OhSnap Has Been Suspended!

83  2017-05-19 by justcool393


This, but unironically.


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This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician redditor in American history!

Top kek.



The top moderator of /r/The_Donald has been suspended for three days for "enabling harassment of other users and interference with other communities". This is following the dramawave where mods from /r/The_Donald has been encouraging their users to exodus to Voat.

Trumpsters need to be culled tbh

Trains gotta run for the thing people will argue never happened

Tolerant left

where did this meme of the tolerant left come from

About them being apparently tolerant of everyone but people who disagree with them

Murderous muslims? A-okay

People who support trump? "they should be culled"

And when did you first start having these delusions?


Might want to be more specific


Das some nice autism

prove it, nerd.

Prove what? That you have autism?




People who still support Trump at this point should be broken on the wheel and then hanged, drawn, and quartered tbbhwy fam.

They should contemplate their vote on the tree of woe.

This but unironically.

wtf i love hate trump now

<><><><>>>>>>unironically using this meme


lol you even post in /r/cringeanarcy

you deserve a tolerant knife in your throat

Weow dood. Really showed me with your severe autism

so much for the tolerant right

Tolerant right isnt advocating for someone to be killed

But nice try

except mooslims and trannies but nice try 😏

Except Juden.

Wait, do you believe the holocaust happened?

It didn't happen but should happen again

and again

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /r/cringeanarchy poster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ calling someone else autistic

how do you even know that guy's a leftist?

Why shouldnt I assume that?

...that's not how you should form opinions...

Hmm, if someone says "all jews should be culled", would I be correct in thinking they were a nazi?

If someone said "all blacks should be culled", would I be correct in thinking they weren't black?

Should I go on?

all people should be culled


So much for the tolerant right.

Sure exposed him


Trump supporters are literally the most oppressed class.

Magacide when.

And if somebody shitposts you'd be correct in thinking they're a shitposter you mental midget.

excuse me did you just assume my political preference?

Tolerate my dick bitch

Post picks or I will continue to be intolerant

I'm gonna keep u wanting bb


That's what type 2 diabetes is for. It was created by the CIA just for that purpose.

"enabling harassment of other users and interference with other communities"

Is is really because she lifted the ban on linking /r/politics? Or did she find out that /u/spez killed Seth Rich?

It's probably because she boasted of having a concealed carry license and an itchy trigger finger, the dumbass.

Nah, it was the 'go forth and comment in other subreddits' part for my money.

Honest question: why did she get suspended for implying she'll protect herself if people come after her while communists get away with advocating and organizing violence on reddit?

Why that thread get to exist is beyond me, cesspool of neo nazi inbreeding white trash.

Pardon my tinfoil beanie, but I wonder if this isn't engineered drama to distract the trumpkins from the fact their hero is a traitor.

The Reddit (((admins))) got to head snowflake in chief over at TD??

For three days for "enabling harassment of other users and interference with other communities". It's basically a warning shot IMO and probably only the first few things in this dramawave.

TD getting banned would be almost as funny as an impeachment tbh

If that ever happens, the (mega)thread dedicated to it will be the Holy Gospel of r/Drama.

Hope so

I don't know. It would have volume, but would it have variety? Would it just be page after page of the same shit? Fatpeoplehate going down produced an intense couple of days of drama, but I don't rate it at all compared to things like the original /r/lgbt drama or syncretic getting modded to SRD.

Probably more drama. Trump getting impeached would be a sigh of relief for him, I'm sure he wants his old life back at this point.

sure missing those golden showers

Best day ever if TD got banned along with a bunch of edgy lefty subs. Maximum drama, everyone upset, no one happy.

Cept for us

well that goes without saying

imagine the memes if the madmins ban T_D the same day he gets impeached confirming they just kept that shit around so they didn't get sperged at for banning the subreddit dedicated to the president.

IDK if TD would be more angry that their echo chamber got nuked or more elated that their persecution complex got reaffirmed so they can maintain the delusion that they're some sort of scrappy underdog guerrillas beset on all sides by the liberal agenda.

Yeah but everytime they'd get uppity afterwards you could just snarkily remind them and watch the tendies fling themselves

I'm so excited that this is all about to go downhill in a vicious cycle. Admins piss off T_D, they sperg out and harass other users, admins lay down the law, more harassment, more bans, then sub possibly banned and containment breaks and we experience an XK end-of-Reddit scenario.

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Honestly a riveting read. Kinda lost me in the middle there but you came back around for the climax.

Missed opportunity for a Blackadder reference.

Britbongs out

delete this

reported for spam

Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van.

Banned for report spamming

banned for violating the first amendment

free speech was a mistake

I agree tbh

the fuck you doing agreeing with me in r/drama?

actually banned for real now

I will fight you bitch 1v1 me insurgency or csgo your pick

video games are for children



well played

this but unconstitutionally


So much for the tolerant left

This but unironically




I think this guy needs to get used to a lifetime of disappointment

Man, I remember genuinely believing in the whole containment thing with those subs. Like I thought banning them would ruin the website from their temper tantrum.

Turns out a week later, we all just forgot about their existence.

Except in their dying guff they threw up a bunch of spores which settled into random edgy/alt-right subreddits.


And the containment thing was correct.

The containment thing is true though. We just keep them in voat.

Heres an idea.

(((Fund))) the shit out of Voat. Publicise it to the point where it's full of Nazis and TD posters. Then when they are all posting in Voat and Reddit, ban T_D. They'll just stick around in Voat, where no one can challenge their views, so T_D won't bother with reddit anymore.

Basically just force them to go to Voat, and figure out how to make them stay there

Kind of like how (((Richard Spencer))) is controlled opposition. Let them follow a nasally twink instead of Hitler 2.0.

I had a feeling he was controlled opposition ever since he soiled the name of Kekistan.

And yet that sub is still active

Is voat reddit's Australia?

They targeted Trumpers. Trumpers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a dank meme saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time harassing Pizza Shop owners all to draw them out out of their satanic child sex-slave trafficking rings. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, making shitposts everyday, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such memelord nirvana that they can literally play these 3D Chess blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many tendies have been spilled, threats to leave reddit announced, armchair detective work Trumpers have worked so hard for? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our mods? Trumpers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making a new VOAT our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Trumpers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

Bitchslapped by u/spez 's enormous cyber-schlong of justice.

You wouldn't think it to look at me, but I am a serious badass and I will mess you up if you so much as look at me funny. A lot of people were executed last year in this state for that deadliest of crimes: Fucking with me. So step back off of my subreddit channel if you know what's good for you, BITCH.


I wish Shkreli owned Reddit and hated the Trump movement he'd have so much fun messing with them


OhSnap is a girl right?



obligatory pings of the biggest trumpers I know




Where will yall shitpost when t_d shuts down?

the fuck dude? I don't like trump

I'm not a trump fan either; he's a giant piece of shit. I just hate other Dems. Lurk moar

You are the reason Trump won.


stop that


I'm already banned from t_d so same places I already do

Can you admit you voted for a crooked, dimwitted monster now? If not, is it an ego thing? I feel like you're the kind of narcissistic, autistic sociopath that makes up the majority of his online supporters.


You're very typical. You have no conviction. You follow trends on the internet. Answer me honestly, have you ever once asked yourself if you're perhaps not as smart as you think you are?

That's a retarded question. It's truly retarded, not as a figure of speech but in the literal sense of the word, to see someone like me and think there's any chance at all that I'm not constantly self-questioning.

Did I hit a nerve?

You used to idolize Trump. You really think he's some sort of mastermind genius.

Since you're feeling sensitive, I'll ask you a different question: what is your metric for intelligence? You think Trump is smart-- andlet's say he is. At your age, Trump was already attending (or perhaps graduating from) business school at an Ivy League institution. What are you doing?

How do you rectify a man you believe is intelligent having accomplished so much more at your age than you have? Will you ever actually be president considering what a disadvantage you've put yourself in?

Did I hit a nerve?


You used to idolize Trump

Still do to about the same extent I "did"

You really think he's some sort of mastermind genius.

And you really think he just stumbled into the White House by random chance lmfao

what is your metric for intelligence?

What is your metric for how good a car is?

Why the fuck would you think intelligence can be boiled down to a "metric?" I knew you were retarded but that's some next-level idiocy. Open a dictionary and read the definition of "intelligence." If you think you can boil that down to a metric, you're either incapable of reading the definition of a word and comprehending it, or you're using "metric" while having zero clue what it means and not checking first.

What are you doing?


How do you rectify your belief you're of above average intelligence ad the fat a man you believe is intelligent having accomplished so much more at your age than you have?

You gotta check what words mean before using them, man. "Rectifying" two beliefs generally refers to making them fit with each other. Two things that already both make sense don't need to be "rectified."

Will you ever actually be President considering what a disadvantage you've put yourself in?


How are you going to stumble into the White House? Again, at your age, Trump had already accomplished so much more than you have. How will you catch up? If you think he's so smart, why don't you take into account all the decisions he's made all his life, up to and including getting a degree.

How are you going to stumble into the White House?

I'm not, that doesn't happen. Your understanding of Presidential politics is just not there, you shouldn't even be trying to discuss it unless it's to inform yourself. Is that your goal here or am I wasting my time?

Again, at your age, Trump had already accomplished so much more than you have. How will you catch up?

How am I supposed to know? If you could plan 20 years of business and strategy involving people and organizations at the highest levels of wealth, power, and above all, secrecy, this game would be broken as fuck. The only valid answer to your question is the obvious one: I'll be good at stuff. It's that simple. Anyone who gives another answer from a position like this is ridiculously overestimating their level of knowledge and foresight, or ridiculously underestimating the forces at play here (like you probably do since you actually think it's possible that Trump is unintelligent).

If you think he's so smart, why don't you take into account all the decisions he's made all his life, up to and including getting a degree.

Degrees made a lot more sense when he got his. You should type "current year" on Google, there'll probably be wikipedia links or something, there's this whole system people came up with where every time a year passes you add a number so we can record when different things happened in relation to each other. Once you learn this system, you can discover an amazing level of understanding of society's history. You can learn about what the world was like when Trump was my age compared to what it's like now.

Degrees also make a lot more sense when money isn't an object. They also make a lot more sense when your life goals center around those of your family as a whole, who want you to get one. They also make a lot more sense if the work or time involved aren't a big deal to you. Why do I have to point any of these things out to you, let alone all of them? How could you fail to think of a single one of these points yourself before asking the question? You should feel bad. I'd feel terrible if I were that dumb.

Degrees also make a lot more sense when money isn't an object.

You think Trump's wealth gave him an advantage. You're not wealthy, how will you get the same advantages that Trump did?

Why would I?

I don't think he's that smart, you do. You're the one who is throwing out all his life accomplishments and circumstances because they arbitrarily don't apply to you. You should take some time to reflect, I give no fucks if you do or don't try to model your success on someone who you look up to. But I'd imagine any intelligent person would.

You're too obsessed with me for this to be an accident. Nobody believes you.

What an awkward attempt at trolling.

You know what you have to do in order for me to stop pinging you

Literally who

Top mod of /r/The_Donald.

Oh I shoulda kept reading this is delicious

Fucking finally. Shit or get off the pot, Jesus Christ.

Whenever spoiled children get cranky/bratty & they try holding their breath to get their way at least they have the decency pass out from asphyxiation eventually.


Considering you've spammed hundreds of retarded nonsense posts today, which flavor of top mind are you: NEET or teenager?


Is the touch of a woman as foreign to you as gainful employment?


Did you already reserve your username at voat?


I really hope they ban the sub before VOAT folds so I know where I go to see the epic fucking meltdown.

This is clearly part of a master plan by /u/spez to trick dumpsters into banning themselves from reddit. It's great reverse psychology

Then maybe she shouldn't have threatened people?