In a desperate bid to stop Prince_Kropotkin, the mods of /r/anarchism frantically lick the boots of the reddit admins and do exactly what their capitalists masters tell them to

141  2017-05-04 by bookchins_ghost


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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This but mayocidally.


Snapshillbot is comprimised, it must be sent to the gulag.

I thought this sub was a gulag

Snapshillbot is actually Prince Kropotkin


holy shit is that a motherfucking jojo reference?

Reddit is not nor has it ever been a place to organize violent actions or to learn how to construct explosives. One disingenuous and disgruntled user, who since being banned for oppressive behavior months ago, has antagonized the subreddit constantly and is now constructing a wholly false and manipulative version of events in order to further personal goals.

This user is not only twisting the truth to portray a false version of events, but is now using this falsehood to petition the admins for control of the /r/Anarchism subreddit to install their own mod team, disregarding any semblance of direct control the users themselves currently have over their space. The /r/Anarchism mod team, while bound by Reddit's inherent hierarchy, works hard to stay accountable to the users and to keep as much direct control in your hands as possible.

/u/Faolinbean, you leave P_K senpai alone.

I think for just being delusional idiots, these people even give t_d'ers a run for their money.

I tend to avoid using the phrase, because it's typically bad, but u/faolinbean, the admins cucked you. Then again, you are a total waste of flesh anyway, so this just makes the post extra hilarious

/u/Faolinbean would need to have a significant other in order for the admins to be able to cuck him. Fortunately in this case he can just mail them his waifu.

Calls for Revolution - Revolution can be non-violent. A general strike is generally not a violent act. When you advocate for revolution here, we understand that you advocate for non-violent revolution.

I don't think they understand that we're way past the point where edgelords can do the whole nudge, wink routine about promoting violence. The admins aren't going to take "well they might technically have been advocating nonviolent revolution with those edgy slogans" as an excuse anymore.

sigh at least there's the whole "half the /r/@ front page has my name in the threads" amusement, I guess

I don't think they understand that we're way past the point where edgelords can do the whole nudge, wink routine about promoting violence words mean things.

sigh at least there's the whole "half the /r/@ front page has my name in the threads" amusement, I guess

You enjoy antagonizing them

how can you get any more than a half-chub unless they're talking about eating you tho


the avalanches album is so good

I'm not sure if "video removed" is some kind of meta-joke about how you can't, or what.

Would you not? I do the same thing to CB2 all the time. Its actually a great pastime.

What exactly do you do?

The AutoMod response in the second link is 👌😂.

I appreciate your work and the assistance.

why thank you.

My favourite thing about it was that I somehow managed to antagonize them even more than any of my agendaposts ever could have by simply implying that Philip DeFranco is not right-wing.

status quo is right wing lol. fucking cb2. right of mao is right wing.

That is not an exaggeration at all either. If you support capitalism, you are right-wing. Full stop.

I am so many levels of "don't care" about whatever ideology those fucknuts think I am.

Lol fucking kid.

I don't want police to be killed. I want them to realize that they are class-traitor pigs and abandon their ways and the police force. Then, I want the police force to have so few officers that they lack any legitimacy. Then, I want the community to come up with ways to police themselves without creating another gang of marauding thugs.

I cant see anything going wrong with this plan

I have anarchists defending the cultural revolution now because I said chinese people were better off with market reforms than starving under maoist incompetence.

That's literally not being pro-capitalism it's being anti-human misery and mass death.

You should see my posts on that sticky earlier. You got dudes talking about murder over and over and really wanting to be pro murder but getting super offended when I point it out and unable to answer the most basic of questions.

Yeah, I saw. Just trying to use semantics to get out of clearly promoting torture and murder. It was bullshit.

The torture police was my favorite. Their best alternative to saying they aren't going to murder every police officer was that they would stop taxes and telling me I should be smart enough to come up with a successful revolution, like duh!

I had no idea until now that shutting down all income in a country didn't involve mass murder. The basement dwelling edge lords sure taught me.

which sticky? Did I miss something cool?

You can find it all over my recent comments elsewhere.

look through your comments

ew no

haha it was literally my last comments in leftwithoutedge. i can't link one because i was all over the thread. there was a sticky there and it was heavily brigaded.

God damn that was hard to read. "Look, I just want to burn people alive, how is that sociopathic?"

That's not being pro-capitalism it's being anti-human misery and mass death.

Same thing

irish famine

indian famine under british colonialism

famine in capitalist sudan, somalia

do you ever not respond to poor quality bait?

Preach! Capitalism brought us Gamergate, the worst political revolution of our time. Gamergate elected Donald Trump. Checkmate, Capitalists.

Yeah. The funny part about the "no true communism" meme is that it applies to every attempt. With other things it's entirely legitimate to say that some of them were flawed implementations.

there have been worse and better implementations of literally every ideology

Except communism apparently, in which case they were all worse (at least given time).

Plenty of inspiring left-lib societies and even the M-L experiments weren't all bad, just most. Yugoslavia and Cuba in particular on balance seemed better than their most likely alternatives at the time. Well, we know what happened to Yugoslavia after Tito, it collapsed along ethnic lines and poisoned the entire region to this day. A good deal of the adult population really misses the guy and wishes they had the old country back, actually.

we're looking at deviations from the baseline

No dude, communist societies evolving into dictatorships, with outcomes ranging from meh to literal hell on earth based on personal qualities of the dictator, is the baseline, when it somehow doesn't happen is a deviation. You have it backwards because that's not how it's intended to work, well, that's actually the point.

I don't what to make of you.

You start off with a solid premise, do have a grasp of the situation but then fail so miserably when it comes to historical context and the forces driving things that you fail at every diagnosis you make.

Once you realize that international communism after Soviet revolution was a tool of imperialism and influence and once you connect the dots of south east Europe complex historical and ethnic re-arrangement that came after Ottomans went away, you'll realize that some people will use anything to get their way.

No shit that Russian "communism" was just another world empire and the history of the Balkans is ridiculously complicated. But shit at the very least held together in Yugoslavia and didn't degenerate into ethnic civil war for decades.

Except communism apparently, in which case they were all worse (at least given time).

maybe you should look into why the ones that had potential were not given time

(((They))) had a magic eightball telling them that the USSR or China or North Korea or the Khmer Rouge didn't have potential and could be left alone?

That is some top shelf drama there mate. 👍

The stickied metapost that resulted from it was the best part. Whoever did that is the best.

You're their Keyser Söze and it's hilarious. Paranoia is a hell of a drug.

sigh at least there's the whole "half the /r/@ front page has my name in the threads" amusement, I guess

Jealous tbh. How do i get senpai to notice me?

Act really, really autistic and politically opinionated. He seems to be drawn to his own kind.

Well ive already got the autistic part down

Just get some opinions.

where are you on the whole 'violence should not be fetishised or enjoyed, but is an unavoidable part of revolution and possibly a necessary tool' question? What do you think of the murder of the Romanov children?

violence should not be fetishised or enjoyed, but is an unavoidable part of revolution

I agree - but we should always strive to minimize it. I'm not concerned about a bit of property damage. I am very concerned about summary executions.

possibly a necessary tool

I'm quite skeptical. I think violence poisoned the Russian Revolution, and I don't think the Romanov children needed to have been killed. There was probably a more reasonable case for keeping them under a kind of house arrest for a few years.

If we don't kill children we can't stop the next generation of liberals from overthrowing us. Common sense, my dear boy.

I agree - but we should always strive to minimize it. I'm not concerned about a bit of property damage. I am very concerned about summary executions.

How do you avoid summary executions in a civil war though? I mean it's nothing to look forward to but it seems to be part of the horribly inevitable part of armed conflict.

I think violence poisoned the Russian Revolution

I think that it had more to do with international isolation and the failure of uprisings in Germany, Hungary, Italy, etc. Unfortunately the revolutionary wave that Lenin predicted was not large enough to topple other governments in Europe.

I think it was necessary to kill them because they were a symbol for the whites to rally around. Once they were dead the restoration of the monarchy was impossible, or at least made more difficult with no obviously legitimate heirs. It's unfortunate but that's the reality of the civil war. It's telling though that so many more tears were shed for them than the hundreds of nameless children that died as the result of white, or red, violence throughout the Russian countryside as the civil war raged.

Ugh that fucker is in the drama thread trying to seem "moderate" so he can try his coup here.

Too late /u/libertarian2206, /r/drama's retard militia has been assembled. We march on r/@ at dawn tomorrow.

To be fair anarchism would have a shot if they actually let prince run things.

Slightly less retarded is still retarded.

Neg, prince is stable

Can't say the same for the users

The subs that prince runs are pretty legit.

but if he's leading it how is it anarchy? :thinking:

Anarchism with hierarchical characteristics

Uh, he used to be a mod there for quite a long time, causing much drama, for example (note the submitter btw).

Hey I know that guy!

anarchism would work if it wasn't anarchism

Lol your sub is still gonna get banned /u/Faolinbean

We do not condemn violent action against fascists, as many consider this a form of self defense. The law does not however (Please check your state/province/territory laws though).

brb, checking local law for one of them "bash the fash" statutes i keep hearing about

mfw drama shitposts a dictator puppet leader into a position of power in a anarchist safe space.

I have no face.

I have no face.

And I must meme

anarchist safe space

Cut your own bowels out and hang yourself with them


nice poem faggot

So the mods of r/anarchism got organized, but unironically?

dude they had a democratic vote to see if one of the mods should be removed or not in a secret upperleadership sub

/r/anarchism is literally the reason why socialism doesn't work in action

That's hilarious.

Yes, because anonymous internet forums are exactly the same as real life.

It's not something sort of secret upper leadership sub. Anyone who has participated in /r/@ is more then welcome to take part in metaanarchism. The only requirement is some small level of participation in the main subreddit to stop brigades. Any member of the community is encouraged to post in meta, make their opinions known, and vote on issues. The mod debacle in question occurred when one of the mods ceased to listen to the votes from meta, so they were removed to regain community control. Their was no secret police or upper echelon scheming, the community decided that the mod was no longer listening to them, and overwhelmingly expressed support to demod them

Solidarity! My anarchist comrades!

Yes my bold heroic anarchist comrades, lets suck each others' dicks! We are saving the world, fighting for the greatest cause! Keep sucking! Don't stop! We are beset on every side by those seeking to exploit and control the working peoples, but we won't let them! Oh god I think I'm cumming!

Solidarity! My anarchist comrades!

Yes my bold heroic anarchist comrades, let's all suck each others' dicks! We are saving the world, fighting for the greatest cause! Keep sucking! Don't stop! We are beset on every side by those seeking to exploit and control the working peoples, but we won't let them! Oh god I'm gonna cum!

They put the gay in Luxury Gay Space Communism

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It's about time they took notice from their betters. Good job bending your knee /u/Faolinbean now we need you to create a small business and put the next decade of your life into it and then give it to the proletariat.

I wonder if the admins have reached the point that they will ban r/@, regardless of how many times they beg and plead for mercy. It's amusing to see these "uncompromising" radicals sellout pretty quickly to their capitalist admin overlords. Especially since most of the edgelords were mocking PK for his pragmatism, when he suggested that they tone down their "kill all cops and nazis" and "everyone I don't like is a fascist" rhetoric. So either they will double down on their defiance, or lick the boots of the admins.

Fucking hell, "gaslighting" is the latest reddit buzzword that nobody uses in the correct context and will soon lose all meaning due to overuse in inappropriate situations. See: sjw, cuck etc. ad inifinitum

Revolution can be non-violent

Maybe if youre a giant pussy

"I alone can fix this"

  • Daddy Trump PK

What does this mean for advocacy of violence against private/public property? E.g. keying the homophobic bus?

Are homophobic buses a thing now? How can such a phallic vehicle be homophobic? Or is this just a general expression (What are you up to today? Oh, not much, just kickin' back and keying the homophobic bus a little.)?

This is like Ned Stark confessing his "crimes" before getting beheaded anyway.

I don't know what was funnier, that line or finding out that when you aren't plotting the downfall of capitalism, you subscribe to HBO and watch Game of Thrones

Never heard of books I take it

Keep sucking kids, maybe it will do you some good.

Okay, this or Socialist Catgirls?