What's more embarrassing than being a tankie, a Nazi, a pedo, or an incel? That's right, an OU player.

47  2017-04-25 by pepperouchau




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I feel so embarrassed for literally everyone involved with this post, including myself.

Duuuhhhh what is this Pokemon who's made of fire weak against?? More fire... mmm.. maybe. Also I'm a gay wizard...

airplane scientist

My sides.

/u/ALAKTORN who is your waifu and what are your feelings on fedoras?

The most embarrassing thing is that sub's header. I mean damn, that's next level pathetic.

You’re implying it’s impossible to meet new people online. Typical stupid normie mentality. The smartest people I know come from the Mario Kart community.

Who are you talking to?

But OP is a fag. Competitive Pokemon is far harder than gay E-sport games like assfaggots.

Is 'assfaggots' on Steam?

PSA: what is known as "OU" in Pokémon is the most cancerous, unfun and awful metagame.

VGC 2016 exists

Calling OU the worst meta

I'm sure using all 12 viable mons was a blast.

UU is even worse from what I can tell.

RU master race

PU shitmons or bust.

Walrein is in my top 10 favourites, so I absolutley agree there. It tears house in PU.

Users yes, meta no