Therian departs from alt.horror.werewolves with a massive screed airing her grievances with the community.

41  2017-04-25 by snallygaster

I usually try not to post shit from the same source quickly but this place just has too much material to ignore.



Cool story, bro


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'97 was a big year in the alt horror werewolf world

It was an exciting time to be alive, for online werewolves.

When you start browsing alt. boards from almost 20 years ago just to find drama to post on one of the TWO drama subreddits you are a MOD on (2 subreddits), you have a problem. Snally you have a problem, the first step towards recovery is acceptance.

Today life is saying to you "Snally i want you back, i wanna see the happy and active women who had a fulfilling life i wanna see that women again".

Life is telling you "Snally accept your problems, accept your issues and conquer them"

Life is opening a door holding out its hand and with a caring voice it says "Snally come with me, come with me and let's live. Lets live"

The question is, do you accept Snally? Do you accept the calling of life instead of subreddit drama?

/r/Drama is life, tho.

An intellectually successful were, on the other paw


I know, if anypony I knew said that if immediately stop talking to them.

Impressive find

Out of all of the religious interpretations I've seen here...

Oh, man. I'm a little embarrassed when normies find my folder of Crowley pdfs or a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita laying around. Imagine going on some werewolf community to find spiritual fulfillment.

normies find my folder of Crowley pdfs or a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita

When people see religious texts or the works of famous 19th century authors at my house, they don't think twice about it.

really makes you think. is it your friends that are stupid? or do they just think you're stupid?

yours probably doesn't have wolf dongs drawn on it.

i do have dog dicks in my wheelock.

i got it from a used bookstore and didn't check it

post pix

Lmao I might do that after work

u better, i'll sticky it

I said normies, not friends. My friends are deffo not normies. I'm pretty sure they all think I'm stupid though. :(

fuck them then

I don't know man, I am pretty stupid. It helps me keep my ego in check.

They need a better publicist, maybe they could have gotten a skit on bill Nye's show about how werewolves are a gender

I love how like almost every other day we get a new werewolf drama thread from you Snally. These are so fun to read.

These are so fun to read.

Good because there's a whooooollllleeeee lot of them.

When are you publishing your book on the history of silly internet drama?

I think I might actually start writing a light reading book about entertaining online happenings. Shouldn't be too hard.

I wanna see u/riemann1413 drunkenly donate $1000 to a kickstarter for this plz

i would definitely donate to that kickstarter, tbh

Two questions that I think should have been asked, but never have been asked, are the following:

What does a were need to do in order to be socially successful?

What does a were need to do in order to be intellectually successful?

It's important to establish a set of were-priorities first, so that they're not wasting their time... barking up the wrong tree!!!

alt.horror alt.

What the fuck is this 1995?