Ban PK threads

84  2017-05-06 by ThatOtherPromise

Ban threads about him too

What a boring ass drama, what kind of subhumans enjoy watching the same spergy groups of anarchists jerk off to the thought of torturing/rape/killing PK ?

Do any of u actually enjoy that shit? there is fucking thousands of that shit since I am gone


Everyone here is too much of a sperg to ignore him, myself included.

Imagine being this liberal

is this forever how do i go back

No, we've reached the end of history.

Go home Fukuyama.

I, a totally different person who is not in any way associated with OP, also support this petition

What a bright young man OP is!

guys stop picking on prince potemkin

I don't know why this isn't being upvoted more.



Prince: Rinsed


Your username....I want it...

How dare you pk has caused panic in the reddit tankie community and we need to know about it

Make me

I enjoy pk drama tbh fam

what is PK?

A drama regular and anarchist that is hated to an insane degree by a bunch of other anarchist redditors.

PK iz LyF

PK iz LuV

Also /u/prince_kropotkin ,hero and hope of non-edgy anarchists on reddit

my cat

no i love him

But I unironically love his retarded drama

ban all threads that aren't posted by snally tbphfam

this but less gay

We've been asking this for months and the mods still won't listen.

Prince_polpotkin, master of the sperglords, organizer of r/anachism, url of fuckery. meh. let them have their retarded fun. The brain cramp will occur and in a week or so another twathole will open in the redditverse to suck them into, and bind them into dorkness. So it was in the beginning and so it shall be unto the end of the webs. Amen.

You're playing with fire right now, I've gone through your post history, and I have to say, I don't really like what I'm seeing. I know your type, you're a third-rate edgelord and a keyboard warrior. You think you can sit here covering your fingers in cheeto dust and pledging allegiance to the vandal tribe as you spew shit at us? There are consequences for your actions, there always is.

You need to understand something, this stopped being just a fun /u/prince_kropotkin thread with hackneyed economics all around, it has stopped being that for years. We live in an interconnected world, the internet is having a profound effect on real-world politics. It's called internet warfare, and it is just as vital as being a snitch IRL. It's been around for awhile but the internet really shifted the whole game. When you say our little screenshots aren't of YOUR spaces, you are attempting to drive transgender comrades from the sub, in essence you are interfering with our goals.

What is that goal you may ask? To rid the world of edgelords. like. you. So I'm going to tell you what's going to happen right here, right now.

You are going to delete every single one of your posts, every single one of them. I don't want to see a single post under your name, every single one of them is an affront to evidence baded policy.

You are going to delete your piss shit account. You can make another one, if you follow the next rule.

You are never going to post any more shit every again against /u/Prince_Kropotkin. Leftism, Richard Wolff, etc. you get the idea.

This is not a warning anymore, this is not a request, this is an order that you are going to follow to the letter. If you, for any reason, or for any motivation, do not follow these instructions right fucking now, I will make your life a living hell. Or rather, we, we will. You better hope and pray you're using a VPN, it may help stall us for long enough to get your pale little trans body out of the country to wherever ass fuck socks like yourself go when the jig is up.

You will follow these instructions through, or we will report you. I dare you to do something to the contrary, I dare you. I would love to see and hear your grimace and scream as I plunge my thesis into your rectum. I would love to break everyone bone in your body from the feet upwards. Do you have a girlfriend (or other non-sexually-determinate free associate)? Children? Mother? father? Sibling? Friends? Don;t bother answering that, we can find out anyway. How would you like to see their faces bashed in with a metal baseball bat in front of you? How would you like that, xer? I'll stab them in their fucking penises and make you watch them choke on their own blood. You get the picture, you have one hour to comply with this request. Don't get any smart ideas.

Source pls

You're playing with shards of ice right now, dry ice. I've gone through your shitpost history, and I have to say, you are a fraud. I know your type, you're a copy pasta asshat who never had an original thought, even your feeble minded attempts at irony are, unironically, pathetic and weak. There are no consequences for your actions, this being the interwebs nd all. You need to misunderstand something, this started being just a dumb /u/prince_kropotkin trash can fire., it has stopped being that for hours. We live in an isolated world, the internet is having a negligible effect on real-world politics. It's called internet autism, and it is just as useless as wanking a 1-hour meth-boner. It's been around for an insignificant amount of time, geologically speaking, but the internet is the ultimate wank-off. When you say our little shitpoasts aren't worthy, you are attempting to drive cis-gender hetero-normals into seclusion, in essence, you are accomplishing nothing more than satisfying your own incessant desire to blather. What is that goal you may ask? To gain karma points like a drama whore. So I'm going to tell you what's going to happen right here, right now. You are going to fap to whatever perverted fetish you subscribe to and then fall asleep crying pathetically into your pillow, as you do every night. I don't want to see a single post under your name, every single one of them is an affront to the reputation of otherwise good thinking autistic retards. You are going to to nothing and like it. You can tell your moms, if you follow the next rule. You are never going to have a derivative thought, not hat you ever had one in the first place, or your head will explode. This is not a warning anymore, this is not a request, this is an order that you are going to ignore. In fact, spill something into you keyboard, and then tear out the hard-drive and magnetize it, then burn it. Call your internet provider and concel your service. Lock yourself into your basement and live on stray cats that wander in. If you, for any reason, or for any motivation, do not follow these instructions right fucking now, I will not give a rats ass. You better hope and pray you've got a good amount of lube on hand, it may help you stall the boredom for awhile. You will follow these instructions through, or not. The choice is yours. I dare you to do something, anything, that will prove to the world and everyone that you are more than an impotent cuck, I dare you. You do not have a girlfriend (or other non-sexually-determinate free associate) because obviously women (and men) are repulsed by your neckbeard and foul odor. Children? No, you would have to been with a member of the opposite sex for that. Mother? father? Sibling? Good God they are so dissapointed in you that other than your birthday and Christmas they would rather have nothing to do with you. Friends? Other likeminded autistic weirdos who post anonymously on the web do not count. If anything they are negative friends. A black hole of anti-friend, you get the picture. You have the rest of you life to revel in your pointless empty existence. Don't get so depressed from this knowledge that you off yourself, although no one will care one way or the other.

I'm left speechless, utterly outmatched.

Turning lead into lulz, one shot post at a time.

I love this new copypasta. That is all.

no ban lefty daddy

ban yourself
from life

Why did you come back? Couldn't you stay gone forever?

Drama about drama causes drama.

Your proposal would mean this thread would be banned too.

The path to infinite retarded reversion is clear.

Are you daft? The Prince inspires the most fervent spergery I've seen in years

Ban meta threads. This shit is a waste of bandwidth.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

No u

This except ironically

I guarantee you in a week pk will work its way out of our system and it'll be right back to the same old mayocide jokes

You must be new

M8, you can always delete your account to get Away from it.

If I had my way I would ban anarchism, gamerghazi, tumblrinaction and circlebroke2. I don't have my way so I just ignore those threads. You should probably do the same.

Wise man

Fuck off with your wanting to ban shit.

I don't have my way

That's very good and hope it stays that way.

Genuine wisdom in a mod sticky?


Fuck off with your wanting to ban shit. If faggot users like you and /u/ThatOtherPromise don't want to see topics, they can easily use RES and block topics they don't want to see. If they're too retarded to even figure how to block keywords and want everyone else to not see it as well, fuck them.

I don't have my way

That's very good and hope it stays that way.

who the fuck is PK

I like PK, but PK drama is pretty played out and boring at this point.


Maybe you shouldn't have left and you could have counterbalanced it with incest drama?

I have no more stories as my life has been pretty healthy and boring this months

I did however get black out by two absinta shots after a night of binge drinking the other day, so that was quite fun.

Nah my life got healthy lately, which also means boring.

How are you doing man? new job or something?

Boring isn't bad man. Boring can be quite good. I can't complain, there are always people that have things worse.

Don't worry, the threads will disappear after he and his comrades get free helicopter rides.

No. He's very thin skinned, and can never take what he loves to dish out. He always shows up. He always doubles down. He never disappoints.

God itself could not craft a more perfect lolcow.

Agreed, the drama is boring and both sides are a bunch of spergs taking this site too seriously.

Seriously all of you involved just fucking kys.