RefuseAndResist (aka AngryDM) excuses being a fat fuck by proving that the human body is not subjected to the laws of physics. Also cannot resist raging against STEM, again.

101  2017-04-25 by Ultrashitpost


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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He's been told that before, but it didn't help then, so I don't think it's going to help now.

Can we make /r/Drama about AngryDM and tits' shitposting on reddit again? I miss those days.

I saw tits coming to the defense of the admins over on /r/nfl

Who is tits?

the best SRD mod

Damn right.

If you're the best mod then how come you're always mean to me whenever I message SRD modmail, huh?

That's WHY I'm the best SRD mod.

I can't argue with this logic.

You haven't even dealt with the Belgian question yet, how can you claim to be anything more than a collaborator of the global Belgiumry?

Atleast you're fun, apart from /u/oxus007 the rest of SRD mods seem to be humorless cunts.

humorless cunts.

That would be the SRD community. The mods are pretty awesome (with one or two exceptions).

The mods are pretty awesome (with one or two exceptions).

Rude to single out snallygaster like that.

Watching Snally school morons on SRD is the best part of reddit.

if someone isnt being mean to you theyre doing it wrong

Bcuz u suc

No, /u/takeittorcirclejerk. I'm pretty sure only people who used to use subredditdramadrama call him TiTs, but I could be wrong

I've seen it used here in the past.

You're fucking kidding me, PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Dropping Unidan copypasta like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another Unidan copypasta or "you said a x is a y" outta /u/PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS, you'll never post or comment here ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?

Nice pasta but I prefer ravioli

u/RefuseAndResist What's your problem with STEM? I think most of it is pretty great and it is definitely produces the most useful people and research compared to all other careers/areas of study

Too stupid to be in STEMs, therefore it is evil.

More like the 'problematic' conclusions of STEM fields (eg eating too much without exercising makes you fat) makes him butthurt, so he basically plugs his ears and screams.

Holy fuck its real. He's become a self parody.

Is it really u/AngryDM though? I've been seeing that refuse account around and they're a pretty fucked up human being with a ridiculous power trip. It would make sense...

Yeah it is

I think that was confirmed like 1-2 months ago, pretty much as soon as the account appeared.

Nah I was confused by that random asshole from day one and looked into it. He actually was denied modship on negareddit so he made an alternative one which he watches like a hawk.

When even negareddit can't be fucked with your shit.

u/RefuseAndResist calories in calories out is still basically correct, there are some variables which might change how many calories by a couple of percentage points but not enough for you to blame it on you being a fat ass.

Right? Medicine might make you crave food harder but it doesn't magically force you to eat it

Yeah, my meds make me crave carbs like crazy. But when I give in and binge eat it isn't like it's the medication making me fat, it's on me. It might make it a little harder to lose weight when you combine depression, lack of motivation, cravings, but it's by no means impossible.

Do Cocaine it makes the pounds fall off.

But muh emotional stress

Also it literally can't increase the amount of calories you get out of food, only decrease it, so CICO is the ideal in the opposite direction that these people take it

Yup. All the nuances people talk about when "Oh but CICO don't real" are nuances that work against their point. Like yes, it's not that simple. Bodies aren't perfect machines, there's a shitton of waste. That means it's harder to maintain obesity, not easier.

I thought that dude spazzed out and said he was done with reddit

He can't stop eating apparently, what makes you think he can quit reddit?

But he's constantly whinging about how bad it is.

not while elon musk is still around. he still has work to do

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Obesity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Fridge Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha


This shit really rustles my jimmies. I hate how accepting America is becoming of obesity. This will literally be the downfall or our society. The US is like 70%+ overweight and obese people, with more obese people than overweight people. IT IS THE FUCKING #1 CAUSE OF DEATH in America. THE FUCKING #2 CAUSE OF CANCER.

People getting upset because the symptoms of obesity show externally and thus make them look bad isn't worth the degeneracy. Yes there are mental issues at play that make it harder, most obese people also have mental health issues that they need evaluated as well but stop spreading false information.

Of course a few hundred kcals of vegetables would keep you satisfied longer than a few hundred kcals of ice cream, because since vegetables are low kcal you are eatting and shit ton more of them. That's like saying a 100 pennies aren't worth the same as 1 dollar because the pennies weight more.

Satiety, and Nutrition aside, LOSING WEIGHT is Kcals In < Kcals out.

Learn actual nutrition you dumb fuck.


lol u mad

I was getting mad too, but now you know what, fuck it lol

Yeah. Obesity and Marxism are my white whales (pun intended).

I think the most depressing part of the obesity epidemic is knowing that 7/10 women are fucking removed from the dating pool.

Why don't people give a shit about how they look? People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on makeup, fancy clothing and shoes, when none of that shit matters when you look like a goddamn sphere.

It takes discipline and a decent amount of self-control, no doubt. Great tasting food is fucking awesome. But it continuously surprises me that only 3/10 adults have got their shit together.

So this guy wrote this screed essentially proclaiming that he's figured out how to lose weight, but he's still a lipid laden loser?

Get this guy a shirt that says "I could be a healthy weight but all I did was nitpick basic advice."

Yes, cravings and urges can be resisted

Wait, I thought r/incels was banned...


I'm expecting a full blown Reddit shitstorm from this one

No you don't lol, that's why you're posting in a literal hugbox and one of the worst subs on Reddit.

I'd be embarrassed to post to Negareddit and I post to /r/Drama. That should tell you something.

There are like 3 subs I'm banned from that I know of. r/conservative and /r/Negareddit are two of them.

The worst of all of them is, of course, /r/onionhate. But we don't talk about those alt-root bigots.

Whats wrong with r/Onionhate?

They're anti-onion bigots.

we are not bigots. We just disagree with your culinary opinions.

"Hate" is literally in your sub name tho

\its no less hateful then r/onionlove


have you even visited r/onionlove? (on desktop with css enabled)

It's well known that onion haters maliciously took over that sub to twist it to their own ends. The real sub is /r/OnionLovers, as we focus on the people that onions bring together rather than a fanatical focus on the root vegetable itself like r/onionhate does.

thirdegree shush

nt pls


if that is a veiled criticism of pls, I won't hear it and I won't respond to it

Well said.


hey you're supposed to exchange compliments

you already know you're beautiful tho



Onions cause monkey butt head disease.

Even if that were anything other than lies and propaganda spread by the admin-created hate sub, which it is not, it would not change the fact that onions are delicious.

Incorrect! Lies! Alt-root Bigots! Onions are Yuk! Onions arent yummy! Onions are inedible! Onions cause monkey butt head! Onions kill 50,00 every year (on average)! Onions have been scientifically proven to cause cancer!

In fact, I had caramelized onions just earlier today on some fantastic french dip sliders. Sooooooo good.


That's just alt-root proganda setup by the hateful and prejudiced onion haters trying hornswoggle the world into falling for their childish and obnoxious confusion.

You guys are riding this "alt-root" pun pretty hard but onion bulbs are not roots.

Lies and slander.

Whole foods take more energy to process and digest than processed foods.

I wonder if that's part of the reason I have so much difficulty putting weight on.

Cue another tangentially related anecdote from my memory banks - I once followed a US army page for weight gain, and it led to making some pretty bizarre meals compared to what I'm used to. There was a lot of white bread, penut butter, cheese and eggs involved, principally in the form of sandwiches dipped in egg and fried in butter, and also plates of mashed potato served with avocado and bacon. You could adulterate the potato with various additives including cream, cream cheese, cheddar cheese, butter, and dried milk, and when you added all of those it made the whole plate of food unbelievably heavy! Like, several pounds, I think. I put on around 1/2 a stone in the space of about 3 weeks, but pretty much as soon as I stopped the whole lot fell right back off again. :(

So, what they seem to be saying is it's impossible to gain weight in the US army, because every time you start to eat a meal they make you run up a mountain? No surprise they are always bombing the shit out of every cunt.

No - Every time there's an attempt by a foreign agent to develop a Rambo physique, it's stymied by Friends (shown above), Ghostbusters, or Saturday Night Live

You may laugh, but there's a reason why our kids aren't crying in their pints over a 2:2 Sociology degree from Kings College...

2:2 Sociology degree

lol, that's actually a pretty funny coincidence that you should say that, considering that is in fact precisely my degree. Mind you, that's not the highest level qualification I have. That's a funny one though, I thought you'd been digging through my posting history at first.

The movies make ppl in the army look inautistic, but really they have raging autism.

Are you sure those weren't feeder fetish forums m8? Jesus christ that's repulsive to even read about

I'm surprised this is being upvoted here, as it flies in the face of what they're making fun of. According to these people you should have become a whale overnight eating like that.

I have the same problem. I eat like shit - whatever I want - but I don't gain weight. I seem to have a max weight that I simply stabilize at... I'm not trying to gain weight, I just know I can eat like this, so I do. It's nice being able to eat what I want, when I want... And I feel badly for people who can't do that. Losing weight's pretty easy for me as well - literally just kind of start watching what I eat will do it. Like my body is constantly trying to shed weight, and I have to keep up with it. And no, I'm not all that active. Most of my activity is walking from one bar to another.... Or maybe the 2 blocks from the parking garage to my office. (which I only visit about twice a week....) But, the moment I stop watching what I eat I go right back to that stable weight. Gain rapidly until I get there, and then just stop. With no effort.

Which is why I don't buy into the hyper-simplistic CICO thing. Sure, eating less will help drop weight, and eating more gain. But it's a generalization, and not the complete picture. Like saying the only part of a rocket that matters if the booster... Yeah, it's important, but you aren't going to get there on that alone. Bodies are really fucking complicated, and to pretend that the average redditor has it all figured seems plain dense to me.

I'm surprised this is being upvoted here

Hey, you know what they say - you should never downvote the lolcows.

But yeah, it is a bit of an issue for me, as I've had a few people (invariably women, if I'm honest) make unpleasant remarks about me being supposedly "skinny", which is BS actually as at 70Kg I am smack bang in the middle of my BMI range for my height (5' 10"). I would love to bulk up and get pretty jealous of visibly muscley guys, though I'm sure I am generally strong and in fairly good shape overall. But how can I get mass when I am running around like a lunatic all the time?? You need 'rest days' to bulk up, do you not? Even one day of gardening can leave my jeans kind of loose at the waist; I guess I just get dehydrated and tend to burn what little bodyfat I have off.

It's a bit of a bugger, and the pressure on men is only going to get worse IMO. A friend of mine said only bodybuilders have "proper bodies" as far as she is concerned. I was like, "WTF?? You've never set foot in a gym in your life!!" She has a bllody 'muffin top', but of course I don't mention it. I even went as far as buying a set of dumbells but at the moement they are just sat in the corner as I'm too tired from other things to get started with them. Ah well, at least we're not overweight though eh. Thank heavens for small mercies I guess.

Negareddit is full of fat dumb fucks? Color me shocked.

Even freaking Incels does that, too. Many of their revenge and world domination fantasies involve punishing Chad and Stacy with death and subjugation while they flourish as the enlightened masters of the glorious future. Somehow.

This dude literally spends all his time online ranting about power fantasies where he goes on and on about how he hates everyone that isn't him.

To keep weight loss going, you often have to lower food intake even more (to counteract the reduced metabolic rate) and remind yourself to fidget, tap your feet, twiddle your thumbs, and shiver (to recreate the missing spontaneous movement).

Or how about hitting the fucking gym or going for a bike ride or a hike or some shit. How fucking hard is this shit?


true, there's more to it than CICO: there's




those used to be universally considered virtues.

they still are of course, but only among people who aren't shit.

Hey /u/fullofwind "Muh hormones made me do it" is also a pretty common excuse for sexual assault. Care to clarify how you're not a rape apologist?

Fuck off you stupid shit, There.