Nazi gril /u/CommunismKills gets angry when she realizes people fap to her pics.

54  2017-05-17 by [deleted]

/u/CommunismKills is someone I've kept an eye on for quite some time because they're so retarded they fit no common category. She mods wildly antisemitic subs liks /r/Physical_Removal, but allegedly she's Jewish and

[...] as is everyone in my family, and my extended family did indeed face the horrors of the Holocaust. (follow that link to read /u/prince_kropotkin's take on her)

Other than that she mostly spends her time hating on feminism, gays, Muslims and trans folk on twitter. Thankfully she has linked her twitter on reddit repeatedly and includes her full name in her bio She also likes to post pics of herself in low cut tops, so naturally some people have collected them. Note her crazy eyes.

@Rational_Urge, someone who's best described as a member of the anime right, posted a picture of his Ashley Rae folder on twitter. After others told him to dump it, he posted it to imgur. /u/CommunismKills reaction:

This is by far one of the scariest things I've experienced online, damn. ^


I just read the best rumor about me: I'm "allegedly Jewish."

The same post that says I'm "allegedly Jewish" starts by calling me a Nazi. How hilarious.


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. /u/CommunismKills -,*,*

  3. wildly -,*,,*

  4. antisemitic -,*,,*

  5. /r/Physical_Removal -,*,*

  6. [...] as is everyone in my family, ... -,*,,*

  7. /u/prince_kropotkin -,*,*

  8. Thankfully she has linked her twitt... -,*,,*

  9. @Rational_Urge -,*,*

  10. a picture of his Ashley Rae folder -,*,*

  11. This is by far one of the scariest ... -,*,*

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It has been known phenomena as of late to have a Jewish person incite social unrest especially by normalizing hate on Muslims even if it means she or he has to shit all over her or his heritage. How else to be "true alt-right"?

Price of doing business, I guess.

Hating Muslims is inherently normal. They are the worst humans and the worst mistake in history.

Found (((another one))).

It is possible! We all have a rich, multi-ethnic heritage.


worst mistake in history

try again

why is it that all the worst people have that haircut

i've seen fucktonnes of people on the far-right and far-left with that same retarded haircut

it's like the standard "bad opinions" haircut

That's because it's mostly worn by young people and young people tend to have extremely stupid and stupidly extreme opinions.

Since when does she shit on her heritage? She does anything but that.

I think a lot of Jewish people feel genuinely threatened by certain trends of thought in the Islamic parts of the world.

Anti-Semitism is just as popular amongst many Islamic groups as it is amongst actual Nazis.

So wheres that imgur album?

thats some behold the master race shit

Hey as long as she quits hating on LGBT people I'd fuck her. Totally fine with hating on communism.

6/10 would shtup

As long as she quits hating on LGB people I'd fuck her. Totally fine with hating on Ts and communism.

she has really pretty eyes tho


She has really pretty crazy eyes. Fix that for you.

Manson girl eyes, which is fitting.

now thats one hot jewess

Agreed. And she's on my mod team!

She's not ugly, but hot is a bit much.

Lower your standards, brah.

Raise yours


Sorry you're that desperate. Don't worry buddy, we'll find you a mate

She has a chin like a fucking bulldozer

Bitch looks like a cyclops.

Her eyes are so close together, they don't fit in her eyeglass frames.

Hey /u/Horace_Barrett, I've removed this post for containing PII. I'm leaving the thread up however.

Would linking the ceddit url that still has the imgur link be removed as well? Just curious.


It's ok, I just wanted to make sure people knew they could see it still :^)

...The Imgur album is linked in the OP.


I didn't realize it was a secret. I mean, it's right there. If people couldn't find it from the OP, they won't be able to find it from my comment.

As it is, it is borderline. People can obviously find it if they look, and I can't stop anyone with that. I'll ask OP nicely to edit it out, but the post is about the drama, and not intending to spread around a collection of photos of someone.

Sorry? For doing your job. Sorry it's an inconvenience for you maybe you should quit.

We're in /r/Drama. Any moderation here is an inconvenience.

The mod also helpfully mentioned the username of the removed comment poster, so instead you can just click on it and look at it yourself.


It's linked further down in the Twitter. Just look around a little bit

I found it, but its not worth finding again lol

Urge_For_Rationality is apparently a pedo according to twitter.

I don't care how much of a hypocritical piece of shit /r/communismkills is, fapping to that is not right.

Indeed is not right........still.......I have to look at those pics to.....make sure they aren't communist

Wayyy too late bro

Let's be fucking real she's out of the league of 95% of reddits user base as sad as that is

If she was flat chested she'd be a solid 2.

Communismkills browses SRD? lmao

i think it's much more likely that she obsessively googles herself, to the point that random comments buried in reddit threads come up

Can confirm, I browse /r/physical_removal once in a while. It's like /r/fullcommunism but on the other side. Supposedly it's for anarcho-capitalists but there's a bizarre veneration for right wing nationalism and a disturbing amount of holocaust denial. The memes are funny, so I can understand someone being there, but ...ugh.

Supposedly it's for anarcho-capitalists but there's a bizarre veneration for right wing nationalism and a disturbing amount of holocaust denial

So it's for anarcho-capitalists.

Basically. That's how they all turn out for some reason.

not enough reccreation child slavesTM

Physically removing communists is funny, too. I think maybe it is because they are so physically awkward and unpleasant that it is as if nature itself is trying to purge communists.

I mean so far nature has done a pretty good job of purging communism, helicopters or no.

I think some communists could do with a little more purging and a little less binging.

If communism had been attractive to sexy, likeable, high-quality people, it might have been a good and successful ideology.


/r/Physical_Removal mod here. Not much "holocaust denial" at the moment. I do urge for an unbiased reexamination of the holocaust, though. Not sure how much I trust the official narrative.

I don't have a problem with the mods, and I don't think you should ban people for those opinions(that'd be kind of hypocrtical of me anyway).

Unbiased reexamination I'm fine with, though I do think it sounds a little bit suspicious. Usually when people say that they're just trying to cast doubt on how many people were killed or why they were killed. It's pretty clear to me, based on the mountains of evidence(The Germans were meticulous in record keeping) that a shitload of people, including Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, and so on died and even before that a lot of the top scientists were thrown out.

Course the gypsies were probably targeted because of their shit culture but eh, Nazis gonna Nazi.

Have fun JAQing yourself off.

Go take a NAP.

I'm just looking for an unbiased reexamination of your entitlement to keep breathing.

That reminds me, I need to hit my bong. brb.

There isn't an official narrative to trust or distrust. The mainstream view of the Holocaust is based on a broad consensus of just about all serious historians. The evidence is overwhelming, the only way you can disagree with mainstream conclusions is if you start from the position of denial and work backwards from there. At my most charitable I'd label your desire for an "unbiased reexamination" as conspiracy theory bullshit on the level of 9/11 and Sandy Hook truthers.

The numbers killed in the holocaust are probably inflated, and the latter day camps were primarily for slave labor. Certainly (attempted) genocide did happen at Treblinka and such so there's really not much one has to gain by claiming anything about it.

I think Simon Weisenthal and Elie Weisel were probably full of shit, possibly NKVD. Eva Mozes Kor OTOH I believe is legitimate, and she makes me wonder if maybe the gas chambers at Auschwitz were rumored among the inmates themselves. Seems like an awfully inefficient and dangerous to guards method to kill people off, with what they used as an louse killer to fight typhus. So you have them wanting to fight typhus with Zyklon-B and both using it to kill off the people with typhus. At that point, why bother and not just use the old-fashioned "line them up to a ditch and shoot them" thing those people were so fond of?

Arguing with holocaust deniers is a waste of time, you've made your conclusions. Your NKVD claim is bizarre enough that I haven't seen it before, so congratulations on that one. The Soviet Union had no love for the Jews, they only ever emphasized the victimization of Soviet citizens broadly rather than Jews specifically. The supposed Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy is an old piece of propaganda from the Russian Civil War. Hitler and the Nazis would be exposed to it from members of the group Aufbau Vereinigung, composed largely of Russian émigrés.

The Soviet Union had no love for the Jews, they only ever emphasized the victimization of Soviet citizens broadly rather than Jews specifically.

You mean the Soviets were not that willing to make the NSDAP look horrible?

The supposed Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy is an old piece of propaganda from the Russian Civil War.

We all know a lot of the Bolsheviks were (((Bolsheviks))). As a mod of /r/physical_removal, I'll fully admit that a lot of great pro-capitalist philisophers were (((philosophers))).

Arguing with holocaust deniers is a waste of time, you've made your conclusions.

The Nazi Germans clearly targeted Jews both for slave labor and extermination, correct? I do not disagree with this narrative.

Equally wild is "Mr. Weisel's" claim in the book "Night" about different ethnicities having different colored smoke. Just as laughable as many of the Mengele stories. This is why Eva Mozes Kor's narrative makes sense, she doesn't claim any of the bizarro stuff but points in line to the more mundane cruelty.

The Soviet Union had no love for the Jews

Correct. Also, the initiators of communism were overrepresentedly Jewish. I am saying this because your premise is true as is mine: Jews were over-represented in communism, and that monster ended up being bad for the Jews. With the current attempts at white genocide in Europe, this repeats as well.

he supposed Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy

It's not a conspiracy. The number of Jews over-represented in communism is indisputable. This does not mean Jews are inherently evil, the best pro-capitalist dudes were Jews, too. The real question here is if there is an element of Jewry that is causing problems, and if so, what can be done?

It's not even "Zionism" that's the problem. All "zionism" means is Jewish nationalism. And clearly many of these Jewish nationalists are not the live-and-let live types. I just want to work with those who are.


So, you deny that the holocaust happened the way it evidently did?

Weird that you're too much of a coward to reply to me. Who would have thought?

I've been bombarded with responses and the_donald's war against reddit is more entertaining than you could possibly be.

Or, and just stay with me here: you're a massive coward and you can't defend what you said.

I have no idea what you're even referencing.

Lol. It's a thread B, there's buttons that say "parent" on every comment to read the one above.

Don't say dumb shit about not being holocaust deniers, then deny the holocaust. Especially if you aren't ready to defend your denial.

I mean, that's what's really funny about it. Nobody with two brain cells to rub together can deny the holocaust, like you do.

Anarcho-capitalists are just fascists who want to be ruled by McDonalds Corporation instead of McDonalds Government. It's all the same shit anyway.

u/CommunismKills you have a stereotypically large Jewish nose

She must have the worst teeth in the world

the anime right

Seriously, just fuck this planet.


All those old-timey depictions of what the present day might look like were boring af anyway. Who cares about flying cars? I'd much rather live in the timeline where meme and Japanese cartoon-based political factions wield real-life influence.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our waifus."

For the sake of honesty: her "scariest thing on the internet" post was before she discovered the fap folder. Someone pretended to be her on Facebook and Twitter and posted about being suicidal to try to get the cops to SWAT/5150 her by replying to posts by her friends to get them concerned.

I don't like CK, but that was not a post about the fap folder at all. It looks like she was upset over it because it includes photos of her from when she was 12.

Hi @Rational_Urge.


Remove yourself from the gene pool asap

Came here for nudes, left disappointed.

I mean, if you cropped this it might do something for you.

But then...

She kind of looks like my trans roommate

Thats hot.

Harry Potter grew a sweet rack.

ey /u/CommunismKills id let u blitzkrieg my low countries any day of the week bb gurl ;)

best described as a member of the anime right

Top fucking kek

She looks familiar. Is this the same woman who made the "I don't need feminism because _______" meme?

its possible. shes been around for at least 5-6 years now

Did you see the two pictures that were linked here (deleted now) but she's got two anti feminism posts in there with shitty signs.

She's had many sagas of drama. My personal favorite was when tumblr figured out they could edit her posts so it looked like she was saying ridiculous things, and then she told a teenager to kill herself or something

/u/Horace_Barrett are you Jewish? Because /r/physical_removal is p racist against all PoC yet you used the word "antisemitic" to describe it.

No, I mentioned that because /u/CommunismKills says she's Jewish, but mods /r/Physical_Removal. Learn to read.

Learn to read.

Too much effort involved. I'd much rather point and "lol jew" at you.

How is that a conflict? Jews can hate leftists, too.

She looks like the singer for Oasis. Don't think I can fap to this.

Do people in this thread genuinely find Ms. Goldenberg hot, or am I way more out of touch with heterosexuals than I thought I was?

I don't. But I'm a woman, i can ask an adult male i trust tho.

Ask me.

Hot or not? I'll let u know if i trust u after u answer.

No, she's not hot. She isn't ugly but I wouldn't date her based on her looks alone.

Really? That face isn't ugly?

I mean ugly like really ugly. It's a "meh" face.

Face: 4

Tits: 10

Ancestral heritage: (((0)))

My standards are so low that "(((0)))" turned me on and even I wouldn't fuck her.

Face: 4

Tits: 10

Ancestral heritage: (((0)))

Hehe that ancestral heritage looks like a meaty spread pussy.

Not hot. I wouldn't say ugly but OP wasn't kidding, those are some crazy fucking eyes.

If she was flat chested would she be ugly? I think shes ugly, like a caricature of Sarah Silverman.

Firstly, I think Sarah Silverman is pretty hot. Second I wasn't including the tits in my assessment, so no difference. Thirdly, her tits aren't all that compared to someone like Sarah Silverman.

Dang i didn't realize she was so stacked, m.b.

sounds like to me who don't find her attractive because of her (admittedly horrible) opinions. I think she's pretty cute.

Just a bunch of thirsty little boys in this thread.


Her face is pretty tragic looking. Shits all shaped wrong and all kinds of fucked up.

Aside from that she does have breasts and isn't a hundred pounds overweight so I guess that lands her squarely in the "would fuck" zone for your average Internet commentator.

She's hot. The fact that she's conservative/alt-right makes her even hotter as far as I'm concerned.

you forget that a questionable area above the neck can be forgiven if there's some nice things to look at below it, anne frankly /u/communismkills has a nice set of cans. About her only worth though. No way she's not jewish with that face

She's not bad looking, but you can tell from a mile away that she's nuts.

She looks like the dude on degrassi who shot drake

She's not hot, but not really ugly either. Her eyes are a little off putting.

If I didn't know she was a Nazi, I would probably tap that.

I think shes average but I think its because they find her beliefs to resonate so well with theirs that that adds maybe 4 levels of hotness in their minds

She looks like the trollface meme.

I really wouldn't want any more details of your sad, sad life to be honest.

POW. Take that, Nazi.

It's sad I can no longer tell the difference between a trans woman and a woman with fetal alcohol syndrome. But she is definitely one of the two.

She mods wildly antisemitic subs liks /r/Physical_Removal


This is clearly a JIDF agenda post.

You guys are more neurotic about Jews than Jews are about Jews.

I'm joking, its a recreational opinion. In fact, if anyone has the right to calls themselves "the master race" it would probably be Jews, considering their science built a lot of the technology Nazis use to defame them and they proposed a lot of the economic theory that made us rich. Oh and they're allegedly secretly controlling the world, got have brains to do that.

Eh, I want to fap to /u/CommunismKills, because she hates it, but she isn't hot enough for me to make an effort. Now, if she was a proud POC....

Photoshop a bag over the head

Not a bad idea!

(follow that link to read /u/prince_kropotkin's take on her)

Why would someone do this

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tfw it's really the triple chromosomes who lead the charge against the nwo

It's like the time we had sent our cripple at the frontline in WW1.

Mayocide is justified, no remorse.


she's the one who can't get a haircut without parental permission, even as an adult, right?

The chin ruins it

That's some crazy eyes.

Ahh, so /u/CommunismKills is one of those self-hating transgenders, huh?

what's the over under on pre op or post op?

No actual tits. DISAPPOINTED