Autistic "race realist" with a speech impediment talks about 'peacefully' ethnically cleansing black people on Destiny's stream, goes to /r/Destiny to defend himself

60  2017-05-04 by Mark_Kozelek


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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If he didn't sound like an Adam Sandler character, I might feel threatened.

Why did I expect him to sound any differently?

Is there a vid of the full debate?

So far its been a nasally and socially awkward teenager... getting made fun of in the comments

I don't understand how that's any different from the rest of the sub?

im pretty sure thats all destiny does he can't debate everytime he defends himself he sounds like me defending mass effect andromeda

" In retrospect, this was a mistake. *The results of the transracial adoption study can be used to support either a genetic difference hypothesis or an environmental difference one (because the children have visible African ancestry). We should have been agnostic on the conclusions [...].[8]"***

That is from the author of the "definitive study" you provided on muh black intelligence.

Peatheful Cleanthing.

Home star Runner got dark since I.watched it last.

How much wam do you need fwor peacefwul ethnic cleansing

Now that the Native Americans are flush with that Casino cash maybe they could do the same thing to white people.

I sure ain't moving for no $15,000. I want a castle and an Earldom. Maybe a jester and some corgis, too.

What if they threw in some "mayonnaise" and "pickles"?

Watercress sandwiches, yo.


Cumskin who hates pickles here, AMAA.

I hate mayonnaise 😠

Calling a race realistic "austistic" seems redundant

well it's actually a step up from what is typical which would be "retarded". So i this case it's a compliment.


This is why we need mayocide

He sounds like he was less-than-peacefully "ethnically cleansed" in gym class. Repeatedly.

Is this the same guy as u/CatholicExtremist?

Different. That wasn't me.

Sounds like allergy season is a little rough on /u/ReactionaryCatholic this year.

Sounds like allergy season has been a little rough for /u/ReactionaryCatholic this year.


/u/ReactionaryCatholic post your gains and deadlift max, master race my ass

Also this is how I imagine literally everyone on /pol/ sounds IRL.

I'd rather have my country filled with honor-killing, Allahu-Akbaring, mudslimes than listen to a bunch of Elmer Fudd-sounding autistic motherfuckers.

hes a waste of oxygen

Wow the detotaded wam kid really went downhill huh

just like nazi germany did to the jews



Segregating people by IQ would mostly get the same results as segregating them by race.


Just another example of someone so stupid they aren't able to realize how stupid they are.

Want to debate me about how stupid I am?

only if you post a picture with a shoe on your head. Don't need to be bamboozled.