Someone posts some nice tits in /r/showerbeers, and people get pissed about it. WTF.

35  2017-05-23 by phedre


This, but unironically.


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You fail.

I know it's not bussy, but you'll all have to learn to cope.

Fuck that.

no drama here, reported for u/phedre autism


Read it all through, and then just wait and see what happens in SRD. /u/JoestarUniverse went from complaining about small boobs in this post to complaining about other stuff in there.

you're just a sensitive faggot

Well, if you like sensitive folks, you're going to really dig /u/JoestarUniverse, trust me.

/u/phedre post tits

extremely original joke good job gold star

I did my best to keep it on par with "post tits".


u/phedre I want cool flair like you, please. If mine said Bitch, i would be so happy.

girls who drink beer in the shower tend to have breath that tastes like cigarettes and stale nattie ice.

What about boys who drink beer in the shower?

I only kiss the ones who drink fine liqueur in the shower. And that tastes like bubblegum.

Really? I guess that's why they usually taste like their dad.

Unsticky this you colossal red-headed fruit loop.


You've really been killing it as a mod lately, everything you do inspires so much butthurt

I made both cake and pie today. Not really relevant, just figured I'd share.

Oh you're going to share? Cool, I'll give you my address, you can bring your pie here

And you can also bring the dessert ;)

So today is the day that /u/MasterLawlz got pegged for the first time.

for the first time.

Oh come on.

Well, I can hardly interview the parade of "uncles" who used to visit his mother, can I?

> Not saying what type of Cake and Pie it is.

Key lime pie.

Angelfood cake.

your flair beautiful and spelled wrong

fite me irl

Angelfood cake, what are you, my great grandmother?

It's my go-to when I have a bunch of leftover egg whites from other recipes. Stupidly easy to make, and goes with everything.

> Cake

> Doesn't even have butter in it.

pineapple upside down angel cake is the best way to eat Angelfood cake, give it a try sometime

meringue is a lot of work for Key Lime Pie, it's fun crushing up crackers for crust.

Good choices

Nah, I'm doing whipped cream for the topping. Not a huge fan of meringue.

For the cake, I'll probably make lemon whipped cream and blueberry compote. Or maybe a trifle. Ohh yes.... I'll chunk it up, freeze it, and make trifle next week!

Pie is cake for adults.

Pie is an abomination, fruit shouldn't be hot. KYS

I'm not mad about you "ruining /r/drama" or whatever but I am mad that you got bussy-related flair before me

You're out of control.

/r/madlads material for sure.

You've really been killing it as a mod lately,

Without even trying /u/phedre is a much better mod than /u/MasterLawlz :^)

You got flim-flammed by a ginger, yo.

Me being a terrible mod is part of my charm though

It's always been like this, Phedre is the nerdy straight man who always studied and did her homework growing up

Me being a terrible mod is part of my charm though

literally the fastest person to get demodded

Nah fam.

He made a snazzy graph though.

Ain't nobody but you find that shit """"""""""charming""""""""""

It's like watching a monkey masturbate with feces as lube and somehow proud of being euthanized for it.

I actually agree /u/JoestarUniverse. /r/all posts should all be boob-free.

they don't get that. what you're not seeing is that i'm being harassed by mods. they keep making these posts as some kind of witch hunt. it's sad and embarrassing.

oooh, you. There was no witch hunt--you went into SRD as a the subject of the drama--some people are always going to tease you a little, that's the nature of the sub. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

but continuing to tag me in other subs and use my name in posts that have nothing to do with me is harassment. you're an embarrassment to mods.

So let me explain the rules here:

In /r/Drama, you can ping people who are involved in the drama.

You're involved in the drama. So you're pinged here!

In /r/Drama, you can ping people who are involved in the drama anyone

FTFY. also pinging /u/HStark to see how he's doing. You still outta jail bb?

/u/unidanx post bussy

... Hold on, he thinks those boobs are small?

Yes. He finds her "tiny tits" to be filth. They RUINED his day!!

u/JoestarUniverse must be a serious chubby chaser then, only double G cup landwhale breasts are enough to get them going

you're an embarrassment to mods

/u/theladyeve is a gem, take that back right now mothefucker

I just couldn't help it--he came into SRD making the same argument that /r/all should have NSFW stuff on it (lol) and started arguing with people...I guess not realizing that people might also poke fun at all the dumb shit he said in the linked thread. How dare someone post their tiny boob filth in a shower, my GOD!

Babies who claim tagging is harassment should be gassed tbh

It's not really a "witch hunt" to mock people on reddit. You should probably buck up a bit.

But that said, these are some sad, sad titties. Only a Sahara level of thirst would defend them. I'm sure it sucks to have your attributes looked down on but goddamn. They are just sad.

it's not that the titties are happy (although the lighting and angle are shit so who tf knows), it's that all of the criticisms /u/JimboStarnoverse levels against them are really inaccurate

Well they're all deleted now, so I guess I missed out :(

/u/TheLadyEve screenshotted most of em

his main issue: they're too "tiny"

You should report it to the admins then. Mods have to tag all NSFW posts.

i am, i've sent them absolutely everything i have as evidence of the harassment. most of the images are overlayed with the exact rule they're breaking. this mod is for some reason obsessed with me and i don't think she realizes that screenshots don't disappear, unlike this drama that'll be gone tomorrow.


i am, i've sent them absolutely everything i have as evidence of the harassment. most of the images are overlayed with the exact rule they're breaking. this mod is for some reason obsessed with me and i don't think she realizes that screenshots don't disappear, unlike this drama that'll be gone tomorrow.

Please do let me know that that complaint works out, sir.

And you're right--you can delete your comments, but screenshots do exist forever.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

And snapshill archives.

Too bad we don't have any for the SRD thread he started the fuss in, though...I think he's deleted them all by now

wtf asshole what's your problem

I hate small boobs

they even downvoted totes, how rude

Are you now stickying everything you post?

Only if it pisses people off.

M8, you deleting your account would piss people off.

You first.

No one would get pissed off m8

You're not wrong, those are some seriously nice tits.

nice bewbs fab-five pheddy

It's not even a good photo! The tits are fine but man that's a bad angle and lighting.

Still, tits.

Tits that fucking deserve better than to be photographed like this.

i love boobs

Bottle of Desperados

1/10 would not bang

I mean its a sub about drinking beer while naked. Somebody posts a picture of themselves drinking a beer naked. What the fuck?