Cb2 declares surrender in the forever war. Everyone here is too polite to mention it.

55  2017-05-21 by [deleted]


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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/u/Sarge_Ward u r a gay



12 and a half/idk/watching 22 Jump Street infront of my TV.

hansen pls

nice flick btw

Actually this is my first time watching it.

I've watched the 1st like 5 times already, but this one just came to Netflix.

While I'm on my soapbox, I'd like to announce /u/supergauntlet mains Mei.

Typical that a cb2 mod would do that

overwatch is a shit game and mei is a poorly designed character

but then, so is half the roster

No, it's a fun game and your opinion is shit.

I mean if you say so, but any game with that much emphasis on team play that also has mechanics that are purely selfish is doomed from the start.

Asians aren't selfish. It isn't in their collective nature.

the mere choice of picking mei is putting your own fun before the team's chances of winning

I've won games with mei when i need to play defense.

It's still a handicap to your team. An actual tank or offense hero is still better. Plus her entire kit is built around annoyance. But again, half the roster has abilities that are purely annoying to play against, hence why I stopped playing.

Annoyance? CC is a legit tactic though. It helps everyone to kill targets. Certainly a better team player than shit Hanzo mains for example.

yeah I'm not really disagreeing with you, it's just that there are other characters that are more useful

again this is a fundamental disagreement of mine, i don't like hard CC of any kind in a first person shooter

Well in that case I understand what you are getting at. I'm just used to CC being a part of pvp gaming regardless of the type of game. I view it as a valid tactic even if it is annoying as shit.

It's fine in a dota-like or in an RTS where you're telling a unit what to do, but I don't like it when you're directly controlling the character.

Yeah it sucks and I get that. I just consider it similar to being instablapped by some high damage attack. That takes you out of the game as well.

I don't mind different ways to attack people, but I get why it pisses people off. Stealth is another touchy topic typically.

Then why do you main that bitch?

I mean if you want an actual answer: when I played, I chose a mix of Soldier 76, Reaper, Junkrat (still technically a worse choice than an offense hero tbh), Reinhardt, Roadhog, Lucio, and Zenyatta depending on what was needed.

Eventually my friends stopped playing and in solo queue I don't give a fuck about the other people so first I played Mei and Hanzo exclusively for like 2 weeks just to see what they're like (turns out making other people mad is fun in its own way) then I played with a controller for like 2 weeks in comp just to see what I'd rank with that handicap. I think I got as low as 1337.

Build wall

Stop playing videogames.

You're right.

You're actually retarded

Says the guy who plays overwatch lmao

Sorry, did I upset you?

No you're just retarded

Sorry to have offended you friend

not an argument

Not an argument.

Did I upset u?


Sorry I upset you.

This is like, bottom tier shit posting. Cmon.

I was with you until this sg. Be GLAD that you offended them.

Not an argument

Not an argument.

Not an argument, you still main Mei

If you say so

This is a good opinion

I bet you play Battleborn.


Come on, if you are going to pick an insult, at least pick one that could truthfully apply to more than, say, a dozen people.

Jesus no, gearbox can fucking die

delete this

Wow, getting banned from cb2, how ever could I live on?


so they want to put an end to the problem by stopping brigaders from entering the sub and starting shit.

/u/Sarge_Ward people are still going to go in and start shit, those kids are fucking morons.

I didn't say otherwise. In fact I think you're right. But I have literally 0 power or sway in the sub. So I just have to follow along.

Oh, I know. I wasn't meaning to give you shit, there's not much you can do. They're just such doofuses.

Patience, Montgomery.

Climb the ladder.

This new rule literally killed my whole plan.

I intended to slowly influence CB2 into becoming drama2 with my South Park Neutrality and agendaposts, and now the mods crack down on fun. The ladder has fallen apart.

Don't lose faith yet, perhaps there may be a new hope for us on the horizon.



Yes, this includes /r/drama. I know some of us mods may have bias.

Show us on the doll where r/drama touched you. It's ok, it doesn't have to be a secret anymore.

Points to bussy

Guilty as charged

You monster

Please don't ban me cb2

I propose anyone who follows back their username ping to drama gets banned.

You know, to prevent drama.

Or something.

All we ever do is link to other subs but they can't link to us? Whut


"We'll laugh at people but if they laugh at us we get mad and ban them. Also we're very different from t_d!"