The Donald on DMG CTRL after someone criticizes an anime girl with a Maga hat

57  2017-04-23 by Washington_vape


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I mean she is a fascist so the Maga hat works. But she is also too intelligent to follow an incompetent man like trump

Literally Fuck off and kill yourself weeb

Are you a commie or a SA goon, to be bothered this much by chinese cartoons.

trying to say I'm bothered by the cartoons when I'm insulting the people who watch them

Kill yourself weeb. I'm neither.

Oh, you're so much not bothered that you decided to spend precious moments of your life insulting the people that don't bother you. Got it.

Oh, you're so much not bothered that you decided to spend precious moments of your life insulting the people that don't bother you. Got it.

How's remedial English going? Come back when you can string together a sentence

Le epic xDD

You're clearly the one who's bothered

literally end your life you disgusting weeb

chinese cartoon


I don't get it, is that supposed to be funny? Really doesn't look like it. But how bitter of a life does someone need to have to actually say it unironically? I am honestly baffled. But I know it isn't you who is at fault, it is the people around you who made you like that, so I will be praying that life treats you better in the future, and that your condition will improve.

Get off this dick gayboi

Unlikely . . . And I'm not saying because I'm straight.

Anime was a mistake and you're living proof

Not more of a mistake than you are, and your parents regret is the proof of it.

I might be a mistake, but I'm not a weeb

And thank god for that, wouldn't want to associate that label with anything worse.

As a man she was a corporate drone with no connection to the military and no patriotism. As a girl she joined the military simply because it paid and had a career path she could follow, and she explicitly considers the invisible hand of the free market to be the source of real morality.

I know this is the internet but fascism really is a political ideology that has more to it than "wears a uniform".

I know, but the chicagoschool of capitalism is an important factor of history when it comes to implementing military fascist dictatorships.

See South America.

The growth of autism on the internet seems to be exponential. How did a group of people manage to become even more autistic than SRS.

It gets really dangerous when they weaponize autism. It's already happening on /pol/, and God help us if it spreads to the rest of the internet.

Not really.

The only thing weaponized autism would accomplish for them is to make them targets of Aktion T4 if they succeed.

Rome fell because they didn't have a good yogurt Fact

t. Greek

I've been found out

Pfft, everyone knows Rome fell because of porn

This is what happens when you think snipping of dicks is good idea.

/u/YourGayOpinion care to way in on how mutilated dicks are more attractive?

He got banned by /u/riemann1433

I know, hence the joke

nice joke

Trash joke

mediocre joke

I dont think it was Riemann who actually banned YGO, but I'm too lazy to check the modlog and I just realized I don't really care.

They got banned? Thank christ, somehow they managed to get boring effortposts into every single thread on this subreddit.

Rome fell because Romulus and Remus founded it

Also they really both liked anime.

"Am I kohwai, Rome-kun?"

The_Donald is just the sewege channel 4chan shits into. They don't have an original thought of their own, they just browse /pol/, make their opinion kosher by taking the anti-semitism out and then shitpost. They aren't influential at all.

And the funniest thing is that /pol/ itself is considered a sewege channel of 4chan that keeps the retards out of other boards. They're drinking second hand piss. It makes think though, if /pol/ is where these guys are getting all their crazy ideas from, then there must be some anti-4chan on the internet where extreme lefties get their duymb ideas from.

there must be some anti-4chan on the internet where extreme lefties get their duymb ideas from.


Nah, they're like The_Donald, they just parrot whatever shit they hear. The kind of "anti4chan" I'm thinking of has existed since Something Awful. That spawned 4chan, it also acted as a breeding ground for the internet SJWs. /r/SRS is made up of them. Same with the feminist and racial justice movements that spontaneously appeared in the early 2010's that split the atheist movement. I know where modern extreme right wing thought is coming from, but I just wonder if there's somewhere rabbid SJW and Antifa thought is coming from. Its clearly postmodern or some distortion of it.


like lefty pol actually has it in the name lmfao

Yeah but leftypol is new, and besides it makes a point of not being SJWs.

oh. idk anything about it it just seemed obvious

Social justice means different things to different people. The actual term "social justice" comes from Christianity. You can even twist social justice into supporting white nationalism if you want to, which is what I think the alt_right do. Also, social justice can be acheived by violence if you want it to be. Political ideas need to leave a lot of wiggle room so they can be applied as broadly as possible, if they're too specific, they won't be adopted.

sorry its against my moral code to read anything longer than a tweet

Fair enough because it was probably bullshit anyway.

they just browse /pol/

They search /r/4chan for '/pol/'

Imagine caring this much about internet forums

What else should I care about?

Roman empire collapsed because of liberalism

this is a Stefan Molyneux meme, he has like a 3 hour video about how the Roman empire fell cause of feminism or cultural marxism or something

Seems a bit retarded considering the real reasons were over expansion and the fact Rome had to keep increasingly funneling more money into the military to keep control of their holdings, everything else grinded to a halt.

There are more than a couple theories.

Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to browse the original sources from which the list was compiled so I can't back up each one individually.

Yeah, here's the thing though, "theories" from random morons on youtube aren't valid or credible.

You unironically post in /r/politics...

Why would I not post there?

Because its a dumpster fire full of far lefty retards less capable of nuanced political discussion than Donald himself?

I don't really care what other people are like there, I'm not so sure I'd be throwing stones over there from KIA, a sub that basically became infested with literal nazi Trump tards. I got called a Jewish shill there like 30 times.

Well you're username is /u/pizzashill you know.

Right, whatever you need to tell yourself.

It's not like there's a neo nazi conspiracy to lure anime fans into joining the alt right.

fuck it'd be embarrassing to lose to those people, almost as embarrassing as losing to the full weight of conspiracy theorists turned to digging through political connections and email chains

? I thought that Tanya was a Nazi without the emblems; that's certainly what her uniform implies, anyway. I've never seen the anime, I admit,

why do people voice "facts" on shit they know nothing about

it's not like a WWI German Uniform looks like a Nazi uniform at all

a AtheistJapanese transgender man directly caused by a non-abrahamic god is the face of Nazism in American now


Reminder that most Trump supporters online are childless men who masturbate to anime.

implying children are something to be proud of


tbh it's probably for the best that they'll never reproduce

Do you think if we drop anime into the red states our problems could eventually be solved?

Rick wilson should for /r/drama mod

But what about Hentai?

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Links to CA instead of TD?

Fuck you OP.

Basically the same thing. Enjoy the autism and shut the fuck up

super disingenuous post. all that it has to do with td is that someone said "hurr hurr le td on damage control", you know, the usual shit dumbasses say whenever votes aren't going their way.

Maga hat


literally only tD posters would defend that

Kill yourself pedephile

Wait only td posters watch anime now?

You're being purposefully, and not even skillfully, retarded.bye

Nah, I'm just looking for that "gotcha" moment. And you didn't answer my question so... gotcha.

No, you're factually ignoring points of my argument. You're retarded, kill yourself




Well, that made me laugh.

4 days later

You lost before you started

You lost before you started

Much like your genetics?

Why can't 3d cutie pies make America great again?

Not enough MAGA neckbeards grabbing pussy

Is this one of those situations, like South Park, where the creators specifically introduce a character that is supposed to be disgusting and unlikable, but so many people see themselves in the character that they genuinely like it?

Or like how you can out real pedophiles because they unironically like Humbert Humbert and don't realize he's a villain?

Not exactly; she's definitely intended to be a sympathetic character. I think she's more of a Vic Mackey/Walter White type of character, where they do bad things, but the focus is more on the fucked up situations that made them that way.

she's definitely intended to be a sympathetic character.

Just a quick Google...

Her name is literally Tanya the Evil and regularly employs torture and murder to enforce her will.

It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure Victory Mackey and Walter White also torture and murder people, and they don't even have a war or a literal punishment from God to justify their actions.

That said, the series is edgy bullshit, so I can't really be bothered to defend it much more than this.

Walter White

Who puts pictures of Walter White on their car as a positive representation of their political ideology?

Comparing Walter White to Cartman is pretty fuckin idiotic though.

Who puts pictures of Walter White on their car as a positive representation of their political ideology?

When did Walter White ever get political?

If Gale was the main character, and that thing didn't happen to his face, then I wouldn't be surprised if he became a positive libertarian symbol.

Interesting, I read the manga, and I didn't notice any torture. I also didn't see any war crimes or murder, just killing in combat.

In the anime she goes through and purposely does things to avoid them being war crimes. Granted, in a shitty manner, but still announces things to give civilians a chance to leave.

This happened with Rorschach in Watch Men as well.

how can people see a thread like this and think it's """crazy""" or """wrong""" to want to kill all trump supporters?

You could vote and campaign in such a way that their political opinions become irrelevant, but I guess that was just too hard for you.

Uh who cares about government, I just want these people dead regardless

Well the liberals promised that Trump was the second coming of Hitler. I voted for him so that Aktion T4 would be brought back to exterminate the Trump supporters.

This disgusting. Look at the white border around the MAGA hat. You paid for this to be printed on a car sticker and couldn't spend the time to do a non-crap photoshop job?