atakeonhooper deleted their account

28  2017-04-20 by headasplodes


Good riddance tbh commies are worse than furries

This but unironically.

This but semi-ironically for later possible deniability.

Jews did this


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They've gone too far this time

Dammit, I liked that guy.


Im sorry for your loss, consider not liking tankies in the future.

I only like the funny ones.

you need better taste

it's like going to your own funeral but i hate all of you

i guess my real life funeral will be like that too

You're going to haunt your real life funeral too?

Ripperoni in pepperoni

End of an era

another black man down in 2k17 smh

mayocide when?

When the Jews get their shit together.

Aww I wanted to glue a wig to his head and make love to his face :/

aww, bummer.

It's on you mods to find us another resident black person who takes the mayocide seriously.

another resident black person who takes the mayocide seriously.

I miss /u/SirGallantLionheart.

honestly, i was always posting in his shadow

hey, you're back!

Who where they, and what happened to them?

Just a chill dude, founder of /r/Huma. I don't know why he abandoned his handle and sub, but /r/Drama will forever carry the flame of mayocide in his honor.

IIRC noodles got to him. There were probably other things behind it too, but I remember Noodles was obsessing over SGL before he left.

Yeah I remember that big ass post SGL did explaining how much he didn't give a shit about noodles. Was pretty entertaining.

Yeah as much as my megomonical desire for attention enjoys when people with my flair crash and burn, time to light one up for one of the slightly less retarded r/drama users (which is p good around here)

yeah i liked them

I'll be sure to pour out a lil liquor for the lost homey tonight.

Then I'll listen to some Kenny G in remembrance.

guy seems like the kind of paranoid idiot who would just delete his account every year or so.

those overwrite scripts suck, btw, they're all barely functional.

Wasn't he SirLion or whatever

nope, totally different guy.

RIP 2 both :(

I'm sure we'll get a suitably unsuitable replacement.

Maybe we should hold an election for the next "As a black man" on drama?

Oooo pick me pick me

no all blacks are the same i think

I wonder why. He never seemed like the type of user who would just ragequit like that.

Hopefully he'll come back



Angsty high school communist

They weren't a real communist.

Well no, they were a high school communist, aka dumbass who likes free shit

They literally just played up for drama. They were social democrats.

The hottest new meme is to call everything 'government capitalism'.

What the fuck is this epic takedown, who doesn't like free shit?

That's because real communism has never been tried, famalamadingdong

Never even posted bussy, nothing of value lost

And nothing of value was lost


doubt he was really black tbh

what do i have to do to prove it?

Do you remember that movie Candyman? You dont? because it was a weird horror movie from the early 90s that (as far as I can tell) only black people watched?

well i remember it

Wut? Everyone watched Candyman. You should've referenced House Party and Kid n' Play.

I thought everbody watched House Party :/

I once watched about 45% of House Party 2 at my old barber shop. That might actually be my blackest story.

lol. I think most people did watch the first one. Watching the second (even only halfway) is quite Nubian of you, though.

to be fair, that's extremely black.

How long does your haircut take?

it's more about how long your barber takes to get finished with the person before you, and do whatever else before you actually get in the chair, and then talk to you about whatever is going on in your life

tyler perrys something something

I heard you were looking for candyman, bitch.

If I ever start recognizing reddit usernames I'll kill myself

I dont know if i should be insulted or relieved my name never comes up when talking about black r/drama posters

I dont know if i should be insulted or relieved my name never comes up when talking about black r/drama posters

Hard to post since his little cruise around Cleveland.