After the recent wave of mod bans, /r/Anarchism decides to stick it to reddit admins by contacting their advertisers and ad-blocking!

92  2017-05-03 by A6MZer0


Jews did this


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How can reddit survive without /r/Anarchism's $8 per month?

Dying of laughter here.

To be fair, that's probably a decent percentage of reddit's revenue.

Doesn't 48% of their revenue come from change they found between couch cushions?

The other 52% comes from ShariaBlue astroturfing.

This doesn't even make sense in the context of what they're proposing to do.

> making sense

> /r/drama

you're doing it wrong

I think it was more the idea of making companies feel like they should pull advertising on right wing subreddits tbh

Seems like a pretty capitalistic free market strategy.

I get there is Anarcho-Capitalism but that sub is almost exclusively Marxists.

/r/anarchism are anarcho-communists. They hate anarcho-capitalism.

Well, Stirner is pretty much where they diverge, left anarchism predates ancaps, and the whole conversation makes both sides pissy, so that claim should be encouraged.

You should post that over on r ancaps and then post the results here. Except the ancaps won't really care, they don't love him, some will just have read him.

Egoism has absolutely nothing to do with anarcho-capitalism

I guess I agree, but you will see reference to Stirner all across the spectrum. Ancaps who like books will be familiar with him. Its not foundational to the ideology though, which I take to be your point. You motherfucker.

SJWs love buying reddit gold to give the impression their bullshit is celebrated.

"Today I was a man manspreading and so I shouted at him and all the people shouted as well!!" (10x Gold)

lol. I doubt even the most extreme lefty rags is going to run a positive story on a sub that thinks burning cops is "justice served."

i think the issue is more none of them would give a fuck about some forum on the site that hosted coontown and jailbait

How many threads have there been about /r/anarchism today. Are there any more? Let's get them all out and be done with this

they're probably gonna get banned soon so let's have fun with them.

Got me all sad thinking about our week of Jewdankposting before her ~un~timely death.

I found out her alt and spoke to her over PM a couple of weeks ago. I'm pretty sure she still visits drama and posts using an alt.

Don't tease, tell us who!

Is it /u/xnotch?

Have you ever seen Notch in the same room as Jewdank? Makes you wonder...

Creepiest sex ever.

Of course she does fam. I don't think anyone seriously thought that she'd leave reddit "for good".

how do you know it isn't a JewDank catfish brah?

I don't have "proof" if that's what you're asking. I seeked her out after noticing her in the wild and I'm sure it's her.


twitch The word you meant is "sought".


nah but Noodles was fucking with a bunch of users recently with his usual catfishing bullshittery, so I though it could have been them.

cause im banned from there, despite me being a real left wing activist etc, whats going on with /r/anarchism? why will they get banned?

Haven't you been paying any attention? The admins keep telling the mods there to quit encouraging violence, but a few basically told the admins to fuck off, so they got banned site wide.

hahahahaha... i would have just played dumb!

if they are shadow banned, the mods are proberly still typing away on their keyboards wondering why no one is responding while listening to Bikini Kill...

This is probably our last chance to make fun of the sharpies before they get b&, and they're all panicking right now, so it seems like a good time to invest in the @ drama before it's gone.

We're getting in on the ground floor.

We need to enjoy the drama before the ban hammer, comrade.


I still think it's a shame that u/hamjam5 ate a bullet, he was one of the only apparently sane people running things over there. Without guys like him keeping the sharpies at least a little in check, the sub is only gonna get worse and worse until the admins stop ducking around and ban it / transfer ownership to prince or whatever

I would prefer they go away willingly and spend 36 hours confusing their subscribers by posting fat Mexican comedians and clips from American Dad (the Jewdank approach) but it seems clear that the admins are going to have to physically remove the mods and replace them with some carpetbagger or just shut the whole sub down. A shame, because how are 15 year olds ever going to find Raddit?

Nothing would be more dramalicious than giving it to Prince.


Prince is less a carpetbagger than a government in exile tbqhwyf

All I care about is "is he from the north?"

ate a bullet

Was he an hero, or just got banned?

It was me

Lol just banned

u/KropotkinZombie aka u/nowaydaddioh was working very hard on getting hamjam banned. Seems very possible he was the snitch.

This would backfire hilariously, as any serious reporter would find the most interesting part of this story to be a subreddit of thousands of kids that all want to kill capitalists.

On the other hand, they did mention the Guardian.

what a very...capitalist method of protest.

Free market yay!

The system works!

The only thing Tankies are gonna get out of this is shietbart or the like righting about the violent left on reddit posting bomb making manuals and calling for violence against corps and trump voters.

Did you seriously have that many typos or did you have a stroke?

Consider what subreddit this is. Consider how much we enjoy bainting people.

I'm having one or ten now.

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Tankie means retarded militant left winger across the (autism) spectrum

tankie =/= militant left

tankie = authoritarian communist, or Soviet apologist

I prefer the SWS definition. Tankie = anyone to the left of Bernie Sanders.

/u/gigadweeb did not appreciate your retard shaming. You should apologize for ruining that retarded cunt's day, even if the gene pool would be better off without their surplus chromosomes.

"Disagree with me? You must be retarded. Now hold on while I define words contrary to their meaning so it doesn't look like I'm backpedaling."

I hope cops become corpses tbh.






Bashy_bashy remember when the autists tried to do this when FPH was benned? What makes you think your smaller, more retarded band of autists will make any difference in the situation?

time will tell. i'm looking forward to do my part in it.

Okay babe, just be careful not to stay up too late on reddit tonight, its a school night after all!

Why don't you guys just go to Voat and bash the fash there?

gotta start somewhere.

It won't do anything. You and all of /@ will get banned without ever making a difference if they don't shape up and listen to the admins.

How does it feel to piss into the wind while on a boat in the ocean of piss?

I'm seriously holding back my urge to go in there and shitpost. They are so delightfully welcoming of their inevitable deaths.

Why are you resisting the urge?

not only that, underdog and working class revolutionary and infant terrible /u/princekropotkin is at it again...

yeah, Pepsi loves AntiFa. this'll work.

I hear both sides saying that reddit is a shithole. Subs like r/LSC and r/Anarchism think so because of T_D, and visa-versa. Is there any evidence of a stated bias on the site?

reddit is a shithole specifically because it has formed political factions that are shitting up every subreddit with their bs

To paraphrase /u/yishan, reddit admins have a bias towards people not bothering them about stupid shit

This is why the modern left makes me ashamed to be socially liberal. Do these people not realize that 1. They're everything they hate and most of the time the only ones doing such things 2. Anarchy would kill them within days, and eventually a leader would rise and lead everyone which is what these people hate 3. How fucking stupid and hypocritical they are?

No, no, and no.

Why would retarded anarchists on reddit make you ashamed of that?

I mean it's a lot more than that but antifa is a large part

lol So they think the capitalist advertisers will actually give a shit about some whiny ranarchists complaining to them about what is wrote on reddit because some of their mods were banned.

Begging capitalists to do this or that contradicts their ranarchism ideology. Using adblockers isn't going to do anything at all to the advertisers or reddit. Geez can these teenagers get anymore retarded?

These crybabies are the same ones who celebrated when /r/altright got banned. Look at their top posts of all time. Haha. Hypocrites