Is the Almo Drafthouse sexist? Is a woman's only night feminist? All this and more is discussed at r/Movies

34  2017-05-26 by sirbadges


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Do trannies count

lol no


no but traps do

Are traps gay?


Kek will forgive me.

I read I am woke as fuck right now

This is a woman's movie, plain and simple and we need to get with the times, its current year for Christ sake

I decided I will support this movie by not devaluing it with my man money.

I hope every man can join me in solidarity with women everywhere and don't spent any evil man money on this movie

everybody wins

IstandWithHer #ButIKeepMyMoney

So you gonna become a pirate matey?

So you gonna become a pirate matey?

But Wonder Woman tits though.

I preferred her in the original comics, what with all the spanking and bondage. I feel like Dr. William Moulton Marston's vision of a feminine "Love Allure" that leads to an ideal state of submission to loving authority is just lost in this film adaptation.

Wonder Woman (the character) is sexist af, especially when she first leaves Themyscira, which helps make her a great character. Despite being more pro-men than almost all the other Amazons, she regularly slips back into her prejudices, making cracks about how weak, violent and war like men are. Men are literally banned from her home.

There has never been a more appropriate comic book movie for a tongue in cheek "no men allowed" showing.

There has never been a more appropriate comic book movie for a tongue in cheek "no men allowed" showing.

...and from what I know about the Drafthouse I think they're probably playing to that. They tend to program their before-movie entertainment with classic films or skits about the movie you're about to see, so it's likely a fan employee of the character/series came up with this idea for them.

She's a mid-20th century BDSM caricature. Grant Morrison's Supergods goes into the detail there, but she's literally the idealised 1960's female domme.

Isn't she a switch? I'm pretty sure she loses her strength when her bracelets are bound by a man.

It looks like that's changed over the years like all comic nonsense.

troyia makes wondie look like shite tbh

yeah that changed over the years but we're talking about the goal of Wonder Woman as wish fulfillment fetish fuel.

Many of her old school adventures involved her getting tied up by regular dudes then breaking out to kick their asses.

It almost always seemed unnecessary to do it that way, which makes the fetish theory make sense.

She certainly sucks some mean dick though, just ask Superman, man got it sucked so hard he changed into a different person.

It's really weird when people bring up Wonder Woman as emblematic of the virtues of feminism, given the guy who came up with her was a an overt female supremacist.

Tickets better be 77 cents on the dollar

Same for popcorn and soda.

That's a whoooole lot of anger over a single showing of a movie.

Please do it again and piss off more people. It's hilarious.

From what I understand they are having 3 showings. The first 2 sold out. Could be up to more by now but I stopped paying attention when I realized no one was actually getting all that pissed and the drama was dead in the water.

woman's night is there to attract dudes but ofc shut in dumbasses don't understand that

Put a positive twist on it:

"Men spared from seeing the low point in an already bad Cinematic Universe"


I saw the preview for Wonder Woman at Guardians 2, and was like, "nope." Therefore when this drama popped up, I didn't care. I'm only mildly interested because I really enjoy what the Alamo Drafthouse has done for the movie experience.

I saw that neckbearded manchildren thought it would be acceptable to watch a comic book movie for kids and was like "nope". Therefore when this drama popped up, I didn't care. I'm only mildly interested because I really like to laugh at those dorito smelling basement dwellers before my movie experience.

Honestly, I'm so normie that I don't even notice you sperglords. Like when a picture of /pol/acks get posted, I'm like "ewe gross, who let the uggos out in public, should their halfway house have a curfew?!"

I'm so normie that I don't even notice you sperglords

Wouldn't your normie sensibilities make the sperglords more noticeable?

I'm like "ewe gross, who let the uggos out in public

So which one is it? Are you immediately disgusted or do you not even notice them?

I mean, I notice when I'm forced to look at something instead of my hot ass wife and beautiful male heir.

Would you mind sending me pics of them I could jerk off to?

And next week's headline:

"Woman-only screening of movie bombed by ISIS"

Bombed by gamergate you mean

Bombed by gamergate alt-right neo-nazi trolls you mean

he already said gamergate

More disgusting normie oppression.

We talked about this yesterday, but I want to again add this: As I understand, it's now very easy to make yourself legally a person of different gender, so a dude does that > goes to mentioned screening > shows the papers and how them will they throw him out, he might sue, or worse - take it to social media.

"And when we say 'Women (and People Who Identify As Women) Only,' we mean it,"

You're an idiot.

And if he says that he indentifies as a woman, how will you prove that he is kot?

How can you prove reality is real if our eyes aren't real?

Spoiler: it isnt

oh no

How easy is it really though

I guess it makes sense since Themyscira was only women.

Lol at anyone who would want to see a DC movie that doesn't involve Batman.

Was talking about this with some friends, doesn't seem like many women I know are excited about WW. Curious if this event will see huge sales or not, imo.

People in the thread linked by op are saying ADH is scheduling more of these discriminated screenings and they're selling out.

I highly doubt it's a long lasting business model. Most women ain't fans of super hero movies... (Ayyyeeee the sexism)

The day they do a court of owls movie with the climax from the event with the bat family, all other comic book movies become superfluous.

Vagicide when?!?

I want this movie to fail, not because of sexism but because I really cannot stand the endless sea of comic book movies, remakes, and reboots.

I want to fail because I hate women because I'll never be as pretty as them.

Marvel will have to fail first DC is already shite at movies so Marvel will need to make a truly awful film.

Why would anyone want to go to a movie theatre full of a bunch of drunk women?

Also checked my local Drafthouse and found this ttps:// which honestly sounds even worse.

Why would anyone want to go to a movie theatre full of a bunch of drunk women?

Easy pickings for post-movie date rape?

I was gonna say, plus it's dark so you can hide and grab, hide and grab...

Way to out yourself as a sexual predator, dude.

Shit, aren't we all? I mean it's /r/drama after all, when was the last time any of us got laid without a little bit of ol' Mr Sleepy in a drink?

I agree, banning men from watching DC movies is a good way to go. Have we not suffered enough?

> Ghostbusters 2017, it's time

I hope they're​ as receptive to my idea for a blacks only screening of War For The Planet Of Apes.

Mayocidr starts in there cinema

They're not even limiting it to women, they're just saying that any men who want to go have to lie about their sex.

/u/Random_Tangent you're an ardent SJW, obviously feel morally superior to everyone else, use the word "putz" unironically, and I instinctively dislike you're Jewish, aren't you?

It's not a feeling, baby. It's just true.

You're a treasure, thanks for being a good sport

Just be sure to support ADH's men-only double feature of Boss Baby 1 & 2 when it comes out in a couple years.

I would do so enthusiastically. Seems like it could make for some spicy drama

Listen to some Ben Shapiro. Kek has touched his heart. May he guide yours.

Didn't Alamo Drafthouse host the Badass Digest? AKA home to Devin "Glassjaw Saddam" Faraci? As in the internet toughguy male feminist who railed against Gamergape then was called out for sexual assault?

I declare guilt by association.

You know what? If they really wanted to make a point, all women should get in for free, all men should pay full ticket price, all women staff, and all profits from the evening should go to the women working.

A marketing strategy to manufacture outrage publicity for a very likely forgettable movie.

I'd be fine with this, if feminists didn't make trouble any time men tried to do our own thing. But they do, so we have to give them a hard time, too.

Rules need to be applied fairly. Nothing destroys faith in the system faster than different rules for different people.