Nice Tits are yet again the source of Drama

116  2017-05-23 by mohkohnsepicgun

An honor student with, let's face it, an absolutely fantastic rack dares to bare her shoulders at one of those thought-crime correction camps you Americans call a university. This prompts swift retribution from the Maoist commisar who suspends our heroine and forces her to miss her graduation (pix of aforementioned great rack included in link):

However, some see her crusade for the right to stand firm in the face of this hideous policing of women's bodies as being uppity:

Some might say I'm white-knighting for this girl cos she's pretty and has epic breasts and you would be absolutely right. 100% correct. I am white-knighting for her right now... oh yeh...

Edit: it has been pointed out to me that these events occurred in a high school and not a university.

Clearly I did not read the article properly because of distracting tits.

Lovely, lovely school-girl tits.


errr... it's not pedophillia, it's ebonerphillia or something...


Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Conway Twitty...


A cousin of mine got flak for being immodestly dressed (while wearing a head-scarve, mind you), just because her tits are so big.

The world is biased against big tits i tell you.

People who encourage breasts reduction should be stoned tbh

Wanna see something incredibly sad?

Abandon all hope

The Geneva Convention was written for cases like this.

I felt genuinely bad after watching that video. She was only 16 as well, for God's sake.

Was it okay before you knew her age?

Ohhh, that's where "sweater puppies" comes from.

These puppies were clubbed to death

A moment of silence


are you fucking retarded? the girl is 16...


The comments on those vids......................................................

She went through with the surgery it looks like, fucking mental man. I feel like I need to take a shower, fuck you actually

I like the "Jesus wept" comment but the rest is a bit too thirsty


Please refrain from policing women's appearances.

no u

They hurt ur back, it's not really healthy

Your cousin is a big titted Arab princess? Holy shit, post her grrl pucci!

Grrl pucci.

Absolute degeneracy.

You might even say it's haram

Ah I see you have learnt some swedish.

grrl pucci

Gross. We are a clearly an /r/bussy-friendly sub.


Need pics of your Arab titty queen rn

The world is biased against big tits i tell you.

the darkest timeline

Fuck the tits. When the world becomes prejudiced against phat azz, is when my genocidal crusade will begin.

Plebian taste.

Snally confirmed for stacked

Can confirm; the rumors of my promiscuity started spreading when I was still in middle school, as soon as I developed Cs at thirteen. When in reality I was a virgin until senior year of high school. I couldn't even get a guy from my school to kiss me.

Kids like to spread baseless rumors.

Big tits matter

Dude this was at a high school, did you not read the article?

That being said, it seems kinda obvious that the principal has a total hard-on for punishing her

I'm Drunk


no alcohol is sin

Is this supporting or condemning his drunkenship?

No alcohol is a sin.


No, alcohol is a sin.





I'm a centrist, so it's somewhere in the middle.

It's only ok after you apologize to a female rapist.

Age of consent in my head is whatever gets me off

Principal is a woman apparently

jealousy is an ugly thing.

Maybe she's a lesbian dominatrix.

I'd watch that.

Nobody hates women more than women.


Principal is a lesbian

thought-crime correction camps you Americans call a university

it's high school or what you dentist dodging lager swilling hooligans call Secondary School

I don't know, i never went to university.

Straight down the mines at 15 for me

They get good wifi down there?

Ask the canary.

Oh, wait, he was put out of his job by immigrants.

Fuck budgies.

You either come with me to the control room to change your shirt or we will arrest you.


eh, more ShitMuslimsSay, it's not typically amerifat.

You're right - a burger would probably be more


unarmed black teen shot after school resource officer feared for his life

Nah, then the black teen would try to steal his gun and try to attack the officer, as confirmed by video evidence, eye witnesses, and forensic investigation.

Post pictures of him on the news from when he was 4 and max out the brightness on Pedro the resource officers picture.

Yes, r/Negareddit poster, I'm sure no Yankees like yourself would ever infringe on another's rights.

help negareddit is violating my rights!

Huh? I've never had any interaction with that sub luckily.

I just think it's pathetic to post on a sub designed to complain about other people. Mocking and calling out assholes is fun, complaining (and circlejerking about it) is just sad.

Hey I was just making fun of the way you wrote out your first comment is all. I don't disagree with you at all, people who unironically use negareddit are losers.

r/Negareddit poster

frist of all,

Yankees like yourself

how dare yo u

Nah, old pervy principals in the South love to shame women for having tits while simultaneously ogling them, along with the wrinkling middle-aged teachers who are pissy cuz they tuck their tits into their elastic waist-banded pants.

heh funny, that's what happens in the Muslim world as well.

Pervs gonna pervs, i guess

yes it is

"[The SRO] was within five feet of me, he had his hand on his gun. [The principal] said 'I'm gonna give you an ultimatum. We have tried to call your mother. You either come with me to the control room to change your shirt or we will arrest you.

Threatening to shoot a teenage girl for wearing the wrong shirt


implying sand niggers wouldn't have raped the shit out of her once they saw her sweet sweet collarbone

getting all defensive

lol really neuroned my brain space

⬆ triggered americunt

You post in r/ShitAmericanSays and call me triggered? Top kek.

Does SAS trigger you ?

How utterly shocking !

A country is nothing more than a granfalloon. It's too bad you can't see that.

So why does it trigger you that people ridicule on of the most ridiculous group of people(s) ? Apropos granfalloons

this but ironically

I don't post in SAS and I still think you are irrationally upset

You do post in r/negareddit though, so no one cares what you think :/

Thank god I live in the land of the free (canada) where we don't have these wannabe cops in our school.

Thank you for the xenophobia.

y'all switched again!

Meanwhile in Europe people are getting arrested for political speech

"B-But yuros do it too!"

You spelled gyro wrong


Good, tiny tits should be outlawed.

OnlyRetardedOnReddit too

Did your GoFund for a boobjob fail?

Wow fam 2 far

Fucking worse than ISIS.


good song couldnt find it on you tube i do not own this song or anything included.

Dustin Dykes in Music

225,780 views since Apr 2011

bot info

Another 'Dress codes are evil, but only when they affect women' freak outs by feminist.

Meanwhile, men have to go to dances covered from head to toe regardless of temperature.

I give you teenage tits and all you want to rhink about is getting your cock out in public?

You mean there are other things to think about?

Tbh, is there anything more to life?

Cause and effect, tbh

Get a kilt and you can enjoy a nice breeze.

Yes sir, this is the right answer.

going to dances

either 12 or second language

going outside at all

Another 'Dress codes are evil, but only when they affect women' freak outs by feminist.


It's not that hard to follow a dress code so I automatically have no sympathy for the "victim" in stories like these.

Meanwhile, men have to go to dances covered from head to toe regardless of temperature.

what the fuck are you talking about lmao, did they make you go full burka or something?

they make tuxedo shorts now if you're saying you wanna go to the prom dressed like a child

That principal should be given "retarded" flair to wear irl.

errr... it's not pedophillia, it's ebonerphillia or something...

She's 18, you're in the clear

Well thank fuck she's not 17.5

Well thank fuck she's not 17

Well thank fuck she's not 16.5

Well thank fuck she's not 16

Well thank fuck she's not 15.5

Well thank fuck she's not 15

Well thank fuck she's not 14.5

Well thank fuck she's not 14

Well thank fuck she's not 13.5

Well thank fuck she's not 13

Well thank fuck she's not 12.5

Slippery slope much?

When the shoe fits.

Yes, it is a slippery slope. That's why we have concrete age of consent laws. For any bright-line age limit, there's always someone who argues that it's bullshit to be just below it. Really what's the difference between 18 years old and 17 years and 364 days? It doesn't matter. Because then we have people like you arguing that 17 years and 6 months is not that much different. 6 months is a lot more than 1 day! But if it stands to reason that 6 months is not a lot of time, then what's the difference between 17.0 and 17.5, really?

>Thinking I'm biting into this drama bait.

For any bright-line age limit, there's always someone who argues that it's bullshit to be just below it.

Maybe, just maybe, you've stumbled into the actual truth here. Which is that bright-line age limits are inherently bullshit. Sometimes,they are useful bullshit employed as a shorthand because the world is complicated and aint nobody got time to deal with edge cases, but theyre still inherently bullshit.

That's why we have Romeo and Juliet laws.

Any other argument just looks like an attempt to have sex with kids.

This and Romeo/Juliet are two different philosophical issues though.

You were talking about "edge cases." In Texas AoC is 17 and Romeo and Juliet is not younger than 15 and older than 4 years. That blurs the line quite a bit and keeps 17 year olds from going to jail for having sex with their 16 year old partners. What "edge cases" are you comfortable with that include someone older than 20 and someone younger than 16?

I'm talking about the edge case where sex = jailtime one day, and then the very next day, literally, its A-OK.

OK, I understand what you're saying. But, I'm not particularly interested in woes of 55 year olds who are bummed that they can't have sex with a 16 year old the day before their 17th birthday. You can't please everyone, but I already think that college juniors are too old for high school sophomores. I don't really care that 21+ adults that prey on children who are worried about passing Algebra are sad they might go to jail for doing so.

Sometimes,they are useful bullshit employed as a shorthand because the world is complicated and aint nobody got time to deal with edge cases, but theyre still inherently bullshit.

Well, you might be paraphrasing a bit, but that's essentially how the federal judge I clerked for put it.

Bright-line rules are arbitrary, but they're also super-obvious and easy to follow.

Imagine a world where who you could or couldn't sleep with was determined by a post hoc 5-factor balancing test.

That's why you gotta go with the "age divided by 2 minus 7" rule.

In Germany it's not a bright line. Before 14 - no, after 14 you can be prosecuted but only if you was an asshole, after 16 it's ok.

I'd like to slip into your slope 😏😏😏

17.5 years old, 3 years old, what's the difference when you really think about it?

So...this is the power of continuum fallacy.

Can turn even pedophiles into normal people.


Walks across football field; Simple Minds plays in background; fist punches air; freeze frame; fade to black.

Lol I saw the news station the article was coming from and thought "yup that sounds about right that this would happen near me"

mom pants tho

Mom pants don't deserve the hate they receive. They're comfortable as hell and suit a defined waist very nicely. Mom pants = hot. get out


What are you gay

Nope, just don't want Jordache jeans to come back in fashion. High waisted jeans look like shit on everyone.

Prove it. I've done extensive research on the field and my findings suggest otherwise.

If you have a perfect body, then any of them look ok. Low rise still looks better.

It's like some sort of weird time lapse sunrise.

It's actually low-rise not sunrise.

If your ass is bigger than montana high waisted jeans are practically your only option if you dont want to constantly flash your crack to the world.

If your ass is bigger than Montana you should be hitting the treadmill and changing it.

Thats not the kind of bug butt im talking about. Even in plus size clothing you can find jeans that fit.

Between this and Steve Urkle I concede.

Ste-phan Urk-el was the man.

I knew I spelled Urkel wrong, but I still stand by Steve.

Nah, homey. I mean Stefan Urquelle.

I'd intentionally forgot about that.

I'm sorry if you remembered. Did I do that?

to stand firm


Hummuna hummuna hummuna.

I stand firm next to her, too.


You should probably be killed.

Anybody got a good link for mobile? I can't see the article on my phone and I gotta catch a glimpse of these warlocks

I made the link using a mobile so not sure why u can't see.

OK, here you go:

You're doing God's work. Thank you

Don't thank me yet...

Oh don't worry, I looked. Better than the ones in the article honestly

If t-lumps are breasts are t-rumps ass? 🤔🤔🤔

your definition of pretty is highly suspect

A senior at Hickory Ridge High School worries her college future is in jeopardy, and it's all stemming from a shirt she wore.

Is she really though?

I mean, if she were really worried about the affects on her future she wouldn't have made a big issue out of this and would have changed her shirt when asked.

She should be stoned to death for being an immodest wore tbhinshallah

From what she said about calling mommy when she gets into trouble and previous altercations with the principal I get the impression that she was purposefully aggravating the principal just so that she could get this story written.

Yeh, well if that principal had any fucking common sense she would recognise that and avoid getting into a slapfight like that.

She put on the jacket: the teacher could have taken her petty victory and walked away with it but she chose to escalate it.

That was dumb.

Also: tits.

So it's a bunch of dumbasses being dumb together?

I wouldn't worry too terribly much about college. The resulting lawsuit win is gonna pay her tuition.

She was in highschool, not college. I'm not sure if there would be a difference at a college but a highschool is well within their rights to enforce dress code regulations.

They're not within their rights to publicly humiliate you in front of the student body.

The period ended and Summer accompanied dozens of her friends to the auditorium. Shortly after, she says the principal entered the room and ordered everyone to leave except for Summer.

This doesnt sound like a feminist thing, it sounds like the principle is just a bully who gets off on being the 'boss' of a bunch of 15 year olds. I know the type, had then in my highschool as well. Fuck that principle he sounds like a pathetic POS.

When keeping it real goes wrong.

It should be a crime to criticize a woman for having an awesome rack. We need more boobs.

"Yet again"?

"Tits are the source of all drama." Pretty sure Oscar Wilde said that.

I really want some of these people to throw a hissy fit about dress codes at work. Just once, to see how they react to being fired so promptly.

I go to her school, don't know a lot about her, all the fuss will be dead by the time she gets back, kids get drunk and do dip at our school all the time.