StratoDaster is gone. RIP our favorite trans high school SJew mod.

37  2017-04-27 by [deleted]


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Literally who

You better watch out. The nerd patrol is gonna freak out on you for not knowing this nerd.

user reports:
1: this comment made me cry
user reports:
1: this comment made me fap
1: Shut the fuck up riemann. You are the biggest faggot ever

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

Also you post the reports but dont approve. We really have hit a new low of laziness.

hello anonymous reporter, who are you

Also you post the reports but dont approve. We really have hit a new low of laziness.

yeah probs. what if someone else wants to read them also?

If someone reports it again, it gets requeued and we can reread it.

ooh yeah, daddy

talk dirty to me

I always leave reports for other mods to see. It's just basic consideration.

user reports: 1: Do you leave reports that involve laughing at the innie you call a penis?


Another noodles alt right? the [deleted] OP an hour later?

Is that fucking psycho gonna start stalking more people or is his stalking the reason people are deleting their accounts?

yeah, the OP here was noodles. he's been back recently. he tried to extract personal information while pretending to be a girl the other week, and now he's just popping in now and then to comment randomly. he'll probably give up soon again, i'd wager he's just not getting as many shifts at his job or he failed a class and dropped it so he's craving some validation from these parts.

Jesus christ he needs another handler. Or his caregiver needs to take away all internet-accessible devices. What a fucking jackalope

Why are you obsessing over Noodles so much? His trolling plans usually fail, but I can understand why he acts the way he does. You never even gave him a chance.

hi noodles

Case in point.

Arf Arf

Comments like this make legitimately feel bad for Noodles.

Well assuming you aren't Noodles (which we all know you are), he's impersonated dozens of people and tried to catfish other users, as well as pretending to be /r/riemann1413 and saying he was going to rape and kill Jewdank and a lot of other unsavory stuff like stick her toothbrush in the toilet and poop in her cabinets.

I don't really care if you think I'm Noodles or not, but you're missing the point regardless. While he is of course responsible for his actions, like anybody is, the way in which the /r/Drama regulars, in particular /u/riemann1413, acted towards him pushed him to pursue all those stupid attempts at cat fishing. They never even gave him a chance, it was all arf arf from the very start.

okay noodles

It's kaalaaaa, not noodles.

I don't care whether you're Noodles or Kaalaaaa, either way you should drink the stuff under the sink.

God you are so fucking weird.


user reports:
1: mansplaining

Noodles isn't a person, silly goose, he's a personality disorder.

The poster of this thread is noodles, but Stratodaster's deletion was unrelated to noodles.

Yeah, she deleted her account because she was moving and making life changes and all that shit. but now she isn't in our modmailjerk and there's a hole in my heart

Maybe one day he will find somebody stupid enough to fall for his catfishing and he will finally calm down.

somebody stupid enough to fall for his catfishing and he will finally calm down

we have a lot of stupid people around these parts, but i do believe only noodles will ever be stupid enough to fall for something like that

i was catfished once in my youth, tho

Tell us a story grandpa Rie

i was pretty young, and used the internet about as often as i do now

a gay dude pretended to be a woman to get lewd pictures out of twinkmann1413. as a lad, i decided it was worth the risk of supplying a pedophile his fix on the off chance an real live woman would look at my unsullied dingus. shortly after they admitted to being a gay dude 1-2 years older than me when they sent an actual timestamped pic, and i told them it wasn't polite to lie.

not very exciting tbh

How many battlenet gift cards did you send them tho? Poor noodles got taken for at least $40 bucks.


Btw I'm a v pretty girl can you send me dix pix plz? Only if it's feminine tho thx

ok pm'd


Edit: found em, right below my invite to r/LeakedJewdankSnaps - it's a great peen pal you should be proud.

Goddam I wish someone would have told me that. I need Hearthstone cards.

It's never too late - show him some e-lovin' and I'm sure an expansion deck is in your future

wow gay

you had a chance to see real bussy and you welched

you and that dude could have been married by now with a cute little 1bed1bath in Portland

that dude's name? /u/zachums

I'm sorry I lied to you.

I once baited someone from a chatroom circa early 2000s and cybered jusssttt enough to make myself uncomfortable, and then described to them how I was a werewolf and bit their dick off. I'm actually surprised I haven't been contacted by MTV to be featured on a catfish episode

proud of you

when you think about it, noodles is really just the "cycle of abuse" theory applied to catfishing. he got fished, so now he has to make others feel his pain and suffer his trauma. it would be sad if he wasnt already a pathetic excuse for a human being who should have killed himself a long time ago regardless

Another noodles alt right?

alt right


Literally this but unironically


Good, teenagers shouldn't be hanging out here anyway

i sincerely hope nobody here is over 19

We talkin' physical age or mental age? Asking for a friend.

the average r/drama user age is 45, actually

that's just /u/cuckslovetrump and the other old guy bringing up the average tho, they are like 75

i saw them talking about how funny it was watching Carol Burnett live once

if the first time you saw robin williams wasn't a disney movie you are too old to post here

You're mostly disappointed she's of legal age now aren't you noodles?


user reports:
1: Misgendering people is awesome!
1: This, but transexually.

hey man, some edgy NEETs just need a safe space to cry about transexuals without being banned. due to our rules, they'll always be able to find that here. it's okay to just point and laugh and remember that you've actually touched a boob

I only typed 3 letters, Riemann. Did i strike a nerve?

>everybody who makes fun of me just triggered!

I don't like to pull the trigger-card, but your response does seem overblown compared to my post.

Do you ever add anything of substance? Or just cliched shitposts, rehashed circlejerks, inane commentary and.. well this?

Sorry if that sounds harsh. Parroting the conventional counterjerk is I guess good to some degree but this sub could deal with a bit more substance, critical thinking, insight, etc. We shouldn't be alright with ad naseum repetition of what has been said countless times. At least try to move the needle, advance our understanding of where we are and where popcorn is headed or add something new.

That doesn't sound harsh at all, just incredibly autistic.

You're doing quality control on /r/drama, for God's sake.

I've been here for a long time under different alts. Most people on here find you excruciatingly cringe worthy. Stop with these off topic exchanges, you're embarrassing yourself.

I understand if you choose the easy way and disregard what I say as a one-off troll or whatever. That you rationalize a way to stay despite no one here actually liking you. Can't blame you really. If I was like you I would probably do the same. Thank god I'm not in your position mate.

I see, you take /r/drama very seriously, and you see it as your duty to keep the quality high.

Good job!

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

np m80, even autists need recognition.

Why did you delete teh Alicia Keys thread by the way?

Spring cleaning

You should've just deleted your account like atakeonhooper did

It will happen eventually, no need to rush

Your two self righteous rants are by FAR the most cringe worthy things in this entire thread so..

Is this pasta fresh?!

Noodles Delenda Est.

Oh damn, you sly fuck, you made me eat stale pasta.

I guess that's what i get for not browsing SRD.

user reports:
1: Shut the fuck up Ultrashitpost. You are the biggest faggot ever

That was your own report, wasn't it?

nope, i never report things here, just on SRD for giggles. i'm p sure mod reports come through labeled as "mod reports" anyway

i also don't really feel the need to call people faggots, i've made it past 8th grade

hello that was my report AMA

What went wrong in your life that you ended up like this?

Pretty much all of it.

You want to talk about it?

maybe another time. Got to go to work now.

Please refrain from using homophobic language in r/Drama, you might hurt somebody's feelings.

ok. But I mean all I did was take one of the other reports in the thread directed towards Rie and change the username.

Ironic homophobia is still homophobia. Go to your room and think about what you have done.


Thank you for your service.

why do you make riemann look sane?

I don't know. Why are you replying to a 2 day old post?

I would wager several percentages of 1 bitcoin many other users have felt that way at one point or another

But for real though, 100% sincere butthurt, no doubt.

>everybody who makes fun of me is just triggered!

>the Riemann doth protest too much

As ever

u can't see reports because you're not sexy enough to be a metamod tho

user reports: 1: 'sexy' sure is a novel way to describe a bunch of smelly, greasy fags and weirdos

Sadly it's pretty common :(

how dare you describe /u/Oxus007 that way

hello I'm like a 7/10 please put me on the modteam thanks

cb2 kindly fuck off

yeah but I mod there ~ironically~

plus they only gave me mail access. I need more power to trip on.

the real question is, how good are you at eating sandwiches

depends on the sandwich fam.

Hello I'm still here waiting for my mod status

modmail a picture of your balls to /r/dumbsford

eh maybe tommorow. Its past midnight here. The lighting will be all off.


wow ok rude. Here I am just trying to peacefully go to bed, and then i get cyberbullied. I can't deal with this

But you typed 4 characters. Sure only 3 of them were letters, but you still hit 4 keys.

My original statement still holds true.

Maybe technically, but the point of your comment was to show how little effort you put in. It was pretty deceptive for you to say that you only used 3 letters, when you still had to hit 4 keys. That's a 33.33% increase in keystrokes. Please stop trying to treat us like we're all fools. A few of us aren't.

user reports:
1: Shut the fuck up riemann. You are the biggest faggot ever
1: class-shaming NEETs like a true leftist

i'm sorry you are poor, hopefully things get better for you :(

user reports:
1: Shut the fuck up riemann. You are the biggest faggot ever
1: class-shaming NEETs like a true leftist

i'm sorry you're poor, anonymous reporter. hopefully things get better for you! :(

the least these spergs can do is come up with an original mental disorder to identify with. every other redditor is a white tranny with depression and social anxiety. they took something that was mildly entertaining and ran it into the dirt just like they did with every other meme that crosses their path.

e d g y

would you happen to be a white tranny with depression and social anxiety?

nope, just not an angry shut-in tard who can't stop thinking about other people's genitals and behavior lmao

yet here you are being a tard and talking about other people's genitals and behavior

maybe you're doing this with a group of friends spectating, i don't know

Yes, don't let him tell you different.

user reports:
1: Shut the fuck up riemann. You are the biggest faggot ever
1: Do us a favour and stick that pepper in your flair up your ass you autist
1: class-shaming NEETs like a true leftist

i am sorry you're poor, anonymous reporter :(


💉🔪 💉🔪💉🔪edgy shit edgY sHit 🔪thats 🔫some edgy💉💉 shit right 🔪th🔪 ere💉💉💉 right there 🚬🚬if i do ƽaү so my self 🔫i say so 🔫 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ🔫 🔪🔪🔪НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ🔪🔪🔪 🔫 💉💉 🔪🔪 Edgy shit

Hey this isn't CB2

You're forgetting that I'm barely legal myself.

Holding me to the same standards as the 25 year old NEETs on here is unfair and oppressive.

I just wanted to confirm that only someone as retarded as you would post this, and I was right. Surprise surprise.

A nineteen year old college student should have enough common sense to know that sending nudes to a minor is a bad idea.

inb4 "it's almost legal in my state"


The age-old question remains: did Strato have bussy or gussy?

i think it's actually called trussy


The fuck is this?

Stop overcomplicating things, it's a fucking girl-bussy. This fucking sub, Jesus fucking Christ.


I tried to tell em last week bby, they don't listen.

Thank you bb, I knew I could count on you.

Fighting a losing battle with these morons tho.

user reports: 1: haha, I'm the arbiter of the SUPER HOT bussy meme cuz im a fag, i sure am a funny kooky character

Someone is jealous that they're not as good a fag as I am.

I'm getting conflicting messages from you mods about proper ussyage.

/u/riemann1314 couldn't tell the difference between a bussy and a photograph of spaghetti bolognese. Ignore him.

can it you absolute fucking poof. i'm a connoisseur. i'm sorry most of the bussy you manage to get uncovered look like a worn out old shoe. i bet your tailpipe is so beaten out it feels like circus peanuts stuffed in a cardboard tube.

The only thing I shall be canning is the misinformation surrounding bussy and bussy-adjacent matters.

Also (not that it matters, your slut-shaming has been noted) I shall have you know that my chocolate starfish is neat, petite and ready to eat

post pics then


i'd consider it, but i know a degenerate queer would only squander it on anal bleach and poppers.

uhhhhhhh no sorry it's actually Gucci. I'm an expert, trust me

gussy is a known quantity

whoa don't get it twisted

i still fuck girl bussy

I can see we are getting nowhere

with a bussy like yours, there's nowhere to go


They always posted the most awesome stuff!

Come back to us StratoDaster. 😿

I miss Dornish more tbh

Whatever happened to her? I was away when she RIP'd.

Well, I know she was doxed by u/heel_the_bern, whose account was subsequently deleted. Maybe another Noodles alt? That account apparently messaged her with her pictures, hopefully never released. I don't know, I'm not too familiar with regulars here but I remember that happening, and it was fucked

Holy shit that's crazy. Heel the Bern is a jewdank alt ahaha. Fuck, that sucks. Much love dorn, wherever you are.

Oh shit really? Well damn fuck jewdank then, shit. What a bitch! Ugh I wish I could ping her and be super mean :(

Yeah, they had always beefed but only because dorn was another woman on the Internet, and that was unacceptable to jewdank. Never thought it would go that far though. Probably the reason jewdank is also RIP. Not a trade I would make though :/

Well, when jewdank fury-quit her account it was after noodles had threatened to rape her in a chatroom, and probably had her personal info whereabouts because a) she was not smart about subtlety and b) he is a goddamn idiotic fucking retard.

What a sad state of affairs these drama regulars weave. Perhaps the lesson we should all learn is to not cyberbully. Or maybe, we need more cyberbullying. I don't know. Dornish was the only innocent in this tragedy

Oh. I also missed the meme on jewdank deleting her shit. God Damn it noodles stop ruining reddit you fuck stick.

(._. )




Lmao, you guys are just now getting to this? She's been gone for weeks.