2017-04-17
I wish I was drowned at birth.
n/a OldOrder 2017-04-17
Bull shit, I report all the time and my daddy loves me thoroughly every night
n/a geraldo42 2017-04-17
Should I actually read this? I closed it after the first sentence.
n/a n4rkki 2017-04-17
I read it all, would not recommend
n/a JesseFromUGT 2017-04-17
U dumb Im smart
n/a EvanHarper 2017-04-17
is this a web page from 1997 it hurts my eyes
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-04-17
n/a aonome 2017-04-17
Aspergers tries to steal the limelight from TRUE and HONEST autistics
n/a MG87 2017-04-17
How the hell does a site that was created in 2013 look like its from 1996?