Mod Stickied Thread: "Want to make sure you aren't making your neoliberal community look bad? Read this."

57  2017-05-03 by PhysicsIsMyMistress



Before I do something stupid I ask myself, "Would a stupid person do this?" If yes then I do not do that thing.

And yet there you sit immaculate... with a Dickbutt flair.

Dickbutt is love. Dickbutt is life.

It's the best flair

This is an objective fact.

I have been chastised, but I learnt something. In fact I think we all learnt a little something today, and it bought everyone closer together.

<sniff> it's alright, it's just something in my eye... <sniff>

Dickbutt is my spirit animal.

tbh ironic that you're trying to throw shade about this

Somebody actually sat down, typed that, proofread it, thought "yeah that's good", and fucking posted it.

Yep, that was me, AMA.



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I hope that sub is ironic

If we have to deal with unironic communist, anarchist, and alt right subs, there should at least be an unironic normal person sub.

"normal person"

"""""""Normal"""""""" (((person))) wink

This but unironically

Let us know when you find it then because it certainly isn't that basket of lunatics.


Neolibs are fags like radlibs



You know, I doubted his staying power but it really hasn't gotten old yet.

Oh I was actually talking about /u/PhysicsIsMyMistress; only a retard communist can think he can undermine centrist views by showing off centrist retards.

They're still less cancerous than the most reasonable communist.

I think /u/the_reason_trump_won prefers me to you.

>Actually believing this.

You truly are delusional.

pls respond

this is good stuff. who's gonna sit with who at lunch??? who's the queen bee??? keep me posted.

literally comitting suicide right now, /u/the_reason_trump_won will be name dropped on the letter

cool, post the livestream here and i'll sticky it

will do bb

What the hell is this argument about

What argument, /u/riemann1413 and myself are about to passionately fuck before my suicide.

literally this

Who's bottom? Who's top? Or are you both vers

RieRie is a power bottom, nat

i don't argue with people

Bye Felicia

This gave me the strength to live on.

Please, don't let it stop you

Better luck next time, babe.

It's true I do

I appreciate Neoliberal for making a sub that makes centrists look bad like T_D and all those edgy leftist subs make far leftists/Trumptards look retarded.

The first moderate liberal extremist subreddit.

extremist moderates


We preer the term Radical Centrist

"technically less retarded than the other political subs" should be their tagline

How does this post make them look retarded?

"Dear users, please refrain from spazzing out like the ten thousand autists we know you are. Signed, the mods"

Idk man, this makes them much more self-aware than most mods of other subs.

So being aware of how stupid you are makes you less stupid?

in a way yeah

If that were the case the mods here would be Nobel Laureates.

More wise, not less ignorant

It's self-aware shitposting. They know it's not the height of discourse, but it's also not the extent of their discourse like it is for t_d.

Wasn't that like, Socrates whole schtick

So the mods are self-aware, but they clearly realise their users aren't. Kek.

Serious tho this seems like a pamphlet you'd give an autistic person.

To be fair, there are a lot of /r/drama users posting in /r/neoliberal.

You can find a retarded sub for any political leaning if you just look hard enough!

Proof that every ideology, even mine, is fucking retarded

Proof that every ideology, even mine, is fucking retarded

If SnapshillBot could discern agendaposting from snallyposting, I'd hope he'd sometimes say this

You shut your whore mouth. Snappy is too pure to have an agenda.

I don't even know what her agenda would be.

eh it's funny cause you shouldn't take reddit so serious but it really isn't all that crazy of a list of suggestions. Sure you would think common sense would help people not act retarded but common sense is a myth

Oh, I don't necessarily disagree with the list itself. I think it's hilarious that they felt they needed to post this lol.

Totally, but they kind of have to if they want to maintain an air of a serious sub as most people are frothing morons and prefer to act like /r/drama, but unironically, on the internet. It's a sisyphean task and I don't know why people attempt it anymore hah.

Those are actual /r/drama posters.

A lot of users are SRD and Drama users as well, so they act like you guys do

Hey what do you mean, "you guys"?

Valuable non-autistic members of society.

Well okay then. I most definitely am that thing you said.

Mayocide enthusiasts

tbh /r/anarchism and /r/socialism could use a post like this

It's to rein in their uncontrollable smugness.

Want to make sure you aren't making your neoliberal community look bad?

Step 1. Don't call yourself a nelibrul.

Why did these retards have to appropriate a term synonymous with market fundamentalism? Was it just to be edgy, or are they as stupid as the people who call every right-winger a "neo-con"?


What's the c mean?



shit waddup

You are completely wrong and I spit on your grave... but I can understand why you believe that, given that... you are mentally retarded.

"trump won because obscure internet drama hurt the feelings of muh white working class"

honestly dude you started off strong but its time to fuck off

Nah Trump won because the left decided to crawl up its ass and be more retarded than the right. Which is truly impressive

You're all overcomplicating it. He won because he's going to be the savior of the US and was chosen by God himself, the pastor of my megachurch said so

Delete your account

I was just being an asshole in the above comment, but seriously it's not like the Rust Belt suddenly converted after a few dumb college kids tried this progressive thing and HRC decided to support sane economic policy.

I mean HRC declared war on a cartoon flag, this last year was beyond stupid and dems did their best to outstupid the Republicans in office. Which again, is impressive.

"Created" a sub political group as a scapegoat for her actions by saying the "Alt right" was attacking her. Hillary, I didn't like you in 08 (voted Obama twice. 50/50 in 2012, was considering Romney) and I damn sure don't like you now. Doesn't make me "Alt right"

I think the worst of it is seeing every left leaning idiot calling anyone with conservative views like not wanting to allow illegal immigration (like 99% of every other country on this planet but somehow it's wrong when we do it) as the "Alt right" boogeyman.

Oh please, the right voted the pussy grabber birther. The center is dumb, the left is even dumber, but the right wins the gold medal.

The frog probably didn't have any effect overall and it's probably the most stupid point to discuss.

I didn't say it had an effect, it's just a delicious example of stupidity.

Yeah, it was stupid, but not even the most stupid thing in 2016, in my opinion.


the left


Shhhhhhhh I had a brainfart and was too lazy to erase

I mean. I voted for Trump because of internet drama.

Also I think the culture wars have definitely filtered down to the normies via universities, TV and movies, the media... pretty much anyone will tell you that the cultural climate feels different than it did 20 years ago. It certainly wasn't the sole factor for why Trump won, but I think it did contribute.

voted for Trump because of Internet drama

culture war


Holy shit

Me too tbh

Neoliberals: Bringing the far right and far left together since the 20th century.

All in favor of installing ovens in the gulags?

They've already converged at the end of the horseshoe m7

Are these people trying to redefine what neoliberalism is? Why do they love Hillary there?

Hillary is the most neoliberal thing available, therefore: Anything Hillary says = Correct = Neoliberal.

Even if has nothing to do with the traditional Trickle-down reaganomics definition of neoliberalism.

Yes. They insist that the accepted definition of neoliberal is a "popular meme" and pretend to adhere to an obsolete 1930s definition of "neoliberal" when really they're re-re-appropriating the stupid 2010s Internet definition of "neoliberal" as "wishy washy DNC technocrat"

They insist that the accepted definition of neoliberal is a "popular meme"

Does such a definition exist? I always thought neoliberal was just a pejorative thrown about by the left, until these people reclaimed the term.

Eh, it's complicated. The academic left has been overusing it horribly since at least the late 1990s, applying it simultaneously to everything vaguely capitalistic that they don't like as well as to an imputed all-consuming ultra-capitalistic ideology akin to Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine", but it still seems to me there's an intelligible core meaning. On the other hand, people on Reddit have devised a completely bizarro definition of "neoliberalism," that seems to me to be nothing more than a back-formation from terms like "neoconservatism" and "neo-Naziism," where "neo" means something like "contemporary and bad." So just like "neoconservatism" got transmuted from a specific, hawkish, anti-institutionalist theory of foreign policy to the point where it meant "whatever George W. Bush was doing," "neoliberalism" became whatever the Democrats are doing.

Simple, they are the new community to spring up out of $$$ from a super pac. They make a new subreddit like once or twice a week and it gets a few thousand people and then has content with 40,000 upvotes and gets their ideology out. Then the sub withers and rinse and repeat.

See every anti-trump sub

/r/neoliberal are actually immanentizing the eschaton

Hey all. I made that post and wrote most of it, AMA.

Did you ever hear about the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Wise?

Is it a story /r/drama would tell me?

What do you think of anarchists like /r/anarchism and PK?

Anarchism is bad, but I'll happily engage in a dialogue with an anarchist nonetheless.

Prince Kancer is love. PK is life.

Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate worldwide. How can we help prevent the environmental disaster that this will cause?

We already fixed this. Yay for coordinated multilateral action.

Don't you think it's a little obscene the way you guys pretend to care about the global poor as a smokescreen for worshipping the wealthy and destroying the global middle class?

Nah, because we don't do that.

wew lad

the elephant graph literally shows global poor benefitting at the expense of the western middle class, as well as western elites benefitting tremendously

Elephant graph has already been disproven. The fall for global middle incomes disappears when you take out the Soviet Union.

I prefer rhino graphs. Their babies are cuter. Sadly tho rhino graphs are super endangered.

lol are you really going to try to argue that our middle class (not to mention working class) isn't doing shitty

Good luck with that friend

I'm not going to try to argue anything, as it doesn't seem you want to have that level of a discussion, which is fine, I respect that.

But I am aware of what the data says. And it seems you might not be. I can provide some further resources and data if you'd like.

What do the economists analyzing the data say

Economists say that there is a growing gap between low and high skill workers.

They don't say that a majority of the middle class is worse off than they used to be, because that's objectively untrue. It's a majority.

And I felt it was necessary because you responded to my comment with incredulity rather than argumentation. Which is fine, that's your right.

do you have accessible papers

For sure. Journal articles can get a bit tedious and dense, but here's an interesting write up from the San Fran Fed on the complicated nature of measuring wage growth and some of the interesting factors going on:

This isn't to say income inequality isn't a thing - it is, and many economists (and neoliberals) are concerned by it and seek solutions. But the vast majority of people are nonetheless getting better off year by year, just some faster than others. Is that ideal? I don't know, maybe not. But we don't want to cut off the growth entirely just because some are getting more of it than others.

Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior, the Minnesota Fed paper?

Do you have a more updated argument

This is from before the financial crash

Usually when people are talking about how bad things are getting for the middle class, it's in reference to the last several decades.

Only until they're proved wrong, then the timescale becomes "whatever makes my point"


Hey guys the paper I wrote saying I' right show I'm right

Any paper published by your supporters isn't worth wiping my ass with.

Only through Reactionary Fascism can the nation be prosperous.

NICE meme





Why don't snow and plow rhyme?

Because when Jesus was writing the English language, he sneezed.

Why isn't Hillary 50 points ahead?

Because populism is shit at governing, but it sure is good at winning elections.

Meh. It's at least a step better than being shit at governing and being shit at winning elections.

Soon your Kikes on the High court will drop dead and be replaced by Reactionaries.

So It's all really good, they'll overturn the stay on the Muslim ban and then all your ragheads you love will rot and die in their shitholes.

If all the far left subs are calling "bash the fash" and right wing subs call for "physical removal", then what will be your sub' s rallying cry? I suggest "Waterboard the peasants".

It's thanking Mr bernke


Also Obama was and remains a lying African who divided the country because he just wouldn't stop being uppity with his dindu buddies.

Death to the International State.

Poe's Law! TrollBrigade take note and learn something.

"I am normal. I have normal human emotions. I am a human being." repeat

These are all common sense rules that people refuse to live by

Even link to it in the discussion thread if you think it deserves attention.

Calling for a brigade is against site policy. I wonder if the admins are aware of this moderator provided/approved statement?


Thanks for the concern. :)

Luckily, asking for help in responding to someone directly discussing our sub is not asking for a brigade, and it doesn't violate any site rules.

Thankfully for us that's not a decision you get to make. We'll leave that up to the admins.

Please post updates though, if you can.

the funny part is they think there's a way a neoliberal community could look not bad


4) What if we just respond with "this but unironically " to every thing


And remember, if someone does make us look bad we have to surround them and chant "false flag".

"thats not real neoliberalism"

"real neoliberalism has never been attempted"

7) I may be a libertarian at heart, but as long as I drive on roads I'll still thank Mr Bernke every night.

I kinda like their userbase tbh.

This is very similar to the training manuals they gave us at Correct the Record

Lol some fag says that they are reasonable over there