Prince_Kropotkin creates homebrew copypasta for minor shekels

62  2017-04-17 by John_Ketch

Well let me be perfectly straight with you then. This sub is literally about being as irritating as possible to an odd collection of truly disturbed people as well as everyday normies who don't fit in the centrist/right-wing preferred politics of the sub (especially on social issues), and then playing up any sign of negative response to the trolling as somehow an aberration of predictable human behavior, thus worthy of mockery in itself. Sometimes the incessant pinging of people (some genuinely funny, some who are the exact right-wing equivalents of Colby "Ghazi is all I have" Klaus) calling me 'retarded' is mildly annoying and I shitpost in response, giving into the natural human tendency to want to dish out a bit of annoyance in response to being annoyed. /u/John_Ketch is probably going into overdrive as I type this, and even though I'll never see it because I blocked the dude, the idea of it makes me laugh a bit. Like I've seen pictures of some of the most irritating trolls here and heard a bit about their life stories. It's hard to avoid feeling bad for them because my life, which is nothing special (I have to deal with normie problems like paying bills, doing taxes, shitty commutes, compromises with the SO, etc like most other people, like most of the mod team here and like most of the popular users as well) is clearly incredibly more fulfilling, interesting and full of promise just by default. These people are fucking dead-enders and they and everyone else knows it. All they have left is mildly irritating people on the Internet to remind them in some small, sad way that they exist, that although life and hope has passed them by and their existence is nothing but pure bitterness, they can pass on some of that existential angst to others by calling them 'retard' or 'cuck'. Now I'm not saying that describes you, but it absolutely describes an uncomfortably large numbers of people on this sub and elsewhere on the Reddit metasphere. So when I get those orangereds of people trying to troll me by saying stupid shit, the pictures and life stories of people I've seen from here come into my mind, and instead of getting mad I just spend five or six seconds hammering out something silly and irrelevant and click "save". Then I briefly consider that I have things pretty good compared to a lot of my interlocutors who are desperate for attention, forget whatever caused me to think that in the first place and go back to whatever I was reading or working on. So am I mad? Nah, I'm really not. You don't have to believe me, but I don't much care either way to be honest. I just click save and forget within a few seconds.



Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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/u/John_Ketch is probably going into overdrive as I type this, and even though I'll never see it because I blocked the dude, the idea of it makes me laugh a bit.

/u/Prince_Kropotkin there is no bigger bitch move than blocking someone and continuing to act smug. Also half that wall of text is about how you assume most of the people trolling you have shit lives so what would you do if one of those dang trolls actually had it better than you?

I'm pretty sure everyone on this sub has it better than him.

Tell us about your life

It's life

da da da da dah

Such is life.

Blocking people is kind of a bitch move, but blocking people and bragging about it is a gigantic bitch move.

the worst thing about a /u/Prince_Kropotkin post is that when you read it not only do you have to suffer through it but its a confirmation that he has,unfortunately, not killed himself yet.


I stopped reading right there. Outrageous!


I stopped reading right there

Lmfao how could someone get so butt blasted about reddit?

No didn't you read? WE'RE the ones who are butt blasted!

What human feces

Is he really that wrong though? Fuck you guys, I am team PK. For real though, he should at least not block people to be fair.

If you're ok being team autist

I am team pedomile

This is in /r/drama fam we are all already on team autist

Yeah, that's right in the /r/drama ToS. Can't opt out.

Yeah but there are levels of autism. Prince is like a SuperAutist 2 whereas people like you or I can not even use our autism to fly.

Someday, if we believe hard enough, our dreams will no longer just be memes. Then, we will fly.

I'm on team schizo

You play for the team your drafted by, you ain't Eli Manning

In case you haven't noticed, PK has been saying shit like "what about the 100 nazis tho, that totally makes commies punching randos okay" in SRD. Unironically jerking with SRD in general should be a fucking bannable offense.

Oh so this is just some dumb political feud

violence is bad is a political opinion now

ready for murricacide now

Oh my god, let me share in your outrage

Isn't that basically all /r/drama is outside of when /u/snallygaster finds obscure forums for krokodil-addicted furries from 5 years ago?

It seems to have gone that way

tfw Irby was right all along

Not even thinly. Drama used to actually have some drama on it even if it was well poisoned bullshit from Pisslords targeting anyone they can't run off the site with blatant harassment.

Now, since its dying (dead, really) they're desperately trying to turn it into another SRSsucks/SJsucks/Tumblrinaction/socialjusticeinaction/degenerates etc etc they're basically all the same subs with different levels of how hard the tryhards perform for attention. And to try and pump more blood into the dried out corpse that is their subreddit they rely on harassment through @ing people to try and get them to come in there and start something.

Basically another hive of, as I say: Douche signalling. Whoever can edge-douche the hardest has the highest value and definitely never even looked at tumblr. Hallowed be his Steam handle.

I disagree

Theres plenty of anti-trump, alt-right/incel mocking in this forum, just how retarded are you? Maybe if some lefties (especially srdines, commies and ghazelles) werent so retarded and entertaining you wouldnt be seeing that many posts about it

Honestly I'm bored of all the political posts, left, right, and centre

But political posts bring all the slap fights to the yard.

People barely respond to snallygaster's archaeological findings.

I just don't find it interesting when it's the same slap fights with the same users over and over

PK has been participating in those for years.

Besides, recently there's been an influx of new users having the old arguments constantly.

I've never followed the anarchist drama then either because it never interested me. The boring political posts have been on /r/Drama since I joined, but it seems like they're the majority nowadays

If anyone on here mentions a time period before the political agenda posts, disregard everything they say.

If we're gonna ban people for having retarded half-baked political opinions we might as well get rid of half the sub tho

And I call it out and disagree. I still like him and consider him reasonable.

The funny thing is that I absolutely don't hold that opinion and get threatened by other leftists for it. People are just assuming that anything bad "the left" does, I am personally in agreement and also to blame or something.

I meant if I disagree with you or anyone I just say so without having to hate them and consider them evil or whatever else.

I consider genocidal maniacs holding State power to be a way huger danger than any other possible political movement and in my own judgement it's unlikely that Stalinists are gonna ever get there before the far-right in this country. So my focus is on them and their violence, although that doesn't mean I think that punching random people with MAGA caps on is at all justifiable.

In my judgement both are outlandish fantasies that have no bearing on reality.

Talk to anyone over the age of 80 and they'll laugh in your face.

What genocides did America commit?

the whole native american thing? are you that fucking stupid?

That was less than eighty years ago? Guess I am stupid then. Oh wait.

WWII ended just over seventy years ago and was marked by all sorts of genocide and mass killing. America has its own history of genocide, slavery and mass killing. You really think we're totally immune to it ever happening again?

You think leftists weren't responsible for the majority of genocides in the 20th century? OK yourself.

Talking to someone as stupid/ignorant as you is frankly not worth my time.

Nice copout.

I just don't think I rank types of genocide as better or worse depending on the target. I don't think you think any violence is justified. I don't think they are less bad just because the left is more incompetent.

Well it's not ranking genocides, it's ranking risks of genocide from various parties. It seems to me that the far-right has a substantially better chance of getting a swing at genocide than the Stalinists do.

This is sky is falling type shit though PK. Neither are accomplishing fuck all. Hitlers don't fall out of trees.

No, I disagree. I'm not ranking the chances particularly high at the moment but it's clear to me that society is getting to a crisis point. Hitlers do not randomly pop up in society, but the current order seems incapable of addressing the real needs of wide portions of the population and that's exactly when you can get violent extremists taking power.

Obviously, we'll see it coming and the signs won't just be "Nazis and antifa getting into street brawls." But I would have thought that after 2016, people would be far less confident that everything is going to be fine.

I just don't see any first world nations ending up like this. Also I don't think every fascist/communist government is all of a sudden the end of the world either. The world isn't coming to an end just because some random Castro or Franco exists. Who really cares if guys like them are around?

Man, I gotta say I've just read about too many bad things happening relatively suddenly in history to be that optimistic. Random thugs and dictators are one thing, but we're only 80 years off from a large part of the developed world going violently insane and killing large portions of its own population, all within four or five years of seeming normality. Obviously it's more complicated than that; I wasn't worried about this shit ten years ago but I am now because of political developments, for instance. But we're going to have to accept a disagreement on the relative risks of something awful happening here, it's a subjective judgement.

Well if it helps any I guess the world has never been safer and more peaceful than the time after WWII.

I'm explicitly attacked by a lot of leftists for opposing that viewpoint.

Seriously do people here just assign any and all opinions they don't like to me now or what? Someone said I hated Zizek and shit the other day too, Zizek is funny.

I am sometimes too but not when it comes to anything politics unless you consider meta@ to be politics

Well frankly I think people like pol invictus and john ketch have serious issues and I would rather not have to see what they're posting about. I block very few people (like single digits), 5th law was another one. YMMV but I'd rather see the actually funny trolls here rather than those kinds of people.

People are getting more mad in this thread to try and "trigger" me or whatever but everyone knows I'm right about this. Like 20% of this sub is perfectly described by what I wrote.

I just like to see that shit talk is said even if I don't bother taking the time to read it once I know it happens. I didn't say I disagreed with everything you said though. I agreed.

Yeah fair enough. I get it, slapfights are pretty funny, but sometimes it's just tiring to even see certain extreme losers. I'll take the criticism for blocking.

Hey I'm the guy he's thanking at the end!

I call you retarded and I have a postgrad degree in that topic you often so ignorantly opine about, /u/prince_kropotkin, politics.

Maybe you're just a fucking idiot.

Also my family all comes to my house for Thanksgiving, that's how influential I am.

Probably the free food you so graciously offer to the plebs in your family.

Last year I think I only bought the turkey, but I really don't remember. I know they use my condiments though.

And it only cost them offering the chastity of their daughters.

What a gracious host. Banging his cousins in exchange for patronage.

"postgrad degree in politics" sounds really believable.

It's probably a lie, I bet he's not even a homeowner. Meanwhile prince has sex with models on top of piles of money.

On its own, maybe, but when paired with "I make six figures" that's how we know for sure this is LARPing.

Real people don't make money. They whine on the internet about how no one understands anarchism.

You know the redditization is complete when you can't even fathom being a successful person.

It's like "adult anarchist".

Whenever I tell him I actually have experience in intelligence and international relations, he gets really mad. I don't even have to throw my master's or my income in his face, but that's a good idea, I should do that more.

He's easily flustered. Like a slightly more fun /u/mrsamsa.

He mad

No one who is not mad writes a essay on their calmness

Not like he has a chance to use his phd at his job at Starbucks.

Lol, you're the self proclaimed "resident gamergater on /r/drama"

You're one of the right-wing equivalents of Colby "Ghazi is all I have" Klaus that Prince is referring to

These people are fucking dead-enders and they and everyone else knows it. All they have left is mildly irritating people on the Internet to remind them in some small, sad way that they exist, that although life and hope has passed them by and their existence is nothing but pure bitterness, they can pass on some of that existential angst to others by calling them 'retard' or 'cuck'.

describes literally everybody I've seen who cares about ethics in videogame journalism

I could never be better than prince popokin.

He has a phd in his humanities or something.

He's hot shit fam. He would totally be a professor in college but he prefers to wander the world and become ultra woke.

Right now at this instant he's probably teaching homeless veterans at Eugene,Oregon that they need to check their white privilege.

He's a national treasure.

Haha god it's just so obvious how much you hate yourself eh. You're probably 14/15 right? Think you understand the world around you. Think your opinions are the real truth. Your future is written in everything that you write. And you probably think you're so complicated and unique. I can read you like a children's 5 page book. You're a nothing. And I wish anything I could say would change that, but frankly you're just one of the students that needs to fill the ranks at Mcdonalds. It's a hard truth but you need to swallow it quickly. You are not a creator, you are a destroyer. Someone that puts down everyone around themselves until they form a hole where there's only room for you. You lonely, sad fucking pit of pathetic. You will never be anything in this life. You will get up every day wanting to change yourself and be better today. But you'll never escape who you are. A nobody. So enjoy your life, enjoy putting people down, enjoy never amounting to anything. At least Prince is doing something with his life, no matter how small you think that is. If doing this kind of shit online is what gets you to sleep at night, then go ahead. But never forget that you will live this life alone, depressed, and believing you are something more than you are. But it's just the opposite. You're a zero.

Is this an alt or just some sad dude who's secretly a tankie?

That's copypasta mate

Thank god. I was worried that prince popokin had actual fans.

Sock puppets are kind of expected when dealing with idiots.

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I didn't realise that pointing out how sad your life is made me a communist

I call you retarded and I make 4 figures, am soon to be engaged(to the Filipino wife I'm importing), and have a postgrad degree in that anime you often so ignorantly opine about, /u/llaxis, boku no pico. Maybe you're just a fucking idiot. Also my family (the local neighborhood homeless) all comes to my house for Thanksgiving, that's how influential I am.

You watch anime, I rest my case

wow, you really think you know more about anime cartoons than me? listen kid, I started watching anime in the 3rd fucking grade. I've seen every episode of naruto, bleach, one piece, and pokemon. All my friends say I'm such an otaku nerd. one time I went to an anime convention and saw sakura. man I really love sakuraV(=・ω・=)v She's so cute and pretty. one time my parents walked in on me jacking off to Doraemon. after I explained my otaku situation to them, they were very supportive. sure, maybe my grades have dropped because of anime cartoons and manga comics. sure, maybe I've put on 30 pounds in the past 2 weeks. but you know what? I'm doing what i truly love. I even started learning hiragana ヘ( ^ _ ^ ヘ) yah, it's really REALLY hard, but I think I can do it. after I learn hiragana, i plan on moving to japan (or nihanko, as otaku nerds like me call it (●´∀`●). i heard that everything in japan is really kawaii desu. the school girls are very pretty i heard. i will hang out in tokyo with my cool friends in black, leather jackets, spiky hair, and bright red cheeks! I already took a 20 minute course on learning nihanko (haha that means japanese!) , and its realy easy! so next time you try to mess with me, just remember how much of an otaku nerd i am (baka gajiin)

why are there so many bad posters around here all of a sudden

SRD is dying

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

all you fucking lames can do is spew memes. no one takes you seriously except each other because youre altright as fuck and find comfort in numbers. im in the wrong here because im literally the only person who doesnt hop on the meme train and shit over someone they used to fuck with? you lot are delusional as fuck dick riding hypebeasts. you say the same shit every time in every fucking thread. you are sheep. each and everyone of you are completely disposable and interchangeable. i cannot fathom how it doesnt sicken you to your core to be so useless in life. another thing i love is how you suburbanites puff yourselves up online but you would piss in your pants and shake in it if someone put a gun to your head. you are pathetic.

Are you Prince's shitposting alt?

No, but I'm flattered that you think I'm even comparable to him

I just saw a seething copypasta defending him so I took a wild guess

Now /r/drama has joined /r/anarchism in wildly accusing everyone of being my alt, I love it

Wow you sound like a prince alt

That's certainly not something a complete loser with no life would love. There is nothing more anarchist than multinational corporations.

Jesus, everyone's producing copypasta today.

Blocking people is weak shit /u/Prince_Kropotkin, I thought you were better than that. Having said that, he's not wrong about metareddit being filled with sad people who have sad lives

yep, gotta agree. the lives of people who post on SRD, SRS, Circlebroke and the like are really sad.

paying bills

Well there's his first mistake. He wanted to get a new tattoo, drink half a bottle of Jägermeister, and have unprotected sex with a hairdresser from Bolton instead.

how are you going to paste this shit without a link

edited in brah

Only took you 3 hours to finally do it.

All they have left is mildly irritating people on the Internet to remind them in some small, sad way that they exist, that although life and hope has passed them by and their existence is nothing but pure bitterness, they can pass on some of that existential angst to others by calling them 'retard' or 'cuck'. Now I'm not saying that describes you, but it absolutely describes an uncomfortably large numbers of people on this sub and elsewhere on the Reddit metasphere.

/u/Prince_Kropotkin how do you actually know? Have you seen a study or something?

The worst weirdos here eventually have their life stories and/or pictures leak out. I didn't do the statistics but most of these people turn out to be described by what I said. I'm sure the mod team can back this up if they want to, they likely know far more than us.

Yeah the mods of r/drama are totally winners like you

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it's time to stop

If the sub hits 150 subscribers within the next month I will shut it down for you.

"I'm special because I have a job"

Yea, bet he's a tax payer too

He's doing postdoc work in the humanities.

There's no earthly way in which he's actually employed anywhere.

Normie wagecucks I swear!

lol friendly reminder /u/Prince_Kropotkin is actually retarded enough to describe himself as a moderate radical.

One of the most unironically retarded posters in /r/drama, which is amazing, because we have /u/EvanHarper.

Their lovechild would be the spastic AIDS infected grandson of an underage Down Syndrome girl and a retarded Steven Hawkings.

I love how he just mentions the fact that he seen pics, but doesn't start shit talking their looks. There's a surprising amount of good looking people that post here.


Any time 😉

You were thinking of me when you wrote this. Admit it.

When am I not thinking about that sweet, sweet bussy?

bit. Like I've seen pictures of some of the most irritating trolls here and heard a bit about their life stories. It's hard to avoid feeling bad for them because my life, which is nothing special (I have to deal with normie problems like paying bills, doing taxes, shitty commutes, compromises with the SO, etc like most other people, like most of the mod team here and like most of the popular users as well) is clearly incredibly more fulfilling, interesting and full of promise just by default. These people are fucking dead-enders and they and everyone else knows it.

If you talk shit like this /u/prince_kropotkin, you gotta post pics.

Don't want to get banned for doxxing.

These people are fucking dead-enders and they and everyone else knows it. All they have left is mildly irritating people on the Internet to remind them in some small, sad way that they exist, that although life and hope has passed them by and their existence is nothing but pure bitterness, they can pass on some of that existential angst to others by calling them 'retard' or 'cuck'.

me irl