r/TheBluePill argue whether it's victim blaming to tell a woman not to go to the bar to read.

48  2017-05-16 by Sai22


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Hey OP.

You're degenerate femboy scum and hopefully you get chucked off a roof one day like your kind deserves.

(Was that suitably out of proportion?)


What is this? I can't even right now, I'm literally shaking

So we have OP who is attacking TBP. Why? These are people that literally call out toxic masculinity. These are people that are fighting the patriarchy and the shitty behavior of shitty men. Why would you be against that?

And now there's /u/notarel who just loses his shit at this ... why? Is it The Red Pill? Has he suffered from testosterone poisoining?

I'm seriously about the last one. I learned about this in my Embodiments of Patriarchy Theory class last semester. Testosterone poisoning results in violence and anger, especially against women but also to other men. Is that's what is going on here? I just don't get it. I'm confused.

You're not bad at satire.

Socially awkward nerds on the internet are the worst. There's nothing wrong with meeting new people at a bar.

Tbh, the girl probably just didn't like the guy who asked her out.


Where does this toxic entitlement come from? Why is it because a woman is there she owes you attention, compliments, sex, ect. ect.? Do you even think about what you are saying?


It's not though. Nobody really cares that a nerdy girl in a corner was uncomfortable.

Not a single person.

nerds were a mistake.

You don't spend enough time in the real world.

Unlike virgin neckbeards like yourself, I go outside every day. And yes, male entitlement is something I run into EVERY FUCKING DAY. Do you know how old this shit gets?

Oh shit I didn't realize this was a troll account until now, my bad.

I always love the "virgin neck beards" line, thanks for the heads up

/u/DeepDickedHillybilly is one our many trolls in residence.

Sometimes it's easy to forget when he throws around (occasionally) decent bait

At their best they are masters of the craft.

The Craft

I fucking hate that movie

It was very 90s.

It was very bad and everyone involved should feel bad


Says you.

Indeed I do, it was awful


You're fired

Is this on your authority or the god emporers'?

On the authority of the salsas. Sorry man, nothing I can do about it

What are the salsas?

When you troll people right, people won't be sure you are trolling at all.

I saw, you were doing pretty well until everybody died

OK, two things "deep dick":

  1. Fuck off, and;

  2. It's a PUBLIC place so to all those women who don't want to be approached by men while in a public space I say: tough shit - deal with it. Besides, I have vitally important information to relay to these women about Donald Trump, Area 51 and alien abductions. Simply throwing large bundles of leaflets at women as they walk past isn't going to do the trick (I tried that and it doesn't work). The ONLY way to warn these women about what's really going on in the world is to confidently walk right up to them, fix your gaze unblinkingly into their eyes, and then loudly proclaim that, as a messenger sent by god himself, you've been tasked with the duty of warning her about the impending apocalypse. The fact that they end up "dating" you afterwards is purely coincidental.

Get off the internet, normie.

Socially awkward nerds on the internet are the worst.

yes. the autists who chat to women who are reading are the worst

Tbqh I've hit on girls who are reading before. I don't care.


I just never liked having a stranger come up and introduce themselves to me, then ask me out within 5 minutes. No dude, I don't know you, I'm never going anywhere with you. And even if we talked for 6 hours tonight straight, I still don't know you, and I'm still not going anywhere with you.

I just never liked having a stranger come up and introduce themselves to me, then ask me out within 5 minutes.

So here is the thing though. You're actually the odd woman out in this situation. That's literally how it works.

I'm going to walk up to you. Talk to you for a couple minutes, get your number, and then ask you out on a date to get to know you better. That's how it works. If you can't handle that then you're a creepy/socially awkward girl.

And that's totally fine. You and I would never really get along anyways. I know from experience that you can't really trust socially awkward girls in social settings. If you can't handle getting asked out, then you most certainly aren't going to be able to handle going to Black tie social functions with me.

And even if we talked for 6 hours tonight straight, I still don't know you, and I'm still not going anywhere with you.

Tbh though either your standards are too high or you live in the bible belt. I've gotten dates from girls after flirting for 5 minutes at a party, but you won't even get lunch with me after talking for 6 hours?

That's kind of unreal. You're either a 10/10 model or a greasy nerd.

She posted a "Congratulations! We are now 90,000 strong" in /r/Childfree. So I think we all know what /u/ftylerr 's deal is

It wasn't much of a secret, but you got me.

Your honesty is refreshing!

Back peddling is for cowards, or people who lost the chain on their bike.

I blame those annoying kids who live down the street. Playing and running around like they've got their whole lives ahead of them.

The only time I notice them playing outside is when they start screaming at the top of their lungs - it's fucked up that now if I hear a kid screaming, my first reaction is "they're probably just playing".

I picked up that reaction in University to man(and women)children.

Like, at this point the neighbor would be getting murdered and I'd be pissed they'd have the nerve to be so loud because fuck if I know they are getting murdered.

Did you need to write that much just to say "I'm really easy and have low standards"? I think you should work on being succinct, no one likes having to sift through rambling nonsense.

Did you need to write that much just to say "I'm really easy and have low standards"?

Post your face or kys. I'm pretty sure you're a femcel, and you belong in /r/incels.

Well that's going to be awkward to tell my fiancΓ©e.

Your hand isn't your fiance bby.

....D-duh. Look up 'fiancΓ©e' in the dictionary, who the hell thinks it's your hand?

nice meme

? I just assumed not everyone speaks English as their first language. You sound like you're looking to be offended tbh.

Are you hispanic. Whys the question mark at the start of your sentence.

I could be, but going from saying 'nice meme' to nailing this meme, I'm feeling really off-kilter about this whole thing.

nice meme

I dont use CSS, can you take a screenshot.

I'm not your mom, do some work yourself. C'mon fam that's sad.

Everyone who knows better than to believe anything you say

Nobody has to believe everything I say, but a few things I take for granted as 'common knowledge'. Like the earth being flat, apparently that's up for debate too.

Do you fuck with the war?

I - What does that even mean? No wait don't tell me, I'm going with a hard 'yes'.

I been actually thinking about some shit about the Army and Navy. What if tomorrow is the day that the fuckin' aliens came and invaded our nation? Like, would we even be able to fuck with their shit? Like, do we have the type of weaponry to fuck with their ships? So not at all, like would they just walk up in this motherfucker laughin' at us, blastin' at us, and makin' everybody disintegrate and assimilate without a hint of intimidation? Or could we do some shit to be making they heart race? Granted I don't know the alien heart but you get what the fuck I'm sayin? Like what the fuck would it be like? Would they be like Earth go hard or is it just another conquest? Or would they be like "Damn Earth go hard! They was harder than Simian!"

Which one makes you feel better believing in? It's probably the exact opposite of that. I know nothing about this, but if Murphy's Law and Boy Scouts has taught me anything, it's prepare for the worst.

Oh my god, ahaha, you're so fucking socially awkward and clueless. Are you a shut in?

He is quoting a lil dicky song.


Big of true

u/Balldogs Why do you hate dicks so much?

also: how is it victim blaming when nobody's the victim of anything?

being harassed

Hey /u/Balldogs I don't think it means what you think it means...

Don't victim blame u/balldogs! Xe has been harassed many times before when impudent horrid males dared talk to xir!

He is a 40 year old man

And he'll prove it by making lots of references to 90's PC tech.

Hey, fuck you man, 8-bit computers rule!!!

Long live the Commodore 64! (p.s., the Specky sucks)

Well that's even more embarassing

lmao says a lot about that sub if they think social interaction is some form of violence

It's entitlement to believe that a person owes you the time of day because the happen to be at a public place

That's a such a weird idiom to use in this discussion because people do ask strangers for "the time of day" in public places and the vast majority of people in every city I've ever lived in don't have a total fucking meltdown when it happens.

Women Feminists Stupid bitches always play the "entitlement" card. It's like gender dog whistle politics for feminists; their ears perk up, they get on their hind hooves, and know to be angry at the fucking male.

It cracks me up because this is the subgroup of the population that can't even right now at the thought of having to pay the copay for their own birth control

There's also been a noticeable uptick in outraged references to penises.

the world isn't a narrative centred on their dicks

I've seen a lot of "nobody care's what your dick thinks about that woman" or "there's more to a woman than what makes your dick happy."

Hi friend, I have not noticed that in my daily trips to TrollX and TooMany but I will get an eye out and try to confirm this breaking new fact.

Its more of an SRS meme, but XX-etc have been trending less normie lately.

daily trips to TrollX

ughhhhh. How do you do it?

Because he likes to be outraged everyday. Ironically it is the exact reason he laughing at people for. /u/DeepDickedHillybilly kys


I posted to TrollX unironically once upon a time and can confirm that this is a super common way to frame stuff.

"Stupid bitches" well I'm convinced.

The issue being having a meltdown when u don't get an answer.

If I can go in the women's room to use the urinal, then you can go in a bar to read IMHO


>women's room

pick one retard.

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please stop appropriating black culture.

women can have dicks too you fucking transphobe.

Who said I was talking about women's genitals? Regardless of whether or not they have dicks women's restrooms don't have urinals ya dingus

There are no chicks with dicks, just dudes with tits

Between this and the incels catfishing, can't we just acknowledge that both men and women were a mistake?

Imagine if we were a monogendered species. You could just go up to any random person and your parts would link up and you could do the nasty.

Ignoring the obvious benefits that would give to the circlejerk phenomenon, it would be so much more efficient bathroom wise, clothing, pronouns would become so much more efficient, and religion would have less to worry about. The comedians of the world would probably have an issue with it, and Tumblr would still find something to bitch about, but overall I think we'd do very well.

I'm pretty sure the gays have proven that you can do the nasty regardless of the parts involved.

Sadly, we are a spectrum-gendered species. You could just go up to any random person and your parts would have only a 1.4% probability of linking up.

Technically anything that isn't a penis in a vagina without a condom is just someone helping you to masturbate.

So basically the asari from Mass Effect?

Blue titties for everyone!

Yet more evidence that my plan to criminalise recreational heterosexuality is a good idea.

I've been saying for years that humanity should just be wiped out, but no one listened to me.

CB2 first. I've been leading the charge telling them to lead by example today.

/u/balldogs is such an angry person, i feel sorry for his wife having to deal with his violent outbursts

I'm sure a hug pillow can handle it pretty well.

I feel sorry for his wife's kids

As someone who does most of their drinking at uni pubs... fucking everyone goes there to read. Sometimes it's even communal reading. I feel bad for regular bar patrons if they haven't experienced getting black out drunk while having great commiserations with fellow bar patrons about how this paper by whosit is complete bullshit and he should hand in his qualifications and go work in a strip joint.

My best work from my student days includes sections I wrote drunk in a pub.

I feel bad for regular bar patrons if they haven't experienced getting black out drunk while having great commiserations with fellow bar patrons about how this paper by whosit is complete bullshit and he should hand in his qualifications and go work in a strip joint.

Yeah bad news you're kind of a pretentious shit idk just thought you should know yw

You should probably know that the paper is almost always perfectly fine, it's just that it's hard to understand things when you're drunk so obviously it's the paper's fault.

Want to know how I know you're both pretentious and European?

To be honest I imagined him as that guy with the ponytail in Good Will Hunting.

You're probably right with the first one, but wrong on the second :-)

Right, some of these people are autists who need a fidget spinner to handle overstim if they're admitting they can't concentrate because "it's loud" or "you're in public." Live in a city for awhile and spend most of your time in public, maybe you'll stop losing your shit when you hear noises.


The reason the "dude in /r/AskMen" "cannot fathom" that, is because it's obviously and inarguably not true.

You want to know how I know this?

Because bars are fucking noisy. You cannot reasonably "want to relax with a book and a beer" at a bar because it is not possible to actually relax with a book at a bar, because enjoying a book requires an environment that a bar is fundamentally incapable of providing.

Maybe she is deaf, you fucking ableist!

Oh Hi! Thanks for the mention. I don't know how often you go out, but actually, there are,tons of different kinds of bars that exist at tons of different times of days with tons of different types of atmospheres. There are pubs, microbreweries, clubs, chain restaurants, dives, airport bars, and more. Very often I go to bars that are fairly quiet (barely any different from cafe) with people enjoying a drink or two alone or with a friend and - believe it or not - aren't screaming "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" at each other. I doubt those wanting to read a book are choosing bars like that to go relax in!

I admire your confidence in how you "know this," but I think you may need to visit a few more watering holes yourself! It's clear that you don't, unfortunately, know what you're talking about. :(

believe it or not - aren't screaming "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"

Would you believe that's not the kind of noise I had in mind?

I think you may need to visit a few more watering holes yourself!

Oh dear, are you trying to get me drunk?

I think she's asking you out, you dumbshit

That or she's challenging him to a drinking contest.

Sounds like a bad time either way tbh.

If you're in public, you can reasonably expect to interact with other people. If you would like privacy, go somewhere private. People go to bars and restaurants to socialize and be social.

lol literally no one cares

I've been in a lot of near-empty bars at night.

Must be some shitty bars you're visiting

No, they were alright. Example, Saturday I first went to a bar around the corner, 2,50 euros for a beer, pretty busy. Second bar I went to that night was pretty empty, 1,30 for a beer, pool table + ping pong table.

Huh, well I must say that I retract my previous statement. I'm used to drinking the good ol' Wisconsin way, I guess.

Still pretty envious. Dutch bars never have live music like bars in the Anglosphere do.

I never would've expected that, I've never been to Europe myself.


You keep calling it "the most socially acceptable place to hit on people." Like, three time in a row. We get it. You think it's the most socially acceptable place to hit on people. I think it's a place to buy beer and eat greasy bar food.

Out of curiousity, what do you think is the most socially acceptable place to hit on people?

During a doctoral dissertation of course.

the only place women and men should be allowed to communicate the possibility of coitus is through government run and strictly policed online communication services.

Oh boy, can't wait to log onto the Affable Coitus Act website and fi-oh... it's down...

Hi, caamib

Probably gender studies and even then it would be a lesser sin.

what do you think is the most socially acceptable place to hit on people?

Boxing ring?

>shitty overpriced food

>overpriced drinks

>loud strangers surrounding you

"yeah this is a great place for some solitary, peaceful book reading"

NEETs should just stay home and stop shitting up society for the rest of us.

So smart you can't even tell you've already linked to this thread. I guess that's all you can expect from a sub full of foreheadless smacktards used to doing nothing more intellectually taxing than screeching "KILL YOURSELF" at 14 year old girls on Instagram.


How much of reddit feminism is just unmanaged social anxiety?


Does that factor in hamplanetary issues?

that is still one of the dumbest fucking names for a subreddit literally a saying meaning to embrace the status quo what an awful idea.... oh yeah and this is a stupid thread but no really stupid sub name.

I feel like there's a word that's used when men unironically take pride in having awful social manners but I can't think of it right now