Admins are about to drop the ban hammer down on /r/anarchism for promoting Molotov cocktail recipes

187  2017-05-02 by Prince_Kropotkin


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Situation looks pretty simple already you retard

PRINCE: Rinsed


I don't know either

Delete this. Delete your account.

Don't rinse our prince!

Actual footage of someone trying to rinse the prince.

The file the mods talked about doesn't even have a molotov cocktail recipie in it. It's a book about how to safely organise poster-pasting and soup kitchens.

Why would the admins lie?

There's rumours that they're sympathetic to the growing nazi movement on this site, fueled by the lack of bans for places that incite violence like t_d or physical_removal.


That's obviously bullshit. The only bias the admins seem to have is one against work, and well, I don't blame them there.

Against work... So what's their problem with anarchism?

Cleaning up vandalism is work

beats me

(Keynes and Bertrand Russell basically went along with Kropotkin on the issue of work, by the way, it's not really anarchist to want a leisure society)

it's not really anarchist to want a leisure society


What the fuck is wrong with you

Lol, everyone he sited was aristocratic or upper class.

"What's wrong with work? I don't see any of the people who do it complaining."

Luckily, today, the admins are taking real steps to get rid of the children on this website.

Seems legit.

Am a mod of /r/PhysicalRemoval, can confirm that we don't call for violence. We are pro-peace.

Fuck you equally edgy teenagers, I hope you're next and screaming "KEKISTAN" all the way out the door.

Your descendents will but only speak the name of Kekistan in harrowed, nervous whispers.

I have to tell you that's probably not the case. Nobody is actually afraid of you people.


KropotkinZombie hates PK and anything to do him. At first I thought they were the same person too, but KZ is batshit insane.

That's eeplox/nowaydaddioh yeah. they want to torture and eat me alive

Lol that is hilarious. He should have stayed in his basement and eat tendies instead of larping

Why do you assume his kind will be allowed to reproduce?

Fuck you equally edgy teenagers, I hope you're next and screaming "KEKISTAN" all the way out the door.

First they came for the anarchists, and I said nothing...

...because, to be frank, they should have come for them much sooner.



Do we have a memeologist in the room to explain this?

Remove that Pepe from your flair immediately you poser.


holy shit got'em

From that video I posted yesterday, lol


Out the door of an Mi-24 tbh



That's my name. Don't wear it out.

That's just cruel. No one should have to play for Detroit.

You have a sticky post right now that talks about using guns on people you disagree with...

What the hell are you talking about?

This world of ours, has many an intruder

But must I choose between only Remington or Ruger?

Are my options only Glock or Stoeger Cougar?


I already told you it's a sticky post you can't look yourself?

Not my job for me to go looking for stuff for you to whine about me to?

The point is you need lied.

people you disagree with


And this is obviously a parody of that song from the Bill Nye Netflix cancer special.

Their username is literally about throwing leftists to get eaten by wild animals.

To be fair, they could be cuddling with the lions

I kinda wish you guys would go away. You're really cutting into moral superiority.

Hi pi_over_3! We at /r/Physical_Removal do not care about so-called "moral superiority" we simply want these people removed, and forevermore never be allowed to threaten our peaceful ways of life.


You already have the option of removing them from your property should they trespass, what more do you want?

Sexual gratification probably.

mom to buy them a new /pol/ flag after the other one was taken away by SHILLLLLLLS

There's rumours that they're sympathetic to the growing nazi movement on this site, fueled by the lack of bans for places that incite violence like t_d or physical_removal.

OMG, that's so precious and hilarious. A "lack of bans" for T_D, the sub they purposely scrub from the front page, that's a hoot.

Scrubbed multiple times, mind you.

Except that time they decided to flood the front page with nothing else.

No one said admins do a good job of running their website competently. They literally use teenage slave labor to accomplish most of their work.

Trying to do something on their end doesn't equal said results all the time. If you disagree with anything I say, just realize it might be spez saying it.


Yes, actually.

Explain? (I have no idea what you mean by that)


Jesus, thank you, Assy.

/u/MarioThePumer is the exact type of retard who thinks the TPP was a bad thing for America

I don't live in America so I have no opinion on that subject, but sure I guess

Yeah, NAFTA (Clinton's work) and the Chinese debt (Clinton again) were great for America, let's do it with EU unskilled labor supplied by raping white hating immigrants looking for handouts.

where do you get your talking points fam?

That's not slave labor, it's called "Volunteering". Its when people do something for the benefit of someone else because they like it.

You are literally Boxer from Animal Farm

A. That's not how you use literally

B. Sure, Ignore what I said and go for the name calling. That sure helps your point.

lit·er·al·ly ˈlidərəlē,ˈlitrəlē/ adverb in a literal manner or sense; exactly. "the driver took it literally when asked to go straight across the traffic circle" synonyms: exactly, precisely, actually, really, truly;

More informal used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true. "I have received literally thousands of letters"

..Literally is now literally figuratively.


Jesus, who "defines" words any more. That's so 8/11.

SJWs love defining words with nonsensical and contradictory definitions so they can claim they are never wrong.

Here I thought all mods were lazy narcissists on some impotent power trip, but I guess some are just deluded.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

Mods are unpaid teenagers who are absolutely essential for the site to function.

They're volunteering though, So it's not exactly labor.

If they were forced it's labor, if they want to do it out of free will it's a volunteer.

implying mods aren't just literally addicted to collecting e-peen

Oh that's why they love it

Yes, but this addiction means they have no choice in whether or not they mod. Therefore it's slave labor. QED

He is making a joke about the alt accounts of spez

A hilarious bug.

This guy gets it.

If the real administration gave a damn about this website, they'd scrub the children from it. <25 yr old children.

There's rumours that they're sympathetic to the growing nazi movement on this site

There are also rumors that vaccines might cause AUTISM(!!)

At least we know the /r/anarchism regulars are vaccinated!

Right, I assume that's why they banned altright, fucked with the Donald till they drove them mad, and killed a whole bunch of other right wing racist subreddits like European and coontown

The_Donald does no such thing and Physical_Removal is a self-defense and civil rights protection sub. Maybe tankies shouldn't be committing terrorism against innocent civilians if they don't want physically removed.

Good fucking question. Sure would be nice if they'd chime in.

Because they're too lazy to open up a PDF and hit ctrl+F apparently.

Your Ass = Blasted

CrimeThinc has some radical shit but I have no idea about that particular book.

Frankly since they are removing comments that aren't pro-torture today I think it hardly matters.

CrimeThinc has some radical shit

wew lad

Oh yeah they capitalize the Inc instead of Thinc right

sure got me there

according to the /r/@ mods it does

That's a picture of a molotov cocktail in the context of "these things are associated with millitant left". Not instructions on how to make your own.

Fair enough. They're promoting the burning of people alive though, so what's the difference?

Fair enough. They're promoting the burning of people alive though elsewhere, so what's the difference?

There can be a world of difference between different anarchists, their interpretation of anarchist ideals, and their attitude towards the state.

Banning the people calling for police to be burned alive is more understandable than banning admins for approving a post containing a picture of a molotov cocktail in a How To Run A Cooperative Farm book.

I think everyone is gonna be banned soon enough anyway

First they banned the pedo's, but I said nothing because eww fuckin pedos.

Then they banned the anarchocryptofags, but i said nothing because HA HA!

Then the site got boring because it was all normie cumskins talking about Game of Thrones and posting pictures of their shitty kale smoothie breakfast enema.

Lol they're not gonna ban r/anarchism you silly goose

Haha get rekt fascist.

there's one on pg. 144, in the section on how to successfully operate as a black bloc group during a riot.

With the government spending thousands of dollars on each officer's special storm trooper suit, throwing stuff at cops is practically a victimless crime


i would have included a screenshot of the page with the molotov cocktail diagram on it, since some people are claiming it's not there, but apparently that is frowned upon for some reason ?

I don't get it, who the fuck doesn't know how to make a firebomb? If I posted a pic of how to poke someone's eye, would I get banned?

maybe if you posted it along with open encouragement to poke certain groups of people in the eyes for political reasons, and suggestions on how to go about eye-poking your enemies as a group and get away with it?

People in the thread are claiming that the page in question shows a pic of a firebomb, claiming many people use these and claiming using one will get you killed and it's better to use paint bombs causing the police to pay someone to clean them.

I don't know because the archive link thinks I'm a bot for some reason

what it actually says is that if you use molotov cocktails you should expect the police to come down especially hard on you, explains tactics that police might use against you, and that you "might be better off" with just paint bombs and such.

the rest of the book is about 1/4 how to effectively vandalize things, about 1/4 how to organize and get your local community involved in anarchist causes, about 1/4 devoted to how to run soup kitchens and communes and steal what you need, with a smattering of questionable moralizing and philosophy thrown in ('domestic violence is entirely a men's issue that only ever victimizes womyn') and a handful of offbeat articles thrown in seemingly at random ('how to perform magic spells', 'how to maintain non-monogamous relationships', etc)

If that diagram was included in essay on how awful the eyes of the police are, or whatever group one has a grudge against, then yes that would be considered incitement to violence.

Do it. Post it in Anarchism. Let the shitposting flow.

I thought they wore storm trooper suits because they are almost comically outnumbered.

I opened up the pdf that they linked, and page 147 is about dumpster diving?

there's different versions, apparently, it's in the chapter about 'blocs, black and otherwise'

Ah, that makes sense.

On that note, though, the phrase 'victimless crime' returns 0 results from the entire pdf as was linked, and I can't find the section that's quoted above in any form.

it's in the same chapter, a few pages later, in the 2004 version i found online. and the automatic text scan wasn't perfect, so it might be misspelled.

It's nowhere between pages 89 and 112 on the version that was linked.

where is a link to that? the one that comes up when i look on google is from 2004, apparently this is a revised version

Now that's the question to ask!

. . . I went to the version that was linked in r/anarchy of course.

Not sure I can find the link again, or an alternative link because I downloaded before the link was removed by admins.

Who cares? As long as they find more reasons to suspend their mods, I'm chuckling

It's a book that is available in my college library.

Burn the Comintern

Mankind will not be free until the last (((white))) fundamentalist capitalist lizardperson is strangled with the guts of the last trigendered intersectional communard of colour.

lol who the fuck still doesnt know how to make a molotov cocktail in 2017

Isn't it just styrophome and gasoline in a glass bottle?

I like /r/Drama. Let's not get it banned too.

If we were going to get banned for anything, it'd be the constant calls for









Perhaps, insha'Allah, we can fool those gullible admins again by making "flippant" instructions for petrol bombs.

this but unironically

Is that what I think it is?

Depends on what you think it is.

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What need do we have for molotovs? I thought this was a recreational nucc-friendly sub.

Its not /r/Drama unless someone tries to get us banned on a daily basis.

Didn't /u/riemann1413 get his account suspended for spreading the good word of mayocide once?

i think it was the combo of defending white genocide and inviting a trial by combat with /u/Oxus007 as my champion

Nah you put a few mentos in a coke bottle and throw it at someone.

Or if you way then to be extra smelly, vinegar and baking soda.

Nah you put a few mentos in a coke PEPSI bottle and throw it at someone.


Isn't it just styrophome and gasoline in a glass bottle?

Isn't it just styrophome


why would someone put styroFOAM in a molotov cocktail

Hey man. Spell check had no problem with it.

I know one kid in middle school was really insistent that that was literally exactly napalm

Probably heard it from the same guy I did. Hell, could have been me.

Hell, could have been me.


That's what it said in "the anarchist cookbook".

Yeah that was from the ol anarchists cookbook. I miss my edgy teen years

why would someone put styroFOAM in a molotov cocktail

because they are 14 and just read fight club for the first time then googled why orange juice didn't work

it's a thicking agent, but with how much they love russians and commies i'm surprised they aren't using old school recipes

Polystyrene. Styrofoam is a name brand. Name brands suck. Generics rule. Anarchy!

Like when people say tannoy when they actually mean public address system.

Randall Graves?

/u/spez please ban this idiot right now

Fascist pig.

No, gasoline and orange juice. No, wait, that's napalm....

No no no. It's gasoline and agent orange.

Subtle, but hilarious.



motor oil probably works, but flippantly ofc.

Have you seen the retards that show up dressed in black hoodies and bandana masks for these protests that attack people and vandalize shit? None of them strike me as being doctoral candidates. Why is it surprising that they can't figure out how to stuff a rag in a bottle without detailed directions?

>current year

>not knowing how to make simple incendiary device


We're talking about a subreddit that needs instructions on how to properly punch someone.
Molotovs are like rocket science to them.

Molotov cocktails were literally made so they can be easy as fuck to be created by shit lying around by any random bumblefuck.

I am a milquetoast white MAAAAAAAALE who doesn't even have a driving ticket to his name and I could make one in 5 minutes if I wanted to.

The trick is in making sure the rag doesn't come out when you throw it. There's quite a few videos of people setting themselves on fire because the rag was too loose.

Wouldn't you just tie a knot...?

So that's how Reddit dies, a bunch of reactionaries start occupying all the spaces until reasonable people can't stand it anymore and migrate

Reasonable people

Wow I can't even graphically describe how I want to murder people whose opinions I mildly disagree with anymore, this is literally fascism.

"committing acts of terrorism is a human right!!!!!!"

t. /r/anarchism

Why do you love Nazis so much? You're probably cis and white too.

"Why do you love Nazis so much? You're probably cis and white too," said the group of privileged children of professors.

I love how the cis and white is implied in that description.

calm down dude.

Digg migration, endless summer, chan migration, etc.

until reasonable people can't stand it anymore and migrate"

Ignoring xir's definition of "reasonable people" there for a moment:

It's almost as if unrestrained immigration by a foreign group hostile to your values isn't a good thing huh. How about them borders eh?

I hate reddit I don't even want to be here no I wont follow your site rules wait you're shutting us down uh you can't do that my dads a lawyer

This but unironically. I'm seriously thinking about giving Snapzu or Imzy another chance, because it appears to me that nobody at reddit wants to address the increasingly toxic communities on both sides of the spectrum, search being broken, and the plans to gut CSS.

Mastodon is apparently cool.

No, these guys

Mastodon is filled with french, japanese, spanish-speaking people, furries and lesbians. I like the lesbians the most, they share good stuff.

It's a nice place, just pick your instance.

Oh shit new album

Just embrace the dumpster fire


Imzy is a shithole the scumbag staff of that site do "pizza parties" and stupid plushy giveaways. I have complained that if they really want people's addresses and other user data they should be honest instead of using such sleazy subterfuge, but the staff and most the userbase ignore it.

Reddit = a freefall shithole dominated by neckbeards where average people are caught in the middle of a battle between alt-right, gamergate neckbears and what we could call sjw neckbears(but that is a bad term because alot of what their opponents decry as social justice is simple decent behavior)

Voat = muh free speech alt-right neckbeards and idiots

Imzy = is already dominated by the sjw neckbeard factions. Their biggest communities were already founded by Reddit sjw neckbeards.

I mean he isn't wrong, but he sure aint self aware.

Pour one out for some of our most productive lolcows.

Why? What happened to /r/relationships?

Today they actually sided with a husband that was pissed with his wife walking away in arguments. It was bizarro land.

I'm starting to sense some shenanigans. The last thing that got linked here had actual good advice as the top comment. What do you think is causing that to happen? My guess is it's either aliens or lizard people.

Maybe everything has finally gone too far and were coming back around to sense again., I don't think that's it. We are still a long way from rock bottom, and nothing and no one ever turns around until they hit rock bottom.

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪


I don't get it, countless posts advocating murder, torture and literal war crimes - and they decide to nail /r/@ over a book someone linked that might or might not have instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail, something very easily googled?

Reddit needs better admins...


Let me clear that up for you

spell casting

surviving a felony trial

"Food Not Bombs"

Smoke Bombs

I feel conflicted now



I think that's a story about how some squatters needed a refrigerator, so they did some caveman shaman shit visualizing the fridge they wanted, drawing pictures of it, doing "fridge dances" to try to call it from the spirit realm, etc. Then one day one of them was walking somewhere and there's the fucking fridge on a curb and they got it back to their place and plugged it in and it worked.

Kyle, drink your Elixir of the Mongoose, I'm about to use Mocking Blow.

A couple months ago before the election some of them were actually worried that the Alt-Right was co-opting dark magic or some shit to get Trump elected. Spell casting is par for the course for anarchists.

They arent wrong. The election was a historic battle between the acolytes of kek following the chaotic wisdom of random numbers against Soro's Jew magic. In the end combat autism made the difference.satire

> Religion

> Communist revolutionary

I'm a better Communist than these people.

2 pages dedicated to sex?

That's 2 more than necessary for an anarchist.


I don't think they are connecting to their inner slav there.

pie throwing

They literally need instructions on how to throw shit. How do these "people" function on a day to day basis

@All the anarchists brigading here: you're not a real anarchist if you follow an admin's stupid rules. Please don't do what they tell you and pressure your mods not to remove the posts either.

For a group bent on abolishing hierarchies, they spend a lot of time on internal power struggles.

Radical leftist movements in a nutshell

Pretty accurate description of the authoritarian movements in the UK.


Fuck em.

Aw, I meant that their attempts to brigade, but they put up CSS to block it being returned.

I'm sorry if the CSS gave you that impression, /u/Komrade_Pupper. /r/Drama's official stance is that we encourage people to brigade our sub. The CSS is meant to discourage NP links so people feel welcome to do so. If you have anymore questions you can message me or any of the other mods.

Hm... fair enough. Maybe add that to the trash bags?

We used to have one that made it clear brigading was welcome, but it was changed mostly as a joke. I'll discuss your suggestion with the other mods.

Cool... cool, cool, cool. I deleted my comments.

Did they remove their calls to violence from their CSS? Hahaha, they are getting scared.

This idiots are so angry about Hillary losing that they are comitting violence? Lmao

I feel sorry for you T_D people, being that stupid and all

And I feel sorry for you liberals. You are so angry that your queen lost and your life is so empty and miserable that you need to go out and riot, beat, and murder people because they didn't vote for Hillary. Very sad, can't wait until you fascists try that garbage on my side of town

You aren't convincing me of your intelligence, to put it mildly.

Hey Liberal, communist, muslim, anarchist, socialist, anarcho-communist, marxist, maoist, lenninist, democrat, or whatever you feel like calling yourself today. She lost, get over it

hahahaha are you trolling or serious right now

I'm serious. You fuckers got someone killed yesterday. I've had enough of your kind's garbage. Enough is enough. You seriously need to grow up and get over it, she lost. You are about to incite the right wing and you may think you want to do that, but you don't. Look what happened last time libeaps got violent and out of control. Just get the fuck over it. She is running again in 2020, you will get another chance then

You seem to think "my kind" is liberal Muslim anarchist Maoist Hillary supporters, and don't seem to understand that those aren't synonyms.

Then why do socialists, anarchists, liberals, democrats, and communists all stand in solidarity? The thing is, the people who classify themselves as any of these things aren't really X. They just want a D as president. That's all

They often don't? Since when did anarchists perfectly get along with liberals and Maoists? Never, basically.

why do socialists, anarchists, liberals, democrats, and communists all stand in solidarity?

They don't. Trump being retarded is about the only thing they've agreed on in 100 years.

Some people in anarchy and communists subs refer to themselves as anarcho-communist. Wtf is that? And good luck with Hillary in 2020

A) I'm not American, I don't give a flying fuck about Hillary.

B) no chance does the Democratic Party choose her as a candidate again, just as Al Gore and Dukakis were toast after their unsuccessful campaigns.

C) "anarcho-communist" actually means something. Google it.

D) delete your account.

E) sit on the microwave until you are sterile.

Then why do socialists, anarchists, liberals, democrats, and communists all stand in solidarity?

lmao since fucking when



My word for leftists who describe themselves as dozens of different ists depending on how they are feeling that day. I know it isn't great, but at least it's original.

Sounds like pure shit. You realize people have different opinions and being "not belrox" isn't a uniform group? It isn't the same person flip flopping everywhere and controlling everyone in front of you, this isn't the fucking matrix.

Yeah yeah yeah. Everyone is different and special. That's why this sudden spike in liberal violence didn't start until after Hillary lost, right?

They can desribe themselves however they want. They can wear whatever political shell or costume they want. It still doesn't change what they are on the inside, rabid Hillary worshipping sycophants, from the inner surface to the core.

Legit retarded mouthbreather. Anarchists want the fucking government overturned and you think they want Hillary.

You are confused. They aren't anarchists. They are just angry and radical democrats. You didn't see any of these riots under Obama, you only saw them when Hillary lost.

Yes they still existed. Anarchists don't consist of every person at a protest. They join in on protests.

Not a lot of people know this, but there are more than two people in the world

I didn't learn it was a state secret apparently until recently.

What will there be to cry about when you learn people aren't Hillary supporters?

You realize that are going to be running Hillary again in 2020, right? They have already started pushing her again with the same message. She is appearing on talk shows, her name and message is being floated through the media (look at the pathetic Huffpo article from a few days ago), Bernie and other liberal democrats are already being slandered by mainstream liberal bloggers. The fix is in. And you are going to vote for her. Suddenly these talks of a violent revolution will simmer, and you will be back towing the line for Hillary. You will lose the election and then all of you "intelligent and rational liberals" will turn into rabid and violent crybabies again.

You sound pretty paranoid. Also why are you reading HuffPo?

Why on earth would I vote for her? At least you get that I am a free market liberal. You don't seem to be intelligent enough to understand the words you are using, though. Sounds like the type of brain damage that would make for someone to vote for a traitor.

You realize that are going to be running Hillary again in 2020, right?

this is honestly even dumber than your conviction that liberals, communists, and muslims are all the same thing

Yep. And you are going to vote for her

Yeah, I'm one hundred percent convinced that they would have been violently taking to the streets and advocating murder if she won.

/r/anarchism, Hillary fans, LOL.

Wait, you actually think antifa would be out literally killing people like they are now if Hillary won?

Depends on what the /pol/ squad was doing. Most of the antifa brawls have been over people who would still be around had Hillary won, like Milo Pedophoulos and Charles Murray.

like Milo Pedophoulos

Victim blaming much, jack? Ol boy got raped!

Rape culture is only a problem when it affects leftists

There have always been antifas.

But they haven't been going through residential neighborhoods by the dozens and and breaking everything im sight like they did a few days ago in Philly (just as one example).

Are you fucking stupid? How many people have antifa killed? 0. Meanwhile you fucking cucks have killed quite a few people.

Antifa just killed a random college student during murder spree last week.

The only people claiming this has anything to do with antifa are alt right news sources. There is nothing that links that guy to any antifa groups or activities. Nice try but this is literally fake news. Unless every murder that happens a few weeks after the alt right does things is now the alt right committing murder too?

Yeah it's like there is constant fighting here and then every once in a while a Trump supporter shows up to remind everyone who is truly the dumbest of the bunch.

Are you going to stand for being called a liberal?

Completely irrelevant issue


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PK literally cannot stop claiming scalps.

Well at least they aren't making fun of fatties.

Wait did they actually post a recipe for Molotovs, or did rhey just link to something that included it. Additionally,z if they did promote said instructions did they promote using them?

They linked to a PDF of a book called Recipes For Disaster, which is about shit like making bicycle co-ops, wheatpasting, how to examine your vag for STDs, tips for chaining yourself to bulldozers to save the rare endangered crested pecker picker's habitat, etc.

If you find a PDF, the offending page is #102. There's a single b&w picture of a molotov, with a sentence describing a common fuel used. The rest of the page talks about how molotovs are dangerous as fuck, about how tossing one at cops in a riot is a great way to get killed, and that you're better off throwing paint balloons.

I swear the admin on this site are the dumbest people on this site

Feels seends weird but I gotta side with /r/anarchism on this onr

i admit that i had some infighting with u/hamjam5 in the past but fuck this hits too close to home. they are one of the longest contributor on /r/@, like emma, and an active anarchist IRL. they are picking us off one by one.

Honestly this got to me. Imagine if reddit started doing this here?. That would suck.

If they were real revolutionaries they would double down.

Another one!


Seriously? LOL I didn't post it from some shady obscure website. It's freely available on ffs


Ever notice how none of the other subs reddit banned got any kind of warning, while anarchism has gotten several already? FPH, the racist ones, the loli ones, the crazy right wing ones, etc?

But clearly the admins are secretly fascists.

The other subs got tons of warnings, the altright mods were foreshadowing it for weeks and talking about their messages with admins IIRC.

I know there was at least one sub that said they were banned with no warning, and if the others had warnings they didn't mention it to my knowledge.

As for alt-right, I was under the impression they were just assuming they would get banned and planning for that eventuality. I didn't think they had any actual messages, they just assumed correctly that their time was limited.

I was just thinking about this yesterday, but what if the admins decided to ban the sub, but then bring it back (since its a political sub about a well-recognized ideology, they probably can't just leave it banned,) and then you ended up as the head of the new modteam. That would be fucking hilarious to me

We're rolling with an open letter tomorrow morning to ask the admins to give it to a team that promises to uphold the rules.

"We" meaning who? Leftwithoutedge or AnarchismOnline I assume?

Both. A mixture of any sensible anarchists I knew that were on board with the idea.

Well /r/PKDefenseForce is in full support of your actions.

heh, thanks


make sure you flair up.

any sensible anarchists

Don't bait me so.

Any reasonable neo-Nazi would see right through that bait, Comedic.

any sensible anarchists

Don't bait me so.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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this is your brain on anarchism as a fashion statement for a bourgie child stuck in the ivory tower of upperclass education

this but unironically

this but unironically

wait you need a recipe for a molotov cocktail isnt it just some vodka and some cloth and something to light it.....

just simply looking at a pic of one would tell you how to make it

yes vodka is basically rocket propellant and will burst convincingly into flame as soon as you light it

Alcohol like vodka will burn up quick and not do too much. They usually use something stickier and longer lasting with the likes of gasoline.

Gasoline is for pussies. Greek fire or nothing.

As someone who has a degree in Marxism the correct recipe is to douse yourself in gasoline first, set yourself on fire, THEN grab the bottle to bash yourself with to make sure they don't expect the next throw. Fucking kids these days don't know shit.

This is a targetted effort to destroy the sub, don't try to hold them to logic or reason, they're going to ban us no matter how much we bow down to them. The fash subs aren't a threat to the establishment.

Fascists elected a fascist hitlertator but the retards on r anarchism are the real threat to the establishment.

Question /u/Prince_Kropotkin. When /r/anarchism gets helicopter'd, will you actually allow the various psychopaths over to /r/AnarchismOnline?

Honestly, as subs go, it's pretty cozy and I read it on occasion. It would ruin the atmosphere to have people scream BASH THE FASH the moment I show my reactionary, conservative face on it :3

we can allow users to come but they gotta tone down the edge

We uphold Reddit rules and we ban threats and trolling. Those people are pathologically unable to go ten minutes without threatening people.

Eh, truth is, these people will make the /r/totallynotranarchism2.0 in like 50 seconds after the ban, then various iterations of it will be banned for a day or two as the admins are in hot pursuit and then they will get bored because the admins are morons who couldn't do a proper job if their life depended on it so all these same people will have the same sub with a slightly different name.

I guess the only difference is that it will be harder to find that just putting "anarchism reddit" on google.

I'd say we'll benefit a fair amount. I'm going to ask to take over the sub instead of them banning it anyway.

I can hardly imagine a better shitshow than you taking over /r/@. Like, the shitshow I kicked up over /r/Macedonia will pale in comparison.

Shine on you crazy diamond you.

We'll see how it goes. They're already losing their minds at the possibility, look at their front page.

Does it turn you on to lick boots? Does pretending to be an anarchist get you off? I'm really curious.

I think Reddit as a platform is very useful and acting like fucking children over edgelord slogans and molotov cocktail recipes, refusing to be even the teensiest bit pragmatic about anything, is stupid.

Following Reddit rules is not that onerous and in return we get a huge forum. I think that's a great trade. If you don't then fuck off to Raddit, the Voat of Edgy Lefties, and circlejerk about doxxes of random Nazis.

You should be super duper ashamed for talking to fascists like me, you fucking fascist :D

they are unbelievably angry and paranoid, and absolutely humorless scolds

they are freaking out now because I said "Ultimately I'd rather see capitalists with food on the table than would-be revolutionaries going hungry forever." in the context of Deng Xiaoping's market reforms after events like the Cultural Revolution, which makes me pro-capitalism.

I love the fact that this implicitly admits that what they had before the market reforms was, in fact, socialism.

Not that any of them will understand that. Way too dense.

Don't pretend this is about anything other than your ego and need to control /r/anarchism. I know you probably have the biggest smile on your face thinking about how you'll be able to Lord over everyone that hates you if you get your way.

Haha guys, saying bash the fash is just a joke, you stupid admins, we're just joking. Also ban /r/Physical_Removal while we're trying to set cops on fire.

The funny thing is their constant REEEEEEEEEing over P_R is one of the main drivers of growth there

Liberals win once again! It's like there's some kind of pattern that repeats since decades.

we need an alternative


An alt-site, if you will.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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And now we shall learn if their VPN subscription was worth it.

Quoth /u/BasicLiftingService :

Honestly, fuck the outreach, I'd love an excuse to never use this site again.

We are with you comrade!

This is kind of a shame in that hamjam5 seemed like one of the few sane people involved in running r/@

Gotta give it to ya prince. You are having a great campaign here.

I hate anarchists but I gotta side with free speech here, ever if those shitbags don't believe in it.

I did get r/killingfascists and r/riotsarefun banned. I'll keep reporting r/@ to the admins and i'll recommend to them that PK should become the new top mod.

lol the kiddies are actually doubling down haha christ