After five seasons and sixteen years, Samurai Jack finally finds love. Gendersoup fan brats freak out.

68  2017-05-07 by letumblrfaec


Never change, Snap...

(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

"People who'll die sad, alone, and covered in cat piss are bitter over fictional characters finding happiness. We'll have that story and your local weather forecast at 11."

That's why you only watch the news at 10 until the weather forecast and then you turn it off and go to bed.

What do you mean I shouldn't look to cartoons for what love should be? Should I also not look at plastic dolls for an ideal body image?

i dont see complaints in r/drama

never understood that most of them very likely don't have high opinions on writing and fanfiction is filled with middlingly good writing that caters to them why do they care?

hahhaha imagine being an adult and saying you're a part of a cartoon fandom hahhahaa

it's worse than young adult fiction

it's like collecting stickers holy shit

at least they ponies are like are a weird fetish for lonely old men. Imagine being 30 and you care if Samurai Jack finds love AND THEN BEING ANGRY ABOUT IT HAHAHHAHQ

stay up late every night playing Minecraft by yourself and getting angry at the heteros in a fucking cartoon hahahhaa fucking defend anime, please--someone

cry if Hillary loses, sure, but imagine running a cartoon blog hahhahaa holy shit this is incredible

the only worse thing you can do is watch streamers and give them money, but at least those people are all mentally ill

imagine going to college and getting a liberal arts degree and being exposed to interesting adult shit and then you just watch cartoons instead that's so fucking silly

you can identify as trans or gay or bi, that I understand

but imagine waking up every day and looking in the mirror and an anime fan looks back at you

you just watch kids' cartoons and you have a job and you think about them there and you just wanna get home to Tumblr to yell at people about how to feel about different cartoons

imagine identifying as an anime lover hahhahaha you're worse than furries hahhaha

all i can say is kys urself autist

If you watch anime, I wouldn't expect you to muster the courage to go out and buy yourself food once your family abandons or forgets you and all the love that anyone had impotently offered you dries up and dies. I'd tell you to kys, but nobody expects that much from you.

Calm Your AutismTM fan

Normal adult doing adult things - Autist

Manchild watching cartoons for children - Not autist


now listen here you little shit

if you wanna make a burn do it in one post, four posts can be understood only as REEEEEEEEEEEE

Meh. Still not worse than Steven Universe fans who REEEEEEEE over anything that deviates from their fantasy of fat tranny dyke space rocks eating each other out.

I'll never understand caring about "fandoms" at all. So often I've seen people like "I would watch SU but the fandom is sooooo awful!"

First, it really isn't significantly worse than any other rabid Tumblr teenage girl fanbase, and second, it's not like watching the show teleports those people into your living room. It's an alright show, who cares if some autists like it way too much?

it really isn't significantly worse than any other rabid Tumblr teenage girl fanbase

it really is actually. Even here on reddit compare its sub to, say, the Star vs. The Forces of Evil sub and you'll see how much more toxic and hostile the SU one is in comparison. Not to mention they literally almost drove a person to suicide because her fanart was "problematic." That's pretty above average in the "terrible fandom" category.

I don't know what it is about that show that attracts such rabid people. Its almost like all the Undertale weirdos went off to that show or something.

I haven't had any issues with the SU subreddit at all, so you're barking up the wrong tree there. It's been nothing but a pleasant if vacuous community as far as I've seen.

Yeah, I remember when that happened. There's no justifying it, but I know for a fact that most people who A) watch Steven universe and B) are aware of the event, disapprove of it as much as you or I do. It's the loud minority thing that crops up all the time.

Fair enough on both points.

I don't like Steven Universe because the kid is such a wuss

Yeah he's a big ol' pussy but I personally can't hate him. Also he's capable of kicking ass he just never does because he's a wiener.

He is still more likeable than the girl from Star and the Forces of Evil

Shut up. Marco is pure and beautiful. Reeeeeeeeee!

I don't care. I watch it occasionally and enjoy it for what it is. I just like to laugh and point when I read shit like this.

I think we established that these people are not adults, for the most part

Some of them are, but hopefully they'll die soon

What the duck is Samurai Jack? Is it some japanimation thing?

I think it's a Chinese cartoon.

It was an old cartoon with a very distinctive animation style that got canceled in the early 2000's and was just brought back now.


/r/GamerGhazi spergout when??

oh man, i knew people would be pissed when i saw them kiss last night. but i kinda figured it would be more about the age thing than anything else

What is her age?

no clue, but definitely younger. jack's like.... 70 something

Still legal goy

i uh... didn't imply otherwise...


oh... okay...

The age/2+7 rule applies still.

I've seen people on tumblr and a few on 4chan pissed about age and a lot of people on 4chan who are PISSED about a 'shoehorned-in relationship'. The meltdowns last nite were glorious.

how did you like last night's episode?

i liked it, i thought their interactions were cute. plus, i like this how this iteration shows even more human elements of Jack, like self loathing or lust.

It was a great episode that pissed off the incels. Jack was one of them, unshaven, jaded, lonely, a failure, and on the verge of sudoku. Now how can they relate to him when he's giving that good S U C C

Loved it, it was incredibly cheesy in the best way possible, and it was a nice break from the doom and gloom. I was pretty sure they were going to go for the romance angle, but I had no idea that they'd go all out like that. It was great. The nerd rage is a bonus too.

Pure goddamn austism

This last episode of Samurai Jack, season 5 episode 8, was garbage and it is honestly incredibly upsetting. I’ll start off by saying that, yes I was never a fan of Jshi, but I didn’t loathe it or anything. If it was going to happen, I could have potentially accepted it because I know that one of the greatest aspects of Samurai Jack is the ability for a dense story to be told visually and in the span of about 30 minutes. I expected so much more, are you kidding me? The show has, up until this point, never felt rushed or forced. It was fast-paced, to be sure, but it flowed well and was exciting and absolutely captured the essence of the earlier episodes with ease. This episode felt like it was being forced down my throat. Nothing, and I mean nothing, up until this point has even hinted at a romantic relationship between these two. Yeah, they had chemistry, but like…duh. Why would anyone watch a show with characters that had no chemistry? We have watched Jack interact with a character that was blatantly using sex appeal to get his attention (Josephine and arguably Ikra) and he barely batted an eye. Yet Ashi is naked in front of him, in a completely non-sexual situation, and he fumbles over himself? He covers her? Not to mention Jack has never been shy about taking his own clothes off. You really can’t expect me to believe that is realistic. The most glaring issue with Jshi is the clear power imbalance between them. Ashi has been sheltered for most of her life, and while she has grown exponentially as a character and I love her growth, she has not yet matured mentally to the point of this relationship being healthy. Could it have been healthy? Sure, but I would have needed to be a slow burn. Not happen in the space of ONE EPISODE. She and her sisters were astonished and uncomfortable because they saw two damn animals nuzzling. And she just goes ahead and kisses the first person she has extended contact with that isn’t related to her? I highly doubt Ashi would understand feelings of romantic love having never felt them before. Not to say she isn’t capable, but we need to see that development! I’m also pissed that they fuckin’ objectified her the way they did. Why did she need to be naked? Why, to upset the comfort of the male protagonist of course! Really? Look, J*shi could have worked, it could have been done well, really it could have and I would have been fine with it. But it wasn’t done well. It was forced, it is inherently unhealthy in its current form, and as is exists solely for the benefit and development of the male lead with complete disregard to the female lead.

Imagine caring this much about the relationships of cartoons

One part of the post you quoted that didn't come through because of formatting, and is also hilarious.

Apparently J*shi is some fan made mashup name for Jack and Ashi.


You really can’t expect me to believe that is realistic.

Commenting on a show about Samurai fighting supernatural creatures.

Adventure is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

I thought that was anime.

>being heterosexual

>In 2017

Ughhhh mayocide when??

Oh lawdy lawd, looks like the incels that saw themselves in Jack's "all hope is lost, also 70 year old virgin" are REEEEE-ing cause a fictional cartoon character is getting more puss than they are.

Here's an album of meltdowns that includes some 4chan stuff. /co/ really hates Ashi.

I remember slipping into /co/ once (ewww) to find out that everyone there seriously hated Ashi. As soon as this episode ended, I could already hear the autistic screeching coming in form a distance.

Apparently /co/ has issues with contrarianism and romance plots after Legend of Korra got overhyped and ended with a forced romance or something. Plus there's runoff from /pol/ and /r9k/ who can't identify with a MC if they're not a loner virgin. The latter camp pretty much had their hearts broken last nite. By the way they wrote it was like someone had died.

commits murder

Bound to happen eventually.

gets laid


I dont get the part where they say ashi doesnt look like an adult. That like... doesn't make sense to me

I am soooo glad I came into this show having never seen the first four seasons (I know, shameful display). Some people allow their hobbies to consume them.