Update of the grooming situation

104  2017-05-11 by Allanon_2020


Jews did this


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Uhuh, NOW you think her comments about you are inappropriate.

Not when, you know, you took care of her because of the incident (not that I believe this) or when you see her flying her shit of Reddit, but just now after this shit blow up?


Like how he mentions his GF.

Cause as we know if you have a SO you can't be a pedo

This is why it's dangerous to perpetuate the stereotype that pedophiles are single, mildly overweight, middle-aged, balding men. Pedos can be attractive men and women. They can be your teacher or your baseball coach. They can be married or single. They can be in their twenties or in their sixties. They can be gym nuts or 500lbs. They can be homosexuals or homophobes.

People get in in their heads that "all pedos look like the stereotypes from the 80s" and find reasons to excuse themselves because "I/They work out and eat well. I/They even have a girlfriend/wife/children of my/their own! I/They couldn't be a pedophile!" It's dangerous. You don't have to be suspicious of everyone that you meet, but assuming they all look like this can be a big problem.

You don't have to be suspicious of everyone that you meet

Sounds like pedo apologia

I bet he thinks eye rape isn't real, too.

Is Tess Munster(the snacktivist) a serial eye rapist?

Well she would be a cereal eye rapist.

That's a name I have not heard in a very long time

Only if you're a pizza.

/u/serialflamingo hide your eyes

hey can be married or single. They can be in their twenties or in their sixties. They can be gym nuts or 500lbs. They can be homosexuals or homophobes.

I hear they can even be /r/drama mods

P_K isn't a drama mod though.

/u/sarge_ward can you believe this jabroni disparaging daddys name like this?

lol he mods the sub too.

demod the blasphemer

/u/subpoutine have anything to say in your defense?

/u/OldOrder is clearly a /r/neoliberal spy trying to foment division, and I'd like to reiterate that while I may have hugged P_K once, he never hugged me back.


as punishment I will not demod you, but I will make your custom flair 2 pixels smaller than the rest of the mods' flairs.


Harsh but fair, comrade. Now that classes are winding down, I will redicate myself to fighting the anarkiddy enemies of our Dear Leader.

no no, you're cofusing pk with notorious child rapist /u/rebelsdarklaughter


They can be your teacher or your baseball coach. They can be married or single.

They can be the next First Lady of France.

Damn that one really bet on the right horse, didn't she?

She taught at a rich private school, they were all going to be the right horse regardless

They can be your teacher or your baseball coach.

People keep saying this. But there was not a SINGLE pedo teacher in mine. And back then we had some pretty hot teachers. One of them was so hot, concentrating on the whiteboard instead of her ass was nigh impossible.

A well liked teacher in my high school was allegedly busted sleeping with students after I graduated. They may actually have been of age because he was only fired, not arrested.

Dated my teacher last year of high school, almost got her deported. (Our school partners up with universities from other countries that have teaching there as an undergrad OJT.)

We had a teacher who "suddenly" started dating a kid as soon as he left school.

Well they're not going to be everywhere. My middle school drama teacher got busted for child porn on his work computer, and I'd hope my experience would be atypical.

They can be your teacher or your baseball coach. They can be married or single. They can be in their twenties or in their sixties. They can be gym nuts or 500lbs. They can be homosexuals or homophobes.

'E could be in zis very room! 'E could be you! 'E could be me! 'e could even be- *head blows off*

People get in in their heads that "all pedos look like the stereotypes from the 80s"

When you typed this, were you thinking of that two-part Very Special Episode of Diff'rent Strokes?

Jfc. A sane person would just shut up and wait a day for everyone to stop caring, but this dude seems happy to perpetuate this shit.

I think it's safe to say that big-picture, homeboy has some poor decision making skills


Don't know why you guys keep trying to deny this connection

I was avoiding /r/nba for a reason fam

that's why i try and stick to /r/nbacirclejerk

Maybe ol beard boy can stop taking contested 35 footers at the end of games

\ tips tinfoil hat

yeah that was shitty. /r/rockets is convinced he was tired or something, but IDK. him and westbrook are both crazy about their hero ball

Not sure why MDA didn't take the last timeout before the last shot but that whole game was a shitshow all around. Should be a good one tonight

I'm nervous and excited. If the spurs move on, I'll root for them hard against the warriors

if we win, everyone gets a game 7 which I feel like we deserve with all the shitty blowouts this round. plus it'll be on a weekend night, so I can get shithoused and either cry in my beer or drink to our victory

Great thing about TX teams: we will pull for y'all if you beat us. I was rooting for the Mavs when dirk got his

Im a Spurs fan so if we don't win tonight I think y'all will probably take it and fuck it I'm getting wasted tonight.



Crazy how Capela's garbage stat line somehow is better than Harden's

kill me pls

Don't worry my dubs are going to absolutely murder the spurs this next round.

or instinctively flopping when old man ginobili gets a clean block on ya

head snap

I gave him the benefit of the doubt because Obi Wan Ginobili blocked it into his face lmao

doesn't explain that breaststroke/frogger splash

It's his go to when he feels any contact at all. Much like ginobili hilariously

40 year old Manu Fucking Ginobli made Harden his bitch the other night.

Don't let the memes distract you from the fact that a supposed "MVP" candidate has his entire game based on getting to the free throw line.

Stupid people don't know how to walk away from something, they need the last word so they can pat themselves on the back and think they are "right"

nuh uh



Wait, I thought you were in jail for being a Canadian murderer? Or are you still on bail?

I would have deleted my account

Deleted my account, thrown the computer out the window on a bridge, and burnt my house to the ground

Then you start a Kickstarter and blame Trump.

Where would he diddie kiddies then?


Dafuq wot

What the fuck are you talking about. Grooming situation? I literally have no fucking clue who you are or what this is in response to

The internet was, is, and will continue to be a mistake.

This story is one of many, but certainly at the top of my research pile for reasons why children (including the 23 yr. old child) shouldn't have unlimited, unfiltered access to the internet. And definitely not social media or reddit.

I'm sincerely hoping that the upcoming changes that Reddit, Inc. is planning is going to run off a lot of the children.

Parents are so slack and shitty these days letting the internet raise their children for them, or letting the internet and video games be a babysitter.

Viral videos, "memes" and social media are really screwing up a couple of generations of children in the developed world that has access to it.

This story has been some pretty juicy drama but holy fuck I am not reading all of that.

You should

Lot to unpack but so much gold in them there mountains

I kind of just skimmed through it a couple of times, but I really like this line "including a video of an animal being beheaded which I feel is a death threat".

That's kind of all I took out of that honestly. Guy should've just deleted his account tbh

Right around the bullet points area is when the bad vibe comes from it

TL;DR /u/ask-me-about-my-book ran an online youth group for teens, Cora started telling him she's suicidal and he told her not to kill herself. He later went to her house and met her grandma for some reason. She's now in the hospital because Reddit bullied her. He's now pissed off that she told people she has a crush on him and isn't talking to her.

That's all I can remember and I don't want to read it again.


It's too bad r/drama is going to continue to attack this guy for the audacious and shameful act of trying to tell his side of the story instead of acknowledging its role in driving a teenage girl to near suicide.

You have proof of any of this?

Also to bad you don't talk how she downplayed a male sexual assault victim and made multiple post deriding them.

Also to bad you don't talk how she downplayed a male sexual assault victim and made multiple post deriding them.

She's 15 and did some stupid shit and has been hassled for it well and above anything warranted or necessary. Let it go bruh.


You gonna kill her then? Is that your plan? Honestly 100% curious, if she commits suicide will you feel accomplished?

I will if this pedo does.

Are you trying to incite violence friendo? That's against sitewide rules ya know

reaching fam

tbf she is a literal child who was fed those talking points by the pedophile who's grooming her

I don't believe any of this. I'm not sure this dude isn't "Cora"

"I believe I touched Cora in a positive way, and that she has touched me"- Askmeaboutmybook

Nah, the alt theory was pretty much torpedoed early on. Whatever else you believe, it seems pretty certain that these are two separate people.

Thought only the dude got outed?

Yeah, but once you've got two very different accounts and one of them has been doxxed/doxxed themselves, you can pretty much put aside the creative-writing troll angle.

maybe it was a creative writing exercise? and a ploy to sell his book

If it was, it couldn't have been more badly judged.

once you've got two very different accounts

...Because someone who's supposedly published a work of fiction and claims to have run a skype group or something for creative writing, couldn't possibly make an alt account and pretend to be someone else? wat?

To bad you are gonna white knight this guy after he writes a fucking manifesto on how he is basically grooming a 15 year old girl. Making himself available at all times and making himself her support structure in a compeltely inappropriate way. He gave a completely rose colored telling of his side of the story and he STILL came off as a fucking creep.

Making himself available at all times and making himself her support structure in a compeltely inappropriate way.

Obv what he should be doing is leave this girl with no support structure whatsoever lmao, just leave the kid to kill herself right? That's what'd make you happy. At least if she were dead he couldn't "groom" her lol.

Obviously what he should do is leave her in the care of therapists and family because she is fucking mentally ill and he doesn't have any kind of fucking training to deal with that. He admits that he knew she had a crush on him before this entire thing happened yet still made himself available at every opportunity. It's like you go out of you way to miss the entire fucking point of why it is inappropriate.

Not really, you're just a witch hunter who hates the thought of not getting to burn a witch.

I bet that's straight from the Malleus Maleficarum.

Tru tho. It wasn't about just killing witches, chapters 2-5 are about bullying teenagers.

Even with your terrible translation skills, I would recognize those tactics anywhere.

Oldorder, professional grooming detective

What do you mean he's not trained? I think you'll find he's healing her through the magical power of dick creative writing

Literally the plot of Finding Neverland

Support structures are fine when you're not trying to get your dick wet.

Actually that's what makes this sub good.

/r/drama should attack this guy for not being smart enough to just let it go instead of trying to have the last word.

Seriously, just shut up and let it go, don't keep dragging it up, increasing the number of people that see it, and continuing to provide more details (and using her name some more).

She's doing the smart thing by wiping and deleting her accounts and trying to lay low and get help.

He's being an idiot trumpeting his identity as savior to suicidal teenage girls.

I assume the people getting really nasty were themselves teenagers.

near suicide

You're right we'll have to try harder next time


Day of the closing when?

what are you talking about?

When are you guys closing the sub again? Tell me, I have shitposts I need to make first.

why do you think we have plans to close it again?

Apparently we drove a young lady to suicide. Or something, I gave up following this shit three posts ago.

Oh that'd be no reason to close. More like a reason to open even wider like the shameless sluts we are.


Could you still maybe close for a little while. Last time you did, r/wholesomedrama grew fivefold. It still needs a little more juice, though.

no i refuse

Breaking my heart all over again, Points


"She hugged me but I didn't hug back" was the part where I knew you were lying

Did I compliment her physically? Not really

Plot thickens boi

Just like during their "hug"

I bet he didn't inhale too.

"My dick stayed flaccid!"

"It was only pre-cum"

"The tips never touched"

"Anal doesn't count"

The ol' poophole loophole


Bussy stands for boy pussy...did you not know that?

The boy pussy is the asshole, retard

I get the feeling this is all just one big work of fanfiction. The guy clearly is playing this shit up for creative writing. I wouldn't be surprised if both reddit accounts are the same person.

If not, he should start a new account called u/ask_me_about_my_autism

That's what I've been saying! Ok, guy got doxxed and prob doesn't care bc he's trying to sell his book. The girl had her name leaked and that's it. Why? Because she is a work of fiction

It reads like a shitty greentext, honestly

apparently he's been doxxed (haven't looked into it because i'm not autistic) and is def a real person so if it's a fanfiction it's by him, a 20-something neckbeard apparently, rather than a bored, fucked up teenager, which makes it still creepy af

I found his facebook, but didn't do anything with it. He's definitely real. His profile picture has him hugging a little girl.


His profile picture has him hugging a little girl.

Must not be him. He doesn't hug back.

Case closed!

Surprised he's on reddit

He could be cunnyposting on /tv/

People who want to help are always the creepiest.

Oh that's perfectly fine then, he's only fantasising about being a creepy predator.

The retard is still using her real name even after she doxxed him. Are these guys from Flint?

Stupidity isn't simply caused by lead poisoning. Ideological poisoning can be a cause as well

This guy... he was giving Aonome such a hard time, my favorite is this exchange:


... If Cora started saying her exchange in /r/mensrights had made her suicidal would you say "lmao it's just an argument, get help?" No. Your bias is showing.

Pedo responds:

If Cora said to me "I argued on Reddit and now I wanna kill myself" she'd be lucky if I was as pleasant to her as I have been with you. I'd have told her to get over it and stop having a temper tantrum if she was in your shoes. I have told her to nut up and not take it to heard regarding Reddit drama in the past. I take a tough love approach to her. It seems to help.

This guy is just the worst.

I take a tough love approach to her.

t. guy who won't leave her alone.

If he doxxes himself does he get banned?

yes I think admins have stepped in before to stop a person doing that to themselves

He already did. He posted the title of his book multiple times, and since it's self-published a quick googling brings up his personal website, which in turn links his email, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram, and contact info. The guy couldn't run worse opsec if he was a /r/@ mod.

I know, I looked at the amazon page. It was exactly the type of book I'd expect him to write.

Not too mention the part where he doxxes the other high school girl who did the illustrations for him.

With the cover "art" as it is, I would have guessed a Jr High girl.

I'm guessing some salacious chick-lit but I don't want to do the work to find out.

It's generic fantasy, pretty bad from the two reviews of it.


Sweet, merciful Allah, can you PM me a link so I can totally not leave fake reviews, or is that doxxing?

Pm me a link too! ((((Please))))

Plz..PM me the link as well.

This is like 8 levels of meta deep. I can't follow this shit

u r little baby


Your 15 year old "friend" has done the more responsible and mature thing by leaving well enough alone. You are actually a mega autist.

I'm not reading all that. Can someone give me an amusing but completely unhelpful TLDR?

TL;DR: Guy gives a completely one sided rose colored version of events and tries to make himself look like a selfless good guy. Still comes off as a creepy wannabe pedo

  • Guy claims to have been supporting character in a real life "13 Reasons Why" scenario during high school in order to show how deeply empathetic he is to trouble teens.

  • Guy starts creative writing club for troubled teens. Multiple teens begin to confide in him about their unstable home life.

  • Girl named Cora develops a particularly strong emotional attachment during a personal crisis in which she is kicked out of her home by an abusive father.

  • After Cora moves in with her grandmother, guy insinuates himself into their family dynamic, becoming the sole confidante of Cora, accepting dinner invitations from the grandmother and offering his assistance with household repairs.

  • Upon discovering that Cora has developed an infatuation over him, guy fails to distance himself from the situation. Instead, he engages her in an ongoing dialogue about love, sex, and age-appropriateness.

  • Cora talks smack on Reddit about male abuse victims and starts to receive harassment.

  • Cora contacts guy to inform him that her Reddit account is under siege from the usual trolls. Guy jumps in to "take the heat off her," kicking the Dramasphere into high gear. People dig through both their comment histories and discover their inappropriate friendship.

  • Guy and girl scrub their comment histories and their exposed social media accounts. One day later, Guy decides to lecture the Dramasphere about their behavior the previous day.




After Cora moves in with her grandmother, guy insinuates himself into their family dynamic, becoming the sole confidante of Cora, accepting dinner invitations from the grandmother and offering his assistance with household repairs.

That's sooo cliche from Mexican soap operas and 17-19 century erotic novels, I can't even.

Tldr worst superhero origin story I've ever read

Everyone in SRD is telling him to shut up and delete his account. SRDines confirmed pedophile defenders and shelterers.

They're grooming him for modship

Now the whole thing about titrcj getting laid through reddit is making more sense

LOL at the dramanauts getting all defensive and insecure in this thread because they realised they ended up bullying someone

What do you mean "realized"?

Are you new here? (゚∀゚)

You're not very bright, are you?

show me where

Are you implying there was an accidental bullying?

Maybe I'm gullible or something but this just sounds like a good guy. The bullying of this girl who shouldn't be on the internet is pretty gross tbh.


he's just a bit of an idiot, i think.

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That sub is just the one post, how disappointing.

this just sounds like a good guy

Does it? In the interest of keeping your bussy pure and unviolated, get off the internet NOW.

I've been on the internet for more than 20 years and never had a problem. Grew up on it too and never had a problem.

You are clearly still a babe in this world-wide-web-of-woods. Please take to heart the lessons in this totally professional self-defense video before it's too late:


fuuuck that's a lot of words. Could have shortened it to 4:

I am a pedophile.

Someone really should just dox them and go to the cops. This is all kinds of fucked up

believe me or don't believe me, it doesn't matter to me.

funny how it takes 10,000 words to explain something that doesn't matter

/u/ask-me-about-my-book, thank you for clarifying everything. When I first heard about this story, I thought "Hmm, it sounds pretty bad, but I should probably hold off on judgement until I've heard all sides."

Fortunately, now you've explained the situation, posting a bizarre story with increasingly improbable scenarios that all somehow end with this child staying at your house while becoming emotionally dependent on you. I'll be honest, reading the thin tissue of lies and self-justifications here, I half-expected to see you conclude your story with "And then she tripped and fell on my dick! It was an honest mistake, could have happened to anybody. I didn't want to make such an emotionally vulnerable person feel rejected so I thrusted my pelvis a few times - not in a sexual way, but purely out of respect for her feelings! - before disengaging and gently explaining that I already had a girlfriend."

Why didn't you just write that instead? I mean come on, if you're trying to sell an incredibly bizarre tissue of lies to try to justify your creepy behavior, the very least you could have done is make it funny.

TIL the lives of mayo teens are basically the opening scene of The Happening.

There is nothing about this situation that isn't a complete shit show

I mailed baby supplies to a girl who posted in /r/self about not being able to afford them.

I'm just picturing a very disappointed junkie with a pile of baby supplies. Oh well, it probably works sometimes.

Well, bright side: at least she has some baby powder to cut shit with if she deals?

I mailed baby supplies to a girl who posted in /r/self about not being able to afford them. I stayed up till sunrise with this 14 year old boy from suicide watch just shooting the shit and playing GTA until he felt ok. I got my buddy's autistic little brother a job. It's just the kind of shit I do.

Nvm this worked I'm on his side now

/u/ask-me-about-my-book you horrible little pedo. Sob stories aren't excuses to groom children.

Ok, that is way too much text for anyone to read. Honestly, what the fuck? Effort? Screw that man. Here is the executive summary for people who actually have jobs:

Well, I wasn't gonna do this....blah blah blah....bullshit bullshit...something about not being a teacher...more bullshit...blah blah blah...I'm a pedophile incel ... blah blah blah...more bullshit about stuff that never happened...I'm a dumbass and a pedophile...blah blah blah...and more bullshit.

At 15/16, some friends of mine died in a drunk driving accident.

My therapist told me that I scored in the 99.9th percentile for grief. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they’d consider it to be within the margin of error for the field of psychology.

I never saw her again. She killed herself that night. It fucked me up. I blamed myself, for years. I still have some things of hers that I keep close (though a later ex stole one of the most precious things I had of hers).

The psycho is keeping fucking trophies.

For years I struggled with her death but I accepted it wasn't my fault and I probably couldn't save her even if I did everything right.

If only I had drugged her, then kept her in a well in my basement, she would be alive and well-moisturized today.

I mailed baby supplies to a girl who posted in /r/self about not being able to afford them. I stayed up till sunrise with this 14 year old boy from suicide watch just shooting the shit and playing GTA until he felt ok. I got my buddy's autistic little brother a job. It's just the kind of shit I do.

Unfortunately, fucking children is also the kind of shit he does.

Am I a teacher? Like a certified went-to-college classroom teacher? No. I have never worked for a school board, I have never run a class, I have never been a teacher.

Oh fun, by this standard I'm an immortal, seven-dicked, Nobel-prize-winning space pirate. Arrrrrh! Bow before me, mortals!

Why does Cora call me her teacher then?

That's ultimately going to be a question for the jury.

she told me all about her sister involved in dance

Oh Jesus, he's trying for a twofer.

I'm not a therapist.

I feel like there's a deeper meaning. What could it be . . . .

I'm not a therapist.

Holy shit, Ovaltine decoder ring! You've found him out!

u/Not_Everything_Does, the person calling me a liar and scum at the start of all this has deleted her account