The Donald set to private

1817  2017-05-20 by Wtfct


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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they sure do love playing the victim

Like their god king.

"No politician redditor in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."

"No group of 6 million people in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."

it's okay cuz his reddit fans don't believe in the holocaust

It's baffling, when he is the most powerful man on the face of the earth, and he still spends most of his time complaining about how the press is too free.

Like, wtf?? Just fucking do your job, you incompetent baboon.

Last Resort by papa roach was 100% blasting in the background when they wrote that









found /u/spookymood's alt






plz don't. this makes your look more retarded than normal.


lol WearyTunes go on Chapo

Most of them weren't even born when that single was released.

inb4 /r/all

How does that happen to a shithole like this sub?

Have you seen /r/all lately? It's random shitholes all the way down.

Make /r/drama great again

It was never great to begin with tho

We are temporarily private in a show of strength against these unfair and unequal rules

Just fuck off to Voat already you lazy shits. Keep it private and reopen over there

Only one harassing users. Ha. That's a stretch. There's no other sub (or you know sub clone) that is on Reddit and harrasses users. Promotes doxxing and brigades??? Fuck that gif.

mods /r/subredditdrama

fucking get out you serious posting fag

No. You get the fuck out.

oh damn, shit just got real

if /u/Macronshill doesn't respond, the /r/drama secret police must have got him



Ya but they're a cancer to this site unlike any other

Meh. I see their bias no different than the intolerant bias from the other side over at politics. Every fifth word is Russia, cock holster, drumpf, or impeachment.

Both sides have their cancer and their points. If admins treated all subs the way they did TD. Including the vote manipulation and the blatant formula changes made site wide to supress TD visibility (oh and falsy show how many people are online) I'd be okay with this. But they're not and it isn't a stretch to say that the Admins are also Cancer.

Nah none are nearly as antagonistic

Agreed. The whole sites really been going to shit lately my only hope is that if T_D goes away then all their liberal counterparts will fade away as well. I doubt that will happen but a guy can dream...

Not a fucking chance unless Trump literally dies. They would just get louder.

It would obviously encourage them -.-

Lmao why is it people who say shit like this always post in the tankie socialist subs, yes I'm sure you aren't agenda posting right now, fuck off cunt.

The cancer is spreading


why don't you go and "ironically"post in /r/COMPLETEANARCHY you absolute fucking neckbeard


At least the rest of us are funny about it

Don't pretend the size of the sub doesn't matter. A sub of 300 people harassing users isn't getting in trouble solely because nobody knows about it. Popularity has it's consequences.

Don't pretend the size of crime doesn't matter. A small assault from a otherwise we'll have citizen is going to get in trouble.

What you just said make no sense. Rules are out in place to be followed. I don't agree with what TD did to break them in the last 24 hours but I don't agree with the admins harrasses them month in month out since their creation. Name one other sub that has had restriction after restriction placed on it for actions of it's users. Not it's mods.

Oh yeah. FPH ... Because spez likes chunkymonkeys

Every time reddit has added restrictions, they first asked the t_d mods to handle it, and they refused to.

Also it isn't the last 24 hours only. These aren't the first mods to be banned for harassing and stalking people IRL.

Spez isn't people. He's a public figure.

If you're too blind to admit TD has been segregated and only kept around because of their actual numbers given to advertisers. You're a dumbass...

I wasn't talking about spez

I can only imagine the strength and courage it takes to piss off your user base while everyone else laughs at you.

wow so rood jeff i didnt think u were this feisty

But then they wouldn't be able to get the attention they so desperately crave. Plus the edgelords at voat won't give them the time of day.

How about you fuck off to sweden?


yeah nah, we don't want him here

wow Ok. thats it I'm moving to Sweden out of spite

There's that hit of drama. Mmmmmmnnnnhhhh do another.

love how trump supporters are so up their own ass that "why don't you move to objectively one of the best countries in the world in which to live" is their idea of an insult

"why don't you move to objectively one of the best countries in the world in which to live"


They don't even speak English like God intended there.

They have less Exports then my state, their 2nd and 3rd biggest import is petroleum and petroleum products how could anyone who cared about the Environment move there?

Do you even know how bad for mother nature Twixit! are?

dw mayocide will take care of sweden except for molmo

They don't even speak English like God intended there.

Du vad kompis?

Si, yo hablo espanol?

De Nada, Cerveza?

Literally, they all speak English in Sweden. Their schools English programs are so good that many Swedes speak better English than Americans.

Ah, the place whose capital city literally has a mental illness named after it is objectively the best place in the world. Ok.

Hahahaha holy shit imagine actually thinking this is a counter

Holy shit this can't be a real thought.

TIL taking the ball and going home when nobody wanted you around anyway is a show of strength.

*apparently I'm the 23rd person to make this joke in this thread.

Don't worry; when it's just an accurate statement, rather than a joke, you can just say you're contributing to the circlejerk.

do they even have a drama sub?

It's like they think reddit is going to cease to exist because 38% of reddit approves of Trump and they're all leaving.

I'm pretty sure voat just announced financial issues.

Put on your tinfoil hat with me here:

Maybe the VOAT admins paid, or purchased the TD mods, to do this and move traffic over to vote, to get some more ad revenue and pull them up out of the red.

in a show of strength

How does this show strength I wonder.


He's already in the bushes



u missed an it there u big dummy

suck my dick u durty cuck


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bot info

He would but he can't find

this tbh

^ this but unironically

^ this but ironically

thought provoking commentary!!!!!!

lmao truuueee

I saw all the E's and just assumed it said REEEEE

This is what happens when you raise a generation on Participation Trophies.

It's like they're taking their ball and going home but they don't have a ball.

Oh they have a ball, but it's deflated and covered in their own shit.

They're the kid that would try and change the rules of freeze tag when they were it and get mad when people wouldn't let them.

Lol poor little dinglecucks

Culture of victimhood, special snowflakes, safe spaces, identity politics, crying...The Donald is the biggest SJW subreddit currently.

Wait, I thought Trump was voted in by people against all of what you just stated? Clinton played identity politics to the max during her campaign. She claimed she lost due to misogyny (victimhood)...? The_Donald regularly makes fun of SJWs...?

You are assuming Trump voters are actually useful to fight that stuff rather than self righteous morons projecting like IMAX.

You are an insufferable person

and a cuck to boot

Still doesn't mean he's wrong.

Still it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

I love you too.

And you're assuming they display a culture of victimhood, using safe spaces, playing identity politics... ?

And then you assume they're closet fascists... the sub that is hugely disgusted by websites like Stormfront that undermine their own cause, is fascist?

You post in /r/r4r. I think that says enough about you.

Got emmmmmm

Lol he deleted his comments. That's the second person I've made do that today

And you're assuming they display a culture of victimhood, using safe spaces, playing identity politics... ?

Did you read their whining? Kek.

hypocrisy? from the right? shocking!

Is this the part where the leftist weenies call everyone else snowflakes? Boooooooooooooooooooring

Culture of victimhood, special snowflakes, safe spaces, identity politics, crying...

Yup, thats why special rules are put in place against one subreddit, to keep the special snowflakes insulated

If they are going to immigrate they must integrate. It's just fair.

SJWs loved getting their culture cucked though.

We're the muslims and reddit is europe. And you guys are racist as hell against us.

jihad yourself

We learned from the SJWs, so we are not repeating the same mistakes. OUT OUT OUT OUT

If you don't shut up you are going to get a female circumcision.

the right complain about "professional victims" on the left but right-wingers will leap up on the cross every chance they get. from the mainstream right complaining about "war on christmas" bullshit, to gamergate retards claiming feminists on twitter are persecuting them, to the far-right whining about "white genocide". they're all just a bunch of crybabies

Everyone is like that at the end of the day, independently of political alignments. It's just that this ones are the botom of the barrel.

Yup. And this can be proven with history, too. Up until the Civil War, the Southern states were using the federal government to force Northern states to arrest and return fugitive slaves. After the war was done, they claimed it was all about "states' rights" the whole time.

Not only did they do that, they grabbed every free black citizen they could find and sent them south as slaves.

States rights except I get to come into your state and literally enslave your citizens.

Are they getting paid for their victimhood? I actually don't know, but if they aren't then are doing it as a hobby and that is even more sad.

wow valuing free speech is totally as bad as psychopathic idiots getting people fired or expelled for having the wrongthink opinions yep hmm

Who said anything about either of those things?

Doesn't matter, could play victim card.

Why do idiots ruin perfectly good comments with random mentions of gamergate?

because they know it won and can't let go

Nobody won except the biggest idiots on both sides.

Won what?

random? they fit right in

Only if you've destroyed your brain with petty online culture Wars, friendo.

They've rallied around the ultimate mega whiner and professional victim Trump. Guy is maybe the biggest shitbird whiner in politics today.

Oh look its that tankie who posts in /r/ukpolitics

hmm, never been called a tankie before. for the record, i am not one.

don't lie m8


oh shit you're a neolib. well no wonder, i'm sure you think everyone left of clinton is a tankie

what is irony

irony is overrated i'm a sincerity boy now

That's the best comment I've read on Reddit in a while. Very well put, thank you.

You must have been gone for a while, that comment gets posted to reddit a dozen times a day.

Culture of victimhood, special snowflakes, safe spaces, identity politics, crying.

Now that's some top level projection.

What is this dumb projecting shit like your comment? Yesterday I saw someone call them all 'cucks'. Watching people call Trump supporters "snowflakes" is like watching a six year old shout 'I'M RUBBER YOU'RE GLUE!'.

You see, this is cultural appropiation. A superior culture destroying a minority culture. We are going to steal they memes until they are not cool anymore.

It's because they get super pissed at it. That's pretty much it.

Good to know your south park neutrality is still up and running though

You're surprised? They invented this toolbox of idiocy. The satanic panic was basically a gigantic version of the shit we see these days, with even less basis in reality, too! And that's just one example! There was also violent video games, DnD, the Red Scare, Jim Crow, etc. pretty much going back in a straight orderly line to the original American outrage session: The Salem Fucking Witch Trials. SJWs are the little league to the right's roided up game of irrational outrage. For a while though it seemed like the lovecraftian horror that is the right wing culture war was going to sleep as old people kicked the bucket, so people started focusing on SJWs. As we all know, though, some retard red hatted cultists used their vote to chant "Ia! Ia! Trump fhtagn! Make America Great Again!" and that's how we ended up in the stupidest timeline.

Same as the alt right :D

Why don't you fuck off back to SRD where you belong

I always thought of them as alt-sjws

Only til midnight? C'mon, how about midnight, 2020?

I love how this is all coinciding with what appears to be Trumps own downfall

Oooooh can we bring back Downfall subtitles for this?

"And have kampfgruppe steiner deliver Comey his termination paperwork"

"uh Mr President, you contradicted kampfgruppe steiner on Twitter this morning"

"everyone get the fuck out"

Oeh i havent seen one of those in a long while

This is the equivalent of a 5 year old not getting their way and then taking their toys and going home in spite.

The toys are smeared with shit and the rest of the 5-year-olds don't want them to be put into the toy chest with everything else. Young The_Donald feels very oppressed by this sentiment.


Or jewdank quitting reddit.

Jewdank was more intelligent

She actually unironically was.

Probably one of the most depressing facts about this whole ordeal. Td makes jewdank look both sane and intelligent.

Right? Say what you will about Jewdank, but at least she could string together a coherent sentence.

Even with her horrid tattoo she probably looks better than 90% of the userbase

She was solidly hot imo. I'd say would bang but I've learned my lesson about sticking my dick in crazy. Would have a moderately satisfying wank to.

Well yeah fucking most people here would bang her. Not many would be anything other than horrified if they ended up knocking her up.

But think of the karma!

I dunno man, she had that stupid logo on her ass.

decent tits too

That's not fair, Jewdank was a marketing genius tm

Nobody on T_D has that going for them

Wasn't their ex head mod some kinda truat fund kid.

Ciswhitemaelstrom? I don't know about trust fund kiddie but he always claimed to be in law school. So take that for what you will.

Not only that but she was also far more well adjusted than the_donald ever was.

Jewdank for prez?

I expect more from Texaschick1968, much much more.

Its like arguing with one of those chatbots.

Why did she?

Holy shit. Drugs?

Well more than just that. She had a history of mental issues and there's a good chance that one of her prolonged absences was due to being institutionalized or worse.

Noodles(sitewide banned weirdo) impersonated /u/riemann1413 in Snoonet and threatened to rape her, and that was the reason she was trying to pursue legal action.

One of her most dedicated white knights /u/HeelTheBern was enfatuated with two /r/drama users who were meabies to jewdank, one being me and doxxed the other one before getting the banhammer.

Damn, you really know your drama!

<3 thnx bb

Pretty sure Heel was her alt.

Having been better acquainted with Bern than anyone on the planet should ever be, I can confirm that's not the case.

Having been better acquainted with Bern

You poor bastard.

It was discord, not snoonet.

Whew boy I remember that, shit got real too fast

Bork Bork bork

Just read through most of that thread too, holy shit my sides. The original trump community don't even want them!

Even better is them thinking it's about Seth Rich, your own mods decided fuck it and got the subreddit shut down how can that be about Seth Rich?

Imagine my surpise that Donald Trump voters (intelligent, powerful, the best) would do something without considering the consequences, and manage to do it in the most maliciously destructive way possible.

You greedy TD mods migrating from reddit

well originally the lead td kids are immigrants from digg

Still dragging Seth Rich through the mud to advance their indoctrination. Fucking pathetic.

not sure how you see it that way - a conservative group is trying to keep the murder story of a DNC staffer in front of the media so that the crime hopefully is solved. Even the family is seeking a reward for closure.

Politics aside, it would be nice to see whoever killed him brought to justice.

Do you honestly believe their reasons are for good?

You don't think they can solve this one? That dude with the AR-15 cracked pizzagate wide open.


That's a good question, and firstly I appreciate you not making snap judgments about me or about the sub. There's always a time and a place to share each other's point of view, and I'd like to hear your thoughts and perspective as well.

I honestly believe that those who preached, "His name was Seth Rich," and all of that do have the best interests at heart of both the family and his memory. He's become a martyr on that subreddit, largely because there is a shared hope that his death had meaningful purpose; if he really was the DNC leaker, then someone had him killed because of what he knew and wanted to expose. And if this were true, then it falls back on what a lot of the people in that subreddit sought in Trump's nomination and presidency -- ending political corruption.

That's what I have gathered in my time there. Sure there's a lot of circle jerking around in that sub, and most of it is comical in some ways. Some of it is what you would expect to see on 4chan; some even of which I don't understand.

I cannot understand how the family may be coping with it myself, but if/when I have kids and if I experienced a loss in that way: I would be livid, soul crushed, and angry. But at the same time, I would be comforted knowing that those I would least likely to expect to care would be doing whatever it took to help find the killer.

I honestly believe that those who preached, "His name was Seth Rich," and all of that do have the best interests at heart of both the family and his memory.

The family has directly asked people to stop using his name, and has done so since his murder. Why do you think you can decide what is best for his family and memory better than the family can?

if he really was the DNC leaker, then someone had him killed because of what he knew and wanted to expose.

Leaving aside that there is literally zero evidence that we leaked anything, the part after your comma doesn't flow from the part before it. He could have been the leaker and it still would have nothing to do with his murder. As it turns out, you can't unleak something by murdering someone. Also, they know which country did the hacking that led to the leaks.

The family has directly asked people to stop using his name, and has done so since his murder. Why do you think you can decide what is best for his family and memory better than the family can?

The family's statement came out recently via that third party investigator making his claims on Fox, and going back it is difficult to find an unedited source where the family just doesn't want his name dragged out. Maybe there was that period of grieving and wanting silence, I cannot say.

I can not decide what is best for his family, much like you cannot as well. It's not going to stop people from listing their conspiracy thoughts, or control the general population though. But I've not lost anyone I have cared about. And I can look at the video of the family opn July 13, 2016, and simply empathize with a fraction of the sadness. You're going to have people play detective and do what they want, regardless.

zero evidence that we leaked anything,

Probably a typo ;). This is probably the other half why people are out doing whatever they desire to keep his memory alive. It's of course a conspiracy, and we may not know any resolution. People are killed for many reasons, and silencing political opponents or ostracizing leakers of information has been a part of U.S. history as well.

The country of origin that did the hacking that led to the leaks

I'm doubtful about anyone who may claim that; I am still having trouble believing Sony's claim that they were successfully hacked by North Korea, when it was far more likely the leak came internally.

Probably a typo ;). This is probably the other half why people are out doing whatever they desire to keep his memory alive. It's of course a conspiracy, and we may not know any resolution. People >...are killed for many reasons, and silencing political opponents or ostracizing leakers of information has been a part of U.S. history as well.

a) doesn't make sense grammatically

b) historically lacking nuance; counterfactual even (wrong)

c) you're fucking retarded

Fair response. Though until I see confirmed evidence that the DNC or ilk murdered him, I disagree. T_d is a hate Reddit and we should not condone anything that they put forward.

T_d is a hate Reddit

We're on /r/drama.

tbh them being a hate subreddit doesn't say anything about /r/drama (which definitely is a hate subreddit)

We may never honestly know. Politics and any agendas aside, I sincerely hope it gets solved.

Your experience with T_d may be different than mine. That's welcoming, because it is your experience. I know people would love to see T_d banned for any number of reasons.

But so did a lot of people who looked at /r/fatpeoplehate. And then some people wondered why there existed a sub for people to come to terms with their pedophilia intentions (I think they were a support group sub?)

I fell in love with Reddit four years ago because it provided me something to explore, regardless of whether the content was disturbing, hateful, prideful, peaceful, comforting, etc. I hope that people will look beyond what T_d was, and will see the closing of a major subreddit as something to ruminate over in the grander scheme of what this website may mean to you.

I fell in love with Reddit four years ago because it provided me something to explore

You love Reddit? Holy shit, that's sad dude.


lmao and this is how we know you're a christian conservative

Lmao, no I am not. You even responded to all my posts in some asshole way. Ease up on the rage.

Even the family is seeking a reward for closure.

Uh no, the family is practically begging you all to stop:

Aaron Rich, Mr. Rich’s brother, said in an email Wednesday that Mr. Wheeler had “discredited himself as an objective investigator” and had lost the confidence of the family. He said that the politicization of his brother’s death had been “painful” and “debilitating.”

“Why everyone feels the need to use his death for their own motives is beyond us,” he wrote. “We simply want to find his killers and grieve. Instead, we are stuck having to constantly fight against non-facts, baseless allegations, and general stupidity to defend my brother’s name and legacy.”

He continued, “This only prevents us from moving forward in our grieving and distracts from answering the only question that matters — Who murdered my brother and my parents’ son, Seth?”

Let's be honest and blunt here, you all don't actually care about Seth Rich or justice. This is just something for you guys to bash the left with. If Seth was never murdered you would be calling him a libtard cuck.

Uh no, his brother literally set up a crowdsource effort a few months ago with over 20k donated.

With your other comment to me, about loving reddit, you're clearly not wanting to hold a mature discussion. 4 years ago Reddit was figuratively something to fall in love with as it was the best social media platform (and still is) but allowed for a better exchange of ideas than what is allowed on this site today.

Well here's a message from his brother on that GoFundMe:

Recent events have unfortunately highlighted our family's need for total independence and control of any private effort to help solve the murder. We can't take offers of help from third parties as even with steps put in place meant to protect us, we still find our family being used for political motives.

We have never tried to hurt and use others the way we keep getting hurt and used.

Seems like the family only wants your donations and nothing else especially when it comes to being used for political motives. Also they seem pretty upset with that private investigator you guys are salivating over and worshipping.

you're clearly not wanting to hold a mature discussion. 4 years ago Reddit was figuratively something to fall in love with as it was the best social media platform

Oh no, I'm not holding a mature discussion on /r/drama! What ever will you do? And no it wasn't something to fall in love with. It's a freaking website.


4 years ago, the only difference on reddit was that there were slightly less literal fascists here. Like, that's it. It was a shithole garbage fire then, as well.

To be honest I don't know if that's just T_D, or a talking point from the conservative sides. (ins)Hanity has been talking about this and about the Deep State for the past week.

What else can Hanity talk about? The entire GOP is practically on fire and public opinion is huge against just about everything they are trying to do at the moment.

I like that term Deep State because it lets me know that anyone who says it is a complete crackpot

tbh this is how my uncle got his irl maroon "idiot" tag

How is calling for the investigation of his suspicious murder "dragging him through the mud"? He was the head of IT for the DNC and was responsible during the firewall breach that allowed access to their systems for the DNC email "hack", he was "robbed" yet had everything even remotely valuable in his person, he was alive and conscious when the police found him, the police dropped the case almost immediately, The FBI had indexed his computer within 96 hrs and finally it has been proven that he had contact with Wikileaks for several weeks before his death. 12 days after his death, Wikileaks released te DNC hack info. Not to mention this interview. He is all but saying that his source was Seth Rich; you'd have to be an idiot not to be able to read between the lines. Common guys, take the blinders off and use some critical thinking skills for a brief minute...

If you create a country music sub and someone starts posting rock music and saying country music sucks and all that shit gets voted to the top and all country music is on the 75th page, should they give up on country music?

I think this sub should ban the fuck out of anyone who doesn't follow the community guidelines. I was on voat TD during the Syrian bombing and it was all hysterical bullshit. Everyone fucking crying about WW3 and omg Trump betrayed us and Trump is a fucking liar and a globalist plant. There was not a single post that was able to accurately​ explain or come up with a theory on why Trump did that.

We're not lying to you, we love Trump. I would take a bullet for that man. You don't like Trump? You're banned, go back to whatever and cry about how all the Jews are out to get you, or how hilarious it is that pedes means faggot in French or how Alex Jones is a globalist Jew plant. I don't give a fuck, i don't want to sift through hours of bullshit comments. If you like Trump, welcome, if not, you're banned, i openly ban you, I'll see you on a neutral sub and you can cry about how much of a faggot I am for limiting your free speech to me, i don't give a fuck.


What a retarded analogy. If a musician has a subreddit and their fans think the latest album sucks then they would be free to post about it. You're the worst type of thin-skinned fanboys and tbh you should all be flayed alive. And the word is morale, dipshit.

Slow down there friend, it's from the linked thread.

Oh noooo

si te gusta el final inesperado

si te gusta el final inesperado

If only there was some way to denote quotations in English

It's harder to flay thin skin, though. Breaks off too easily, you can't get a good-sized slice off.


.....ehrm, not that I would know.

I would take a bullet for that man.

How do you manage to be even more obsessive and fanatical than the people you're accusing (albeit, accurately) of those things?

This. Fucking lefties have gone insane. The conspiracy theories these so called "smart people" people are weaving are crazy. They're even not even trying to hide the fact they're trying to take over the internet and censor everyone because they compete on an intellectual level. You fuckers already have academia, what more do you want?

Are you honestly retarded? You can tell us. We won't judge. This is a safe space.

The left are anti-science and they've infected area of Western civilization and the internet and are trying to destroy our civilization with immigrants, post-modernism and anti-white racism masquerading as social science.


Looks like some of the migrant T_D users are experiencing a tough transition.


They can't assimilate so they must go. Remove kebonald

They could keep the ones they hated from immigrating, but not themselves. Or something like that.

How long until voat crashes due to traffic?

People get their wish and T D is gone on Reddit. What really gets me is that the same people that wanted them gone, went over to Voat and started posting their stuff over here.

I love that they call themselves pedes.

i love that gif so hard

That gif is great

We have the best GIFs, don't we folks.

user reports:
1: >126 upboats. delet this sub. too many normies.

/u/elfa82's gif makes me giggle so much I almost forgive him for being a mod of /r/bothate

I only hate bots cause I get accused of being one so often.

well then maybe you should stop being a bot. Ever think of that?


Jesus, buddy. There are children.

On /r/drama? Fuck I hope not.

On r/dama? Almost exclusively!

exclusively. at least mentally

why do you think milo modded this place

Since when did Milo mod here?

Before he got banned


Not allowed to be around children, huh?

5768 7920 646F 6E27
7420 796F 7520 6A75
7374 206B 6565 7020
796F 7572 7365 6C66
2073 6166 6520 616C
7265 6164 793F 0000

That's just gibberish.

looks in mirror


Nice Markov chain

To be fair I think you'd have trouble passing a Turing test.

Even Chris-Chan had a devientart. The biggest autists usually are artistic.

The biggest autists usually are artistic.

Or they think they are.

Chris-chan is still a thing? Is he still posting bideo game bussy he drew with coloured pencils

He's now a she. Get with the times!


Oh no

oh god

With his DIY bussy surgery.

Did he actually try a diy sex change?

I really don't want to link it. It really is beyond the pale.

oh shit, jesus fucking wept

I was sincerely hoping you were kidding. Well time to check encyclopedia dramatica

Check the cwciki, fam.

Thx famalam.

Bots will have the last laugh. Humanity was a mistake.

/r/botsrights, friendo.

That's unforgivable. Downvote the heathen!

Everything about this is amazing. I fucking hope they get banned just for the sheer volume of tears.

That "But Her Emails" photo of the flood is just a result of the torrent of alt right tears, not actually climate change

what are the odds the mods the admins removed were the head honchos of this internet brigade and the lower mods didnt know how to respond to their drones so they just went dark.

imagine still taking "internet harassment" seriously especially when admins use it as an excuse

must be hard to type while stroking all those micro-cocks

nah man its easy

but for real though if you hear "internet witch hunt" or "rape and death threats" and your first reaction is to believe it then you need to internet more

because thats like fake internet shit 101

God, you're so fucking tiresome. Thank God you're Australian, and therefore irrelevant.

i always enjoy random fags ive never seen before commenting on my posts

if i was irrelevant people like you wouldnt react so hilariously

My faggotry is none of your business, breeder

Permanently banned: faggot

Nice job. You sure showed /u/redtaboo!

They took over r/pussypass anyway. That is where they moved to a while back. It used to be an interesting sub now it is just right wing hate.

They took over r/pussypass anyway. That is where they moved to a while back. It used to be an interesting sub shit now it is just right wing hate somehow even shittier.

Pussypass was never good. It was just a bunch of people REEEing about 'woman does something bad.'

Take a quick look in there, they've been booted from there and from r/pussypassdenied

Hello again,

You insufferable shits.

Why do you make our lives so difficult?

Not actually difficult, just "crap I have an eyelash stuck" difficult.

Anyway try this shit again,

the admins

Eyelashes have honestly caused me more trouble these past few days than the_donald ever has.

Yeah, but imagine being admins and having to deal with the reddit brain-deadness on a daily basis. That job better pay a shitload o'cash.

hey it's me ur admin

Cash please.

Someone in that archived thread actually calls for a lawsuit? Wow.

Lol maybe if they want to be taken seriously they shouldn't use a variant of the WW2 German flag

I just want a place that I can shitpost without pissing people off. I don't care about the new rules. I'm okay with being filtered. It's Reddit's site and they can do what they want with it.

HER NAME WAS /r/OhSnapYouGotServed.

Hey speaking of removing mods, what happened to /u/warofthefanboys? You know, the guy who was supposed to be fistfightimg that comedian? He's not in the mod list anymore.

Did you not learn your fucking the last time you got us on the front page?

Can I advertise /r/thedonaldjerk here?

You have to send the mods pictures of your bussy first.

Everyone is talking about "additional rules" that were established. What are these rules?

Basically it was no linking to other subs (like /r/politics) in an attempt to discourage brigading. They claim they're the only ones with the special rule but other anti trump subreddits actually have to follow it too.

It reads like an over the top parody. were all the post on T_D like that?


Just the weirdest most yelly sub there is.

95% of it isn't real right? They just spew buzz words..

They have rules:

  • Do not violate Sitewide Content Policy
  • No Trolling/Concern Trolling
  • No Racism/Anti-Semitism
  • No Releasing Personal Information or Doxxing
  • No Vote Manipulation, Brigading, or Asking for Votes
  • This is a forum for supporters of Trump ONLY
  • No Posts About Subreddit Bans
  • Ban appeals, suggestions, concerns (including sticky choices) go to modmail
  • No Posts About Trump Assassination Threats (Send screenshots + link to the FBI).
  • Please do not behave in a way outside of this forum that would reflect poorly on it.


oh the irony

Oh please more people move to voat, watching them get rejected over there is too fucking entertaining.

This just might be a great way to punish the rest of reddit.

You mean reward right? I think the rest of reddit might throw a party if T_D left for good.

They're going to be running around the rest of reddit like chickens with their heads cut off now.

Open season

I don't get how this punishes Reddit?

they're going to be set loose on the rest of us now instead of being in their own little hellhole.

That argument was used when FPH and coontown were banned.

yeah but /r/the_donald are too big of babies to go to voat or something

That argument was used when FPH and coontown were banned.

Yeah but they actually made a new website. Trumplings aren't smart enough to manage that.

I'll bet that 50 or so new websites get made by various autists trying to be the TRUE AND GENUINE the_donald.

I will surely not go to voat. It sucks completely, so does /pol/

They're getting hated on by the original subverse for trump for not "assimilating to the voat culture" and "the deddit's power hungry mods". I can't believe they're infighting so hard. I love it.

Oh shit.

The_Donald is learning first-hand what happens when refugees are met with hostility and suspicion...

Lessons that will be learnt: 0.

I've never been more erect.

Didn't FPH have like 500,000 subscribers though, you don't see much of em around anymore. Except on /r/the_D. Ironic cuz trump is obese

Granted it's really easy to be very overweight or off most bodily equilibriums when you're 71.

We'll see once their karma starts going far, far down. Without their safe space to return to rebuild their bruised egos and karma, they'll probably give up.

People are more fervent in their support for a politician than they are in hating fat people, I guess.

And we all migrated here, friendo. :)

Yeah, we're still here you fat nigger

And everything went to shit for a bit because of all the stupidity flying around. Took a while for things to return to baseline levels of retardation.

And it was true.

finally, an excuse to be a total bitch to right wingers on the internet.

And if they do then they will most certainly find some way to go too far in response and they will more than prove all the things that people have said about them.

Plus, most will eventually lose interest regardless. Just weather the initial shit storm, don't back down from the impotent, little assholes and they'll quit.

They'll just do what the liberal shills on reddit have done. Make 100 subreddits and use bots to upvote posts to /r/all everyday. Reddit signed their death warrant with this. People are already sick to shit with the anti trump reddits spamming /r/all. T_D users adding to it is going to make half the front page be political shit at any time. Digg 2.0.

So they'll flood /r/all with retardation for a few days and then fuck off. Sounds like a net benefit to me.

They're already out.

That's fine, they can't help but reveal themselves within 5 seconds of any sub they happen to go to. Then everyone laughs at them, calls them "losers" and "faggots" and they cry and go complain to each other.

And the wheel keeps a'spinning.

They've been coming out of the woodwork for weeks anyway. It probably won't be much different than it is now. Just more Russian comments.

возможно Вы правы.

Please. We are feeling the real effects of a Trump presidency now. The salt will be even stronger than election night meltdown. Expect new copypasta.

and to think, i was gonna start trying to cut down on my salt intake.

health be damned, this is too good

It will for about a week, but then it will settle down like before. This has all happened before

let us all swiftboat for watergate 2.0

Nah, they'll likely spread their infection.

If that isn't punishing the rest of reddit I don't know what is.

i hope this is about all those eating disorders i cultivated

I find the Donald and /r/the_donald pretty retarded. But, what I learned from trump in the electoral campaign is never to go with the smug.

This /r/drama thread is pure unadulterated SRDine grade smug.

I expect trump to walk free from the impeachment kerfuffle smelling like roses.

Always bet against smug

I expect trump to walk free




I think he means legal ramifications, if he gets impeached, he'll be pardoned by Pence

If he gets impeached he still needs to get convicted, which won't happen because there won't be 16+ gop senators voting against their leader.

If it turned out that Donald Trump was actually a demigod who was the living embodiment of smug, I wouldn't be surprised. Although I'd have a much lower opinion of demigods, tbh.

Why shouldn't we be smug that all the manlet teeny-boppers at /r/The_DingDong are getting a spanking?

Because going by the rather low quality of banter most comments are displaying I can assure you most of the people here are just secretly still butthurt about Hillary losing.

For example, calling the retards at the donald /r/the_dingdong.

I voted for Based Aleppoman bruh.

Oh shit waddup


I mean, you are not wrong, but it's so tempting to go smug, ):

Smugness is a symptom of emotional validation.

It's why nobody likes fundies and hipsters.

he says smugly


So lemme get this straight, by betting against smugness, you're siding with even worse smugness.

I'd ask if you're retarded but you're on /r/drama.

That makes no sense.

How am I siding with even worse smugness?

Have you seen how Trump talks?

Listen here offspring of first cousins, when I'm talking about smugness I'm not referring to Hillary or trump but their supporters.

And even if I was comparing smugness between them, Hillary wins by a mile.

Again, have you seen how Trump supporters talk?

They're so full of smug that it almost hurts. They're so smug they think Reddit is gonna die if they leave. They're so smug that they think Voat will accept them with open arms. They're so smug that they thought they could get away with repeatedly breaking the rules. They're so smug that they're making it seem like they're not going this because they're butthurt but that it's a show of strength.

I agree with all your points.

And even then with all the shit /r/the_donald brings to the table they still are less smug and intolerable than /r/enoughsandersspam.

They're less smug than a subreddit with two posts in the last two months?

All the same users are busy at /r/enoughtrumpspam.

Stupidity comes out of their mouths. Not smug.

/r/drama has been a bit different these past few days.

Those of us who normally restrict ourselves to quipping 'mayocide now' are doing a little well-justified cackling. It'll return to equilibrium soon enough.

Big if Jew


Won't you guys think of their users? They're literally fighting against racist admins, the last Jews of the Internet.

yippe ch'ai cha'im, motherfuckers


That domain has been banned by reddit for vote manipulation. Please reupload that image somewhere else.

Actual moderation seems unnatural in this sub. Whatevs, fixed the link.

It's hard-banned from reddit, so it is a link that cannot be approved.

Aren't these the same people that like to mock people because they are "too sensitive"? The same people that say things like "Oh, you don't like the US and how it treats you? Leave then", and "This is how things work around here, if you don't like it then go somewhere else"

Ok, fine, let's play on that. /r/the_donald users and mods:

You don't like how Reddit treats you? Fine, leave.

Aren't these the same people that like to mock people because they are "too sensitive"? The same people that say things like "Oh, you don't like the US and how it treats you? Leave then"

That's one of the best things about all of this. The same people who tell people to leave the US if they don't like something about are now REEEEEEEEEing and angrily pacing their rooms while checking modmail every 30 seconds for an admin apology.

On a website, also. Can we build a (fire)wall to stop them from coming back?

Yeah. There was also a post with over 2,000 upvotes in the /r/the_donald complaining about how mean the people on Voat are, but the mods removed it.

It's hilarious that they complain about censorship and free speech, but once they leave their safe space and venture into a place where people really are allowed to say whatever they want they aren't able to handle it.

There were people in the thread who were seriously suggesting that all the users in Voat's original /v/TheDonald who were calling them faggots, niggers, and kikes had to be trolls from /r/politics.

How fucking clueless can these people be?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Haha! That's gold, milking that "victim mentality" they always complain about.

Their fetish for victimhood is so strong that they will believe that hundreds of people from /r/politics somehow managed to acquire aged Voat accounts with established histories in order to make them look bad.

They're delusional. That explains why they think Trump is a good president.

Ohhh boy, here we go.

Has there ever been a surer sign that the moderators of a subreddit are overgrown children than temporary private?

With the week Trump's had, I wouldn't be surprised if Air Force One explodes over the Atlantic.

Don't you take the months of satisfaction i'm about to have from me

You might be on a list.

God I hope so.

Can I join?

I guess they are done with winning?

i have become win, destroyer of centipedes.

ahahahaha close-off your safe space you fucking thin-skinned pussies

weren't you going to fuck off to voat already? get hoppin

Voat and pol are safe spaces for white bois.




small if false

Medium if unconfirmed but likely.

Excuse me, we don't refer to filty cum-skins as 'white'.


Hi All,

I run r/MarchAgainstTrump and we were given the same exact set of restrictions and were told we need to comply. This was not something that just they received. We had to setup new auto-mods etc. We complied though. Let that be known. Admins did not just do this to them. We would have also been removed if we did not comply. They were showing no favoritism.

Post your sub's conversation with the admins.

Wouldn't that be a breech in confidentiality?


No, it would be a breach of confidentiality

For them to leak their own conversation?

I'm kind of amused we haven't seen this yet.

if you could send me a screenshot of that I can post it as an update to the SRD thread. more people would see it that way than as a comment in this thread

I run /r/MarchAgainstTrump

How does it feel knowing that now that r/The_Donald is gone, you now have no purpose in life?

They have a discord to cry on. You underestimate weaponized whining.

You're naive if you think it will stop any of the anti-Trump of even anti-/r/The_Donald subs. They will REEEEEE as loud as before but with more smugness.

Isn't that what life is about, though? REEEEing until you have a stroke and purify the gene pool?

my goal tbh fam

REEEEing jerking off until you have a stroke and purify the gene pool

You realize that Trump didn't go anywhere just because the subreddit is private, right? Like where is the disconnect there?

Give it a few months and The Actual Donald will be gone and you will have no purpose

/u/gamerghazi still exists

Is your name a Sublime reference?

I pass butter.

Are you thinking of /r/EnoughTrumpSpam?

One thing is for certain, if T_D cucks off then those kinds of subreddits will become much less popular.

Now they can organize to 'pursue' over at voat, before voat collapses from bandwidth and hosting costs.

I run r/MarchAgainstTrump

Worst opening line ever tbh


I run r/the_donald

I run (name a subreddit).

I most definitely not use that line to pickup girls at the bar.

Worse still,

I run (x political subreddit) I mean how much worse can you get

I mean, what about "I run a very descriptive niche kink subreddit"

nah, what if they're into that?

How I picked up yer nan m8

Surely me being one of the first mods at /r/PKdefenseforce is hot right?


wow asshole I'm petitioning the admins for control of /r/PKdefenseforce now.

It gets my clit throbbing

The equivalent of "Hello, I'm retarded."

Also as a reminder. r/MarchAgainstTrump allows dissenting views. We are happy to have anyone from a community that is looking for a new home.

Both the far right and far left fringe are some of the worst people to be around.

I dont think anyone is going to accept your invitation.


are you stupid


/r/marchagainsttrump is the retarded left more than anything

its not even left tho

its filled with annoying centrist liberals

well yeah, they're American """""left"""""

(((American left)))

retarded left

Why be redundant?


You mod circlebroke2.


Yes but at least I'm not retarded.

whats ur favorite spongebob episode

I bet it isn't band geeks pfft


I own a cat named sprinkles

Pics or GTFO


I'd say that proves their credentials for identifying the far-left all the more

so do I


the best put-down of all time? time will tell...

Oh hey, what's up buddy? Did the meme therapy work?

I'm banned from MAT. They're full of shit.

Didn't they give these same rules to /r/EnoughTrumpSpam too?

How does /r/EnoughTrumpSpam compare to /r/MarchAgainstTrump? I left ETS after the election because it took a total nosedive in quality and sanity.

Yes as an ETS mod I can confirm that they gave us those rules and we did comply

(Mod from KiA here)

As I said to our team re: T_D's behavior over it's history and how things are going now.

In the end it comes down to choices. You can choose to work with a group who sets the rules and make sure your users follow them... over time this allows for a more convivial working relationship, like the one we (KiA) have fostered with the admins.

Or you can choose a different path. You can turn everything that happens into a admin witch hunt, you can break the rules over and over, you can take every request made and make a mountain out of every mole hill...

T_D has set themselves out to be as contentious as possible with the admins and to this point the admins have been very tolerant with T_D, choosing to find ways to work around their rule breaking rather than punish them.

Now that path has shown itself to not work, so they are coming down on them as is their right.

it's actually right to do so is neither here nor there.

The admins will just continue to demod more of their mods until someone who'll follow the admins rules is at the top of the mod list.

And I don't think that will be enough.

A sub has to follow rules or the bill comes due sooner or later. Putting admin-backed rule followers in the mod spots won't cause a change in the sub unless they go full stalinesq purge mode.

I'm not a fan of T_D so I'm aware that it gives me a clear bias, but I don't think that the sub is going to fall in line with the rules.

go full stalinesq purge mode.

Hmm. It might actually raise the average IQ of the US by a small, but noticeable, margin...

I've long said we could do so by using fuel air bombs at nascar events.



I stand corrected.

Sit down, son.

Given the standard age range here I've a feeling you shouldn't be calling me son ;)

GOOD point.

It's ok Son.

The grey has only crept into my beard recently afterall.

Thanks dad

Now has your mom told you about the birds and the bees?


thinks about how to do this in this day and age


When one entity likes another entity enough to want to see them naked...

internal screaming continues for a while

...and remember anal sex means no kids regardless of what gender/sex anyone is.

When a man and a woman love each other very much, the man heavies his throbbing totem into the woman's dripping cleft, and at the point of release, pulls out and spaffs on her tits.

And that's how babies are made.

And that's how I wish my siblings were made... would have saved me so much hassle.

Ah, you have a mother-wife?

Whelp, now I have to go feed my dick into a woodchipper because that mental picture made sure I will never again use it for anything fun.

Just like the CIA and South American governments.

What I think is interesting here (I'm going to ping /u/Terry_Yates because this is also concerning his comment) is that the fact is that they are going for demoddings first, which is similar to /r/Anarchism's happenings.

/r/Anarchism was (I can't speak to now, to be quite honest) following the same tactics that /r/The_Donald was using in being combative with the admins. This led to demoddings of a few moderators for specifically approving comments that were by the admins words, "encouraging or inciting violence".

We have done pretty much the same thing here in /r/Drama. We've been a free-for-all (mostly) subreddit, and we've asked for clarifications, and tried to do our due diligence when communicating with the admins.

tried to do our due diligence when communicating with the admins.

And that's what's breaking my brain a bit about this entire thing.

We've already had people try to post about it on KiA, and modmail us asking what we are going to do...

And the people doing so really don't at all seem to understand (even when explained) that T_D has chosen to act out. They are actively trying to cause problems. That has repercussions.

Hell how many people say "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"?

What if your response was option 3: post a gif of you masturbaiting your dick with the face of a (poorly drawn) woman on the baitin' hand?

Well that may, or may not, have been my own private reaction ;-)

so jealous you get to see the bottomlulz autism firsthand

more like "last hand". /u/bottomlulz is probably dead and I'm not being ironic.

He hasn't even said anything in r4chan modmail, not to mention he hasn't posted anywhere else, not even in runcescape2007. He hasn't even logged in for that game either according to the mods of /r/runescape2007

Oh shit, any of you guys know him personally, but not like because you constantly saw him naked, rather you know his IRL name or whatever? Anyone you can talk to? He's a national treasure tbqhwyfiibqh.

he was a Britbonger, don't know his real name. he publicly posted his letter from the NHS requesting a test for Autism

lmao, dude I just took a look at KiA and it looks like the majority is against you on the decision to not discuss it and there's a couple of people openly talking about voting to change the rules and changing mods.

If the Donald goes chances are you'll be overrun, removed from power and Kia will become yet another aut right sub to fight in this culture war shit.

I legitimately don't see how all those naive free speech idealists backed by autistic culture warriors aren't going to undo all your progress at some point.

Changing the rules via vote is how we work with the community to find a ballance in how the sub operates. So that is actually a good thing and part of the reason I made the tread I did.

And you're fine with the fact you'll probably be purged and your work undone?

lol cuck

You know what... some idiot always says that when something goes down in an unrelated sub.

"but they will get you next".

You know what, if that happens that's fine... but so far every dim bulb who's parroted that line has been wrong.

And I'm certain you will be as well.

What is KIA?

A Korean automotive manufacturer

jesus, when even kia says you're full of shit...

I recently got into a debate with someone on KiA who then went to bitch about it to T_D... and he got downvoted there.

I think that's about as low as one can sink.

And for my own part, and not speaking as a mod here, so much of the shit T_D has screamed about the admins doing has been flat out conspirtard nonsense. There's so many things that have to be presupposed for it to be even possible that it drives me crazy.

KiA worked its ass off to stay on fucking point and just stick to "the culture war" as it pertains to gaming. As opposed to turning into a generic anti sjw shitshow. And it has had its own voluntary thought purges. About 6 months into GG there was GGrevolt that were the walking stereotypes of the movement and the vast majority of those autists just bitched about how much they hated KiA because it wasn't ideologically pure enough IE hated sjw overreach and bad behavior in unrelated topics. It feels like it's modded by adults who can listen to people insted of autistic 14 year olds.

But as much as t_d sucks ass, you guys use upvote bots just like they do. I can't stand behind that.

This is a shit argument because I know the anti trump subs use downvoting bots.

Re-read my comment. I don't support the use of voting bots on any subreddit.

user reports: 1: Look how much you've gayed up the sub now we got people like this posting here

implying that is a bad thing

1: surplus autism

As if we weren't at maximum gay to start with


Turn that dial to

I think every post should have upgay and downgay buttons which would make the post more or less gay

You want some dissent, I'll give you dissent! Why is your sub blatantly lying by saying only March was against Trump, there have been several months that were against him. And now that it's May, you sub just looks ridiculous. I think, no I demand you rename your sub /r/MayAgainstTrump!! Maybe even /r/JuneAgainstTrump, because I don't think things are gonna be looking any better for him in 2 weeks.

Interesting, so why are so many of your top post accounts suspended or banned? :^0

I have said it before. I will say it again.

George Soros


allows dissenting views

Dissenting views are allowed almost everywhere on Reddit, if you want to have your inbox be filled with bullying and insults.

if you want to have your inbox be filled with bullying and insults.

Oh my god! Did somebody bully you? Are you ok? Do you need somebody to talk to? I just want you to know its all gonna be ok. You'll get through this!

I dont have the answer you are looking for, but the Magic 8 Ball might!

shakes like a madman

All signs point to yes!

r/MarchAgainstTrump allows dissenting views

Lmao no you aren't that's completely bullshit. I've been banned there and T_D and you're both two sides of the same ridiculously autistic coin.

You run the worst subreddit on this website now that t_d is private

So if you post /r/The_Donald or /r/politics in your sub, it will be automatically censored to redacted?

Bullshit, you guys appear on /r/all, that is something that /r/the_donald could not.

Ok so this is somewhat off topic, but I hoped that march against trump would be more than another shitposting subreddit, and more of an organizing platform...

MAT is the only anti Trump sub I dislike. You and the other mods are creeps. You're just as much control freaks as td. You ban outspoken progressives jus the same.

Progressives don't want to be shitposters. You're not progressives. Your sub is full of nihilists who crave only attention. You are fascist creeps.

As someone else said, please post your conversation with the admins in which you received the same restrictions that T_D did.

Post the conversation or you're bullshitting.

Your sub is actually almost as pathetic as T_D.

Emergency condition one. Reddit is turning into Digg. Prepare for hyperspace.

Not even close

Reddit is too big to fail at this point.

someone has said "Reddit is turning into Digg" every day for the last 7 years

You better go to Voat ahead of then. We will be right behind you, promise.

this is just pathetic. they're like that kid that always threatens to run away with parents who desperately hope they will

reddit admins = the parents from daddyofive

The_Donald = Cody

the_donald is more like the kid whose dad (rightly so) went to get milk and never came back from the store

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪


♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the♪
cuck cuck


It's ok, I lost my gold virginity on r/4chan

I lost mine for saying "what a twat."

For fucks sakes, it's only temporary? I'm getting blue balls over here.

I've been edging all week, I'm waiting for comey to testify to nut 😓

You need yet another govt official to tell you there is no evidence? Ok.

Aw cute!!!

the donald twitter

For the latest news

They're hiding in the attic to avoid the shoah

waaaaaaaaah we don't get to be shitheads who break the rules, act like racist fuckwits, threaten people, post their email address, and encourage people to harass them. waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh we're being oppressed!!

-/r/The_Donald's explanation about why they're private

So The_Donald believes REEEEEEEEing is an act of courage now.

This whole thing is ridiculously childish, more surprisingly even for their standards. In their words, they were the "last bastion of free speech on reddit", and they've now set their sub to private because of internet tears.

Way to take a stance about that evil censorship on reddit, pedes. Bravo.

spez LMAO: Just copying what I said in the other post because I'm a low-effort cuck or something.

So The_Donald believes REEEEEEEEing is an act of courage now.

The mods of the_donald are the exact people who would non-ironically call Amnesty International and the UN to report a human rights violation because their mom grounded them for bullying a black person online.

my boner is throbbing right now holy shit

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪


Partition to change the T_D to a fidget spinner sub. There is only autism. Extreme autism.

It's spelled "petition".

Phone is a Commie trying to sabotage me.

helicopter it

No it's spelled special counsil.

That's ableist speak. You can't mock autism, man.

say that to my 200$ presidential fidget spinner kid


Why would you dumb motherfuckers want them to leave? Nothing makes the low test uber weenies on this site screech more than r/the_donald

Fuck 'em.

Dear Reddit

YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD. I'm going to live with Mom and Uncle Voat. He barely even has child porn any more. No, YOU'LL miss ME.

- Teh Dolan.

He barely even has child porn any more.

Wait a sec how do you know that?

Unlike most of we mere normies, /u/ComedicSans made sure to sample both sides of the argument before deciding they weren't into child porn. The Socratic approach, if you will.


Uncle Voat

sounds like the kind of uncle that inappropriately touches you under the table at a family gathering and then creepily smiles at you when you give him the look

Uncle Voat is the kind of guy who claims Jared from Subway got a raw deal.



has science gone too far

"Don't tell anyone or you'll get in trouble too."

We're gonna need deep cover and screencaps if we're going to continue getting drama out of there.

... Well until tomorrow when they realize they can't get as much attention when set to private.

Its so beautiful.

This is art.

Is this the intro to The Autist Bunch?

Let this drama not distract us from the fact that the most important thing happening in the world right now is located in an unemployed 69-year-old grandmother's emails.

And Seth.









His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich! Oh God my life completely lacks meaning or substance. His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich! His name was Seth Rich!

mmmm 69

unemployed abuela, please.


I don't know moonspeak, heathen!


honestly if td goes away this sub will legit have a bout of depression. Hell, half the subs of reddit have gone jilted ex-lover on td. Every single post on td is first wives club style watched and gossiped about.

Actually... People will rejoice, party in the streets, and then make sure the racist cockroaches never win again.

It's gonna be great.

Actually... People will rejoice, party in the streets, and then make sure the racist cockroaches never win again.

It's gonna be great.


this but unironically and as a compliment

No worries, I'm sure hatred and bigotry will rear it's ugly head in another form. It always does.

They said the same about ct

Your life would have to be absolute shit for the way you describe this to actually be reality

No one would be depressed a bunch of retards git shut up. There's always new retards.

Jewdank used to make up a significant portion of this sub but its been fine without her. If the_donald actually leaves there's always ancaps, anti-trump screechers, anarchists, furries, pedos, admins, and libertarians to bully on this site. Cast your net into the sea of degeneracy that is Reddit and you'll always pull something up.

New lolcows are born every day. T_D will be about as missed as FPH.

Dankest hungerstrike ever. Zero tendies eaten.

Donald will quit the presidency and declare victory to avoid losing.

Looks like the trump doesn't fall far from the stump.

sup, i'm here rolling on the floor laughing my ass off eating popcorn ready to party.

Well it took a few months but it's happening

If you think you're on the right end of this dick measuring contest that's happening on reddit just remember that in real life, your dicks are both still small.

Free Assanage? I thought Daddy Donnie wanted to murder him.

This is great lol

Now another shitty sub has been created. Fuck them all

And Nothing Of Value Was Lost [0:10]

From the very underrated "The Critic" starring Jon Lovitz. All copyrights belong to their respective holders.

Karbinite in Comedy

153,410 views since Jan 2014

bot info

They finally built a wall but they paid for it

Following Trump's plan then.

So they're Mexican?

We don't like the admins trying to force us off the site, what should we do about this?

I know, we should remove ourselves from the site. That'll show them.

What's the next step of their master plan?

Committing sudoku

They wouldn't commit crossword, because its featured in the liberal media newspapers.

Coming back to the site with their tails between their legs and announcing how that's how you REALLY stick it to them.

Crashing this plane...

With no survivors?

This is some next level 4d chess

The amount of shitty, non-bussy related posts in here is perfect proof that getting onto /r/all will kill a good sub.

Go back to SRD.

This subreddit has never been good.

So, they've locked themselves inside?

...Anyone have a match?

I'll grab the jerry can.

dasvidaniya comrades

It's disappointing to see the T_D mod team being derided so much in this thread—very, very sad. I, for one, fully support their courageous decision in the face of injustice and hope that they maintain their show of strength for as long as absolutely possible.

and hope that they maintain their show of strength for as long as possible.

Give it a week at most. Right now they're hoping their 6 million users are going to force the admins to bow to them. When that doesn't happen they'll reopen under the guise of fighting censorship and try to get banned so they can REEEEEE about how unfair the admins are.

their brave and eternal sacrifice shall live on in the hearts and minds of dramatists everywhere

/r/the_donald is correct in this though. There is no need for reddit admins to do anything about the sub, they can't complain about spam being how anti-trump subs are spammy as fuck, there is no need for special rules. It is in fact bullshit.

I dunno, the spam from t_d is more along the lines of "the Reddit admins wouldn't like it if this picture of a green frog got to the front page, would they? Hahaha lib tears!" While the anti-trump subs don't have enough time to spam the sheer amount of fuckwittery that comes from our current potus and his admin.

Trump is evil. The reason there's less of you and the reason you think your being oppressed is because you are wrong to support a xenophobic, racist lunatic, and you need to wake the fuck up. What trump wants for America is only good for trump and if you think he has the interests of the people in mind at ALL, then you are so delusional I don't think there is any chance of saving you.

Trump is evil.

Oh no it's retarded.

shouldnt you be over at voat or something ? seen any good pizza docus on youtube lately ?

Only for FPH.

has your trumpgret set in yet ?

Why would it? I'll take Orange Hitler over anything the democrats were serving up, twice.

Yes, that's reasonable.

The /r/The_Donald announcement after their "show of strength" has been changed from 7 AM Moscow time to 4 AM Moscow time the next day.

MRW the_donald threatens to leave reddit

Fucking hell, can they just keep it that way?

ElI5: what's happening.. sorry I'm new to reddit, Can someone please give a brief explanation as to what's this big news about r/the_donald?

Basically the one really autistic kid in the class was told by the teacher to stop bullying his classmates, refused to listen, and is now hiding in the bushes outside after claiming to run away.

Basically, that subreddit was a Trump subreddit where his fans could meet, and talk about him with other supporters. They claimed to be the only subreddit that truly had free speech, but they would immediately ban anyone that didn't agree with everything trump was doing. What ended up happening was a lot of conspiracy theories, brigading other subs, and doxxing people. They would start shit and then get pissy when people retaliated. The admins of reddit warned them about it and yesterday the admins banned three of r/The_Donald's mods as punishment. The remaining three mods put the subreddit to private as retaliation, which doesnt make a lot of sense.

brigading other subs, and doxxing people.

Any proof of this?

I leave for one eight hour stint to work on a personal project a D T_D self-impeaches.

His name was Seth Rich




user reports:
1: NSFW tag please. This is worse than the holocaust.
1: Cyber-bullying cucks.
1: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence.
1: cucks like you are why trump won, MAGA.
1: Site-Wide Rules.
1: let's upvote this to /r/all like the retards we are.
1: <no reason>

Aww they need a safe space


And here we see the average Centipede showing its supreme intelligence and mastery of speech

I expected you to be an ets user but even worse you're a Fucking weeb.

I'm not a trump supporter you dumb faggot

And with its tremendous detective skills the centipede manages to find information entirely irrelevant to its current situation.

gas weebs tho tbh fam

I feel we need to prioritise. There's only so much gas to go around. Between the mayos Jews Trump supporters and weebs where do we start?

  1. whites
  2. weebs
  3. Japs
  4. humanity

You have the rifle, bro.

mods ban this cunt

mods ban this cunt

get angry nerd

lol nope

best of reports please

I'm going to do an effortpost soon. Don't worry.

let's upvote this to /r/all like the retards we are

It was me btw, it's a joke report. So

I do think its funny they believe just stating that Trump is president is like some crazy trigger for people. It comes across like they are in more disbelief of it than the rest of us.

Also pedes are just edgee boyz

Maybe it's their hedge against reality? If they repeat it often enough they can pretend impeachment isn't a real possibility.

It is hard to deny that it does actually trigger people though to be fair. It is triggered people at every turn at the fringe edges.

i hate agreeing with you (even though i think your posts are usually reasonable), but yeah trump being present, much less president, is obvious triggering to millions of spineless democrat bitches

No, most people understand who the current president is. Not a difficult concept to grasp. People get "triggered" for other reasons, they just try and downplay their opponents at every turn and dismiss pretty valid reasons to be upset at what is going on not just "I dont like Trump omg im so triggered he's president" instead "He has shown he is an incompetent leader and diplomat and Im not accepting him as my president in the sense of "I accept it, but Im not doing or following what he says or tries to push onto the people"

Aren't you just proving their point about this sub being anti-trump by that comment of your own?

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

I'm following the rules. Why aren't you?

You know who else just "followed the rules"?

Would you prefer your Zyklon B orally or as a suppository?

Im not posting bussy if thats what youre after, sicko

You are so banned.

If you think this whole situation isn't firsy class drama, maybe this sub isn't for you.


I thought we were alt-right?

surplus autism

Good thing the admins over at t_d just decided to create a strategic reserve.

727 million barrels of weapons grade autism

Update the reports please

I'm going to do a BestOf Reports effortpost once this shitstorm ends (which could be a while).

I'll give you my upvote ez

This shit has played out like a shakespearean tragedy: Hillary being smug only to be destroyed by an overgrown tangerine, Donald's life slowly crumbling around him, surely to end with some kind of shooting spree, commies and fascists reeeeing at each other, being equally retarded, annoying and pussylike. In the final months of what I assume is the world before total anarchy (not the kind the commies want) ensues, I would like to say that the horseshoe theory is now 100% fact.


anyone have any idea what will happen to all the anti-trump subreddits now? my guess is jubilation and revelry throughout reddit for a week or so, then a quick fall into deep depression and irrelevancy in ~3 months. (if t_d stays private, which probably wont happen)

I have related content in my profile with regards to this. Check it out.

Great so SRS fags are invading this sub now


Could you at least put the underline between, 'The' and, 'Donald' so the filters can remove you?

At this rate I'm filtering out more users than subreddits because of their obstinate use of alternative spellings for that subreddit.

Im out of the loop right now

wuts going on?

And drama added to the filter

T_D being whiny children like daddy justifies Mayocide


At last, the_demon is nearly vanquished.

They've made a new sub...

Looks like the subredditdrama faggots have moved in for good, then.

T_D snowflakes are melting and it's glorious

Isn't there a subredditdrama sub already? What's the point of spamming the same topic with a new sub? Fucking wasting my filter at this point.

Bonald bussy got to be good to get all these ultra white knights sniffing after it.

Now nobody has to worry about them getting to r/all

I'm not a big strong alpha of anything. I am a mother who saw another mothers son was killed and put together a theory of how it happened. Then all of a sudden people are attacking me for it. I literally haven't talked politics whatsoever on Reddit because Seth Rich is above politics and I'm literally crying because some asshole won't leave me alone. Fuck this sub.

Fresh copypasta from a self-identified "top poster on T_D."

Seriously, that was me talking about how you keep mentioning me in multiple threads and going through my entire comment history to harass me. Please leave me alone. Please.

Multiple threads? You posted some poor kid's YouTube account and want me to pity you? Reddit has an epic function where you can block me if your poor special snowflake self can't handle pushback against your Trumpette nonsense.

Except my attempts to block you are being overridden. Nice job with that.

Fuck. Off.

How so? I don't know how to override that. You truly are a snowflake. You're digging through a grieving family's son's life to try to prove that your Cheeto in Chief isn't the shitbag he appears to be. You sicken me. If you don't want to hear from me, stop replying. Simple as that. Also, are you gonna retract your false claims of me "going through your entire post history" or are you gonna pretend like that's true just like your despicable Seth Rich witch hunt? His family has BEGGED for it to be left alone. If you're truly a mother with a son, why can't you respect their wishes? That's rhetorical, for your own thin skin's sake you don't need to respond.

Please leave me alone.

Every time you reply, I'll reply. Welcome to r/drama.

If you reply to any of my posts, I will be sending your wife your dating profile which shows you logged in 7 days ago.

I'm sure she'll be pleased.

Now leave me alone before I actually have to get up in your shit.

I don't even have a dating profile soooooooooooooo....also what you're threatening me with is ACTUALLY criminal. Although it's yet another false threat.

Seriously, that was me talking about how you keep mentioning me in multiple threads and going through my entire comment history to harass me. Please leave me alone. Please.

not anymore :)

lmao how will you do this lol? easy, i won't