Le cringe army is here!

26  2017-05-10 by OniTan


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Drama is like the kiddie pool version of SubredditDrama. It offers some of the same experience, but it's only a few inches deep and filled with shit and piss.


wut. SubredditDrama is already the kiddie pool version of SubredditDrama. We're in here splashing around while SRDines insist that they can swim faster than Michael Phelps.

anyone who feels some sense of superiority because they post in subreddit X while someone else posts in subreddit Y should just go ahead and drown themselves tbqhf

SRD has been here for months

/u/Ferenix2 was right

Man, I hate it when SRD invades anything. Why won't the admins do anything about it!?

Because the admins are literally SRS. Shit Reddit Says wouldn't act against Shit Reddit Does, now, would it? Literally Spez, but unironically. Post bussy.

"I'm gonna rape your sweet asshole and puss u nigger." - constant PM I get from user u/LLAXIS

Nice post /u/Neon_needles. I would have thought you'd be more concerned about circklejerking over racism and the rape of women seeing as you identify as an asian woman -- especially as they have an extraordinarily high risk of experiencing both racism and rape. It doesn't shock me anymore that some white men don't meet even sub par human decency but you know better.

/u/LLAXIS man, this is just getting weird i can't post it because automoderator automatically removes the comment, but i glanced at your snoopsnoo. you use reddit just as often as me. which means you're coming back to this site as often as i am (which is very, very often), but you're literally always doing it just to be upset about something. like, re-evaluate yourself. you're carrying a grudge about some random shitposter because he has too much fun on reddit! like, are you enjoying this? only coming here for negativity and being mad at the idea other people are having fun with each other? there's nothing wrong with being friendly with other people on the internet, because at the end of the day none of this matters anyway

there's nothing wrong with being friendly with other people on the internet, because at the end of the day none of this matters anyway

dlt ths

Actually I identity as a autistic asexual furry you dolt. 😧

Please stop sending me dick pictures, I didn't consent to your creepy teddy bear fucking porn.

That's because those disgusting chinky bitches deserve to get culturally enriched by their superior white peers


You guys make my cock hard but my eyes weep.