Prince_Kropotkin Prince_Kropotkin Prince_Kropotkin Poop_Kropoopskin Piss_Onforeksin

77  2017-05-04 by TonyFuckingDanza


Nobody cares.


Big if true

dude mayocide lmao

Agreed tbh

Same tbh

I'm just here for the updoots.

yo get the updoots*

doot doot

doot doot*

Don't forget...

bussy lol

This but unironically.

Delet this

Deet ur smile first

I have no idea what this is.


thnk u bby

His mother was a clown car and his father reeked of PBR.

There's a time for lies

and a time for truth

I say, eye for an eye

Eye for a toth

When I roamed, young

I'd scavenge around

Every nook and cranny

of our little town

Pull out the cannon boys

steal us some wine

Puff Tijuana smalls

Shake hands with beef

*holds up bussy

Comment of the year right here

Woah there friend, call a hot range before you switch your autism to the "full-auto" position.

This but Kroptronically

This, but bash kropotkin.


they call me dat prince kropot-kin, pop the glock-kin, sell that rock-kin, drop a cop-kin

now i just need the POPbackbeats user to make a gangsta rap surefire hit

When is this Prince Kro Pol Pot guy gonna become a King already.

Czar, not King. Comrade.

large quantities of metareddit drama

Wow shut the fuck up no one cares

Chance to agendapost about SJWs

Aw hell yeah

Solidarity with Prince_Bootlicker.

Send him my deepest regards op

DAE Anarchists lol?

/u/Prince_Kropotkin, do you just love killin'?

I am a brocialist who is literally willing to die to implement PK's coup. I literally dream of the day that I will die of a bullet to the chest fighting edgelords in the streets. I have no other desire in the world other than to see the end of the Maoist cabal. I don't desire love, I don't care for material objects, I don't care for social status. My only desire is to fight and die for the cause. At this point, I consider myself to be nothing more than an instrument of the manarchist revolution. Nothing else matters to me. Death doesn't scare me. Prison doesn't scare me. Nothing scares me. My life for Prince_kropotkin. My life for the revolution. (Yeah, that was kind of dramatic, but I meant every word of it.)

If this was your application for PKDF mod you're hired.

Can I literally tho


This, but unironically

My wife's son /u/Prince_Kropotkin loves the smell of his own farts. In fact, every morning when he wakes up, he gives himself a dutch oven!

He also really doesn't care about Gamergate.

Wasn't there already an other /u/king_kroptokin?

/u/King__Kropotkin and /u/king_kropotkin, we need to sort you guys out. Which is the clone?


I keep reading kropotkin as klonopin.