petty tyrants of /r/metanarchism decide that getting upset over being "accidentally" auto-banned by their rule-breaking new bot is a good reason for a ban

101  2017-04-23 by borcapopelliad




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I went back six months in this user's history

/u/Vetch-a-Sketch this is why no one takes anarchists seriously.

It just shows the level of dedication anarchists have

They are totally willing to do something stupid for thirty minutes that will have no effect on anything meaningful

where have i seen this before 🤔

Berkeley, CA, perhaps?


don't you mean ukraine

Superpower for fifty years


Swung dicks with the USA

Killed millions of people

"lol those commies amiright never had any effect on anything meaningful"

Holy Fuck. Reactionary sub post don't mean diddly shit. The comments and relationship to the board are relevant.

These people are beyond help

Even if they (they don't) they label 4chan a reactionary sub.

What I find funny is they'd ban people who posted on those subs to argue with the regulars.

Of course I'm mostly hugely butthurt because I'm an anarchist and I'd be banned several times over.

same here. I've posted on /r/lolberts and /r/"anarcho"capitalist, merely to argue with their user base, never was a subscriber nor do I have positive karma (i'd guess). But for some reason in my ban thread they mentioned that I posted on those boards, thus I am a reactionary.

This was me. Yeah, as an anarchist myself, I'm pretty shocked at how an "anarcist" subreddit is run by such elitist petty tyrants. I've had no such problems with any other anarchist subreddit I've been involved with, including /r/postleftanarchism, /AnarchismOnline, /r/greenanarchusm, /r/postciv, the list goes on.

You haven't had problems with those subs because they're either dead or run by notorious reactionary liberal /u/prince_kropotkin.

Nazi pedo reactionary liberal manarchist cop-loving soldier literal-member-of-monarchy you mean. get it right gosh

Lil boys or girls pk?


You'll probably be banned for posting here because this is an "alt-right reactionary hate sub" apparently

It isn't? Have I been duped then?

All I know is it's time to build this wall

Build a wall around the whole damn thing.

Then fill it with water.

The French already tried that on this continent. New Orleans was a mistake

"Was" implies it's no longer a mistake.

yes but it was a long time ago.

It's so much worse than that, we're south park neutrals.

Degenerates born with a heart full of neutrality.

They're going to be angry that you came here, but keep in mind that /u/BlackFlagged and /u/TheWarriorMonkey are the same person, nowaydaddioh, that agreed with the proposed mass rape of white women here:

So if they talk shit (and complain about being "sock-jacketed" even though everyone knows its them) there's that.

nowaydaddioh, that agreed with the proposed mass rape of white women

stopped clocks and all that

So you were so upset about being banned that you decided to leave a whiny comment on a reactionary sub. Stay banned, you liberal fuckwad.

hahaha you guys are the best.

don't ever change!

Fuck off and die you reactionary piece of shit.

You should go find the nearest loaded gun, point it at your forehead, and pull the trigger.

are you a nowaydaddioh alt?

Go bathe in a vat of acid

rude tbh

no u

it exfoliates!

thats a lot of letters just to say "yes"

why would I want to do that? my life is awesome

and if you have suicidal thoughts, please don't do it. get help! don't give up on yourself, it's not too late to turn your life around.

Stop telling him not to kill himself. People like that are exactly why suicide was invented.

if you have suicidal thoughts, please don't do it. get help! don't give up on yourself, it's not too late to turn your life around.

Lies, filthy lies.

Ooh, tell me how I should kill myself, too, Tendie-senpai.

And you wonder why no one likes you. smdh

I'm a good looking white male. I'm literally superior to you in every way. HOHOHOHO

You're not an adult.

Big if true

I'm a liberal? Have you seen my comment and post history (everybody else seems to have delved into it)? I advocate violent insurrection against the State and capital, against ideology, against organizationalism, against civilization and industrialism themselves. A liberal would meekly accept those things. Even an anarcho-leftist would cling to some of those things (i.e. organizationalism, identity politics, industry, civilization, ideology). Of all people, I am not a liberal.

Oh so you're one of those "post leftist" shitstains who rants about how the big bad eeeeevil "sjws" are stealing anarchism from your white cis male buddies. Go drink bleach.

I honestly couldn't care less about anyone's race or sex. I don't hold it against them. Just as I won't hold being a white male against anyone. To be honest, I am a staunch feminist in an existentialist sense (see here for a great explanation).

Go drink bleach.

Maybe more post-leftists like myself would take the left more seriously if you'd not hurl insults at us and instead actually read what we've written and engage in a reasonable discourse.

And no, I wouldn't respect someone's identifying as a "white cis" man. The male (that is the biologically male human) is conditioned to be a boy from birth in the same way that a female is conditioned to be a girl. I wouldn't support self-victimization, the admission that you are exactly what other people have deemed you to be.

You are a fantastic sperg lord lolcow. Your kind should honestly just be held in a cage and put on display so the rest of us can point, laugh, throw rocks at, and poke you with a stick. Thank you for injecting some humor into my day with your batshit retardery.

they're a slumlord IRL which is the best part

Says the white cis het male kek

Fuck off and die you misgendering piece of shit.

Sumbuddie needs a diaper change.

TIL leftists dont have ideology

I'm not a leftist. I'm a post-leftist.

This is a great resource.

TIL post-leftists dont have ideology

Post-leftism is basically an experiment in "can I make my ideology so vague and directionless that it doesn't actually count as an ideology anymore."

TIL I'm a post-leftist

You don't know what nihilism is, do you.

I don't believe in nihilism or anything else. How can you know what something that doesn't exist is?

Nihilism definitely exists, friend. As much as anything else, anyway.


By the power of solipsism, I command you to agree with me!

I reject your authority.

What's that? "Yes, Lord Elite_AI"?

Another internet argument won.

Fucking nihilists man. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

Yeah well the Nazis are pretty good but you know who else had an ethos?

Mr. Rogers.

Ever think about that?

That's the idea, yes. Whether they succeed is another matter.

I advocate violent insurrection against the State and capital, against ideology, against organizationalism, against civilization and industrialism themselves.

Awwww, you're so cute. Tell us more about how your fantasies wouldn't result in some sub-third-world hellhole.

What, do you assume that the upholding of industrialism and of civilization would result in a better standard of living? Before we, humans, enslaved ourselves with our own creations, we were the most free, doing exactly as we pleased. But as the eons came and went, and as agriculture (specifically monoculture) and industry were established as commonplace, we had less of those freedoms. Before, there was no "civlization" to even oppose, but now, we are confines, trapped, by it. It's time to move on. We are prisoners in a Prison of Capital, in the "Planetary Work Machine," as it's put in bolo'bolo.

Please, tell me how democratic local judicial councils won't be lynch mobs.

Before we, humans, enslaved ourselves with our own creations, we were the most free, doing exactly as we pleased.

Like dying at 20, yes I understand.

Before, there was no "civlization" to even oppose, but now, we are confined, trapped, by it. It's time to move on. We are prisoners in a Prison of Capital, in the "Planetary Work Machine," as it's put in bolo'bolo.

So the state that keeps me from wearing your skull as a hat is oppressive. Got it. I personally fully support wearing skulls as hats so this is excellent news for me.

democratic local judicial councils

If he's a good post-leftist he hates those with a passion.

I meant you'd die young because of the real life attempt to make Mad Max into a documentary. You'd have a rather short life under Lord Humungus.

That's much better. Thank you for salving my autism.

Lmao nigga you're in high school

As someone who appreciates those who practice an economy of words I'd just like to point out that you could have simply said "I'm a retard."

How old are you?

Wait shit, you're leaving a whiny comment on a reactionary sub now too

You've been banned from r/anarchism countless times. I personally banned you from r/anarchism at least a dozen times.


wait who are you?

Clearly it's one of your alts

None other than legendary degenerate punkswcleankitchens

I was gonna guess that but I wasn't sure. for real?

Turns out I got late onset autism, who knew?

Turns out I got late onset autism, who knew?

Literally everybody

Just like when I came out of the closet

Can you clean my kitchen Pls

You're the one so upset about being called out here you came just to rage and tell people to kill themselves. You're taking this thing way too seriously.

Wait! Now you are commenting on an evil reactionary sub! Better hope dear moderator doesn't find out or it's off to the tendie free gulag for you.

Not trying to be nitpicky here, but is it /r/greenanarchusm (which goes nowhere), /r/greenanarchism (which looks like a /r/drama troll subreddit), or is it something else?

/u/Cheerwell you sounds like an insufferable ass. Don't you have beetter things than purity test high school edgelords? Jesus Christ that's pathetic

Well, I'm in high school, so this is what I do in my spare time I guess.

There's a very good chance /u/cheerwell is 14 just fyi

Pm me :^)

Hey, you're not /u/Cheerwell, you're /u/Chekkmate

Reactionary sockpuppeting!

Oh...I thought they meant me when they said "you"...Sorry...

But how were you pinged here, then?

OP messaged me the post since it had to do with me I guess. I otherwise wouldn't have even known that this sub existed.

oh ok

well you're stick here now, sorry

Post bussy

thats illegal

It could be barely legal bussy. The best kind

I'm in high school

i mean obviously, you are an anarchist afterall

i mean obviously, you are an anarchist afterall

Are you really going to deny the mentally ill the title "anarchist"?

Lmao so now they have a broken bot that is banning people. It's like that famous "I made an x robot" and the other scientist is saying "why".

Merely watching anarchists online is enough for anybody with an IQ above 80 to realize why anarchism never works IRL and always devolves into terror regimes.

That's not even true though. Usually the anarchists get squashed by Lenin's meaty dick.

Lel I love how you're responding to your own alt just so you can pretend there are other leftists who agree with your anarcho liberal bs.

Hey everyone, it's Ludabug the Slumlord, who is suspected of being a snitch for the cops. After going through triple digit numbers of alts, they're here to be paranoid and accuse me of having alts (which I don't have).

You're a grown-ass adult and you're still going around like this. Have you ever thought about re-evaluating your awful life?

something something vat of acid something impotent child rage

What's anarcho liberal

literally "person who doesn't want to torture and cannibalize people who disagree with them", ludabug (now using "bashthefash42") is a very disturbed individual

God I have no idea how you've managed to create a mental network of anarchist alts, but its fucking impressive.

Ludabug is mega easy. They only say like four things.

Something that only exists in victoria 2

user reports:
1: Anarchists are inhuman garbage that deserve to be lined up on a wall.

It'd be funnier if some of the anarchists were stacked on top of other anarchists in some kind of hierarchy of suffering.

they had the right idea at guantanamo bay, just the wrong targets

they stacked people at abu ghraib

user reports: 1: Anarchists are inhuman garbage that deserve to be lined up on a wall.

This is completely unacceptable.

We all know the proper response to these guys is to drop them out of helicopters. Shooting them is a waste of a perfectly good bullet.

False economy: helicopter fuel and maintenance is more expensive than bullets. Or, better yet, bayonets.

I'm only economical with bullets. The added expense of helicopter fuel and maintenance is justified by the satisfaction of betting on which ones bounce and which ones splat.

You know you're just as edgy as ludabug with this shit, right? You guys can talk about murdering each other all day if you want but nobody is looking like a well-adjusted adult here.

I'm aware that you like advertise the fact that you're mentally deficient by publicly embracing anarchism, but I didn't think you were so daft that you couldn't recognize a joke. If you took that comment seriously you must be losing your mind over mayocide.

But we all know the edgelords aren't gonna do shit either. I'm not sure why right-wingers acting like edgelords is funny and respectable but left-wingers acting like edgelords proves anarchism is dumb.

I'm not sure why right-wingers acting like edgelords is funny and respectable but left-wingers acting like edgelords proves anarchism is dumb.

It shouldn't be hard to puzzle out. The difference is that when I say something that is obviously ridiculous (and in addition runs contrary the vast majority of my serious post history) it's funny because people know it's a joke. When people like /u/bashthefash42 say something that is obviously ridiculous (which aligns perfectly with their post history) we know they're fucking retards because everything they say is retarded.

I don't know where you get the idea that it's "respectable" in either case. I'm posting in /r/Drama. Dignity went out the window a long time ago.

Just keep piling them until you reach a critical mass that starts crushing them all to death.

Since I know the identity of that account I can be so kind and assure you it's actually not pk

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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It's like that famous "I made an x robot" comic where the other scientist is saying "why".

Now imagine the dude saying "I've made an anarchist robot that bans reactionaries", the robot screaming "banned! banned! banned!", the first dude getting a red "BANNED" splash on him in the second panel and disappearing from the rest, and the other dude getting the same splash as he asks "why?". Or something like that.

ye. and they put the bot to work JUST AFTER the mods disallowed it. lol

Imagine taking an internet forum this seriously.

If you really care about participating, just make a new account for ban evasion. Hell I usually end up switching accounts every few months for getting banned from too many subs for trolling/general retardation. Shit's annoying, yo.

Is there a way to find out which subs you're banned from? I wanna see the high score I've racked up.

That daw work bab

I for one am looking forward to when we can finally cast off all of our oppressive social structures and then get killed when a robot doesn't like what we have on our passports.

No one was born a radical leftist

I disagree, I believe that's due to the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21.

It makes sense. It's like immediately throwing out half the resumes when considering who to hire, you don't want any unlucky people working at your company.

"You're not doing anarchy the right way!! REEEEEEEE!!!"

Hilariously and pathetically ironic how supposed 'anarchists' are often the most authoritarian of people...

For a bunch of anarchists these retards sure do have a lot of rules.

I thought new mod rules that banned this activity went in effect?

yep. just before they started runing their bot

Isn't daddiohpedo/eeplox/blackflagged in his late 30s? He really likes to play middle school with the 13 year old transtrender mods there. Dude is on there like 24/7 trying to impress them. He's probably trying to groom them into being okay with having cybersex with him.

I don't get it.

Anarchists making up rules and regulations because they don't like something?

For that shit only they should ban themselves asap.