Neoliberal upvote party sends an anti-Sanders post masquerading as an anti-Trump post to r/all. Trumpets and Berniebros triggered.

135  2017-05-01 by fizolof


Cool story, bro


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being this new

le drumpf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Dirty dumb newfag scum.

You might want to sit down for this one


So r/Neoliberalism is ESS2: Electoral Boogaloo?

Was about to post this. They have all the smugness disguising their pent up rage but they've really missed the wave.

Wahhhh, I don't like it when people break the Sanders circlejerk on reddit!


That's all I or anyone sees when you post.

I don't care for Sanders in the slightest lol. Try again crybaby.

You're knee jerk response to seeing a negative bernie post is to bitch about smug ESS users. Perhaps some self-reflection is in order.

You're knee jerk response to seeing negative Bernie post

leans into mic... WRONG. I've been called a jerk but never a knee jerk...

Once again, I do not like Bernie in the slightest. Perhaps you should self-reflect and ask yourself: if someone doesn't like Bernie, why would they knee jerk react to a negative Bernie post? Give it a think, I'm rooting for you buddy!

if someone doesn't like Bernie, why would they knee jerk react to a negative Bernie post?

I dont fucking know, you tell me.

I don't know what mental diseases motivate your comments.

Okay I'll spoon feed you. They don't, because I wasn't reacting to a negative Bernie post, just making fun of tards like you. Don't over thunk buddy you'll tire yourself out.

I'll spoon feed you

Funny insult coming from a big government proponent.

You should probably kill yourself along with all the other socialist retards in this thread.

Funny coming from someone who's opening line was "wahhhh" I naturally assumed you needed spoon feeding.

This is a right leaning sub btw

Conservatives for Bernie?

I dont fucking know, you tell me.

That's the problem, none of you retards actually think. you just regurgitate talking points and fight strawmen you make in your head.

Where did I regurgitate anything and what strawman did I bring up? Fucking delusional nigger.

I'm saying faggots like you can't think. Your kind just post links and talking points that others have made for you.

You disgusting ableist pig

I don't belong here?

I am a socialist who is literally willing to die to implement socialism. I literally dream of the day that I will die of a bullet to the chest fighting fascism in the streets.

I have no other desire in the world other than to see the end of capitalism. I don't desire love, I don't care for material objects, I don't care for social status. My only desire is to fight and die for the cause.

At this point, I consider myself to be nothing more than an instrument of the socialist revolution. Nothing else matters to me. Death doesn't scare me. Prison doesn't scare me. Nothing scares me.

My life for socialism. My life for the revolution.

(Yeah, that was kind of dramatic, but I meant every word of it.)

Well done. This is the cringiest thing I've read today.

It's a pasta you boner

Is this pasta?

Dang, that's pretty euphoric.

This but ironically

I am a capitalist who is literally willing to die to implement socialism. I literally dream of the day that I will die of a bullet to the chest fighting communism in the streets.

I have no other desire in the world other than to see the end of communism. I don't desire love, I don't care for abstract concepts, I don't care for social status. My only desire is to fight and die for the cause.

At this point, I consider myself to be nothing more than an instrument of the capitalist revolution. Nothing else matters to me. Death doesn't scare me. Prison doesn't scare me. Nothing scares me.

My life for capitalism. My life for the revolution.

(Yeah, that was kind of dramatic, but I meant every word of it.)

why is a capitalist fighting communists to implement socialism


(I'll fix it, lol)

I am a faggot who is literally willing to die to fuck bussy. I literally dream of the day that I will die of AIDS fucking bussy in the streets.

I have no other desire in the world other than to see my dick in bussy. I don't desire love, I don't care for material objects, I don't care for social status. My only desire is to fuck bussy.

At this point, I consider myself to be nothing more than an instrument of /r/drama. Nothing else matters to me. Death doesn't scare me. Prison doesn't scare me. Nothing scares me.

My life for bussy. My life for /r/drama.

(Yeah, that was kind of dramatic, but I meant every word of it.)

Thus but unironically

I am a socialist who is literally willing to die to implement socialism.

Can you do everybody a favor then and just skip to the end stage of your plan then

>eating the pasta

death would be a mercy for you tbhqwymm

I thought you were the creator of the pasta. I've been bamboozled.

I came.

I am a socialist who is literally willing to die to implement socialism

I'm glad you are willing to die for it.

the primary was like a year ago what the fuck is wrong with your dumbass ?

The only place I see Sanders on reddit anymore is in the hate jerk subs about him. Do you not think it's time to move on 🤔

Normal people think both Trump and Sanders are fucking idiots. How is this news?

Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

tbf though americans aren't exactly normal people

Only because no one ever cared enough to bring out the opportunity research

... great?

Neolib is opposed to all populism, left or right so Trump get criticised as much as Sanders. It's a meme sub for radical centrists and our ideology of peace.


the only thing we have to lose is our borders!

Yay diversity is so great! 1 global culture is much better than 100s of regional cultures. Wait...

The four sacred freedoms:

  1. Free movement of goods
  2. Free movement of capital
  3. Freedom to establish and provide services
  4. Free movement of persons

You forgot one more.

Free helicopter rides.

anyway you want to mayocide is a good way, pinaboo

Indeed. Start off with the aristocrat wannabes first. They are just the mindless puppets for the elite.

Being sincere in this belief.

What? My actual belief, or the sarcasm meant to point out the neolib hypocrisy? Or did you just not realize I was being sarcastic?

This, by unironically.

this, but simultaneously pre and post ironically

Neolib is opposed to all populism

so its a site for aristocracy? an anti-democracy sub that for some reason allows people to upvote and downvote

Wow, its just like the Anarchist subs with stringent rules and hierarchies. People can't even ideology right.


Bingo. A bunch of closet aristocrat wannabes who can't see they are next on the chopping block after the lower class is decimated.

And their influence in the Democratic Party is gaining rapidly. Dems used to be the party of FDR. They fought for the poor, disabled, working class, and elderly Americans. And what do these clowns stand for? Open borders so people come flooding in from across the world to change the culture and lower the bargaining power of American labor even further, defending the barbaric ideology of Islam just because most members are PoC, and other trivial social issues that nobody outside of coastal cities give a fuck about.

These idiots are why Republicans will control government of the next 50 years. Why vote for Republican-lite when you can just vote for Republicans?

TBH I think they peaked with Bill. Bernie going the distance and millennials weird comfort with marxism will probably force them to go economic lefty.

TBH I think they peaked with Bill

that was neo-liberalism. "third way democrats"

ironically in the 1992 election the billionaire was the most financially liberal guy.

the democrats that were for the working class essentially died out once the hippies in the late 60s helped throw LBJ out of office because of Vietnam despite his huge social liberal polices at the time, the fact that we aren't even close to what he accomplished back then really shows you how much of an idiot those people were.

Carter was a nice attempt at trying to go back to that sort of liberalism, but despite one of the best backgrounds a US presidential candiate has had in recent history, (was a pretty good farmer and was governor of the 15th largest state at the time, plus was an officer in the armed forces in a highly specialized field, lived on social services) he pretty much had life experiences that would have helped him excel in all areas of the presidency and knowledge of the workings of most of the departments. He also had the most support in congress since LBJ and the most congressional support of a non-war time president since the 1920s.

Basically everything about him and the circumstances at the time meant he pretty much had the power to do anything. He could have made FDR look like Trump in terms of liberalism. And he failed completely. he was so bad at his job he destroyed liberalism in the country. And this was before corporate democrats controlled the party. Most were hugely supportive of social policies. And yet despite all that he got his ass handed to him by Reagan. to the point that it took 36 years before an actual working class democrat was able to get so much support in this country.

They fought for the poor, disabled, working class, and elderly Americans.

Um, the centre-left still does with welfare and healthcare spending. Did you miss all those years where Obama tried to get universal healthcare and it was Republicans who were basically saying to the public "healthcare is bad, right". Did you forget Democrats trying not to let the government shut-down and default?

The only difference between now and then is that the centre-left has realised two things; 1) the free market is good for generating wealth but shit at distributing it, so some redistribution is necessary. Markets are not an enemy to be vanquished, so long as they are properly regulated and there is some redistribution.

2) Hard left antics do not win elections in the West; Sanders, Corbyn, Melenchon in France, Die Linke in Germany, Greens parties, Dukakis, Mondale. Can't help anyone without power, can't get power without winning elections.

Hard left antics do not win elections in the West

How have centrist antics been working for the Democrats? :^)

I mean in terms of votes, pretty alright. Had a Democrat in the Oval for eight years and won the popular vote for a bunch of presidential elections running. Votes sure aren't everything tho.

Can't help anyone without power, can't get power without winning elections.


Votes sure aren't everything tho.

Girl, what?

Can't help anyone without power

So, pretty terribly is your answer?

I'm not sure I'm ready to have this dumb of an argument

I don't know what this is but I like it ok

And I like you 😘


Because it's several steps up from where you usually are?

C'mon that's like the basic bitch of insults, you're better than that.

you're better than that.

Not if I can help it

Dems have basically zero influence in 36 state legislatures because they only turn up every four or eight years to push shit neoliberal policy from their base in a couple cities.

Hell they fought against Obama who ran on what 90% of what Bernie was saying.

Now there's angry circlejerking against Bernie because he dared run against Hillary who lost to the biggest piece of shit anyway.

It's weird that I'm finding myself defending centrist crap that I don't even like but this comment is a pretty weird perversion of what's actually happening. I also wonder where we completely lost the actual meaning of the word "neoliberalism."

Basically the DNC has it's head shoved up it's own ass so far they actually viewed Hillary as the most progressive candidate and anything else was an existential threat.

Hillary's campaign and the DNC by extension would go on to say that she was almost against the TPP (which she wasn't) that health care costs were lower (they weren't) and that the economy was doing great (which most average voters aren't doing better than pre-recession levels, especially with the healthcare increases).

Then the campaign, the media, the corporate sponsors raged hard at anyone who disagreed. Bernie showed up and said most of the same things that Obama did, about how the government was corrupt, people's livelihood suck, and wanted to make it better. Sure he was a bad candidate-too old and few accomplishments and some of his things were a little too pie in the sky for a lot of people. But he spoke past the gated communities and the lifetime politicians who had zero clue how the American population felt after 2008.

Yeah here is actually where I agree with you. HRC was a garbage bullshit candidate and the Democratic party as an institution has absolutely failed whatever progressive ideals that are a part of its mission. I just see it as a dearth of ideas, inspiration, and leadership more than anything.

The way it's set up now, there will always be a struggle within a party between progressive/populist elements and a party establishment which favors its own security and consolidation over its ideals. It has been happening on the right too, for a while. Ultimately who wins out often reflects the quality of leadership, or at least how that leadership speaks to people.

The neoliberals refuse to let anyone touch their sacred cows of industry, the defense industry, banking, and education. I believe Sanders was wrong about college needing to be free- but that he didn't understand that it's nearly become useless and high school education has been extremely lacking.

But Hillary put zero effort into winning over the rust belt. It's pretty ironic to have anyone blame Bernie for anything really.

You know those wounds won't lick themselves.

Anyway maybe it's cynical but I believe if you can't overcome tribalism, you're left with promoting your own tribe and trying to draw others into it. That's the trajectory Sanders represented IMO, and it's what others most resented about him.

Anyway maybe it's cynical but I believe if you can't overcome tribalism, you're left with

That why I saw Hillary as so bad. She flipped on so many issues and only ran on how bad Trump was. Sure she had pages of policy designed for years focus grouped to be the most popular only for her to ditch it. Hell Hillary supporters were still saying how great the TPP was and it didn't matter.

it's almost always been a nonsense word used to mean any of several mutually exclusive things

just like every other political concept that tried to base its name on its novelty rather than its substance

Well that's interesting. Thanks.

I recent decades? alright, Bill and Barack won two elections each and Gore and Hillary won the popular vote but lost the Presidency due to a system that favours collecting lots of rural states. 2004 being the only Electoral College and popular loss for a Democrat in recent times.

Better than the abysmal performances of the 70s and 80s. And better than the hard left 2016 candidates did (:

And in other Westerns nations it varies. Australia, France and Germany have a good chance of having a centre left leader in their next elections. Britain's centre-left party however is proving why doctrinaires don't win.

So what do the moderate Democrats plan on doing with all this power they've managed to procure?

I never said the last election was good. Simply, that I seriously doubt that a guy who calls himself a socialist, has praised Latin American left wing dictatorships, who refuses to release his tax returns, wants to raise taxes, is a career politicians with little show for it and couldn't win most of his party would do any better.

Maybe I'm wrong. But looking at the electoral results of the past and seeing how close this one was, I think that the problem was simply Clinton was not a good candidate even if she would have been a good Pres.

Hard left antics do not win elections in the West


Our way didn't work either, but it's different. Trust me.

Clinton won the popular vote and moderates have been competitive in recent decades.

Or are you actually suggesting that one election in one country requires a massive shift and ignore the political landscape.

Or are you actually suggesting that one election in one country requires a massive shift

No, I think there are many more reasons for a massive shift.

Wow no wonder Sander's favourability ratings are so shit

Bill and Barack won two elections each and Gore and Hillary won the popular vote but lost the Presidency due to a system that favours collecting lots of rural states.

Bill and Barack managed to bring about massive congressional republican majorities, and Gore and Hillary winning at a game that doesn't count or matter doesn't make up for their inability to win at the game that was actually being played.

And Reagan and Bush 1 never had a full Republican congress all their Presidencies and Bush didn't have a red congress for 4 years. What's the point here?

And the vote means that the meme of the evil centre-left that no-one likes is wrong. Especially when Gore was 600 votes in one state away from winning. Considering the Greens drained a couple of million votes nationally, this is very relevant.

Britain's centre-left party

Blair was pretty good the support for the Iraq War is what destroyed Labour, and Corbyn and the far left has done so terribly that even celebrities like JK Rowling are telling people its ok to vote conservative. When you are so bad at being a politican that SJWs are saying they will vote Conservative, you know you fucked up

Obama tried to get universal healthcare

Obama never tried to get universal healthcare; he tried to get a shitty rube goldberg device of a Republican policy that helps some people at the cost of fucking over a lot more.

the centre-left has realised two things; 1) open markets are good for generating wealth but shit at distributing it, so some redistribution is necessary.

Congratulations to the center left on working out what the regular left knew in the 1940s.

the center left on sort-of working out what the regular left knew in the 1940s.

They didn't, as taxes and tariffs were more restrictive, trade was not as free and governments occupied a much larger position in the economy than in recent decades. Neoliberal economics has only been around since the 80s and 90s.

The 80s is where everything began to go downhill, so thanks for that.

You guys literally only have two graphs you can spam, right?

Once again denizens of the far left don't like information or anything that conflicts their "ebil (((bankers and capitalists))) eat children and destroy the world" mythology.

Must feel sad knowing that Third Way policy helps poor people more than Marxism/anarchism.

you're mixing up your shitposts, it's the trump people who think the evil of the world is jewish central bankers

u are bad at bantz


trump people and right-libertarians

Tomato, tamaydo. The end result is the same; poverty, authoritarianism, social decay, corruption, wars, mass death.

these shitposts are legitimately worse than those from the regulars of this sub

i cannot impress upon you how sad that is

PS: capitalism has been unable to deal with the total collapse in global biodiversity, it is a failed system that needs to be replaced

Wealthy capitalist nations are the most eco-friendly. And neoliberal capitalism has made possible various innovations in green tech; solar panels becoming cheaper, establishment of wind turbines, greener farming practises, carbon pricing.

And the communist regimes were not eco-friendly.

it is a failed system that needs to be replaced

Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other ideology, including the failed communist regimes and anarchist utopias that are impossible to implement beyond the commune.

I actually like eating food and not being thrown into gulags for wrongthink heresy against the Marxist party or criticising the Dear Leader.

Every capitalist nation has failed to solve the biodiversity problem. Capitalism's standards of ecofriendliness are so insufficient, theyre destroying the long-term carrying capacity of the Earth at an increasing clip.

It's no good to scream about North Korea when you're dooming the entirety of humanity's future generations to nonexistence.

Wrong. Fossil fuels being harmful for the climate wasn't common knowledge until the mid-lateish 20th century. How were people in the 1920s or 1870s supposed to know burning oil is eating away the Ozone layer? And it's not like Marxist regimes weren't building inefficient factories, urban sprawl and lower yield farmlands that need more land and water to keep up.

An exploding population due to poverty, lack of education/contraceptives, corruption and lack of civil society in most 3rd World countries* places further strain upon resources. Causes of this over-population are in part created and sustained by lesser forms of governance, be it feeble states with crude unregulated economies or Marxist/traditionalist/religious authoritarian states.

Blaming capitalism broadly for environmental degradation is silly and simplistic when nationalist dictators, communist one party states, religious fundamentalism and anarchist/voluntaryist ideologies have all failed to provide a workable economic and social alternative or a solution to climate change/ecological harm.

Say what you want, but it's market economies with some state guidance/intervention that have done the most for the environment. The only communist solution to climate change was reducing pollution via mass starvation and purges.

burning oil is eating away the Ozone layer

You people are functionally illiterate about everything but econ lmao, you're here to talk environmental science when you think burning oil destroys the ozone layer

hahahah what a fucking idiot

You know what I mean, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases. This is not an academic piece so I can afford to be sloppy. Especially when talking to a ideologue.

Why would I talk to someone who gets the very basics wrong? What possible could you say that was informed or interesting? It's like talking math with someone who doesn't know their times tables.


Its a nice infographic to throw around, bit clearly just manipulating data to make it look like everything's hunky dory. Categorisation and definition of poverty for example, extreme poverty considered to be around 1.5 billion currently with half the words population overall living in poverty, clearly not reflected on your graph because goalposts have been shifted.

Obama tried to get universal healthcare

What? He started with a centrist plan with no single-payer and let the Blue Dog Dems/GOP/mother-fucking-Lieberman pull it to the right.

The corporate media hates the left. Of course they'll never win anything with this system.

We aristocrats do the chopping around here, not you commoners.

You're mistaken of you think you are the aristocrat. Your kind is the ones that gets disposed of once you outlive your usefulness to the true powers.

Are you implying we don't have true powers?

You definitely don't.

Is that why you paid me money? =D

Lol delusional

"Hah! Doesn't he know that everyone is poor like me?!"

"Hah! I make two dollars above min wage. I'm the captain of the industry, why doesn't he respect my position!"

"Come! We should all be poor like me!"

As long as you can finally admit it. Its sad watching the bootlicks play pretend master.

I love the defeatism of the middle-class.

Defeatist, in a time of rise of populism, resurgence of nationalistic right wing identity and fall of Hillary Clinton.


Goddamn you people are out of touch with reality. Oh well,you better run along to your masters, their boots need a tongue cleaning.

The best part is America used to kill nationalist-socialist wholesale just 80 years ago.

Can't wait to actually bring back the guillotines on the populists again!

Can't wait to actually bring back the guillotines on the populists again!

Glad we are in agreement on something

Oh well as long as I can send your job to Mexico or India or China I'm happy.

stop trying to convince people to care about poors, it's not going to happen

Who said anything about caring about the poor? Getting rid of these collectivist hive mind globalist faggots is the cause. The skies will be dark with helicopters.

no they wont

There is nothing about democracy that is inherently populist.

Yes the opposite of populism is clearly aristocracy, you got it.

Democracy =/= Populism

so its a site for aristocracy?

Is that what we call educated people now? I like it


So they are unpopular?

Populism refers to a politics that divides society into the righteous pure public who are always right and a shadowy evil elite. No nuance. Populists tend to have simple impractical answers to complicated problems, like blaming Wall St or Mexicans for everything.

So what you are saying is all political parties (who get elected) are populist?

Not really, I don't remember Obama indulging in Trump/Sanders rhetoric of conspiracies and an oppressive regime that seeks to destroy the nation.

Google "obama blames" and see what comes up.

As opposed to your politics, in which the elite are always right and the rest of us should either go along or we're bad. Very nuance.

in which the elite are always right and the rest of us should either go along or we're bad.

"b-b-but you do it too"

Getting mad at your hypocrisy being called out is very Trumpian.

Garbage arguments get garbage answers.

I know you are but what am I?

But it doesn't matter because WE'RE RIGHT

Not even just that, they're on the right side of history, because in history, the good guys always win and they're the good guys, so their victory is certain.

How does it feel for sanders to be on the wrong side of history.

How does it feel for Hillary to be on the wrong side of history

how does it feel for Mussolini to be on the wrong side of history

Don't actually support fascists either.

how does it feel


Populists tend to have simple impractical answers to complicated problems, like blaming Wall St or Mexicans for everything.

Or Sanders for making Hillary lose the election?

Did Clinton do that? or her followers. I see people acknowledging many factors in the defeat; Clinton's lack of charisma, being 4 more years of Obama, Electoral College, low vote turnout, third parties, lack of Clinton presence in the Mid-West, Comey letter, not reading the political zeitgeist and yeah, Sanders fuelling the idea that Clinton is a terrible candidate who wont help anyone.

Doesn't sound like a "this one thing destroyed everything and only I can save it".

Listening to the ESS crowd, you'd swear that Hillary would have been the clear winner had Bernie never entered the race; "Bernie failed to control his Bernie bros", "Hillary could have saved her campaign money fighting Trump instead of Bernie", and "all of the Bernie bros cast their votes for Trump". Demonizing Bernie at this point makes zero sense, especially multiple times per day. r/Neoliberalism is now less of a political sub and more of a circlejerk sub.

Listening to the ESS crowd

Ah right, those guys. Yeah, that's too much malice for me and they just take it too far.

That's kind of the point of my top comment, ESS seems to have taken over r/Neoliberal. When there are multiple demonizing posts in a day, it should be obvious what direction a sub is heading. If you don't want that, I can only recommend to comment early in posts and be vocal; you might be down voted to hell, but your opinion is there.

You give us too much credit man lol

Neo-libs love low skill immigration because uncontrolled it drives down wages and working conditions, which means more money for their rich sugardaddies to hide away in an offshore tax haven.

Meh it's just a buzzword.

But are they opposed to mayocide? You see, I'm a single-issue voter.

the bussy lobby won't be happy to hear that

radical centrists

This is like the fellowkids.jpg of trying to sound politically cool. No wonder Hillary "Pokemon Go to the Polls" Clinton was your candidate.

I was not aware that it was a campaign slogan officially used, but whatever.

Anyway, the point is that not everyone wants a narcissist con man who tricked coal miners into thinking he is their friend or a calcifying socialist who likes Venezuela.

Clinton was your candidate.

Wasn't my preference either, but if she is the only one who steps up who isn't the aforementioned choices, what can you do? Republicans weren't excited by Romney 2012 either.

mfw you actually think a standard center-left european-style Social Democrat is "Socialist."

No, but he calls himself that. As will the Republicans if he's ever the nominee. Americans hate the word socialist and most yanks legitimately think universal healthcare is socialism.

And he's not running in Europe.

So because he misuses a word, you're going to go along with him and misuse the word? lol.

most legitimately think universal healthcare is socialism

And the reason this is true is because of people who are neoliberal who have been saying anything left of only private healthcare is socialist. So uh, good job?

Sure, why not?

And the reason this is true is because of people who are neoliberal who have been saying anything left of only private healthcare is socialist. So uh, good job?

Fox, Breitbart and Limbaugh are neo-liberals?

I don't know what you'd call the Blue Dog democrats that fought against the public option in the ACA but I'd call them neoliberal.

I don't know what you'd call the Blue Dog democrats that fought against the public option in the ACA but I'd call them neoliberal.

Well, that's, like, your opinion man, but I have to point out that since you appear to discuss /r/neoliberal in particular and not some abstract neoliberals, a large number of guys tend to support not just socialized healthcare but also the Universal Basic Income. And those who don't, don't because they think that it wouldn't work all that well, not because fuck you got mine.

Fox, Breitbart and Limbaugh are neo-liberals?

in common parlance, yeah. not breitbart tho

So because he misuses a word

lmao is this supposed to be serious?

No wonder Sander's favourability is so bad

We support plenty of social democrats in Europe, Sanders' policies wouldn't fly with them, because they care about helping people, not tricking stupid white kids.

Hillary really was divorced from reality. Part of her campaign was declaring a cartoon frog as a hate symbol.

our pure ideology of jacking off the wealthy.

Compared to Venezuela, North Korea, the Islamic State or Russia? sure, absolutely.

scandanavia tho

scandinavia is super friggin' neoliberal though

Literally peak neoliberalism

Yes, but we also plan to make everyone wealthy, and then it'll just be free handjobs

we also plan to make everyone wealthy

By gutting the middle class, great plan sport

Fuck white people, I'm just trying to give the global poor a wealth transfer


Every neolib's favorite excuse for sucking off the wealthy.


Wait but how is stealing jobs from coal miners and giving them to the Vietnamese not good for the global poor


How are you able to type while jacking off richer cocks at the same time?

Comparative advantage, idiot. I gave my job to an immigrant and exploited her for her labor.

More than that, they have a constructive agenda and define what they're for, not just by what they're against

No Sanders is as equally as bad as Trump, Hitler, Gary Johnson, and that guy who sat two seconds too long at the green light.

that guy who sat two seconds too long at the green light.

Whoa. You went too far there.

Looks to be the the new protest sub of the week.

Day of the helicopter rides when?

pinaboo pls go

Why don't you take a seat on this helicopter friendo.

Helicopter idles

Pinochet was your doing. I really have to thank you and Kissinger. Why is Pinochet not 50 upvotes higher?

look we can all sit around pointing fingers about who overthrew whose democratically elected socialist government in a violent coup

or we can let bygones be bygones and just collectively agree that pinabooism is very not kawaii

I knew I should have gotten my pilots license.

Soon.... soon...

Not surprising Hillary voters are fucking retarded, but at least they have an idiot like Sanders to fall back on.

Didn't your dad kill himself?

You should do the same thing.

Hillary voters trying to shitpost. A juxtaposition for the ages. You'd think by now they'd have a semi understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

no they got the hang of it, just five months too late

which makes their shitposting worthless, like actual shitposts

Sanders probably would have won if he were 10 years younger and didn't look like a mental asylum escapee.

And wasn't retarded

But Trump won tho.

Americans are fine with stupid, as long as it's Republican.

The key is to be stupid and PROUD OF IT.

He is also retarded. There are many retards in this world.

I normally really hate it whenever subs try to imitate The_Donald, but this .gif is pretty good.

That entire subreddit is still cancer, though.

I thought you liked /r/badeconomics? Neolib is a spin off of that sub, and is essentially the exact same userbase.

I like it compared to other BadX subs.

I'm glad i left such a lasting and memorable impression on you, though.

When you leave a comment on almost every thread posted to this sub, you're bound to leave some sort of impression.

True, true

Ben Bernanke is a bad husbando.

You keep his sacred name out of your wretched mouth, friendo.

Adam Smith fully hemispheric bodypillow or GTFO.

people being neoliberal to be contrarian is so funny and pathetic

might as well shoot yourself in the face because dying is contrarian as fuck

populists are contrarian, neoliberals are metacontrarian. like listening to taylor swift and katy perry, which is what i do.

Agreeing with the Establishment isn't contrarian.

On reddit, it is!


It's basically a sub of Milhouses trying to be contrarian and meme-y

except Milhouse isn't a meme

But milhouse isn't a meme is a meme.

Is "Milhouse isn't a meme is a meme" a meme?

At least call them Berntards

not exactly as catchy as hillaretards, but still pretty good.

I like Sandernistas, but a lot of people may not know of the Sandinistas.

yeah I've been hearing "Sandernistas" for about a year and a half now and this is the first time I've seen the word Sandinista

If this is a troll sub to make people hate democrats even more it's very effective

They're a bunch of Hillary die-hards still trying to cope with the fact that their fully prepared, experienced, and competent savior lost to a brash, orange, senile, inexperienced, overweight, ineloquent, scandal-plagued, reality TV star.

Actually Hillary got 50 million more votes than Trump but the electoral college system (which was invented by slave holders) is rigged so that the Republicans always win

Well thank God for the slavers and Russians.

Somone should free those slaves then.

Even though slavery conditions may not be ideal, life as a slave in America gives those poor Africans an opportunity for a better life.


Im sure the wealth will trickle down eventually


basically we're mourning the death of intelligent thought in red state America.

"waahh the poor we've been fucking over for the past 30 years voted for the wrong candidate"

Sorry, Ronald Reagan was the other party.

> Implying Reagan wasn't the empitome of neo-liberalism

top kek

Neoliberalism and neoconservatism are separate.

they're not mutually exclusive either, as Thatcher and Reagan clearly demonstrate.

They share elements, but they also differ majorly, which isn't to say that in certain political environments neoliberals and neoconservatives couldn't be political allies. Reagan was a through and through neoconservative, the Clintons are somewhere between Progressives and neoliberals.

"neoliberalism" is a component of neoconservatism, oddly

The traditional vs modern sense of the word "liberal" in it's entirety is confusing, I'm using neoliberal, in terms of the political ideology most commonly associated with the Clinton administration.

i've heard neoliberal to mean two basic things:

  1. an economic ideology that seeks to reconcile the values of typically capitalist classical liberalism and usually socialist social liberalism through market regulation, while supporting free-market principles by default (c. 1930s as a self-ascribed term. fell out of common parlance after the 60s)

  2. an extreme dedication to free-market economics (reminiscent of ancaps) and often liberal internationalism, though the latter component is sometimes omitted to further distinguish it from neoconservatism (c. 1980s, initially as a derogatory term, but much more common)

people use both to describe the Clintons oddly enough, the former more admiringly and the latter by the left derisively

and i realize that that Political Compass makes fascism and totalitarianism out to be synonyms, but that's where I first saw the term

It's definitely not pro-Democrat; some of the most popular presidential candidates from the folks there were Kasich, Jeb, Marco, and also Hillary. The only thing it is really pro/for is "evidence based policy" and anti-retard.

If that were true they'd be neo-Keynesians like Obama

They generally like Obama a lot.

They aint even got Obam flair tho

Many of them are, undoubtedly.

Being proud of supporting Kasich, Jeb, Marco and Hillary

Imagine actually being proud of this


In an effort to thwart populism, they've assembled a pantheon of only the most laughably unlikeable politicians

Man, you know how we should only elect people you would like to have beer with to be president. Wouldn't that be a great idea?

To be fair, I wouldn't have a beer with you either

Your statement does not follow from my comment at all and is forced.

oh shit you got me

I definitely think that's the problem that these, along with many people were facing. Being a moderate isn't exciting. "Build the Wall!", "Start winning trade-deals", and "Free College/Healthcare!" are super exciting, but they might not be logical nor feasible.

And then you've got Kasich over here just like, "Can't we all just get along? I eat ice cream with a fork lol". And, although compromise and "getting along" would make everyone happier, it's not exciting. You can't turn it into a fun sound bite. So the moderates are dying while the parties become more partisan and radicalized.

The def positive out of it all though, is that Trump is fucking hilarious. He's just a bad motherfucker who's also mentally handicapped and it's just hilarious watching people get upset and watching The Don lay down the law. And that, kids, is what it's all about. 8==========D~

MARCO? what dingbats

This post seems to have triggered a lot of the normal /r/Drama-bots. LOL

His marriage is shady as shit too. I mean, when theres a wealth disparity THAT big, you know there's something going on. I bet he just went for President to prevent the government from investigating their business ties too closely.

Oh the irony

Gotta love r/neoliberal-ites like u/_watching pretending to care about the GLOBAL POOR as their excuse for sucking off the wealthy

actually i prefer to get pegged by the wealthy tyvm

Nobody cares what whores prefer.

sry figured u pinged me to talk kinks, i'll head out then

Pinging people is my kink, by pinging you here i basically kinkraped you.

nice <3

this but unironically.

implying i was being ironic

implying my implication wasn't itself meta-ironic

big if true

You know our mods have a very high average net worth.

This is amazing. I voted Trump, but I do criticize him like anyone else. Seeing Reddit shit on Bernie this real life?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Fucking liberals

I'll take it if they shit on Bernie. Prevents a united Democrat Party.

oh my god, sanders scum in /r/drama

there it is. i've been waiting for these neolibs to piss me off like they did in the old days.

right after I subbed, too! it's like they knew

Holy shit, this thread is way more circlebroke-y than the SRD thread. WTF happened in here?

It's all in the numbers. For a hundred years, there's been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people.Number one: In 1945 corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: In 1900 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it's about two percent.It's called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time.The entire executive branch is hand-picked. Nineteen of the last twenty-three U.S. presidents have been members of the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is financed by the Rockefellers and the Rotschilds. That's why they call it the "secret government." You can't fight ideas with bullets. Ever wonder why big car corporations pay two percent tax and the guys on the assembly line pay forty? Corporations are so big, you don't even know who you're working for. That's terror. Terror built into the system. Do you ever ask what it's all for? The surveillance, the police. Is that freedom?