The new rules say that you can't get banned in one sub for something you do in another, like I can't be banned from SRD for user pinging someone if the user ping in question was something done here, where it's legal because /r/drama's servers are in international waters.
TwoX is dumb but it's too bad that sub is a default in the first place and I don't really see a problem with this.
Except my /r/askhistorians ban, I earned that one with a hilarious Jew joke. Worth it. Seriously though, did you guys know there's a limited edition version of Jew called 'Ashkenazi'? You can't make this up, there are literally nazi jews running around out there.
I'm not saying I know exactly how it works, because I drink a lot. And I'm hardly ever sitting around on reddit unless I am.
But if I recall correctly, banning just for posting in another sub is one thing, but following the rules of sub X and then getting banned for sub Y because what you did in sub X is bannable in sub Y is another.
I'm banned from /r/rape, for comments made in other subreddits. Here you can see the convo. I had with their mods, if you care to read it for yourself. They asked me if I am a rape/abuse survivor; I told them that's my private business and not something I would feel comfortable discussing with them at that point. On of their mods, TheYellowRose, told me to 'shut the fuck up' in the end.
So if somebody posts a bunch of nazi apologetics in r/Documentary and r/Israel bans them then it's wrong? I see it as saving time and keeping out trash that wouldn't have fit anyways.
Banning regarding content outside of your subreddit is stupid and childish. What do you care what someone posts on reddit, theyre not going to physically hurt you. I don't see how automated bots make it any better just because you're not technically looking at someone's post history. Youre still obsessing over the content of complete strangers posts.
Thatd be like me banning the fountain pen community from the sub i mod because it bothers me someone, somewhere, is talking about fountain pens.
That's not obsessive, it takes very little time and does not preoccupy the mind. Overbearing, maybe? But this is just a version of the "you must not have a life" argument.
You are fundamentally confused about what a bot is if you think using one means ever going out of your way to find content. The whole point of a bot is you don't have to think about it. You saying this is like saying how sad of a life do you have to have to completely obsess over a thread for hours and hours by using RemindMe! It makes no sense as clearly comes from some insecurity about your own place in the world.
Sorry for the seriouspost, but I think the difference here is content vs simply posting.
That person would get banned in /r/Israel. By everyone else posting in that thread would be too, per TwoX's bot, even if you were telling he was a fucking idiot
Okay I see. That makes sense. So r/Israel is still allowed to ban that person? Just not everyone just for simply posting in that thread? That makes sense.
I'd say that if a sub I never heard about banned me, I'd be more likely to try and find ways to mess with them. It's not like hard to create new accounts and shit.
Why not wait until they actually break the rules in your sub, posting in it, to ban them? This way you stay on the admins good side, and it's not like you're saving much time or effort by preemptively banning anyway.
Who gives a shit why another sub bans you? I thought subs were supposed to be like little fiefdoms that people ran how they wanted. People on Reddit feel so entitled to be able to go around and post wherever they want.
I've been banned from multiple subs because I posted on TiA and cringeanarchy, never for something I actually did on said subs, and I don't give a shit. Oh no I can't post in cringeypms, how will I ever have a complete Reddit experience?!
There was some admin who said a month or two ago that after the new rules they would maybe possibly 'take corrective action' against people using auto-ban bots, but most of the people bitching in /r/pussypass seem like a bunch of retards so I don't feel like digging it up.
He doesn't work there anymore so they'll play that card and move on. The admins doing something about auto-ban bots communities are running would be too much work for them.
Based on the malice and stench of ham radiating from every twox mod, they probably spend their days combing through every single person's post history looking for something problematic to ban them over. Have you ever said that third term abortions shouldn't be free and come with a complementary 48 ounce baja blast? You're banned, you filthy sexist.
It is extremely unsettling, the degree to which liberals insist on making extremely harsh rules...and then refuse to enforce them on their political allies.
That is much closer to fascism, than anything the right is doing right now. THAT is the biggest threat to freedom and equality. Once you convince yourself that the rules only apply to people outside of your group, you don't really have 'rules' at all, you just have the rule of power. And that's a horrible path to go down when the other side has all of the military power.
Listen man if you want to kick a liberals ass so bad then come on down to Lawrence Kansas on the Corner of 6th and Michigan street and I'll be there and we can fight. Get it all out of your system.
So if I have this right these dudes spend their time shitting on woman on the internet and posting lots of videos of obnoxious women getting roughed up, but then they got banned from a pro-women sub and now they are whining about how they are entitled to to those women listening to them?
Pls /u/mustaka, stop making my gender look like huge pussies.
I guess that's "fair" if you are emotionally attached to the rules of an internet forum being followed to the letter. It's pretty autistic tbh. Normal people also think about the consequences of rulebreaking, not just the rulebreaking itself.
These guys jerk off to pictures of women getting punched in the tits or put in their place or whatever, not just to jerk off, but to jerk off in the name of justice. Now they have the chutzpah to put on this faux outrage that they can't post in TwoX. Lol
Idk, the idea of the sub is rather "a woman tries to justify her actions by simply arguing shes a woman and that shit argument did not count", no? That's not misogynistic per se. Ofc it attracts some people who post "lol dumb woman XDDD"
maybe its the idea but its not even the content most of the time. the last post i saw hit r/all was a panhandler lying about not having money - since when is this something only women do? and since when did people deem it acceptable for women to do? its just justiceporn but only women getting punished
Yes. The original intent of /r/pussypass and was to showcase women using their gender to get away with something a man would not. The classic example is a woman hitting a man and expecting not to be hit back because of her gender. /r/pussypassdenied attempting to do this and failing. In the example mentioned, the woman would be hit back.
For some reason both subs have been flooded with posts about any woman doing anything wrong, or just women getting hit. There have been discussions about this but it seems the mods don't police it very well.
That is /r/pussypassdenied(which shows women getting what they deserve in terms of punishment for crimes committed and even picking fights with men); /r/pussypass is dedicated to highlighting how women get off easier for doing the same crime (like the chicken who stabbed her boyfriend and then got off because they didn't want to waste her "talent")
Well I got banned from twox yesterday and I don't really post anything anti-women or post anything at all in the subs mentioned. (I checked that dropdown menu that shows where all your karma is from and neither showed up). They also refuse to give me an explanation. The only real controversial sub I can think of that I've posted in is /r/drama and /r/the_donald and I only posted in the second one once or twice on threads that hit the front page when the sub was new.
Any post I've ever made on twox has been informative and on topic and wasn't an argument or even against the circlejerk, so I find it pretty obvious their ban parameters are too wide. I'm not going to really waste too much time arguing back and forth with mods so I'll just eat the ban but I don't really agree with their methods or think they are fair.
Well if you are as reasonable as you seem I would suggest just making some female friends IRL and not telling them about the lady punching videos you like to watch.
I have plenty of lady friends IRL and I don't like watching lady punching videos I've never even posted in the subs mentioned. You can assume what you want but just to show you how petty these mods are this is what I got after my post.
Oh look you brought up a comment that is a joke in reference to an anime that thousands of people seemed to understand except you. Congrats!
Hey let's add a bit more context to your assumptions.
Here's me in the same thread.
She is a douchebag and assaulted him and no one should hit another person and not expect repercussions BUT her back was turned and she was walking away. The dude chose to escalate and wasn't in immediate danger. Personally I wouldn't have hit her how he did and think he used too much force, but she shouldn't expect everyone to react like me. If you play stupid games you will win stupid prizes.
Oh look it seems like things aren't as black and white as you seem to think and people are capable of making jokes without hating women! Who would have thought?
Hahahaha, you said you don't watch lady punching videos and literally your all time top rated comment is you joking about how severely a dude knocked the shit out of two women.
And now you change it from liking lady punching videos to watching lady punching videos. Those are not the same thing. I like watching drama and fight videos, but not because of women getting hurt.
For those that do not know /r/TwoXChromosomes/ instigated a mass banning of anyone that has posted in this sub or /r/pussypass. I am not subscribed there nor interact with the their community but I got banned as well. Users here got banned and reached out to us for answers. We have none. I personally think banning someone from any community for what they did in another is just wrong. Being allowed to use autoban bots is fucking just stupid. When an admin is a mod of a sub that uses one that is not cool.
She invited a stranger she met in the club back to her place and went straight to her room. They sat on the bed and started kissing. She explained how he forced her to give him a blowjob and take her clothes off, but he stopped before penetration because he saw that she was not willing to go that far. How is it his fault?
I mean even this mouthbreather called it "forced" in between telling her she's overreacting or whatever so idk why you'd doubt that narrative unless you've got some bizarre agenda to push.
Twox is a circlejerk sub, so who cares? It's in their rules that you aren't allowed to post something if a woman is the perpetrator and not the victim. Posts about women being shot by their boyfriends/husbands are allowed, but the reverse is banned. The sub literally bans content that portrays women as not being the victim. Why wouldn't you expect to be banned for posting in a sub that is literally about women being the perpetrator?
Those two subs are now somewhat different. /r/pussypassdenied still follows its original purpose (whether you agree with it or not), but /r/pussypass has essentially become the new /r/altright, after the top mod handed it over.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-21
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-05-21
What do you have to say about this, /u/redtaboo ? You're just gonna take that?
n/a mehforeverybody 2017-05-21
Ehh Twox is default sub last time I checked, and with new reddit rules in place they can't ban you like that, or nah?
n/a hendo144 2017-05-21
Idk i have like 2 comments in ppd and got banned. How can i dispute it?
n/a mehforeverybody 2017-05-21
You can always try to contact the
It's time to create our own twox complete with blackjack and hookers.
n/a FULLM3TALBITCH 2017-05-21
The new rules say that you can't get banned in one sub for something you do in another, like I can't be banned from SRD for user pinging someone if the user ping in question was something done here, where it's legal because /r/drama's servers are in international waters.
TwoX is dumb but it's too bad that sub is a default in the first place and I don't really see a problem with this.
n/a Vakieh 2017-05-21
Every ban I have is for doing something in another sub... /r/relationshits, /r/offmychest, /r/bestoflegaladvice.
Except my /r/askhistorians ban, I earned that one with a hilarious Jew joke. Worth it. Seriously though, did you guys know there's a limited edition version of Jew called 'Ashkenazi'? You can't make this up, there are literally nazi jews running around out there.
Oh and my /r/me_irl ban, can't forget that one.
n/a FULLM3TALBITCH 2017-05-21
I'm not saying I know exactly how it works, because I drink a lot. And I'm hardly ever sitting around on reddit unless I am.
But if I recall correctly, banning just for posting in another sub is one thing, but following the rules of sub X and then getting banned for sub Y because what you did in sub X is bannable in sub Y is another.
n/a double-happiness 2017-05-21
I'm banned from /r/rape, for comments made in other subreddits. Here you can see the convo. I had with their mods, if you care to read it for yourself. They asked me if I am a rape/abuse survivor; I told them that's my private business and not something I would feel comfortable discussing with them at that point. On of their mods, TheYellowRose, told me to 'shut the fuck up' in the end.
n/a nmx179 2017-05-21
u/TheYellowRose, classy!
n/a DonaldBlythe 2017-05-21
That's a stupid rule.
n/a StevenGorefrost 2017-05-21
Why? How can you break the rules of a sub if you're not even in it?
n/a DonaldBlythe 2017-05-21
So if somebody posts a bunch of nazi apologetics in r/Documentary and r/Israel bans them then it's wrong? I see it as saving time and keeping out trash that wouldn't have fit anyways.
n/a skivian 2017-05-21
Yes, it is wrong. You just read the rule. Not that hard to figure it out.
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
Why does it matter? Why does everyone take reddit so seriously?
n/a SeerInTheWood 2017-05-21
Isn't the whole context of this conversation NOT actively monitoring outside content and instead automating bans?
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
Banning regarding content outside of your subreddit is stupid and childish. What do you care what someone posts on reddit, theyre not going to physically hurt you. I don't see how automated bots make it any better just because you're not technically looking at someone's post history. Youre still obsessing over the content of complete strangers posts.
Thatd be like me banning the fountain pen community from the sub i mod because it bothers me someone, somewhere, is talking about fountain pens.
n/a SeerInTheWood 2017-05-21
That's not obsessive, it takes very little time and does not preoccupy the mind. Overbearing, maybe? But this is just a version of the "you must not have a life" argument.
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
What kind of life do you really have if you go out of your way to find things online to get angry or feel victimized about?
n/a SeerInTheWood 2017-05-21
You are fundamentally confused about what a bot is if you think using one means ever going out of your way to find content. The whole point of a bot is you don't have to think about it. You saying this is like saying how sad of a life do you have to have to completely obsess over a thread for hours and hours by using RemindMe! It makes no sense as clearly comes from some insecurity about your own place in the world.
n/a DeepDickedHillybilly 2017-05-21
Sorry for the seriouspost, but I think the difference here is content vs simply posting.
That person would get banned in /r/Israel. By everyone else posting in that thread would be too, per TwoX's bot, even if you were telling he was a fucking idiot
n/a DonaldBlythe 2017-05-21
Okay I see. That makes sense. So r/Israel is still allowed to ban that person? Just not everyone just for simply posting in that thread? That makes sense.
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
No you dummy we already told you it's against the rules 8 times.
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-21
I'd say that if a sub I never heard about banned me, I'd be more likely to try and find ways to mess with them. It's not like hard to create new accounts and shit.
n/a fingerpaintswithpoop 2017-05-21
Why not wait until they actually break the rules in your sub, posting in it, to ban them? This way you stay on the admins good side, and it's not like you're saving much time or effort by preemptively banning anyway.
n/a Plexipus 2017-05-21
Who gives a shit why another sub bans you? I thought subs were supposed to be like little fiefdoms that people ran how they wanted. People on Reddit feel so entitled to be able to go around and post wherever they want.
I've been banned from multiple subs because I posted on TiA and cringeanarchy, never for something I actually did on said subs, and I don't give a shit. Oh no I can't post in cringeypms, how will I ever have a complete Reddit experience?!
n/a BlackPeopleEmoji 2017-05-21
Now I don't have to use different accounts to represent the different LARPs I LARP
time to go on SRS and pretend to be butt hurt
n/a lultopkek 2017-05-21
There was some admin who said a month or two ago that after the new rules they would maybe possibly 'take corrective action' against people using auto-ban bots, but most of the people bitching in /r/pussypass seem like a bunch of retards so I don't feel like digging it up.
n/a picflute 2017-05-21
He doesn't work there anymore so they'll play that card and move on. The admins doing something about auto-ban bots communities are running would be too much work for them.
n/a the_popcorn_pisser 2017-05-21
Is it only pussypass? I actually got message saying I was banned from TwoX and I've literally haven't posted there in years.
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
No it's other subs I guess because i got the same message and never posted in pussypassdenied.
n/a SpectroSpecter 2017-05-21
Based on the malice and stench of ham radiating from every twox mod, they probably spend their days combing through every single person's post history looking for something problematic to ban them over. Have you ever said that third term abortions shouldn't be free and come with a complementary 48 ounce baja blast? You're banned, you filthy sexist.
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
Well I guess they can, I got an autoban message on an account I hadn't used in 8 months and I never posted on TwoX. (Or PPD for that matter).
n/a justcool393 2017-05-21
defaults were removed in favor of /r/popular.
n/a ThatDamnedImp 2017-05-21
It is extremely unsettling, the degree to which liberals insist on making extremely harsh rules...and then refuse to enforce them on their political allies.
That is much closer to fascism, than anything the right is doing right now. THAT is the biggest threat to freedom and equality. Once you convince yourself that the rules only apply to people outside of your group, you don't really have 'rules' at all, you just have the rule of power. And that's a horrible path to go down when the other side has all of the military power.
n/a barbedvelvet 2017-05-21
Is that pasta or are you taking this a little too seriously?
n/a Hitlery_Clinton 2017-05-21
Wew, settle down
n/a riemann1413 2017-05-21
sit down
n/a tamana1 2017-05-21
n/a Sarge_Ward 2017-05-21
n/a fucked_my_shit_up 2017-05-21
n/a FullMetalField4 2017-05-21
n/a Jrook 2017-05-21
n/a StingAuer 2017-05-21
n/a Stuntman119 2017-05-21
n/a froibo 2017-05-21
n/a phedre 2017-05-21
Bitch sit your ass down and shut the hell up bitch.
n/a Rogue2 2017-05-21
n/a KateUptonsCumback 2017-05-21
Listen man if you want to kick a liberals ass so bad then come on down to Lawrence Kansas on the Corner of 6th and Michigan street and I'll be there and we can fight. Get it all out of your system.
Other wise shut up you blubbering whiny fuck.
n/a justcool393 2017-05-21
n/a Elite_AI 2017-05-21
Yeah arbitrary internet rules are way more Fascist than Fascism.
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
So if I have this right these dudes spend their time shitting on woman on the internet and posting lots of videos of obnoxious women getting roughed up, but then they got banned from a pro-women sub and now they are whining about how they are entitled to to those women listening to them?
Pls /u/mustaka, stop making my gender look like huge pussies.
n/a VatiasMellerman 2017-05-21
I think they are also sort of whining about the admins being retarded and selectively enforcing rules, which is fair.
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
When will the oppression of the unfuckable hate-nerd finally end?
n/a VatiasMellerman 2017-05-21
Idk when does your mom get off work?
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
Surely your pathetic life is not so bad that you are trying to get AIDS on purpose?
Think of your waifu and all the women online you have not yet cryterbated about.
n/a Elite_AI 2017-05-21
Only when vidya is pure again, brother.
We must keep fighting.
n/a Stuntman119 2017-05-21
This but unironically
n/a Elite_AI 2017-05-21
My fellow warrior of autism!
n/a justcool393 2017-05-21
most mods told the admins to basically "fuck off" when the new """rules""" for mods came into play.
they haven't enforced those """rules""".
n/a joeTaco 2017-05-21
I guess that's "fair" if you are emotionally attached to the rules of an internet forum being followed to the letter. It's pretty autistic tbh. Normal people also think about the consequences of rulebreaking, not just the rulebreaking itself.
These guys jerk off to pictures of women getting punched in the tits or put in their place or whatever, not just to jerk off, but to jerk off in the name of justice. Now they have the chutzpah to put on this faux outrage that they can't post in TwoX. Lol
n/a sup3r_hero 2017-05-21
Idk, the idea of the sub is rather "a woman tries to justify her actions by simply arguing shes a woman and that shit argument did not count", no? That's not misogynistic per se. Ofc it attracts some people who post "lol dumb woman XDDD"
n/a Rogue2 2017-05-21
Yeah, but like all things good, shitty people end up shitting up the whole idea.
n/a TSwizzlesNipples 2017-05-21
You mean like /r/drama hitting /r/all?
n/a Rogue2 2017-05-21
Sure. Whatever.
n/a -Mantis 2017-05-21
>implying this place wasn't a shithole beforehand
n/a baaaaby 2017-05-21
maybe its the idea but its not even the content most of the time. the last post i saw hit r/all was a panhandler lying about not having money - since when is this something only women do? and since when did people deem it acceptable for women to do? its just justiceporn but only women getting punished
n/a OniTan 2017-05-21
Yes. The original intent of /r/pussypass and was to showcase women using their gender to get away with something a man would not. The classic example is a woman hitting a man and expecting not to be hit back because of her gender. /r/pussypassdenied attempting to do this and failing. In the example mentioned, the woman would be hit back.
For some reason both subs have been flooded with posts about any woman doing anything wrong, or just women getting hit. There have been discussions about this but it seems the mods don't police it very well.
n/a Elite_AI 2017-05-21
It's much easier to find content of. The karma-to-effort ratio is much better.
n/a Canvasch 2017-05-21
That's the idea behind the sub, but it's way worse than that in reality. Describing it that way is sugarcoating it to say the least.
n/a scttydsntknw85 2017-05-21
That is /r/pussypassdenied(which shows women getting what they deserve in terms of punishment for crimes committed and even picking fights with men); /r/pussypass is dedicated to highlighting how women get off easier for doing the same crime (like the chicken who stabbed her boyfriend and then got off because they didn't want to waste her "talent")
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
This post is about pussypassdenied. You can tell because that's where the link will take you if you click it.
I'm not sure someone with your level of investigation skills is really one to decide who is getting what they deserve.
n/a GoMLism 2017-05-21
Well I got banned from twox yesterday and I don't really post anything anti-women or post anything at all in the subs mentioned. (I checked that dropdown menu that shows where all your karma is from and neither showed up). They also refuse to give me an explanation. The only real controversial sub I can think of that I've posted in is /r/drama and /r/the_donald and I only posted in the second one once or twice on threads that hit the front page when the sub was new.
Any post I've ever made on twox has been informative and on topic and wasn't an argument or even against the circlejerk, so I find it pretty obvious their ban parameters are too wide. I'm not going to really waste too much time arguing back and forth with mods so I'll just eat the ban but I don't really agree with their methods or think they are fair.
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
Well if you are as reasonable as you seem I would suggest just making some female friends IRL and not telling them about the lady punching videos you like to watch.
n/a GoMLism 2017-05-21
I have plenty of lady friends IRL and I don't like watching lady punching videos I've never even posted in the subs mentioned. You can assume what you want but just to show you how petty these mods are this is what I got after my post.
n/a zxcv1992 2017-05-21
lol sure kid
n/a GoMLism 2017-05-21
n/a zxcv1992 2017-05-21
I know you, you're the notorious /r/PussyPass poster. I've heard that most of the mods there are actually just your alts.
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
Lol, ok bud
n/a GoMLism 2017-05-21
Oh look you brought up a comment that is a joke in reference to an anime that thousands of people seemed to understand except you. Congrats!
Hey let's add a bit more context to your assumptions.
Here's me in the same thread.
Oh look it seems like things aren't as black and white as you seem to think and people are capable of making jokes without hating women! Who would have thought?
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
Hahahaha, you said you don't watch lady punching videos and literally your all time top rated comment is you joking about how severely a dude knocked the shit out of two women.
n/a GoMLism 2017-05-21
This is what you said.
This is what I said.
And now you change it from liking lady punching videos to watching lady punching videos. Those are not the same thing. I like watching drama and fight videos, but not because of women getting hurt.
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
I sincerely hope you are able to get free from whatever is making you watch these videos you do not enjoy.
n/a GoMLism 2017-05-21
I sincerely hope you're one day capable of understanding nuance.
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-21
Ah yes, nothing says nuance like "I only watch women get beaten for the drama of it"
n/a Chin_Up_Chick 2017-05-21
I think they may be banning t_d users because that's what i posted on my old account to, I don't think I've posted there on this account.
n/a cuteman 2017-05-21
n/a magalucaribro 2017-05-21
Good lord. Just do what everyone else does and ban evade.
n/a ahbslldud 2017-05-21
Is this parody? Gas the entire sub tbh
n/a I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-05-21
Like, under threat of violence?
n/a ahbslldud 2017-05-21
Don't ask me nigga, I ain't the rape victim he's blaming
n/a I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-05-21
Im pretty sure one of those makes it rape and the other makes her a dumbass.
n/a ahbslldud 2017-05-21
I mean if we accept the wording of "forced" it doesn't really matter whether he held a gun to her head vs physically overpowered her or w/e
n/a heavenlytoaster 2017-05-21
Gimme oral or go home. Am now rapist.
n/a ahbslldud 2017-05-21
I mean even this mouthbreather called it "forced" in between telling her she's overreacting or whatever so idk why you'd doubt that narrative unless you've got some bizarre agenda to push.
n/a Canvasch 2017-05-21
Judging by the content I've seen on that and PPD, I think any sub would be well within their rights to autoban anyone who posts there.
n/a hendo144 2017-05-21
n/a JasonJewnova 2017-05-21
What a fgt
n/a hendo144 2017-05-21
n/a JasonJewnova 2017-05-21
It piss
n/a totalarkwar 2017-05-21
Twox is a circlejerk sub, so who cares? It's in their rules that you aren't allowed to post something if a woman is the perpetrator and not the victim. Posts about women being shot by their boyfriends/husbands are allowed, but the reverse is banned. The sub literally bans content that portrays women as not being the victim. Why wouldn't you expect to be banned for posting in a sub that is literally about women being the perpetrator?
n/a scttydsntknw85 2017-05-21
Because it is literally against the site wide reddit rules and a Reddit Admin is one of the mods there.
n/a Bureaucrat-72 2017-05-21
n/a fernguts 2017-05-21
Those two subs are now somewhat different. /r/pussypassdenied still follows its original purpose (whether you agree with it or not), but /r/pussypass has essentially become the new /r/altright, after the top mod handed it over.
n/a TSwizzlesNipples 2017-05-21
That was fixed weeks ago.
n/a fernguts 2017-05-21
Oh, well that much at least is good to hear. Fuck those nazis.
n/a I_smell_like_bacon 2017-05-21
n/a fernguts 2017-05-21
I temper my politeness according to the subject.
n/a HolyInspector 2017-05-21
Reading through that thread I think just banning them is a half-measure.