/r/the_donald mod and some random podcast host agree to a fistfight over Twitter.

50  2017-05-04 by IAmAN00bie


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You know how you don't end up fighting some MMA asshole? You don't pick fights with strangers on the internet.

You want to fight someone without seeing who they are then you fight them regardless of whether they're the second coming of Andre the Giant.

He's talking about the T_D mod bringing in a ringer and cheating. Then again, I don't think the fight will happen because assaulting a 13 year old is against the law.

That is what I'm talking about! Luckily we have the guys voice print because he called into The Dick Show

He could have used a vocal processor to make his coice shrill and nasally to mislead cucks on just how alpha he is. I mean how can someone who is actually writing a sci-fi Trump fanfic not have an anomalously high T level and swimming in that puss?

This but unironically.

Are you serious about the fanfic? That sounds weirder than magical girl Bernie.

I'm not sure, lets find out.

/u/warofthefanboys are you unironically this retarded? Can I get a rough draft of you autism chronicles? Preferably not covered in bodily fluids?


Gentlemen duel should make a comeback.

I bet ol Uwe enjoyed each and every one of those punches.

So did I.

what a puss

Gunna pick fights with anonymous people on twitter you might get a MMA dude.

The way she goes

He's talking about the T_D mod bringing in a ringer.

He's probably wary of this happening to him. The original tweet, since deleted:

Unsurprising that not one Ted Cruz-supporting cuck/Twitter user is willing to face me in the UFC octagon.

Who is he responding to?

Some editor at Deadspin, his account is still there.

I would fight a T_D mod

They should bring back the Toughman Contest but updated to leverage the current political scene.

Instead of big burly drunken dudes attempting to box, it'll be internet warriors flailing about.

  • Left vs Right
  • Commie vs Western PigDog
  • SJW vs Not Retarded

Western civilization getting rid of trial by combat was a mistake.

You forgot the most important one: "Skin off: Circumcision." It'd have a nice large set of sales.

Excuse me, you mean "professional comedian."

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

One guy is called TrumpSciFi and the other is Asterios Pokedex.

Make it a death match and it becomes a win-win.

Not really, since one of them has to survive.

Well you're just a glass half empty kind of guy aren't you

I'm just saying, it would be a good idea to give both fighters knives coated in poison.

From what I heard, giving them both knives should be enough.

But I have other ideas too! Like a duel on meat grinders! Two men enter, put their left hands in each other's grinder opening, their right hands on the handles, and after a signal start grinding, gradually converting each other to ground meat that can be used to feed cattle etc.


Yes but what does this have to do with /u/prince_kropotkin?

"some random podcast host" Cuckmas Carols is gonna be album of the year you know nothing basement dweller

A limp wristed duel to the death!

random podcast host?!

uh, i have a patreon??

Yeah, but so does David Clegg.

with a professional patreon

Hobos need to step their begging game up

What the fuck is a professional patreon?

He's distinguishing from guys like this who make $2 a month.

My anal fissure has a Patreon and it doesn't mean shit.

Damn I didn't realize you were making that much skrillah by riding the coat tails of /u/dickmasterson

They're VERY nice coat tails!

I honestly don't understand people who get upset enough over shitposting to want to fight someone irl.

It gets worse. Weeaboo neckbeard Asterios is trying to convince me to have a katana fight instead. Sad!

Katanas are too mainstream. Y'all should fight with something more niche. Sais would be a good alternative.

He's trying to give you a slight advantage because we all know you were studying the blade when he was going after women.

Both of you should probably KYS and save the world from your autism

Back when something awful was still somewhat relevant I remember that "fight" and it was the first thing I thought of here.

Coincidentally, /u/asterioskokkinos is also a writer for Something Awful. So with that track record in mind, this is going to be hilarious.

This is why we need mayocide

Do overweight half-Chinese half-Greeks count?

this but unironically

Dude the cake is a lie


Please god let this get livestreamed

I dont care who wins, as long as i can watch

Asterios is trying to make it a patreon thing.

Sneak peek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLnUiBbZx_0

Only $250 on PayPerView DM me for more info