T_D refugees get a warm welcome over at Voat, and a bit of culture shock.

153  2017-05-19 by poopy_ass


Cool story, bro


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The fact that they trying so hard says something.

Trump may hit a home run near near close.

They are scared, really really scare that drive them to go crazy.

Just like a no way out wounded wolf


There's some incredible drama over there rn

More warm welcomes: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1869065

T_D power struggle: https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/1869015

Backlash against shitposting already: https://voat.co/v/ThePedes/1868473

Incredible. Didn't realize that Voat dropped slurs like /b/ circa '07 with more sincerity than /pol/. Looks like T_D is getting a rude awakening. It's cute watching them try to fit in too.

It's amazing, they're like /pol/ without humor

If 8chan is /pol/ with pedophilia and waifuism, what does that make Voat? The humorless hardass /pol/ers?

Butthurt Redditors who think the epitome of free speech is throwing nigger and kike in every sentence. Which as we all know, is the only thing that allows real dialogue.

the only thing that allows real dialogue to happen on retarded forums that take themselves too seriously.

how much of a niggerfaggot can you be?

forgot to tell you that you're a cuck too

Hey was it you who made that post here where you went on a rampage mocking all of the /r/drama regulars. I can't seem to find that post. Did I hallucinate it?

it was probably copypasta from /u/fuckuredditor since I don't sperg out like that unless it's ironically. but he's dead now so RIP in autism

No, it wasn't copypasta, it was someone who made a thread that got stickied where they made dozens of comments mocking the style of each said poster. It was highly upvoted but I can't find it on top posts. I think it got deleted :*(

I'm a plebeian phone-poster 95% of the time so if it's anything more than 2 sentences it was most likely copypasta

The thread in question was made by /u/SpookyMood, who deleted his account.

That shit was cash. /u/Wraith_GraveSpell is just mad that he wasn't worth Spooky's attention.

/u/SpookyMood was a great poster and that thread was excellent.

I prefer to fly under the radar when it comes to autistic communities.

yeah, now I can see why they'd be upset with the hyper-enthusiastic 'THIS TRAIN HAS NO BREAKS! PRAISE BASED KEK! MAGA!!! xD' T_D shit. they all write like they haven't smiled in years. this is gonna be some good shit. 👌

muh slurs


Let's take a look at what our new friends are like why don't we?

Redditor Ohsnapyougotserved, Jew mod of T_D on reddit who instated the "No racism. No anti-semitism." rule you can see in their sidebar, is now /u/ohsnapyougotserved here on Voat, and the founder and moderator of /v/ThePedes. WELCOME SHLOMO! And Mazel Tov on your continued reign of control over your horde of useful idiots! Voat loves Zionist power mods. You'll fit right in!


If you can't even beat the Jews online maybe you should just give this whole master race thing up.

Think of how many Jews aren't even allowed to use Computers on Saturday.

Imagine how sad they'll be when they find out the most powerful person in the WH is a Jewish business partner of George Soros.

If you think Jews are part of a global secret class that runs everything perfectly why wouldn't you want one running things in the White House?

Because I'm not stupid enough to think a failing 36 year old real estate developer can solve the Israel Palestine conflict?

For them, not idea.

No no, you see, (((they))) are intimidated by 卐卐卐their卐卐卐 superior genes, so they use their superior wealth to shut them down.

I mean marrying "Superior Genes" to "Superior Class" has worked out well for years, look at Winston Churchill, Dwayne Johnson, Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Goberians.

Of course combining the best of "Nature" with the Best of "Nurture" would produce the best results.

Of course a backwoods survivalist is one of the few types of people who will be able to eat gefilte fish.

I get it, basically both need to get over eachother and fuck already.

It's just like a Rom-Com but one of them is a Nazi and the other one is a Jew think of the possibilities, think of the dates to the the Holocaust Sites.

think of the dates to the the Holocaust Sites.

You joke but many of (((us))) mate at Holocaust museums.

Ahh nothing to set the mood like the genocide of your own people.

im imagining some kind of Nazi Cummies Daughter emojipasta now and i hope no-one makes it

IM DESTROYING YOUR RACE YOU, Fuehrer!😭✡️✡️卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐10% complete..... ✡️✡️✡️✡️卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 35% complete.... ✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 60% complete.... ✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️卐 99% complete..... 💪🏻ERROR!💪🏻 💯True💯 Aryan genes are irreplaceable 💖I could never destroy you Fuehrer!💖 Send this to ten other 卐Aryans卐 who give you 💦superior genes💦 Or never get called (((Juden))) again🔥🔥😬😬🔥🔥 If you get 0 Back: to the showers untermensch 👿👿👿 3 back: inslaved in the 卐Reich卐 5 back: you're Ubermensch💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Thanks for making me commit mayopuku




I take it not many of them speak french.

holy shit, I totally missed out an making an alt and throwing this around before the french election ended. anyways, thanks Macaroni.

Pretty sure it's intentional, them coming from /pol/.

voat latched onto it and is calling them pede-ophiles. bahaha

Is this real life?

the power struggle is the funniest part. like...you're no longer competing with anyone for the front page. you don't need to manipulate the sub to upvote the hell out of everything now. you can actually discuss the merits of your guy without any interruption...snicker


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Domains were a mistake.

They somehow made something even more autistic than slimgr

Please don't be mad, we're not trying to upset, just we waited too long and we need a good place to go.

Wow, this from the sub that wanted to build a wall? Fucking hell

Oh wow that's some tasty shit haha.

(also, I kinda miss the downvote / upvote counters).

This sub is NOT the official The Donald subreddit

Integration is hard

Open borders are an utopia because of terrorists like people from The Donald. Uncultured savages with low IQ and low skills, and dogmatic assholes in a cult. Still, bombing them may do more harm than good. Spez does great being strictly not interventionist.


What a positive and constructive community!

"Now that we have free speech, we can have truly engaging and genuine dialogue!"


The sad thing is this is hardly an exaggeration.

I thought you were exaggerating. And then I actually saw it for myself.

it's a ShariaBlue false-flag intended to make TD look bad. /#FAKETRUTHS

It's probably people that see 4chan users saying "nigger" and thinking they'll be hardcore like 4chan if they say it too

"hardcore like 4chan"

Yeah, I realized it as soon as I hit the Post button

"fun, like 4chan was rumored to be"

How the fuck is saying nigger hardcore?

Exactly, Randy

Our traffic is just what Voat needs for it's financial problems.











The biggest irony is that the "six gorillion" meme actually applies to T_D here.

I'm sure that's by design. the figure was probably cooked up by /pol/tars purists

Daddy supporters are just rolling in the money bOSS

I will laff if Voat has to shut down because it gets too stressed from NEETs that don't want to donate.

Apparently they just got 12k in btc donations, so I guess we'll have to wait at least 2 months to find out. lol Azure

Fuck. That. No immigration whatsoever. And remove non-whites.

I'd love to see a conversation between this person and someone at /r/Physical_Removal considering that Pinochet is a spic.

Pinochet was French iirc.

spic is a kind of white usually. they only become brown whenever they try to move somewhere

Agreed, they're hypocritical bastards. They cry about spez censoring while simultaneously insta-banning me for criticizing Trump's endorsement of Paul Motherfucking Cuck Ryan. I still support Trump, but I'll call him out when he's wrong every time.

They can keep that safespace bullshit on reddit.

Hey look guys, I found someone actually making sense on Voat! It's a fucking miracle!

if you put enough racist monkeys attypewriters it's bound to happen eventually



Everyone knows the proper term is negroid.

I prefer the term Basketball-American

Of course there is. Reddit-fags are a fucking cancer; leave them alone and they metastasize all over the fucking site, like goddamn black mold inside your walls. They have to be burned out before they can spread.

Reddit may be cancer, but Voat is actually straight up AIDS.

Well you know what you really don't want if you are a virus surviving off your host? Your host's death.

Lol I love how they act all self righteous about being able to criticize Bernie, as they aren't allowed to do that here

I wonder if they realize that reddit is a business and can ban whatever they like.They sound like the socialists they hate,asking for free s(peech)tuff

well they are sorta socialists and kinda nationalistic...

kinda like they're some sort of national socialists or something.


Donald J. Trump is your president. Lol.

For now

For you...

It's been pretty great for /r/drama tbh fam.



I guess just being president is all that matters to you morons. Doing a half decent job of not completely fucking up the country is just a super extra special cherry on top, right?


Not if he has "undermining the security of his country in order to help its enemies for his own personal gain" on his to-do list. Then I'd say he accomplished something.

Not my president.

Try again.

Nice try but since when does Canada have a President? We have a Prime minster with amazing hair. People like Trump don't last very long in Canadian politics. Just ask Kevin O'Leary.

You also have a queen, so...

Yeah we have a queen because Canada is a part of a gang.It's called the Commonwealth. Better remember that.

If you kill your enemies, they win.

Who would you rather see win in the middle East, Jews or Muslims?




this but unironically?

You niggers better assimilate and calm the fuck down. You're not on reddit anymore and no one wants to see your shitposting here. This site is the central place for a lot of people to get their info on pedogate, political corruption, and other actual news censored from the MSM. Don't fill it up with your bullshit.


Welcome to Voat, you fucking nutty fucks. This is your new home. You are not at war here. We are your family. So dont start acting like niggers. No one likes a nigger. Dont be a nigger.

What a lovely community they have there.



I appreciate when a place is willing to establish basic ground rules.

What a shitshow dumpster fire.

False consciousness

The difference is we have money and jobs and are willing to support the site unlike the cucked regressive left on the rest of reddit who just want free things from bernie.

"Look at me donating, mom!"

Isn't any voat post low effort by default?

voat is blocked in Russia

a lot of meme sites are. I mean 4chan I get, but knowyourmeme, that one I miss


They need to learn the language or gtfo!

Donald Trump supporters become refugees unwanted in their new homeland.

Karma is a cruel mistress

So that's freeze peach on mental illness overdrive.