White nationalist terrorist group gets busted by feds after a member converts to Islam and kills his fellow white supremacists, leading to police discovering their explosives and radioactive equipment.

158  2017-05-22 by Mark_Kozelek

I wish I could make this shit up.

Here's their YT channel.

News of the murder.

While searching the garage of the apartment, investigators found a cooler full of a white, cake-like explosive material known as HMTD, or hexamethylene tiperoxide diamine, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court. Nearby, they found explosive precursors including potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, nitro methane and more than a pound of ammonium nitrate in a package addressed to Russell.

Investigators also found electric matches and empty 5.56 caliber ammunition casings with fuses that could be used to detonate destructive devices once HMTD was added to the casings. The materials could be used to make a bomb, according to the complaint.

In Russell's bedroom, investigators discovered Nazi and white supremacist propaganda including a framed photograph of McVeigh, who was convicted and executed for detonating an ammonium nitrate and nitromethane fertilizer truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

More news:

Before asking for an attorney, Russel told FBI agents he was a “national socialist,” according to the complaint, and a member of a group called the “Atom Waffen,” or “atomic weapon” in German. Swanson was notified by the U.S Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on May 20 that the materials found in Russell’s garage are considered explosives under federal law, and were illegally stored and not registered.

Twitter tells more:

Now that one of Atomwaffen's members has killed two people and they may have had bombs there it's going to be 50% feds if it wasn't already.

I'm guessing they flew under the radar before but something like that can't be ignored. Hope they had good opsec.

Drama spills in The Daily Stormer.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Here's their YT channel. - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. News of the murder. - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. More news - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. Now that one of Atomwaffen's member... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  6. I'm guessing they flew under the ra... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  7. Drama spills in The Daily Stormer - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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as allah willed it

wtf i love radical islamic terrorism now!

wtfuck white people now

At lest they are doing their part in the Mayocide.

I love how all this stuff make it obvious that advocating non-violence is purely a facade.

Peaceful ethnic cleansing fam.

I don't think fascists have ever advocated non-violence.

They haven't, they're just really good at spinning the violence on other groups.

This was a thing in Weimar Germany and one of the reasons the nazis were able to get so much "middle class" support.

People blamed everything on the commies.

The cult of leadership which they created around Hitler could not be matched by comparable efforts by other parties to project their leaders as the Bismarcks of the future. All this was achieved through powerful, simple slogans and images, frenetic, manic activity, marches, rallies, demonstrations, speeches, posters, placards and the like, which underlined the Nazis’ claim to be far more than a political party: they were a movement, sweeping up the German people and carrying them unstoppably to a better future. What the Nazis did not offer, however, were concrete solutions to Germany’s problems, least of all in the area where they were most needed, in economy and society. More strikingly still, the public disorder which loomed so large in the minds of the respectable middle classes in 1930, and which the Nazis promised to end through the creation of a tough, authoritarian state, was to a considerable extent of their own making. Many people evidently failed to realize this, blaming the Communists instead, and seeing in the violence of the brown-uniformed Nazi stormtroopers on the streets a justified, or at least understandable reaction to the violence and aggression of the Red Front-Fighters’ League.

Voters were not really looking for anything very concrete from the Nazi Party in 1930. They were, instead, protesting against the failure of the Weimar Republic. Many of them, too, particularly in rural areas, small towns, small workshops, culturally conservative families, older age groups, or the middle-class nationalist political milieu, may have been registering their alienation from the cultural and political modernity for which the Republic stood, despite the modern image which the Nazis projected in many respects. The vagueness of the Nazi programme, its symbolic mixture of old and new, its eclectic, often inconsistent character, to a large extent allowed people to read into it what they wanted to and edit out anything they might have found disturbing. Many middle-class voters coped with Nazi violence and thuggery on the streets by writing it off as the product of excessive youthful ardour and energy. But it was far more than that, as they were soon to discover for themselves.

Even today you can see nazis showing up to scuffle with antifa and they'll throw shit/start a fight then play the victim and everyone falls for it hook line and sinker.

everyone falls for it hook line and sinker.

Antifa first of all, and yeah, just like it was in Germany.



How the hell did they get radioactive materials?

Rich engineering students apparently.

Yeah but that stuff is subjected to a lot of regulations, and you can't just smuggle it outside without people noticing. Trust me, i've tried.

Have you tried being rich, and also a Neo-Nazi terrorist?

I'm frankly shocked that a bunch of Twitter anime Nazis were actually legitimately capable of planning a nuclear terrorist attack, to be honest.

Timothy McVeigh was an autist who caused the biggest terror attack until 9/11. Breivik blew up the Norwegian Ministry of Oil before he went to the shooting range.

I don't know how they plan it, or where they get their materials and schematics, but far-right bombings are generally incredibly deadly.

Right wingers just roll up their sleeves and get it done, lefties wait around for government support in the form of agents infiltrating before they ever get explosives.

those pussies. no wonder they won vietnam

Breivik used a fertilizer bomb, iirc. He bought a farm and started living there so he could order huge amounts of fertilizer without raising suspicion.

It was a huge bomb but he parked it in a bad place, and so it only killed something like 8 people. Most of the casualties came from his shooting spree on the island, and the high number of casualties there were mostly due to police incompetence. Their single helicopter pilot was on vacation, so they didn't have a helicopter, and they took over an hour to get a hold of a boat and make it to the island. And before that, right after he set off his bomb, someone spotted him and thought he looked suspicious, and called the tip in along with a vehicle description and plate number. But somehow that tip wasn't passed on to police on the ground. The police had 45 minutes in which they could have stopped him before he even made it to the island, but they dropped the ball.

they didn't have a helicopter,

A far-right person would never make that mistake.

Human beings are smart, when they break and decide to go on murder-rampages it's bad. Occasionally, it's exceptionally bad and makes the news.

Let's not forget that it doesn't even take planning. Newtown was more-or-less spontaneous. Columbine was planned, but by teenagers and wasn't really political at all.

Honestly, I'm surprised some nutjob hasn't managed to blow up an entire city yet.

Nukes aren't easy to come by, famalam

Who said anything about easy? You think it was 'easy' to make a fertilizer bomb and blow up the Oklahoma City building? Fly a fucking plane, sorry, three planes into specific targets? You think that shit was EASY? It was many things, but it wasn't exactly 'easy'.

C'mon. I said I was surprised that given what I know of humanity's capacity for violence that someone hasn't managed to blow up a city and your response is 'it's hard'.

Yeah, I know. And I'm still surprised. That's kinda the point man.

And something being difficult is a terrible defense. It's difficult to do a LOT of terrible things. People still do them. A lot. People are like that. They're good at finding a way to do what they want to do. It's kinda how we got to where we are.

Hey man i've tried, trust me, i've tried. But i just couldn't get the nukes to work properly.


Whenever i see someone type "lol" i always imagine they slightly smirk for one second and that's it.

So that's a huge achievement.

smoke detectors most likely

Or old clocks that had a "glow in the dark" strip on the hands.

Iirc there was a case a few years back where a kid gathered up enough radium by this method that he ended up having his shed taken away due to an experiment he attempted that irradiated it.

Idk what they had but low level radioactive material isn't all that hard to get.

You can get a bit of uranium that is somewhat radioactive but not really for relatively cheap. If you bought 1950s chemistry sets on ebay and ordered them on different cards and to different mailboxes you could probably obtain a decent amount of it.

Though a random dumbass isn't gonna be able to make it radioactive enough or compress it enough to make a bomb.

They'd be making a dirty bomb. It doesn't need much radioactive material and it'd be a great weapon for terrorism.

They never specified to the extent how much material they had. It could be under the 15 pound limit. It's also never specified if it's enriched.

Everybody is always against world wars but people like these white guys make it hard to deny the benefits.

Some moooslim drama in the /r/tampa thread, plus someone who claims to know the guy


This is why we need mayocide

how so

it rhymes

Pottery rhymes? I had no idea blocks of clay could be so elegant.


no u

Plz explain for nonnative speaker tho

if you're actually asking: "it's like poetry, it rhymes" is a quote from George Lucas while on set for the prequels, popularized by this guy

Oh. Thanks, didn't know about that. Quite interesting review btw.

Oh yeah RedLetterMedia puts out some real good shit

oh i see, so jar jar is the key to all this?

yeah every single frame is so dense yada yada yada

These people were from Iron March which is unsurprising. This is not the first time that an edgelord from Iron March has tried to kill people. There was a girl named Lindsay Souvannarath who went by With Hate As My Sword on their forum, she was an Asian Nazi who tried to kill whites in Canada, Google Halifax mass shooting. The British government banned National Action which was created by Benjamin Raymond/Noyles of Iron March and they unironically promoted "white jihad"

Alisher (admin of Iron March) has been encouraging his antisocial idiots on his forum for years now. I honestly suspect that he is an agent of the Russian intelligence agency FSB, because of his familial ties to the Russian government and lack of a legitimate income to keep his web hosting going.

Seriously, if you're an alt-right, fascist, or neo-Nazi don't sign up to their forum. It's watched by DHS and Scotland Yard. Alisher is probably with the FSB.

I went browsing on their group thread in morbid fascination. I hope I'm not on a list. I like this drama, I thought they were just edgelords posting Pepes in their basement behind anime avatars, turns out they could actually get a race war going if they weren't so fucking stupid

That's alright. Someone else is taking up the reins right now, we just don't know about it. But we will, we will.

Seriously, if you're an alt-right, fascist, or neo-Nazi don't sign up to their forum.

Why are you protecting terrorists?

why are you not?

They support mayocide

It was unclear Monday what he had been doing since Friday but the FBI said in an email to the Tampa Bay Times that Key Largo "is part of the active investigation and will not be commented on at this time."

I watched this guy get arrested, he was in a BK parking lot. Dude was probably trying to get some mac n cheetos before the cops caught up to him.

Dude, holy shit...

...mayocide when?

Dodged that bullet

Not everyone.

It looks like they were trying to make a dirty bomb. This is Trumps fault somehow

well I guess that settles what the best terrorist ideology is

mayos lose yet again smh how pathetic

inshallah boys played well

wtf i love islam now

More proof that all extremists are retarded.

Is that daily stormer article satire? What in the fuck?

Daddy Hitler

Even ironically this is cancer

A nazi terrorist converts to islam and becomes an islamic terrorist? Is this the final form of horseshoe theory?

This is interesting


oddly enough, this title is like the least biased/inflammatory take on the situation I've seen on reddit

seems like all the other titles either only mention the Muslim part or the Nazi part

/r/drama is a great place. As a leftist cuck, /r/SubredditDrama is an insufferable left-wing circlejerked.

Holy shiy