Tankies discuss how to counter 4chan, the irony is palpable

114  2017-04-21 by donaldthelion


The amount of people talking about compassion is surprising.

im actually a game developer and im in the works on creating a mini game that takes anarchist talking points and presents them in a way that could be appealing to this sort of crowd. think like anarchy with an edgy sort of twist that sucks in these types of gamers in. i plan to spread it on 4chan when im done

Sounds almost like /r/fellowkids

Rpgmaker 2017: Night in the woods 2, hipster sodomy boogaloo.

Play as a transsexual furry who has to collect AIDS while working on for masters degree in gender studies.

Play as a transsexual furry who has to collect AIDS while working on for masters degree in gender studies.

Why play a game when that's my actual life!

You gotta be joking right?

Nah it's legit.

Don't dare me. I'll make this game.

There's writing a video game that's mindful to political/social issues, and there's blasting your manifesto loudly in the interactive form.

We all know what this mayo is gonna do.

Do be so quick to dismiss it.

Remember how the dangerous satanic influences of Heavy Metal Music on troubled youth were eredicated by the emergence of Christian Rock.

We all lost

im actually a game developer and im in the works on creating a mini game that takes anarchist talking points and presents them in a way that could be appealing to this sort of crowd. think like anarchy with an edgy sort of twist that sucks in these types of gamers in. i plan to spread it on 4chan when im done

Hey /u/deadfa, that's a good plan but beware that it could easily backfire, see this for example: http://www.gamesbrief.com/2015/07/how-fallout-shelter-made-me-sexist/

Basically, if you make your game in any way realistic then for example players might notice that rigidly organized groups that kill outsiders and take their shit are more successful at having shit and not getting killed than more loosely organized groups, which would be a totally wrong message to send.

So if your game features stuff like that then make sure that you have thought it through and patched any holes through which fascism might try to sneak in, by, for example, allowing anarchist groups access to unlimited resources (like, you can just take all ammo and stuff you need from the infinite "community stash") and other mechanics like that.


im in the works on creating a mini game that takes anarchist talking points and presents them in a way that could be appealing to this sort of crowd

Man that sounds lame as shit

Gimme holocaust tycoon instead.

Only use /doot in the URL attribute of the link. Like:


[Hail Il Duce][/doot]

doot doot*

You mean CK2

Look up KZ Manager.

P.S there are no English translations

That actually sounds great.

Getting all the trains running on time.

Dealing with efficient queueing designs.

Having some sort of Temple Grandin approved slaughter chutes.

/u/deadfa is the final boss a horde of Trumpsters swarming you and all you have as defense is a mobile dumpster?

No, the final boss is the no parking sign

Bullshit, what am I supposed to do? They just keep duct taping me to the sign! This is obviously a bugged sign mechanic. Woow, great game Kojima!

I hope it's an rpgmaker masterpiece!

It's like they have no idea of how to appeal to the masses.

i know theyre just neckbeards in their moms basement.

/u/sdssddsds so are most anarchists, so i don't really see the problem you have against them.

it seems like they have complete control over the cultural capital of our time.

/u/sdssddsds that's because they (/pol/) are on the right side of history.

the good guys are winning now.

leftists had their chance and you blew it -- for 30 years the left has controlled media and "education". icarus flew too close to the sun --

leftism has "jumped the shark" in the global psyche, people across the globe have seen the result of your degeneracy, of pandering to islamists, of destroying the family unit, etc.

now we return to greatness :) and it starts in America.

Holy shit, what has Obama done to make burgers think that Bush 2.0 is some kind of revolution.

you seriously haven't heard? then you should read more news.

Trump is *this* close to initiating nuclear holocaust. All the most reputable news organizations agree. Nazi militias are already roaming the streets all over AmeriKKKa, committing hate crimes of transphobia against innocent mexic@ns, all on Trump's command.

Obama did this?

i'd really like to help you, but where have I ever mentioned obama?

I mentioned Obama.

oh. good point

what is a "sense of humor"?

Answer the question, burger.

Don't let him off the hook.

He was black :^)

This is a terrible parody account.

oh becky. so much this

Are they being upvoted because people think they're a parody, or because people think they're serious? That's kind of the problem with /r/drama in the last few weeks.

youve been complaining about the influx of this or that right-wing faction "in the past few weeks" for like six months to a year at this point. when are you gonna realize drama was always shit fam?

It legitimately goes up and down in quality as various waves of terrible people come and go.

This place is always a shithole

it seems like the nazis have been going on for a while. we really need to get some good glue traps because the humane catch and release traps arent doing it

Glad to be of service

you should go tbh


He's being upvoted bc he's instigating retarded drama and we've always loved retarded drama.

did you seriuosly just assume my gneder???

Yes. Post bussy.

I downvoted because it went just over the line to geniuneness, and if so it's retarded. But then I downvoted you because you're also retarded. I left myself at the default one upvote but even that one I'm not sure about

I don't know why you care, since why would anyone come here for political conversations?

fuck nazis

why you want to have sex with nazis?

>unironically taking anything on this absolute fucking abortion of a sub seriously

Not even memeing you should kys

cry more

No u

"right side of history" etc, a parody of leftie rhetoric.

which part of my comment exactly was "nazi"?

is the family unit is fascist? is opposing islamicism or degeneracy?

Posting incessantly on reddit about the importance of the white family doesn't make me confident that you'll ever get to breed, pal

making one comment in 2017 that mentions the family unit (not even white family) = "posting incessantly"

sounds like you're evading the question. which part of my comment was "nazi"

i honestly couldn't give a shit about you aside from casually insulting you, you're just as stupid the other trolls

tbh i might as well block you too

tbh i might as well block you too

all of that effort, just because you can't explain which part of my parody was "nazi"?

i honestly couldn't give a shit

he said while literally crying anarch@ tears in mom's basement right now.

Careful bruh, I'm starting to doubt your committment to sparkle motion, I mean mayocide.

I'm 65% Irish and therefore not white and your people will die in the plague.

I'm 1/64th Abbo

Sorry bro you have to be at least 3/64ths so you're out!


I'm not white, I'm a furry.

The mayocide brigade is forming!

that's because they (/pol/) are on the right side of history.

the good guys are winning.

The meta-joke here is that this is the exact same attitude that the left had for the past 8 years.

80% of reddit and 4chan

Yeah but if we just shitpost HARDER we win!

It's like Japanese High Command in WWII.

House isn't this the top post


I think you're over exaggerating the influence 4chan and memes in general have had on the current political climate. As much as they love to joke about meme magic, some guy shouting Pepe at a Hilary rally hardly won Trump the election.

I was a skeptic too until 4chan meme'd a presidential candidate into office. Meme magic is real and dangerous.

Even if you disregard meme magic, it's still pretty impressive to see what 4chan, and /pol/ in particular, achieved in 2016

Seriously, after all the investigative work /pol/ has done in the past few years. Including: (Not gonna link them, too lazy) Calling an air strike on an ISIS base.

Finding and turning in pedophiles.

Hide and seek with Shia Lebouf.

And recently what's been going on with identifying Antifa members.

I think the government should start making better use of it's weaponized autism force.

Hell hath no fury like an autist scorned.

Finding and turning in pedophiles

When did this happen?

Pizzagate, dummy

Part of pizzagate was /pol/ finding about 1000 twitter accounts that were interconnected in a pedophile ring. I think people called it twittergate if you want to google it.

better than anything you've done tbh

I haven't looked for child porn on Twitter, because I don't have autism and I've touched a real-life vagina before.

I've touched a real-life vagina before.

Your mothers vagina when she birthed you doesn't count.

What about your mother's vagina?

What about your mother's vagina Feminine penis and bussy tbqh

this and isis is fine for jack dorsey but dont you dare do a hate speech!

Meme magic is a meme, don't buy into /pol/s self inflated ego.

too late bub I already bought five

i post interracial porn on /pol/ almost every single day


what a hero

Marx would be proud

godspeed comrade o7

Ah, so HE's the one responsible.

Shit, and I thought it was /pol/ that was doing that to /tv/

They do that to us at /lgbt/ every now and then. I always wonder who they think they're triggering.

Where did my comment go? Am I just retarded?

Well you're here, so


That's even more impressive when you remember that they don't believe race is a thing, much less gender.

Wtf I love commies now

Revolution imminent

almost every single day

This is why Trump won. He didn't post interracial porn every single day.

Is this in response to them doxxing the bike lock professor? This is just sad.

Calling him a professor is being overly generous.

Sorry, this is r/drama and I just follow flashy headlines round' these parts.

Yeah but you didn't even try to call him a faggot or tell him to kill himself.

Kill yourself, faggot.

How he was investigated was pure art.

Are you kidding? These people feel like failures, they feel rejected by society. 4chan and toxic gamer culture are two of the only places that make them feel welcome.

Inclusive and emotionally secure space that allows individuals to bond over common interests is toxic, unlike @narchism.

With a man of the people like u/PROUDHON_IN_MY_ANUS at the helm victory is but a foregone conclusion.

u/PROUDHON_IN_MY_ANUS "These people feel like failures, they feel rejected by society. 4chan and toxic gamer culture are two of the only places that make them feel welcome.". You must know exactly how they feel being everyone hates commies. Can you inform us what exactly is toxic gamer culture, I was under the assumption that being the ones who actually played games companies should be pandering to them not creating content for people who won't even play the game.

we need to either start copying their strategies or just straight up appropriating their culture.

They already tried this with ETS and myriad clone subs and they failed hilariously. All of their memes were lazy appropriations of whatever last hit the top spot on all from t_d.

If these clowns ever gain even a tiny bit of self awareness they could be mildly dangerous.

contrarian forced memes are so consistently bad

here come dat gary

lets just remember the 2016 candidate for president for the most "legitimate" third party paid 10,000 shekels for this

how do we stop 4chans influence


We have to stop them guys! 4chan is winning this war! Places like /co/ are ruining society and spreading alt-right ideals around with their weekly threads about how Gravity Falls was overrated.

Remember that time when we were compared to /po/? Obviously they meant to compare it to /pol/, but that was our theme for a while.

/co/ is trying to push Samurai Jack as a literally perfect hasubando fujoshi fapbait cinnamon roll and I don't like it. I mean, what, so he's polite and awkward and kind with nice abs, a good smell, and a tight bussy but fuck it's shit like this that gets my blood pumping and my veins throbbing and engorged.

Why can't they just go back to posting thick thighs and prominent vulva like a normal person?!

are you rejecting the notion that 4 chan has influence?

Reality is that it's over op. Pol/ has won.

We can only wait til a ww3 breaks out and people learn the consequences of fascism, hatred and racism.


holy shit an actual posadist in the wild

The essential problem is that the game is skewed towards authoritarian ideologies


then you're in luck! Your leftism is even more authoritarian than whatever Pepe the Frog represents.


pepe: let's have a refreshing glass of milk!

leftie: let's hit random people with bike-locks and shovels, and justify it by calling them "nazis".

To add irony: attacking both the "I need muh guns so I can defend myself in the government turns authoritarian" crowd as well as libertarians.

How does libertarian fascism work anyways? Would they ask jews, gypsies etc to gas themselves so as to not violate the NAP?

"Non-aggression and voluntarism is fascist, because it has no double standard in my favor." - /u/fear_the_future, probably...

The shit going on in communist countries somehow doesn't look authoritarian to you?

Of course it does. That's exactly the point I was trying to make. But nvm, I just realized what sub this reply is in... you are obviously not open to any serious discussion.

You are properbly best served by that. BTW I do agree in principal with the point that most ideologies and countries following both hard right or left skew authoritarian because its simpler.

Whip out your bussy and we will be down for some serious discussion.

Looks like you're not open to explaining why your communism will work, and be free and utopian, while literally everyone else's has ended in an authoritarian nightmare

Has any commie ever explained that one?

So you are standing behind saying that what pepe the internet meme phenomenon represents is more authoritian than actually authoritarian regimes, really?

I honestly thought everyone was joking along with the whole meme magic stuff, but apparently some people really do worship it.

Used to be called chaos magic. You can come up with a million explanations for it, both logical and fantastical, but that shit works.

I can't help but feel like your username is appropriate to this comment....

I found myself laughing at the very first sentence.

the grammar of this

have they layed the seeds of fascism in

gave me a fucking heart attack

in what have they laid the seeds of fascism

That's it, right?

instead of using classist, ablest, appearance shaming rhetoric might be a good start.

oh shit they are turning on the ones who arent PC enough.


They're making me blush.

Should make you rethink some things when your ideology cant win against traditional Vietnamese pottery enthusiast forums.

I didn't get the reference.

I didn't know that /u/negroyverde got removed, I'm surprised that /u/Prince_Kropotkin didn't make a thread about it. Looks like it happened on the 11th or 12th, so it's been over a week too

Maybe it wasn't dramatic enough of an event. Almost every single user in @ seemed to hate negroyverde, so everyone was probably cheering over it happening.

A lack of drama has never stopped people from posting anarchy related threads before

good point. PK why are you slacking so much man?

To be fair, it is not hard to get people riled up over basically nothing

Wait, do you drama now? That's fucking rad

Sync removed them and readded them as bottom mod, the other mods removed them.

user reports:
1: dumb fuck doesnt know what irony means
1: n-notice me mod-senpai

It's like goldy, but worse.

I love to smoke weed and intimidate Women of Color.

Reaching out to neckbeards living in their mom's basement instead of using classist, ablest, appearance shaming rhetoric might be a good start.

But that's no fun.

Agreed. I'm only on this left wing kick because it's a fashionable way to bully the autistic and the insecure. If you take that away from me, what reason do I have to stay?

You think I read Bakunin and Foucault because they get me laid? I wish.

It's finely tuned crowdsourcing. It isn't magical.

4chan just represent tearing whatever sacred cow exists. If the world became nazis they'd be freedom fighters. They're just contrarian.

Ugh... if only tankies today knew the art of icepick-fu...

Or were willing to leave their parents' home in San Diego to actually go to Mexico.

Everyone is dumb as fuck. Especially me.

I'm pretty sure we can beat them on the streets and on the internet, (they all weigh >200lbs) What I am worried about is if the fascists infiltrate us. These fucks are known for this, commenting on our boards using throwaways. How do we make sure this doesn't happen?

/u/DextertheMoss, are you joking or honestly retarded? You fucking morons will get the living shit kicked out of your panty-waste asses. Look what happened at Berkeley. But go ahead, keep thinking that way until a bunch of you end up dead.


I hope they all hang themselves in their parents' closets.

how do we stop 4chans influence on politics?

I came