SRDines get on board the vegan rape drama train

44  2017-05-16 by HuckleberryFN2187


This, but unironically.


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Jokes on you, u/fajardo99, I am a cow on a dairy farm, and the milking machine gets me off all the time

Post udder

that's one happy udder

Yo, put that bag back on!

post cussy

hey why the hell am i pooping blood

/u/fajardo99 can you tell us a little about yourself? Age, education, location, occupation, that sort of thing.

Age 22 Education women's studies degree Occupation starbucks Location portland

i wish

New Jersey huh?

being amerikkkan

smh fam

using amerikkkan

you were born in 1999 weren't you?

If so, don't go vegan yet. Lack of protein will severely stunt your growth and it'll make it easier for fascists to bash you.


Actually, do go vegan. Lack of protein will severely stunt your growth and it'll make it easier for fascists to bash you.


bashes u

ow my bones

Should've drunk that milk m80.


Another day, another rape threat in r/drama.

rape jokes are not funny

You used the eggplant and peach emojis, white supremacist symbols simulating a penis in the act of penetration on another's buttocks.


you made it tho

what? how?

Luckily vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle so unless faj fucks it up there shouldn't be any problems.

They're especially great for the final stage of life, because they speed up dying.

How do you get raped several times?

Anyone living in those conditions won't be a smug vegan on reddit. That requires HUGE entitlement. Maybe she's one of those who thinks regret later is rape.

How do you get raped several times?

Bad things tend to come in threes, especially gangbangs.

The worst of the one-uppers

u/fajardo99 I would be a dairy cow, who doesn't want to expel a delicious liquid that can be turned into ice cream. Once I cannot make ice cream anymore they can turn me into steak and burgers. Nothing wrong with being the most delicious animal ever.

lol /u/fajardo99 has been killing it lately. Keep up the good fight, comrade.

oh my god shut the fuck up all of you JESUS

u ok fam

4 fucking username mentions in this stupid fucking thread jesus christ

heres another


Username mention in a reply to that same person is like super rude mega harassment, I love it!

Do u not like memes /u/fajardo99?

messaging options -> uncheck 'notify me when people say my username'

fuck you


Hey that's our number 1 agenda-poster, show some respect.


there is no need to be so rude friendo


This is how I react when I get Canadians in my mentions too. Stay strong, friend.

wow ok @ me next time

me too thanks

hey why am i pooping blood



mod me

mod me to cb2


delet this

I was raped 50 billion times and you're wrong.

Kill yourself, unironically.

how about u make me u little jerk

Honestly I'm even more worried about u/fajardo99 shocking revelation itt that he does not like memes

It really disappoints me. I thought he was the cool kid on the block.

you misunderstood, i dont like YOUR memes.

My memes are top shelf tho fam time to stop swilling low t memes


We're circlejerking rn fam be sure to upvote. Jfc the only way ur meme ideology works is post scarcity but ur still bein stingy with free internet points smdh this is why communism is doomed


This kills the engels

hey who the fuck downvoted me

was it you, you piece of GARBAGE?

big if true

U/fajardo99 needs some meme therapy right away

you didnt even do it right lmao

I normally do but sometimes I make mistakes, lol

As someone who has been raped several times

If you're going around getting raped several times, isn't it at least somewhat your fault?
Rape me once, shame on you. Rape me several times...