(DEVELOPING) It's never too late to blame everyone but yourself

89  2017-05-02 by PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS


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You go queen. Hillary/Michelle 2020!

Hillary/Chelsea 2020!

Clearly what we lacked was enough Clintons!

More Clintons!

More Hillary!

Slay, Chelsea!


Nice edge there, friendo. Does mommy let you post on reddit now that you're 11 and too old for YouTube?

If my I had to ask my mom for permission every time I wanted to be edgy on Reddit, I'd get tired of digging her corpse out the back yard by the 69th time.

Hitler nigger cum bussy

This, but unironically

"I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate, I was the person who was on the ballot. I am very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we had," Clinton said

lol come on OP. I guess she could have spent more time talking about herself, but she still said it was her fault.

>i take personal responsibility

>but this was all comey and wikileaks fault

she is so full of shit lol

It was both (but of course the reason Comey was involved in the first place was her fault). I'm just saying it's not like she acted fully innocent in all this.

I mean she is only now, months later, PARTIALLY blaming herself.


The top comment is complaining she was never heard from again. People would be mad regardless

Eh, this is a lame way of making a point. Yes, someone, somewhere would still have the same level of criticism for Hillary's post election response no mater what she did.

That doesn't describe most people, it's just a convenient fact for people who don't mind pretending to be stupid to make an argument.


Lol someone's mad...


Lol The top comment is complaining she was never heard from again. People would be mad regardless



The top comment is complaining she was never heard from again. People would be mad regardless

U mad


Someone else is definitely mad.

He mad

It's both. It's her fault she had only a 50% chance of winning, when she should have had a 99% chance given who she was running against. And it's Comey and WikiLeaks that tipped the scales just a bit, which shouldn't have mattered, but because it was so close it was enough.

/r/The_Reason_Trump_Won, but unironically

I don't get it. /r/The_Reason_Trump_Won has been here unironically cataloging history with unironic comments for awhile now.

She did not have policies, she does not have track record and she the personality to get people behind her.

Also where is the evidence that the wikileaks tipped the scale? AFAIK all the coverage of this was "Russians hacked the election to help Trump", not "look at what a corrupt POS $hillary is".

I don't think she would have won regardless of what Comey said, or wikileaks. She definitely mishandled classified info anyway, so I don't really know what the liberal complaint here is, that she didn't get away with wrongdoing?

This is stuff liberals grasp at to avoid acknowledging that they fucked up under Obama, by ignoring the economic situation, and by not punishing the bankers.

Trump won because Democrats stopped caring about economic issues.

You mean she should have had 100% chance had she not botched rigging the system. She would of had it too if it weren't for those meddling officials!

It's either would HAVE or would'VE, but never would OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

No one would of noticed bot!

You should of never been born.

Are you implying Comey and WikiLeaks had nothing to do with her loss? Because that's some blatant revisionism right there.

Sorta like the now commonplace revised history that the election was really close leading up to Nov 8th.

As opposed to what? Are you one of those people who claim all the polls were faked?

Everything in the media was bent, faked, twisted, shilled and cornhole to push the globalist liberal cultural Marxist degenerate candidate.

the globalist liberal cultural Marxist degenerate candidate.

The media was certainly not in the tank for Donald Trump.

Yeah. It wasn't. You are correct about that, sugar.

Billions in free publicity. Just saying

Okay buddy

But Trump won

Hell yeah! In a stunning upset, Hillary was BTFO. She had everything on her side - except the American people!


Which is why she got 3 million more votes? 😂😂😂

Trump is a self admitted globalist who has family that owes a billion to Soros and has basically hired Goldman Sachs to run the country but please tell me how that is MAGA 😘

American people, fam. Pay attention.

He was out voted

You mean hicks and retards who thought he can steal jobs from robots?

The American people won. Un-American people lost. It is glorious.

At least you're in the right place for retards!

I'm in America, motherfucker.

You're also retarded

You are sub-retarded!

This might be a good time to read up on the Electoral College. Remember as you're reading, HRC never stepped foot in Wisconsin

Bonus: find out how many Electoral votes Wisconsin is worth!

He said American people. Which he did NOT win the majority of. I know context is hard for someone as dumb as you but you can try a little harder than that.

Trump won the majority of American electoral votes, which is all that matters. All this "popular vote" nonsense is just a panacea to make millennials and establishment dems feel better about a stunning failure on the part of their "kween"

You're such a fucking dumbass. He said American people. He did not win the majority of American people. Full stop fucktard.

He did not win the majority of American people.

He didn't need to. He won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. She didn't need to win California by 2 million votes; it's useless at the end of the day.

By the way: PA is worth TWENTY electoral votes. I wonder if she considers Pennsylvania one of the states where "you can't get cell coverage for an old"

He did not win the majority of American people.

He didn't need to. He won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. She didn't need to win California by 2 million votes; it's useless at the end of the day.

What part about this not being in the discussion don't you understand insecure dipshit?

America is a representative democracy. The American people vote for electors who will vote for them for the President. This was enacted to avoid something called "tyranny by the majority". The electors (representatives of the "American people") chose Donald Trump as president.

Popular vote counts literally don't matter. It's not a direct democracy

I can't tell if you're really this stupid or if you're trying to troll. The electoral college is not a part of this discussion. Please take a nail gun to your temple.

Nah. You just want to hold your "3 million votes!" idea close to comfort you.

Sorry bub. Trump won. He's the POTUS. Get over it

Idc if Satan is president the point is the majority of Americans did NOT vote Trump so the other users comment is objectively wrong. Suck a fuck trumptard.

They majority of Americans didn't vote for either one of them silly

Irrelevant. This isn't Clinton vs Trump this is one of your fellow dumbasses pretending Trump had majority support and he didn't.

He did. He had majority support in the electorate

Winning the electoral college =/= majority support from Americans. It doesn't get much simpler than this dunce.

In a representative democracy it literally doesn't matter what "most" of Americans want, only "most of the representatives"

For the 50th time this is not a conversation about what kind of democracy America is. This is about the fact Trump has never and never will have majority support from the American people at large. There's no argument against this fact.

Both 62 and 65 million are both minorities of the country, silly! There's like 330 million americans

Yeah, no shit. You're really fucking dense. Trump lost the loser in his election having majority support would never happen.

Trump lost the loser in his election

I don't know what you mean here buddy. All I know is the popular vote doesn't matter

Numbers don't matter? Nice.

Some numbers matter and others don't. It's quite simple. Popular vote doesn't matter. Electoral vote count does.

A fun excercise would be to figure out how much a California vote is worth vs a Wisconsin vote. Try it!

All numbers matter in the right context. Trump was outvoted. Sorry if saying that makes you drop your tendies.

But it doesn't matter. Only the college vote matters fam

Larger number > smaller number

Nah. Mainly because of the electoral college

individual votes

electoral college

pick one and stfu

You're the one arguing about 3 million overflow votes from illegals in CA

picking where votes come from

individual votes don't matter

pick 1 and stfu

Individual votes don't matter in the context of the electoral college

good thing the context was never about the electoral college then

Just about daddy Don winning the hearts and minds of the American people

which he didn't. because he lost in total vote count. he won a "representation" of the people.

Which is the only thing that matters

more people voted against Trump than voted for him

man of the people


I don't recall saying either of those things

3 million = 800k

Faked is not the same as rigged. And literally no one claims it was faked. The one thing everyone agrees on is that it that the polls were simply wrong.

Very wrong.

Except they weren't wrong and they weren't rigged.

They were within margin of error dude, you know that, right?


Some polls were off, but go look at the national polls taken around election day.

Polls were way off in the rust belt.




Ok? Polls being off in a few states doesn't mean the polls overall were "off."

It also seems as if this website wasn't including ALL the polls.

Here's the 538 map:



Many of the last polls had Trump +5, he won by 8.


WI was Clinton +5, so that was pretty off.

MI was Clinton +5 as well, so again decently off:


Overall, the polls were pretty accurate though.

Polls being off in a few states doesn't mean the polls overall were "off."

When it's the Electoral college and winner-take-all, it can have a domino effect on the overall model

A poll that shows 55% Hillary for a state suggested she would get near 55% of the votes.

The 538 forecast did not project raw votes, it projected likelihood of a win.

The "71% Hillary" forcast never-fucking-ever meant she'd get 71% of the vote. It meant they projected Trump with a better than 1-in-4 shot of winning. Under the 538 forecast, Trump's winning was utterly unsurprising.

Yes, I understand how percentages work, thanks. I also understand that "70%+ chance to win" is generally accepted by anyone not making arguments about semantics or minutiae as "Hillary is going to win." Frame it any way you like. The polls didn't bear out what happened.

"70%+ chance to win" is generally accepted by anyone not making arguments about semantics or minutiae as "Hillary is going to win."

Then people are "generally" fucking retarded if they think like this.

Generally retarded but still brighter than anyone willing to argue the polls weren't shit.

The retards that think this are the ones arguing that the polls were shit.

Take that away and you have nothing substantial to say about them.

Well duh

This is staggering.

Do you literally just not understand statistics?

That is not a poll you fucking retard.

So what?

Did you read it? (70% chance Clinton Victory) Did you notice the date? (11/07/2016) Are you really retarded? (yeppers)

The polls weren't close before the election, nowadays, retards like you claim that they were.

It's not about fake, its about revision. Which was your originally retarded comment I responded to.

Try pulling your head out of your ass sometime you might find things easier to understand.

The polls WERE close. What you linked isn't a poll. You fucking moron.

First things first: Hillary Clinton has a 70 percent chance of winning the election, according to both the FiveThirtyEight polls-only and polls-plus models.

You're horrible at this.

No, you are. You're conflating polls with an estimated probability based on mathematical models that include poll data.

There is no poll that gives a probability. That's not what polls do.

It specifically says "polls-only".

Either you can't or simply won't read the words in front of you. Probably your colon blocking your view.

Anyway good luck revising history, I hope it goes as well for you as it did for the Soviets.

This is embarrassing to watch dude.


You don't understand polling, the polls were within margin of error, go look at the national polls taken day of - they had her up by like 3%, she won the popular vote by 2%.

Polls-only MODEL

How are you this fucking stupid?

"Polls-only" MODEL

Holy shit do you even know what a poll is? Like, do you know what the numbers in a poll represent?

I'd say that they had very little to do with her loss. Hillary, democrats, and the media make it seem like they were the only reason she lost to cover up the fact that Hillary is inept and the media was mis-reporting how close the race actually was.

The fact that her poll numbers tanked after Comey's letter is not a coincidence. Pretending that didn't influence the outcome is dishonest.

no i was pointing out how she "took responsibility" for her loss then in the same breath blamed it on other people

Did you literally listen how she shot off an excuse right off the bat and saying that outside forces prevented her from being president?

I had high hopes she would ride off into the sunset never to be heard from again. She's got plenty of Saudi money to live on.

But alas her dirty, dirty snatch demands attention!

And, even better, we still have that young, bright-eyed, talented up-and-comer Chelsea Clinton!

You may laugh at "talented" but you try surviving subzero temperatures for nine months in an ice cave and tell me how easy it was.

the book deal for the husband and wife of the first female president would dwarf her entire lifetime of saudi money. Not to mention the book deal for being the daughter of the first husband and wife president. They were looking forward to a legacy that would have paid out for generations.

I think you make valid points but she hasn't sired a bloodline and she's already 114 years old. Even if this all occurs after only 4 years that puts her well over 130. I guess they could have a ballin ass time at the old folks home.

Maybe the plan was to have Chelsea pop out a board of directors...

Taking a page out of Trump's playbook


Blaming everyone but herself for her failures. Just like Donny

You mean the President.

he ain't mine

Sorry about your tendies.

You can fellate that dipshit with honorifics all you want. We'll refer to him in whatever way triggers you the most.

Please do.

I wish I could "fail" like Trump.

If the president keeps failing like this then it's gonna be a good 4-8 years

Shouldn't she be campaigning for Marine Le Pen in France? After all, "it's her turn" and "it's so important to have a woman president" and "I'm with her" - or does all that feminist shit go out the window when it's not a leftist woman who is running?

They're both pretending to be near the people while living lives of millionaires and commiting frauds with taxpayer's money.

Where's my slashfiction of them, dammit.

Isn't that literally every Western politician?

No, some of them are open about their disdain for poor people.

Like Bernie.

It targets a certain demographic

I actually know a lot of fairly right 50+ women who voted Hillary beverage they "wanted to see a female president in their lifetime" as well as younger social justice types.

Suffrage: threat or menace?


I know a lot of fat retards who voted for Trump because they "wanted to see a fat retard president in their lifetime"



It targets a certain demographic


"I am now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance"


We should Pokemon Go to some protests!

Pokemon Go throw a molotov!

I choose you helicopter ride!

Pinochet used Helicopter Ride.

It's Super Effective.

"I am now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance"

edgy af

Rich coming from the woman who would never do a press conference and only fundraising dinners instead.

"I'm running for president again" - Selena Meyer Hillary Clinton

Thank fucking god it was on Nov 8th then.

yeah Trump's doing a great job

/s /s /s /s /s /s /s

Better than Obama so far, low bar I know.

I'm truly disturbed anyone would actually believe this

Thats why I get to shitpost as a self made 1% and you shop at Ikea.

actually haven't been to one in years...

don't tell nobody tho

I still don't doubt she would've been a much better president than what we have. It's not like you needed to be prescient to see that before January 20th, just average or better intelligence.

part of the reason Hillary lost is because instead of being the devious manipulator, policy guru and international mastermind she started out she became a clueless old women surrounded by sycophants who told her it was a good idea to attack voters, go after a cartoon frog and she didn't need to campaign for the blue-collar democrat vote.

the entire reason " muh 3 million" exists is because her campaign ran up the score in pointless states instead of you know winning the election because they were so sure it was a done deal.

someone who attacks obama for "not being able to handle a call at 3AM" then can't even go out at midnight to be with her supporters on election night

she was able to get away with murdering people for decades but can't even cover up her sickness on 9/11 then went on to infest a child with pneumonia

the entire reason " muh 3 million" exists is because her campaign ran up the score in pointless states instead of you know winning the election because they were so sure it was a done deal.

The reason she lost is because she treated the election as a fucking game. Remember when people were ripping on trump for visiting states he didn't seem to win? He at least appeared to care about the people who were voting, Clinton had a "vote for me or fuck off" attitude that really didn't go over well.

I mean compare "I'm with her" and "hillary for america" to "make america great again". Trump's slogan is basically better in every front except maybe trying to exploit the women are wonderful effect.

How could she fail so horribly?

she was able to get away with murdering people for decades

Where is your proof of this, seriously

i know people who think she killed vince foster and were still considering voting for her over President Trump because they'd rather have a literal supervillian then President Trump

then she started being incompetent

Smh the kind of dumb shit Trumpers will believe

as opposed to thinking russia hacked the election and President Trump payed hookers to pee on Mr. Obamas bed

there are dumb people on both sides learn not to feel superior and smug because of it

Maybe. If she had been running for President of some self-loathing genderqueer cuckold nation like Germany.

You can't be a good President of the United States when you so obviously hate America.

some self-loathing genderqueer cuckold nation

in what world does this not describe the united states

In the world where Sweden exists.

We don't all live in Berkeley/Austin/Seattle/Portland/etc.

Had people been less informed, I'd be your president! wew

Clearly the problem is that you found out the shady dealings I've been making and that is the people who exposed me's fault! I take responsibility for this by not taking responsibility for this. Just like everyother time I've been involved in scandal.

More like: had the FBI director not invited baseless and uninformed speculation less than two weeks before the election she would've won.

hillary clinton looks like her legs are upside down

"Dan Merica"

Really, CNN?

'If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president'

And if the election had been held in 10786 B.C., Olbark the Bone Crush would be your President.

What can I say, I'm very excited for Olbakk's proposed healthcare reforms

I love you Hilldawg. You were always the best option.

I want Hillary Clinton to sit on my face


She's probably not wrong about that. Comey's meddling was both unprecedented and inappropriate. It very much reminded me of what I've read about Hoover's FBI.

If Comey wanted his "thumb on the scales" he would have recommended that the DOJ charge her with the laundry list of things he said she did wrong on the day he said he wasn't going to recommend charges.

Except you can't bring charges against someone just because you want to.

He editorialized the fuck out of that press conference, which was highly inappropriate.

Except you can't bring charges against someone just because you want to.

Well, duh, but if he really wanted to ruin Hillary's chances he could have done it before October. He didn't "editorialize" shit in that press conference. Everything was a statement of fact. The only thing Comey got wrong during that press conference was saying that they wouldn't recommend pressing charges because they couldn't find evidence of intent when the relevant statutes Clinton would have been charged under didn't require intent. Under those statutes one would be guilty of a crime simply for negligence.

What is that sub? Why do I keep stumbling into it?

Leftist podcast (social Dems), fairly funny and entertaining. If you're a fan of the cumtown podcast you may get linked to it as well as Mullen lives with one of the hosts I think and there is a lot of fan overlap

It's never too late to blame everyone but Electoral College.

Hillary Bae needs our attention during these tragic times now more than ever!! Upvote if you're still with her, she still has so much to accomplish and she still will be the first woman president!! #Hillary2020 #I'mWithHer

Fuck that! Bernie can still win! I just sold my ass for $10 and sent it to Bernie! Match me!

My bussy is worth more than $10.

Where's the drama

Her pretending to take responsibility for her failure (and not just losing, but losing to a candidate like Trump), but instead blaming others, I guess?

Nowhere, just all the Trump supporters here want something to make fun of

This is the daily containment thread for trumptards.

Well excuse me, ya old bag.

"Russian wikileaks" I swear both sides are starting to sound like conspiracy theorists now

She's not wrong.

'Hurr durr im gonna blow tens of millions of dollars in states I have no chance in hell of winning (Texas) then I'm going to blow even more money in states I have no chance of not winning (NY and California), so I can get the popular vote for no reason, then I'm gonna totally ignore the entire rust belt, thus letting the arse drop out of the EC, then, to top it all off, I'll kowtow to a group of deeply unpopular, crazily out of touch people who hate the racial majority of the country!'

'Wtf why'd I lose?! Fuckin Russians!'

Yeah, I agree with nearly all of her points.

But sorry, I forgot we're supposed to be circlejerking against her, MAGA

Clinton, as she has done in the past, also hung part of her 2016 loss on misogyny.

"Yes, I do think it played a role. I think other things did as well," Clinton said.

Glad to see America has some sense

What year is this?

I really, really dislike Hillary Clinton on a visceral level.