An irl vampire tells the tale of how her ex ran off to live with two teen girls as a vidya game character.

87  2017-05-05 by snallygaster


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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she's not transexual anymore

im a fae-vampire but it's psychological

amazing find as always

final fantasy 8 was a huge let down from 7, now all these years later everyone agrees the best part of 8 was the card minigame

blitzball was better then that too

why does everyone hate ff8? It's the only one I played aside from tactics.

a good reason to not like it is squall. also rinoa. plus their whole relationship, but zell made it up for me

people don't like squall? he was my edgy pubescent crush.

he didn't try hard enough to get zell hotdogs tho :/

why does everyone hate ff8?

i never actually played it lol , i think it's just got a bad rep having to follow up FF7 and i know 9 is highly rated for some reason too, then having 10 likely just overshadowed it

It's the only one I played aside from tactics.

my friend loved 8, 7/10/12 were all outstanding games imo

7's storyline and characters/development are better then 10/12 imo but it may just be nostalgia, tidus and vaan are just kind of... weaker heroes then cloud

Vaan was barely a character, he's just kind of there while interesting shit happens around him to people who tolerate him being around autistically talking about how he's gonna be a pirate or some shit.

Tidus started off that way a bit but grew up over the journey at least and grew into the group he was with. I didn't get that impression from Vaan.

"I play the leading man" Balthier the way better main character then vaan

he's just kind of there while interesting shit happens around him to people who tolerate him being around autistically talking about how he's gonna be a pirate or some shit.

That was the point wasnt it? To show the war from a perspective some poor civilian.

He doesn't really give a perspective though. It's like all this shit happens. Then he's off on the side still taking about being a pirate like a retard.

> be me starving child in a slum underground during a world war

> hero comes into slum

> have you seen any ghosts

> messes with pipes for 3 hours in the sewer

> th-thanks

For me, I found the plot too boring and didn't like the combat. My save got fucked when I was at the end of the game and I've never gone back and played to the end because there was almost nothing in there that made me want to replay.

7 and 9 I've played a bunch of times but to be honest I'm a loser.

As someone who has played all the games but 13 and 15, they all have their ups and downs, but in the end it comes down to whether you like the style of the game. They have pretty varying artistic style, and I have noticed that doesn't jive with a lot of people. I love all of them, but I am pretty easy to please like that.

Also tactics would be so amazing as a MOBA

the style of the game. They have pretty varying artistic style, and I have noticed that doesn't jive with a lot of people.

I've heard people hate on the music in 12. I can't get my head around that, I thought it was great (and beautifully complemented the environment/setting).

Lame, I loved that music, but then, there isn't a game I didn't love the music for. I would suck Nobuo Uematsus dick if it meant meeting him.

Also tactics would be so amazing as a MOBA

Holy shit

Seriously Square, get on this shit!

I'm a hardcore FF8 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!" This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works. I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.


Nice wall faggot

Do it

My question is why anyone likes 7. And this is from a near life-long weeb. FF7 is the only FF game I've ever played, because people wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, and it was terrible. You press a button, watch a 10-minute unskippable cutscene, have a random combat every three steps forward you take, repeat.

I'd rather just watch an anime, because it will have better artwork and will almost certainly have a more coherent plot.

Because it was a letdown after FF7

Tactics really holds up, and you can play it on an ipad now.

7 was a disappointment after 6 tbh

My tie to vampirism is a lifelong part of myself that I take seriously and cherish.


As an atheist and aspiring scientist I attribute religious "beliefs" to the psychology of imagination.

You'd be surprised how many people in those sorts of communities are things like med students and scientists. It's easy to compartmentalize I suppose.

Question: How long have you been spending on these werewolf and vampire websites that you now know a good portion of their userbases are med students and scientists?

All of it.

idiot doesn't know what science is


This is why you never share a bank account.

Now how in the fuck did you find this?

I was browsing through a vampire forum looking for cool stuff, and on a metathread about where posters draw the line in terms of open-mindedness, she decided to drop this bomb. I tried to find out who the ex is to no avail, but I'm pretty sure the two 'sex confused teenage girls' are the old ringleaders of the infamous final fantasy fvii cult. During my search I also stumbled onto some GOOD SHIT that I'm writing up atm, jesus christ fandoms are insane sometimes.

You just look through vampire forums for cool stuff? You're the /r/drama we truly need, if not the one we deserve.

Also: flair me

You just look through vampire forums for cool stuff?

Who doesn't tbqh

flair me

I would but idk how to do the flair sheet thing.

Even just text with "Don't believe his Jew lies" on it?



(I'll send you the payment)

/u/snallygaster is the resident professional in niche and degenerate internet subcultures.

The whole "dressing up like Vincent Valentine" made some alarm bells go off for sure

I was browsing through a vampire forum looking for cool stuff

There's your problem right there

?During my search I also stumbled onto some GOOD SHIT that I'm writing up atm, jesus christ fandoms are insane sometimes.

Sometimes? Well, that is an interesting take on them. ;)

I was trying to be kind. :p

You know how some people are idiot savants? I think /u/snallygaster is an asshole savant.

You shit. Did you repost this just so you could make my comment go away?!


Aw damn, you posted on it? I figured I'd just delete it and post the screenshot since the text didn't really add anything to the submission. I am sorry for your karma loss. :'(


It was a shitpost comment. No big.

I upvoted your other comment so now you get extra karma! Problem solved!

have you made anything about said cult?

I'm in the process of writing about it; the person writing the exposes on the cultist is an unreliable narrator to say the very least, so the whole deal is a lot crazier than what I initially thought and I have no idea what is accurate and what isn't about the story.

other self-proclaimed sanguinarian

transsexual and therian

fae-vampire combination

secretly became obsessed with Final Fantasy 7

I feel like I've been raped

No offense to anyone, but if anyone here wants to argue that millennials aren't the worst generation, I'm completely down to tell you how fucking wrong you are.

Look I just identify as having hematolagnia and none of that fairy shit


Aleister Crowley was worse

Do you think other social animals are this retarded? Do you think there is some wolf that thinks it's actually a ghost or some shit? Evolution was a mistake.

Well there was that penguin who had a 2D waifu.....

Good find as always, snally. Where's the drama, though? I see no slap fights here, and I want blood!

How do people get to this point? What drives them to this sort of delusion?

Good find as always, snally. Where's the drama, though? I see no slap fights here, and I want blood!

It's relationship drama!

How do people get to this point? What drives them to this sort of delusion?

there are probably a lot of avenues to get to this point imo

It's relationship drama!

Good point.

I was hoping for the other side to come out and they'll tear each other apart. I guess I have been spoiled by all the slap fights I see in this sub.

there are probably a lot of avenues to get to this point imo

I'm glad I stay ignorant to those things.

Vincent Valentine is pretty hot, tbh.

I dunno, she seems generally aware of how fucking dumb the whole thing is, since she talks about how it's probably just all psychological anyway.

Also, she ends up talking about her non-idiot self identification (atheist, aspiring scientist), so maybe she's one of the ones who will get out of that shit alive. Who knows.

One thing's for certain in all of this, the people involved are definitely not skinny.

FF8 is best FF unironically

I'm reminded of the weird FF7 otakukin cult lead by some fuck who managed to drag a few unsuspecting nerds into it, and the cult had someone who believed he was Hojo, constantly dressed as him, and managed to be grosser and crazier than the actual Hojo.

>when the wannabe vampire is the sane one in a relationship


Where the fuck do you find this shit?